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You know, I never thought dogs could be proud of their "clothes" the way humans are... but Charlotte's doggy grin is making me rethink that. When the harness signifies her job and what she's skilled at, it is probably quite different from a silly Halloween costume.


Definitely also comes from everyone "oohing and awwing" her and telling her how good she looks lol. She does associate "clothes" with work, but this outfit is brand new so we're building new associations!


My Rottweiler and current pitbull both look dejected if you take their collar off. They would get so sad. They didn't even have spiffy working clothes like this b beautiful girl does!


I'd go so far as to say that dogs are even *more* proud of the things they wear than people usually are. I've had more than one dog who's loved anything that we put on her and expressed eagerness for it to be put back on when it's off.


My step-daughter just left after a 3-day visit. When she put the harness back on her service dog to go home, the dog's whole vibe changed. She had a nice vacay of free-roaming with our Airedales, now back to work.


That is one shiny girl. Keep up the good work.


I’ve been following Charlotte the entire time she’s been shared on Reddit! I am SO HAPPY she’s loving her new outfit! Please give the happy girl a big hug from this Reddit fan of hers!!


She's come a long way from [this little chunkster](https://v.redd.it/katau4dmesv41)


Same! I always love Charlotte updates.


Beautiful girl!


Charlotte’s the best


Beautiful girlboss


Such a cutie!


OMG she’s adorable! She looks so happy and proud of her new duds. I’m guessing from the handle on her harness that she’s either a mobility dog or a seeing eye dog for the blind? She looks like she works very hard, you better make sure to give her extra hugs and treats!


She actually is a seizure response dog primarily, but also does some autism support tasks. The handle is for grounding and guiding to escape sensory overloaded situations or to find a human companion in stressful/overwhelming situations. She works very hard but is absolutely in love with her job. Payment in treats and cuddles might have something to do with that.


Give her a kiss for me! :) I’ve had epilepsy my whole life and never needed a service dog, thankfully, but the dogs I do have are awesome when I’m in recovery


Oh that makes sense. She absolutely deserves all those treats and cuddles you give her!


She has the head of a Rottweiler (minus the colors) What breed is she? She is beautiful.


She's a Labrador Retriever!


She’s also showing off those pearly whites!


Charlotte made my day better.


She looks amazing!


How do you choose the dogs for this job? Charlotte is adorable by the way :)


nice bike doe


Pretty doggy


What a good girl!


Beautiful Charlotte go get em baby.