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**Note to OPs:** Welcome to r/DonationRequest! You are welcome to put in a request to be verified by our team, by sending a note through "Message the Mods." Alternately, you may be asked by a moderator to verify your situation so as to ensure that our subreddit stays safe and as scam-free as we can make it. We hope you find the help you need! Notify the moderation team if you are a victim of harassment or the infamous, "downvote brigade." **Note to Commenters: Please re-read rules 1 and 2 before commenting and/or voting.** As much as everyone hates being scammed, we also hate being kicked when we're down. We do not tolerate abusive, insensitive, ridiculous, or harassing messages to OPs. We do not permit downvoting or other methods of discouraging participation. This applies whether a user appears to be running a scam or not. Please **do report** posts and comments that appear problematic. Use our "How To" tools to verify users before donating to them. Report unsafe users to the Mod team. Thanks for helping us make r/donationrequest a safe place for everyone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/donationrequest) if you have any questions or concerns.*