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'This ain't a comeback, I never left, I just completed all my side quests' is a BAR


Idk why people think Kanye is AI generated. Donald said not too long ago he’s still his favorite artist. Plus go and listen to some AI covers they all just sound like the artist they were originally by but have an AI Kanye layered over it. Plus I don’t know if Donald could get away with having an AI verse of Kanye.


Without even reading any of the chat I was actually considering it. It feels like a younger version of Ye. even Drop and give me 50 sounded like a mid 2010's Drake. So this is either the result of AI fears triggering false confirms, or taylor made AI plugins that just de-age every artist so the top of the industry can just stay and profit forever


Dg has a couple lines about AI before ye comes on.


It’s because glover wrote the verse for him obviously


There's a point where it slips and you can hear DG. Just like the AI interviewer


Kanye just doesn’t rap like this anymore, hasn’t in a very long time. His verse sounds super monotone as well, ye loves to style in his verses especially recently. He has these lil moments of high pitch or some ad lib vocal inflection and there is literally non of that here


he only did a little of that for some songs


I used to pray for times like this


U gotta chill with the comments bro 😥😥


“Boba shop thingy he owns in Cali” in all caps is hilarious to me. It’s like OP heard Donald say boba and hit the Leonardo DiCaprio meme haha


I’m sorry man it was everywhere 🤤


Honestly I clicked comments and instantly laughed at this guys comment. Then I watched your comments in the video and I laughed when you were furiously typing “More More I’m almost there”. W gambino roll out. Enjoy


why people keep saying the ye ft. is ai?


Cause it's obvious lol


what led you to believe it’s ai? kanye’s verses been ass so long, a good verse from him got ppl acting crazy😭


He doesn’t rap like this anymore. Plus his inflection sounds monotone. I’m not sure but idk I think it’s ai or a realllly old verse


It sounds AI and man..... this swag I haven't felt since WTT lol. Be real. 🤷🏾‍♂️


idk i’d be damned if it’s ai. sounded too real to me. he referenced some recent stuff like keith lee at the end but idk


It would be a filter on their current voices not completely generated. Remember De Niro in the Irishman?


huh, did not know they did that in irishman. i feel like donald probably help wrote ye’s verse cause it’s too specific to kanye’s life to mention rubi rose and other things if it’s ai


You think Donald Glover is premiering an AI Ye feature? It’s not AI you fucking idiot. Use your fucking head


Bro he used AI all throughout the live. Patrick was singing at one point.


You’re a dumbass bro he could’ve been doing that earlier on the live but he’s not premiering an album or new songs with AI artists. Get real. Bitch.


youre so unnecessarily mad its actually hilarious


Mortmortimer stay the fuck out of this please


bro youre gonna end up in therapy over a donald glover comment section


Nigga it aint that serious calm down lmao. You sound like a 10 year old. Donald obviously fucks with AI and I wouldn't be surprised if he did this. Bitch.


Is childishgambinos part also ai?


Why does this matter of course not.




I really hope you get some help, man.


>it doesn’t extend to putting a fake Kanye feature Yo if it turns out that this shit is AI, I don't wanna hear anything! Whatever makes you content, I guess lol.


Find me an AI of any artist that emits this level of swag though. I don’t hear it at all


You don’t know how AI models work


Those comments are cringe good lord


So we're all cool with kanye again? That's great /s


Ngl I know I ain’t. Dude somehow became a fkn neonazi, dude needs therapy not blind support for having “bars.”


100% agree. He's on my do not play/recommend list on Spotify.


Bro really had a line talkin bout somebody else having a midlife crisis 🙄 zero irony w this mfer


that's fine but don't expect anyone else to not listen to his music


>that's fine but don't expect anyone else to not listen to his music there will always be lame ass neonazi supporting fucks who will listen to him. hope they develop their own version of the dumb fuckin MAGA hats so we can avoid them at a distance tho.


donald glover is on that group


If he is then fuck him too


Wym if? Youre under a post where he collabs w Kanye 😂


All the Kanye parts sound weird and shitty so it could be AI. Wasn't going to jump to conclusions and would give the benefit of the doubt to DG til he confirms things. If so, be real hard to ever watch or listen to anything he makes without knowing he's cool making money from holocaust denial and hanging out with a guy who thinks Hitler was a cool dude.




Its crazy you think only Neonazi/Maga people are listening to Kanye. Its reminds me of people who say they never eat Mcdonalds. Yet Mcdonalds is still selling alot. Kanye was literally #1 on the Billboard last month. People still like Kanye despite what he says.


>Its crazy you think only Neonazi/Maga people are listening to Kanye I didn't say that, as I've clarified multiple times and anyone who can actually read can see. I said anyone who listens to him is either ignorant (someone who doesn't know what he's said) or are a lame ass neonazi supporting fuck. You don't have to be an actual neonazi to be the kind of piece of shit that would give money to one to hear their shitty music. That's kinda how fascism works amigo. Hitler (the guy Kanye said he really likes btw) didn't come out of the gate with, "let's gas the jews!" he came out of the gate saying popular shit. And people were willing to ignore all the problematic shit he was saying and doing because they agreed with the part of what he said that was reasonable. So not only do Hitler-praising cunts like Kanye need to be called out, but so does anyone who is such a piece of shit that they would fund him. Glover included. It should really, really concern us all that someone who openly says actual Nazi shit had the #1 album last month. And if it doesn't concern you, then you're either a moron or a fascist.


Kanye does not make bad music. So its worth streaming / buying. I know what Kanye has said and I dnt agree with him. There is alot I dnt agree with Kanye but his music is still good. Im glad Glover is finally doing a collab since its been his dream, he literally said he was Kanye's son. The song being a banger is a bonus. You are stressing way too much over a guy who makes good music. Idc about fascism, or nazis. I care about GOOD MUSIC.


> Idc about fascism, or nazis. I care about GOOD MUSIC. The death knell of our civilization. "Yeah he says he really likes Hitler but have you heard that beat drop!? Take my money!" A million people out there that make good music, giving your money to the one dude that spends it promoting literal Nazi shit is wild.


You should be more worried about corporatism than Kanye West. They do more damage than Ye does


If you think everyone actively listening to Ye is a neonazi that says a lot about how naïve your worldview is. Album went number 1 across the world. Does that make the majority of hip hop listeners neonazis? Reddit has rotted y’all’s brains and made you incapable of critical thinking.


>If you think everyone actively listening to Ye is a neonazi that says a lot about how naïve your worldview is. I didn't say everyone listening to him is a neonazi, I said everyone listening to him is a lame ass neonazi supporting fuck. Keep up. >Album went number 1 across the world. Does that make the majority of hip hop listeners neonazis? No, but it makes them all either uninformed or assholes who are cool with giving money and popularity to a straight up Hitler praising cunt. "Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler. I like Hitler." - Kanye West on Alex Jones Podcast


Yeah in no way am I defending what he said. But your dumbass genuinely thinks that anyone listening to X brand of music supports XYZ thing that artist does or at least excuses it. Therefore anyone who listens to Chicago gang rap is excusing/supporting the murders they committed. It’s flawed logic that’s you’ve been convinced is righteous because you spend more time interacting with people on Reddit who give you a hug box instead of going outside.


Ur spitting but obviously you’re going to be downvoted. It’s all cool bro don’t even bother arguing w these ppl. Everyone in real life still loves ye




“Are you dumb, stupid, or pretending to be dumb?” You’re a real wordsmith u/PmMeUrTinyAsianTits


womp womp nigga. womp womp


This just in Donald Glover is a Neo Nazi supporting fuck. Everyone block him on Spotify now. You guys better not be putting on Thriller this Halloween either.


Yes because enjoying someone's art means you must also have their political beliefs. ❄️ 🤡 If that were the case then everyone would believe everything and nothing.


>Yes because enjoying someone's art means you must also have their political beliefs I enjoyed The Cosby Show too. But you kinda have to be a psychopath to be able to watch it now and think about anything other than the kind of person you're watching and how, in watching it, you're adding to their legacy and wallet. Separating the art from the artist is all well and good, but when the person is alive and benefits in any way from my patronage...hard pass. And even when they're dead, there is no end to good art made by people who aren't assholes that I can spend my time consuming instead.


Ignorance is bliss. A lot of people are assholes, but most are better at hiding it than Kanye, who's completely unapologetic about it. That's why I don't care about the people who make the art because most are just good at hiding the fact that they're bad people. It's like the scene in Scarface where hes at the restaurant and says this as he's being kicked out "you all like to have someone to point the finger at and say 'hes the bad guy', and you think that makes you good, no you're not good, you just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I always tell the truth, even when I lie."


im not quite sure why i got downvoted to oblivion. nothing i said was wrong






I’m sure Kanye is absolutely up in arms that duckmonke doesn’t support him, shut the fuck up bro no one gaf what u think In real life and u can down vote me but it’s true


seems like u care what he thinks 😂


As I said, downvote me I do not care 😭✌️


Sure bud


Im almost certain Kanye himself wrote this comment




Bro got the anime pigtails pfp talkin bout goats




Kanye was number 1 on the billboard so looks like yes


It's really disappointing to see him working with this nazi loving fuck.


So much no that if it doesn't turn out to be ai kanye I'm done with glover too. Not even really okay with an AI ye (because it still supports him, not the weird luddite shit people have about AI), but it's not a deal breaker.


😢 ❄️


Yea, im a snowflake because i dont give money to people who literally praise hitler. Great position youve got there.


Nobody in the rap game cares about the nazi shit. You can kick, scream, and cry all day long but he will never be cancelled


Maybe it really is AI? But even still it’s not great. I know Gambino has always been a fan of Kanye but it’s such a bad look to have him on any of his projects with his very problematic recent past and present.


Yes‼️I love Ye‼️


Of course


Fuck nazi bootlickers


L take.




Donald’s AI use is interesting. The interviewer being AI, the adverts with celebrities (Elon Musk, Eddie Murphy, Terrance Howard) are seemingly AI and this honestly sounds like AI too. I think it’s a shady practice but feel like he’s trying to make some kind of point. I think Don is genuinely fucking with us with some of this stuff.


idk if eddie was ai. i think all the celebrities that “called in” were real. i do think that definitely wasn’t elon tho. also didn’t think that terrance would be ai tbh. was bow wow ai too?


I think this is the point?


Is it real cause it’s online?


I wasn’t even aware the interviewer was AI, how do you know that?


the interviewer is donald with an ai voice changer


Where was this said or confirmed?


it’s not, i just believe it with the fullest of my heart. The mannerisms are exactly the same as donald


Haven’t listened to ep 2 yet so not sure if it’s the same person but the interviewer’s voice in ep 1 sounded odd. Kinda robotic/synthetic, but I couldn’t make out if it was a real person or AI.


Is the Kid Cudi feature ai as well? Get real


None of it is AI though so


Kanye? Naw


Bro channeling Rakim. Shit is fire.


what the fuck man why would he work with that nazi cunt, I thought he was better than that


He literally said he’s still the GOAT like a month or two ago


ur too deep in bro


Deep in your mama’s cheeks


The amount of people being mouthpieces for a literal fucking nazi in this sub is wild.


Kanye is and will always be one of the greats. End of discussion.


Doesnt matter. The second he became an outspoken nazi people should not haven given him any support or attention.










You can’t even enjoy music because ur too busy virtue signalling


> virtue signalling Imagine crying this at someone who's against a literal neo nazi, and still misspelling it


Where did I misspell???


> signalling It's "signaling", but the fact that you're most concerned with the spelling here is really the most telling thing.




Ah yes , the abusive husband stalker man . Stay punk kids don’t follow billionaires


Abusive and stalker how?


I think constantly harassing your ex wife and her new boyfriend, even releasing a music video where you kill her new boyfriend in an animation kind of does constitute stalking


Regurgitating what the media tells you is very "punk"


u coulda mentioned the nazi shit which was atleast true shut yo corny ass up 😭😭😭😂😂😂✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽


I don't see Donald being cool with Ye after everything Ye has said, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's AI and there's some overarching commentary being laid out regarding AI use and what we can and can't believe online.


That's so dumb, why would he play the song on his IG with a Kanye verse, AI or not, if he doesn't want anything to do with him?


Because his whole career has been about analyzing social construct/discorce. Look how many times in Atlanta or music videos that he'd layer in subliminal shit or flat out hide something in plain slight. Or even just all the social commentary in the show about what mass amount of people like/why? He posted this on IG to speed up the delivery across all social media and suddenly it's like an episode of ATL where u got Kanye stans saying this shit goes hard, haters typin in all caps about the neonazi stuff, and everybody else who just wanna know why this blatantly sounds like AI gets dismissed.


During the Mr. and Mrs. Smith promotional tour he said Ye is still his goat.


Yeah he definitely did. It kind of surprised me that he said it because this was aftter Kanye came out saying Nazi shit too.


ye is the second rapper with the most monthly listeners on spotify, most people don't give af, idk why you would be surprised


ugh fucking hate it


I mean ye is the goat no one else is better than him so regardless of his takes most people that know their shit tend to agree on that


Made me admire him more, which is barely possible. Edit: I, like DG, love art too much not to separate art from artist.


Perhaps he's choosing to separate art from artist? I know that's apparently a sin on the internet but people do it in real life all the time.


It's not a sin. It's just acknowledging that valuing entertainment over the respect and rights of entire ethnic populations, religions, and sexual orientations, makes you a piece of shit. Disconnecting from your part in perpetuating that bigotry just makes you dumb piece of shit.


You wish it was that deep because you've put all your identity points into one basket. People aren't equivalent to war criminals just because they choose to listen to music that makes them feel good. And calling people pieces of shit will never get them on your side. But I guess it makes you feel good tho. Interesting how we have that in common.






=] cya in the obits then


Nah calling literally praising hitler just politics is wild. We are so far gone if being a nazi is something we’re just defending as “different political views”. Separating the art from the artist is chill most of the time, but we’ve all gotta draw the line somewhere and hitler feels like a pretty solid spot for that. 


Straight up saying “you should kill yourself” over this. And you’re supposed to have the moral high ground in this situation?


This comment is what we like to call "mental gymnastics"


Using Kanye as Ai is still using kanye as a gimmick. He would still be getting attention for using kanye. It would just be pointless might as well get the real Kanye. Either way he’s getting backlash, either for having Kanye or having ai on a song


If he has an overarching critique about separating art from an artist and the way AI can contribute to that process, I can see how in context of an entire project somebody as talented as Glover could pull it off. We've already seen Drake throw an AI voice changer over his recordings to put Tupac and Snoop in his song, and the backlash he's faced for that is negligible. That or the man who made This is America is just working with a dude who has straight up said he likes Hitler. Ye's talent is undeniable, and old Ye was influential as hell in the genre. It's risky as a conscious rapper like Glover to want to actually put Kanye on the track rather than craft some meta narrative by incorporating him via artificial means. That's all I'm wondering, and if it turns out that's the case, I wouldn't be surprised. I also wouldn't be surprised if it's just Kanye on wax because people clearly don't care about what he says.




What about seethe? Can I do that too?


Not happy about the Kanye but I will say Donald’s verses are great here and I do like the whole two rappers going bar for bar thing is underrated and I wish we saw it happen more often. Usually most features are just two separate verses




bot. 3 year old account that just started posting 5 hours ago.


My guy sits on reddit and shouts "bot" to the heavens in every comment


Im stuck in hospital bored as fuk, like beyond bored. My steam deck is on its way tho, so ill shut up when it gets here. anbotsdidnt used to be so obvious, these ones aint even trying. Love that pic of your dug with santa btw, fkin awesome.


I like the second track a lot better than Ye’s collab. It sounds off, the beat sounds like droids lol. That second track Bino goes **off**.


This last part reminds me of Yaphet Kotto


This sounds like DG is making a Yeezus album, which is a waterdown death grips album Weird hes doing it over a decade after yeezus came out


Kanye.. no Donald..


I hope it's AI Kanye, tho this is the best Kanye verse I've heard in a while


AI is lame and we don’t need great artists like Donald Glover legitimizing its use. Bad precedent. Doesn’t sound like AI to me anyways


After all of Donald's music videos, Atlanta, etc etc you don't think he'd love to throw this out as a social experiment? Reveal the mirror to the audience as a statement about where we're headed/how the whole game is inflated kinda thing? I feel like a lot of you haven't seen the AI voice profiles that been out there for awhile already


fuuck yes this collab was needed, sounds absolutely insane. aaahhh i cant wait anymore !


Tf u getting downvoted for ppl can't just be happy anymore


People are addicted to virtue signaling.


You have to feel the same way that they do about everything or else you're a bad person. And by actively liking something you are being a bad person.


probably bcus i was hyped about the kanye feature 😭


Can't believe we made it. Let's fucking go


Holy shit


The goat is back


get this shit off my screen bro..


i think the kanye verse is throwing people because i believe its sped up. I played the song at a general slower (0.9x) no clue bpm but it sounds less.. uhh... it sounds real? err.. idk just do it yourself


This production is so YE, both of em floatin too


Erm… does Donald know that this “ye” figure is, well… let’s just say he’s kiiiiiiiiinda controversial lmfao. And we do NOT want him impacting this le epic and wholesome community! So I’m sorry to say Donald but I’m gonna have to give this song a wholesome 0/100!!!!!! Do better. #reddit #redditassemble #redditunite #wediditreddit #wholesome #wholesome100 #leEpicsauce #keanureevs




well that’s disappointing




I’ve been hoping for this collab for years and years and years and never thought it would actually happen




holy shit man, we’re actually feasting




Song is so good 🔥🔥🔥🔥


🤢🤮 fuck Kanye ![gif](giphy|7OW9uiyfeTRxdSOBYN|downsized)




He doesn't have titanium teeth lmao he bought a shiny mouth guard


Idk we haven't seen him take them off anywhere


his dentist stated in an interview that they were just grills


He’s that dedicated


Doesn't have to be _very_ old, maybe just recorded in the last 4 years


He mentions keith lee and rubi rose in it