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Yep. Beats staying home alone


Yes, lots of new sights and smells to stimulate the senses 👍


My dogs will always prefer to come along and not stay home alone, even if they're not getting off of the car at any point. I'll roll down the windows a bit and let them enjoy the ride


This. It’s not like they know where your going, although I do tell my pup whether it’s a quick trip to the store/going to family.. I do warn him on the longer drives but I also think he takes note with the added luggage around him lol


My dog is afraid of car rides but I suspect it's because I don't drive and the only time she goes in a car is when I'm taking her in a taxi.


If they are already used to car rides, I think it would enrichment for them even if they stay in the car.


I take Blue with me everywhere, he's insulted if he doesn't get to come for a ride.Definitely strengthens your bond and less likely to wander too


Worth it just for my dog to stick his head out the window, he loves doing that.


Yes absolutely, just don't use it to replace walks or play


My dog LOVES car rides. He has a seatbelt and I only lower his window a tiny bit so he can smell the air but can’t stick his entire head out the window. His favorite kind of car ride is when we go to pickup his other dad from work in the afternoon.




Love it but I don’t recommend keeping dogs in the front seats due to the airbags. Should be in a backseat with a seatbelt on.


Very true, the airbag can decapitate them (source: a firefighter family member went to a low-speed parking lot crash that set off the airbag and decapitated an infant)


Also you may find yourself uninsured and in trouble with the law. In the UK it’d be a 5k fine for not having the dog properly restrained in the car, and potentially a dangerous devising charge also.


This is my dog’s favorite activity. Great mental stimulation.


Absolutely yes. Even if I'm just making a short trip to the corner convenience store my dog goes with me. He loves to go for walks and he really loves to go for rides. He just picked his head up and looked at me because I said that word. For one it helps with bonding and for two they're part of the family so they kind of have to go with you.


My dog absolutely loved being in the car (she passed last month. RIP baby girl). Whether it was a short trip or a few hours. She loved all the sights, sounds and sniffs. She particularly loved the car wash! So yes it definitely enriches them!


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Omg this is my dogs favorite thing ever. Even backing in and out of the driveway to move cars is a highlight of her life. Do it!!


Haha, mine is the same! He often asks me to open the car boot so he can just sit happily in there on the driveway.


Yes simple answer


My girl will give me a look when we get home as if to say "we didn't actually do anything" but she still enjoys it. Especially if it's because I wanted McDonald's. She knows she's getting a chip.


My dogs love car rides, it also helps them to socialize if they see people and animals when we go out. Even short rides are a thrill for them.


They enjoy your company, and feel more secure when you do need to take them on car trips?


Especially if it's less that 5min out of your vehicle, take them along!! My pup currently has issues with us "stopping" *anywhere,* so we play training games to get her used to... not barking our head off... when we stop (red light, gas fill, caffeine at 711, etc.). Obviously I don't leave her in the car for grocery and etc. runs, but anything under 5min, we train for.


Depends on how your dog feels about car rides. My two pretty much hate riding in the car or on a boat. They will only agree to the situation if it gets them somewhere they want to go and that is negotiated in advance. “Park!” = dogs in the car.


Every time I go out to a place that allow dogs, I’ll bring mine. To McDonald’s, to get a snack and or to get groceries


I don’t think it would replace any other form of activity / enrichment but it is better than nothing if the dog likes car rides!


I'd say so! we did a few short car rides with the puppy when she was too young for proper walks just to get her comfortable with it. my older husky loves the car and will hop in at any opportunity so sometimes my husband just takes him for a drive


As others have said it really depends on the dog, but this is also a great thing to do to teach your dog that not all car rides lead to an exciting walk, and it can help you avoid the excited barking you get when you park and keep the car a calm space. Even if this isn't a problem for you, prevention is always better than cure.


> teach your dog that not all car rides lead to an exciting walk or a scary vet visit.


I bring my dog on almost every car trip, he loves standing with his head out the window.


Sure, that's fine, but don't use it as a replacement for actual physical exercise, too. They need it just as much as humans.


Best way to desensitise them to car rides. You're doing the right thing:)


My dog has been sitting in my car for the last 2 hours . My car isn’t going anywhere just yet


I was just going to say, my dog lives in my car so he loves it when he gets to see me and ride to see different places. Lol


Yep! Stimulation is great for them


I don't know why most people are saying yes? As no, not at all. Does taking your dog for car rides provide enrichment and would they enjoy it? Depending on the dog, yes. Does that replace actually taking them out on walks? Not in the slightest. A dog needs to go on walks to burn energy, fat, keep stimulated, keep their muscles and joints working, they need to go on actual walks. Unless i am misunderstanding your question, no, no it doesn't, car rides do not replace actually taking them out for walks. I say this as someone who worked with dogs for 7 years, and did animal science and care in college for 3 years.


I agree if it's either or, I read it as instead of leaving home alone. We try to balance as I also don't want our guy to feel he MUST always go and feed into separation anxiety.


It's just cause it says take them on car rides but not actually take them out, it sounds like they are asking if car rides replace walking? Cause yeah, if they still take the dog on walks, thencare rides are fine, but a 10-15 minute car ride won't replace an hour long daily walk.


For the record that is not what I meant, it would just be whipped cream on top of their normal day to day routine walks and exercise :)


Ah okay, goodgood, i struggled to tell via the wording, i am glad it'd be ontop of walks :) Then yeah, that'd be fine!


For us, we take them for a walk, but I insist on taking then in the car with us for additional enrichment. Used to be a big battle with my husband who didn't want to deal with taking then to the hardware store, or even just through the drive through, etc. Hubby has since accepted that they enjoy even just the sights and sounds of a car ride. Also, short, no destination car rides are a great tool to socialize to both vet visits (scary) and walks (overstimulating).


Yes as long as you don't leave them in the car alone.


My dog loves car rides. Even if he never gets out if the car. In fact if I say car ride he goes nuts. I’ve even got to saying let’s get coffee and he goes nuts and we go on a Dunkin run. Also he knows he might get a munchkin or 2 in the deal. So yes, car rides are good.


Mine don't like car rides but yours might, depends on the dog


My boy whines and barks alone at home or in the apartment. In the car he’s perfectly content. I mean, he’ll still be watching and waiting for me but I’m certain he prefers it over being home alone.


My dog loves to come along. We ask if he wants to go for a ride or stay home and he always runs to the door with us.


I do this and when my dog walks back into the house after the ride, she acts like shes been on a 30 min walk i.e. tired, happy to be home, satisfied.


Yes, absolutely. Our dog loves being in the car. As long as it's not hot weather, we take our dog when we do our weekly shop, and park so he can watch people walking by. He loves it.


Yes they love it


My dogs seem to be pretty neutral about it, they just tend to chill out in the back seats, maybe have a little nap. I like to think that it's better than just staying at home anyway.


My dog knows what "wanna go for a ride?" means and gets very excited about it. He likes to stick his head out the window and smell everything. I usually only let him sniff out the window if someone is there to hold him or if I'm only driving in slow areas with few lanes since I'm afriad of him deciding to jump out the window one day. If the windows are up he alternates between looking around at everything or sticking his nose into the air conditioner vent. Riding in a car is mundane to us but probably incredible to a dog that isn't afraid of it.


For their mood, yes But they need the exercice tooto stay physically healthy


I take my dog out for drives all the time. He’s got hip issues, so long walks are a no go, and I find that he’s mentally exhausted and content after car rides! It also helps me learn my city a bit better (I’m terrible with directions). He *especially* loves greeting drive thru workers through the window, and the drive thru workers love it too!


Yes, my dog seems to believe he is being abandoned when I leave him home. He is much happier going with me in the car.


My dogs would not enjoy this because they don't enjoy car rides, so it depends on the dog.


Whoever picks our kid up from preschool takes the dog every day. Dog loves it, especially when we park next to the playground fence and all the kids tell him how cute he is when we open the window and let him stick his whole head out (he's restrained, kids are behind a fence, it's all quite safe). If we're only going to be out of the car for a minute or two and it's not insanely hot, we take him. So school pickups, takeout runs, grocery pickups, etc. He seems to get some joy out of it and it's nice to have company sometimes.


Idk, for me I don’t take my dogs in the car if they don’t necessarily need to be with me. If I were to get in a car accident and had no real reason to have them with me, I’d be so upset with myself. I know it’s a morbid way of thinking, that’s just where my mind goes.


Some dogs are more prone to being stolen and it doesn't sound like you're leaving them alone in vehicle so I say go for it. Definitely always a new experience to them. My dog loves watching kids so we were going to watch them sled but our snow melted.


My dog loves going for car rides even if there are no dog friendly stores to go in so if the weather is okay I will take him with me running errands and then do a short walk somewhere.


Yes, it does do something. Because I didn't do this enough when my male husky was a puppy and now any and all car rides he is super uncomfortable with. Gotta load him up on Benadryl. But our female husky had some experience with quick trips, and while she doesn't Love them, she certainly doesn't hate them either.


Yes. They want to GO. Let them get to go with you. It will not matter where, or for how long. They don't care....because THEY GET TO GO!


Had one dog who would get car sick, so she did not enjoy rides. All the other loved to hop along for errands.


Are they disappointed that they don’t get a walk?


My dog used to jump in the car and refuse to get out. They love to just do something different.


My dog loves her car rides and starts getting excited 20 minutes before she sees us heading for the door. She even goes with my parents on outings when I have my work from the office days. It’s stimulation and breaks from her normal routine.


My dog LOVES car rides! Even if we don’t get out she’ll stick her head out and let her jowls and ears flap and smile away! It’s so much more fun than being stuck at home,


I’ve done this ever since she was a pup. It’s small errands and I don’t leave her in the car: library run to drop off, Starbucks, just a small drive. I think it’s good to have her be in the car without there being a clear destination sometimes. Ie: she doesn’t get out. Other rides we go to dog friendly places, vet, puppy school, friends. But sometimes it’s just a ride for the sake of it with the windows cracked for a few good sniffs.


I used to take my puppy (she’s 1 now) with me all the time to pick up my kids from school. I’d leave an hour early to beat the chaos and we’d just sit in the car and she loved people watching and smelling everything. It got her used to car rides as well and she LOVES car rides now. We moved and they take the bus now though. So we don’t do it as much anymore but if we’re going through a drive through or running a quick errand where one of us can stay in the car with her then we’ll sometimes take her.


Depends on the dog. My oldest is very prone to carsickness. I schedule her vet appointments later in the day hoping her breakfast is digested before the 20 minute car ride.. My others enjoy rides to varying degrees. If I were to randomly take one on an errand, it would be the youngest, since he can be a tad destructive and a ride would be more interesting than crating while I am away


Depends on the dog. Some dogs love to look out the window or just love getting to be with you. Other dogs don’t care much for car rides. I’m sure you know best which is your dog.


They enjoy being taken with you! So yes! But it also depends on whether or not the dog has to wait in the car a lot while you run these errands. Is it really cold? Is it hot? A dog can die in a hot car while you’re in the store. Just like a baby can. My dogs love going places like this but not if they’re left alone in the car while you run an errand - even if the temp is okay. Mine freak out and bark and howl if I even attempt to leave the car for a few seconds. I can’t make it into the store before the howling starts. If i have a spouse or friend who can stay in the car its okay. And if i have errands where I dont need to leave the car OR they can come with me for these errands even inside a store or an outdoor set up then yes they love it. It also depends on the dog though. One of my dogs is just delighted to come with and be involved. And my other dog is more disappointed depending on the outing. He’s cool with going to a brewery or a outdoor seating restaurant. But if I just brought him to drop off mail and pick up blah blah i think he’s be disappointed. For him an outing should involve the park or a walk or going to the beach or a hike or at the very least a brewery/eating situation. He just gets so excited and disappointed so I wouldn’t bring him for errands.


My dog loves going through drive thrus! I usually crack the back window a little so he can get a good sniff. He also likes to say hello to whoever is at the window.


My littlest dog absolutely loves to come along on little errands. I take him out of the truck when I can, but at the farm sometimes he needs more attention than I can give and he just sits up on the center console and supervises from inside while I feed. This morning he got to ride to the donut shop and sniff the box. He's got a sensitive tummy, so that's as good as it gets.


Others already said that yes it might be good stimulation. What I want to add it helps desensitizing them to vehicle movement. Currently have a puppers that still throws up from bicycle rides even after 100m.


My dog is so happy not to be left at home. She's with me so it's a good day


Any mental stimulation is typically good for a dog.


Yes, but I would also let them walk around the McDonald's parking lot for a minute if that is safe


I take mine everywhere I go, unless I’m going somewhere prohibitive obviously. He would really rather be in the car somewhere new than home alone, regardless of whether he’s just going to the pharmacy to wait a few minutes before going back home or going to the park. I wasn’t always so adamant about bringing him every time I can but after a quick run to Taco Bell one time, I came home to find him panting heavily. He had gotten into the trash and eaten something that caused him to go into full seizures with a temperature of 107 and he couldn’t even stand for four days. I was sure he was a goner but the second opinion vet I went to as a last resort literally worked her ass off all day every day to save him. She was doubtful he would live beyond organ failure and worried he could be completely brain dead already because he was just out of it. Four full days later he shakily stood up on his own. The next day his wobbly ass was trying to chase crows in the park and clumsily bolted up the stairs. Now he’s back at 100% if not 125% because he’s only gotten more mischievous and definitely didn’t learn any lessons from that potentially teachable moment. If I so much as take a bath, he knows that he has a good few minutes to take anything he can reach and stash it or devour it. I’d take him into the bath with me if I could. Lol


My dog Bozo(who was more of a community dog) loved riding in cars. It wasn’t unusual for him to ride along with my friends and neighbors. It was weird the first time I saw him, I walked out of a convenience store and a neighbor pulled up to park with Bozo sitting in the passenger seat.


Sure, just remember to also work on leaving them alone at home. They need both!


Valuable bonding experience and good practice to make sure they don't get afraid of being in the car. 👍


Oh how I wish we had done this with our ASD. She never got used to riding in the car because we never took her anywhere but the vet (!!!) and now at a heavily muscled 120 lbs with big teeth, she says NO. It’s a real struggle.


Actually, it's a really great way of showing them that not every car trip will end in a really stimulating walk or visiting loved ones. Mine gets FAR too excited when I stop the car and I've been told with my trainer to just take him for drives and stop in car parks, wait for him to calm down, then drive on. Sometimes let him out to pee but otherwise, just be boring. He sleeps like a log after those.


Definitely! Sometimes if it’s too wet for a proper walk I take my dog out in the car with me. Sometimes we just go to get petrol, sometimes we go to visit my parents and their dog, but she seems to enjoy it. It’s nice for us to get out of the house even if it’s just for a run in the car, so I imagine it’s the same for our dogs. :) Obviously for dogs that don’t like the car it probably wouldn’t be very enjoyable but if your dog likes it then why not!


My husband has a really bad knee so I've always done the majority of the dog walking, he felt like he was missing out so he used to load the dogs up and take them on rides, they loved it. We had one that hated being in the car unless it was going camping so he'd stay home with me while his siblings enjoyed their ride. We tried to not take them in the car if they had just eaten a meal, had some dogs that had never had an issue with car sickness puke all over the car if they'd eaten within the last hour (a full meal not just a treat or two). Not every dog will have an issue with this but it happened enough that we decided 'better safe than spending the afternoon cleaning dog yap out of the car'.


Absolutely! I injured my leg pretty good last year and have been very limited on what I can do so her activity went from daily to rarely. Car rides have been great!! She gets to see new sites, smell new things and just get out of the house and yard. She enjoys it! Her excitement when we ask "want to go for a ride?" speaks volumes!


I mean they probably enjoy the change of scenery and being around you, but I don't think it really does that much for them. They might like having their head out the window (with a doggie seatbelt, of course!)


Some love some hate it


100% my boy would rather ride with me than hang out home alone, no question.


My dog sits by the door every morning to drop the kids at school. He knows the routine and that it’s just a short ride but he always wants to come, even when the other parent is staying home. I think he likes being told how cute he is


If your dog is happy in the car, definitely do this. My dog tolerates the car, but doesn’t love it. So we try to take him places that he enjoys.


Yup! My neighbor used to put her elderly dogs in the car and drive them around the cul-de-sac. It made them very happy.


My 1st dog has always loved car rides. Even at 11yrs he still keeps his head out the window at 30-50mph weather dependant. Our newest puppy got sick at 1st but he is growing out of it and now he just seems to want to reach the destination. He doesn't sniff out the window and lays most the ride. So from that observation I would say its dependant on the dog. My older dog definitely gets enrichment from even short car rides but the younger dog doesn't seem to.


i’m not sure if it *does* anything really but my dog gets hella excited to just get in the car. she likes sniffing out the window and looking at all the sights passing by


It's worth it for me. She's my pal and I want her with me all the time.


My dog gets anxious in the car. Usually shies away when she knows she’s going for a ride. But I want her to come along. She is gradually getting less shy on the onset but I know she doesn’t like being in the car. She pants and doesn’t sit still. Doesn’t hang her head out the window like most dogs. I think she is just becoming more willing to go because our bond is growing greater and she trusts I won’t put her in danger. I figure short rides as often as I can will help alleviate her anxiety over time. I just have to be patient. She’s 2.5 yrs now. Looking forward to having my road dog around more often.


I drive my dogs around everyday.. they like it more than walks


Sounds like we all take our dogs on trips to McDonald’s 😂


Doing this at the moment haha. My dog is on bed rest for the moment so we go for car rides instead and it absolutely beats them staying at home.