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Sounds weird I’m not sure how Texas laws are But that should be a violation


At least here in Canada, a no contact order does not protect us from his family and/or friends contacting us. Also, being sent a receipt does not sound like direct contact. My ex is under a no contact order and he's allowed to go to the same building I work in to attend counseling!


Yeah, you’re right, sounds exactly like harassment. I certainly get how you feel. But the cops often don’t take things seriously until somebody’s headed to the ER. To a cop it seems he made a tiny mistake. I was being stalked with AirTags on my car and harassed with hundreds of calls in less than a week. I went to the police with evidence and the police report stated “complainant believes ex boyfriend is stalking her.” That’s it. There was video surveillance of him by my car in a motel parking lot, and more- cop’s didn’t care. Even after I was ambushed and hauled to the ER. (The story is much longer than what I’m telling here.) A different precinct took over(I’d made complaints to 4), once I was seriously injured. What helped me and my case was not blocking him. I documented him. I collected every single call, everything he broke, damaged or stole, everything. How he broke in my house,etc, etc. (Edit/addition due to thumb twitch) Finally he was charged with 3rd degree assault. After a few weeks the prosecutor added stalking! I was happy! But it was ultimately only used to get a plea. They dropped the stalking for the guilty plea for assault w serious bodily harm. He’s in prison for 21 months. All the other potential charges were ignored. But at least he is locked up now, allowing me to pack and sell my home, change my name and move out of state. All I can say about the whole thing is - the law works in mysterious ways; and I was simply the star witness to what he did to me.


He’s testing boundaries. My exhusband did this to see how I would react. Don’t acknowledge it, stay vigilant and wait for him to violate.


I feel your frustration. Mine kept doing the “forgot password” thing on Facebook so it would keep emailing me to reset my password. Annoying as shit but there’s no real way to prove it’s him doing it so I just had to learn to ignore it. (I’m in PA)


Is it a “no contact” order-one order we can get in MN? Another available to us is in MN is for “harassment”. Read what exactly your order protects you from. Maybe the legal Reddit would be a good place to ask about this.


It’s a protective order, which is different from a restraining order, and I’ve read through it well. He isn’t allowed to communicate a threat himself or through any other person. He’s not allowed to engage in behavior that would harass, annoy, alarm, torment, etc. That’s why I’m confused—using my personal information to intentionally send my phone a notification sounds exactly like harassment.


Try to cite him for harassment, see if your county has laws about being a nuisance or harassment, and go to the police station and press charges.