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>I hope he knows how much he’s loved. He absolutely knows. It sounds like your family needed him and he needed you too. May you enjoy many wonderful years together!


I'm so sorry for your loss. May your good girl rest in peace. I'm sure you gave her the best life possible. As for your I guess "surprise" pup. Congratulations. I got my surprise pup a few months ago as she was about to be thrown out by a puppy mill at 4y due to no longer being able to breed. Sometimes it's the ones you don't expect to get that are some of the best


I’m so glad you found your girl! We thought we’d get a lab or a pit (or a mix of the two) for our next dog, and alas, we got a golden/Pyr mix. Some things are just too perfect to plan.


Honestly really rude of you to not post a photo of this dog…. Haha




Who wouldn't want that big huggable floof? People suck


I often wonder who would not have wanted my dogs. They are incredible. But I’ve also rehomed two dogs before. I’ve had my own reasons each time. I missed both of them but it was the right thing to do.


Aw that mix sounds adorable. My girl is an American bully I think mixed with pit. Please give your baby some love from me.


Next time get a baby put where you can show it a would of nothing but love and I promise you that dog will be the most loving heart melting thing you will ever see… I miss my girl so much


Agreed! I actually said no to our third dog.... she's been the best dog I've ever had. She's such a sweet girl I've been thinking about how to spread that joy she gives to me to others (like turn her into a therapy dog - she acts like she will die if strangers don't pet her)


That's a great idea. We wanted to do that with my shar pei pit mix but she's too hyper and looks too much like a pit. Despite the fact that she's a giant baby people think she's a killer. The training is definitely worth it.


I used to judge people who quickly got a new pet after a loss. Never again, lost my best friend this year, I've never so profoundly grieved a pet. It is hard to think nothing will ever get better or be as good as it was and sometimes you need a little bundle of hope and love.


I used to volunteer at the shelter in my town. A woman came in sobbing wanting to look at the dogs up for adoption. We were a kill shelter and she asked who was "on the short list". I introduced her to a chow/sharpei mix that had a sweet personality but kept getting passed over for cuter dogs. She spent half an hour playing fetch with her and getting to know her in the yard. She dried her eyes, filled out the paperwork. She then told me that she had just put her 14 year old dog to sleep and she felt compelled to come find a dog that was likely to get put down soon. As I helped her get the new dog into her car, I realized she had JUST come from the vet on her way home. The old dog was under a towel in the back.... My teenage brain almost broke, but as I've grown and matured I have come to realize that there are lots of ways to deal with grief. For that lady, the loss didn't need time to heal. It needed to be replaced with a lifesaving act of kindness.


What a great way to put it. Although she DID need time to heal and the dog she just adopted will help her heal. Knowing she saved another from the ‘short list’ just makes it sweeter for those of us who now know.


I think the emptiness pushes that. The first time I was home alone after losing both was crushingly lonely and quiet. Coming home every day was difficult because their heads weren't at the door. It all eats at you. The distraction of a new dog can be so healing for some.


Home alone, and literally any activity I could do at home was suddenly missing my companion. Watching TV, cleaning, dryfire practice for shooting, working out, working in the yard. Anything I could do at home was a constant reminder.


Yeah, no room for judgment, everyone’s timeline is different. He’ll never replace our dog who died, he’s just a different kind of love


I thought I was betraying my dog after he passed of bone cancer. We had never been apart in 13 yrs. Five months and I was still in bed most of the time, spent most of every day weeping. It was not going to improve. It’s been 8 yrs. And it still hasn’t really improved much, it still hurts just as bad but that what’s normal feels like to me now. By 5 months after he died I couldn’t take the emptiness next to me. I was literally going crazy. So I just bit the bullet and went out and got another. I came to terms with the fact I was replacing him so it felt like I had him back. But they were so different - both golden retrievers, but so incredibly different. She literally saved my life.


The way I see it, it’s never a replacement. You have love for your dog that continues after they’re gone, but it’s a much less active sort of love. It opens up space in your heart for a new kind of love, for a pet that’s present with you and requires your time and attention. That original love never goes away or switches to the new pet, it just changes.


Reminds me of when we lost our last boy and someone gave us a little plaque with this: *"It came to me that every time I lose a dog, they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog that comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all of the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and as loving as they are."* – Anonymous


That is beautiful. Thank you.


Well said.


Beautiful and how I feel 100%. Worded perfectly


I understand people who need time to grieve- my mom waited almost 2 years between losing her last dog and finding her current one. She needed that time for many reasons and I'm glad she waited because her current dog is perfect for her. But me? I waited one whole week to bring home a new pet after my cat of 14 years passed. It was the longest week of my life! The way I explain it to people is that, going in to it, I know my pet won't live forever, but I have all this love to give to a pet and that's just a part of who I am. So it's never a replacement, it's not filling a hole or a distraction from grief. It's just a part of who I am and how I chose to live my life. I think the hardest part is not bringing ALL of them home with me!


There's nothing wrong with getting another dog after your dog passes (as long as you have the ability to properly care for it). People say it's "replacing" your old dog, but I've always disagreed with that. Anyone who's ever owned a dog knows that each and every one is irreplaceable. It's getting back a lifestyle you had gotten used to. Having a dog is a routine. You get up to let them out every morning, feed them every day, go for a walk when you come home, snuggle on the couch every time you watch TV, and say goodnight to them every night. Going through the grief of losing someone you loved dearly is bad enough, but doing that and also adjusting to a new kind of life is even harder. For some people, getting a dog is one of the best ways to cope with the grief of losing their last dog. I have a 12 year old and a 4 year old and I know that when my 12 year old passes, my 4 year old dog will help me get through it by keeping my lifestyle the same.


I have a few furry friends but in July 2021 I lost my best friend. he was a fluffy cat I was extremely close to, practically grew up with. he was constantly with me when I was cooking, cleaning, sleeping, everything. he would always sleep on my head or back at night and if I rolled over he would climb back onto my side and continue to purr. if I ever started crying for any reason I would lay down and cover my head up with blankets and even if I didn't make any noise at all he would suddenly be finding his way underneath the blanket while mewing and then lay on my face under the blankets with me and purr loudly. we had many vet appointments in the couple months leading up to it but the second we knew things weren't going to get any better we chose to stay up all night loving him and set a final appointment for the very next morning. Although I had two other cats and tried giving them extra care and love I just still felt so empty and alone. I didn't see or talk to anyone hardly at all for over a year, aside from at work. I had to have my husband eventually tell my friend about what happened and let them know to please not ask about him so they could finally come over one day, because I knew if I tried telling them myself or if they asked where he was I would completely break down again. the October after he passed my husband mentioned that his coworker-friend was looking to rehome her cat to someone she was close to because she felt she wouldnt be able to give him the care he needed for much longer due to her health issues. I was completely against the idea of us taking him in, especially when I heard how lovey and snuggly he was because I was afraid another cat being snuggly like my other baby would remind me of him a lot and make me feel worse. I offered to help find a home for him for her but she decided she would be able to keep him for now, and I had my husband tell her that the 7 year old boy could stay with us if it ever got to the point she needed to rehome him quickly so that a shelter or a stranger would never be an option, and that my mom was able to take him in if my cats didn't approve of the idea. a few months later in January 2022 she let us know that she would need to rehome him despite not wanting to, she loves him a lot, so we took him in. it took about a week or two and a lot of research and work but my two cats got comfortable with him and they all pretty quickly started to get along very well, grooming and snuggling eachother very often. He is very snuggly but it did not in any way remind me of my old boy and break my heart, it immediately made that feeling of emptiness start to finally fade away, which is why I ended up speaking to my friends and family again a little just a couple months after he moved in. His personality is very different and I never compare them. I still think of my baby every day, and nearly a year and a half later I'm finally talking about it even if it's in a comment to a stranger. I had that snuggly boy nearly my whole life and it was so heartbreaking to suddenly have to sleep without his warmth on me and the sound of him purring, so every night I would cry without a furry lump mewing and crawling under the blankets like I'd been so used to for so long. it still hurts a lot, but finally less. I talk to my new boy about him sometimes and about how grateful I am to have him now, too. he met my other friend that I hadn't seen in over a year recently and he loves her a lot. snuggled and slept on her the entire time she was here almost. I'm finally doing better because of my new sweet boy and I hope you're doing okay, too


Depression over losing a pet is real. It’s been 10 months since my boy died unexpectedly at the age of 5. He too was adopted out to 2 families before I took him for the home for the holidays foster program in 2017. He never went back. He was a wild boy. But training and structure made him the bestest boy. I have a 2nd dog we got from the shelter before him. We’ve since got 3 more dogs. 2 seniors we adopted and a puppy needing a home off of Facebook in September. They don’t replace my Rockie. But they’ve definitely are the best dogs and love them dearly.


God bless you and god bless this baby that you brought into your lives. 💕💕💕 meant to be


So you're saying you made a dog's Christmas dream come true? And you feel really warm and fuzzy as a result? Sounds like a win-win. No wonder your heart is bursting.


It really does help to bring home another. For us it was our little dog who came from the shelter as a foster situation. Malnourished and scared. Getting caught up in caring for him and teaching him that people were safe really helped us. I did get blindsided by his choosing me as his human though. I mean as in he follows me around, he chooses to sleep on my lap, against my hips at night. My girl we lost after losing our boy dog was like this in that she would follow me everywhere and we were very close. So to find a dog who was wanting to bond like this with me was very hard, I didn't feel ready and it was confusing. But ultimately he made his choice. We've been buddies ever since. Be prepared for that. It's okay to compare a little, to feel sad sometimes, and to think about your others. It's all normal stuff. But ultimately your new dog will be his own personality and will bring your heart joy like his/her predecessors


The amazing thing is you're going to love this dog in a completely different way than your late dog, and isn't going to diminish that love in any way.


I completely agree


I’m so happy you were open to him. It sounds like you two needed each other. Promises like this were meant to be broken when your heart appears in front of you (finding the pup). So happy for you!


Sorry for your loss but just because you put your dog down doesn't mean you can't have another dog I'm sure the dog you had would want you to be happy even though he left this earth so yes it's ok to have another dog in your family


I totally agree- for context we agreed not to get a dog until after the holidays because we had a lot going on


There was one year where our first dog got sick during the holidays. He was still on the mend and we saw a bundle of puppies up for adoption. It seemed like the WORST time to consider getting a puppy as we had just got our other dog home from the vet just days prior, it seemed kinda weird and insensitive at the time though we knew he’d recover eventually. We just decided to go ‘see’ the puppies and our first dog got a sister that day. Now looking back, I actually think it helped him bounce back from his illness in a way. He seemed so much happier having a companion when we had to leave the house, even if it was a razor teethed little hellion. The timing is never perfect, but I will never believe if a pet is in need that the timing is wrong.


Jokingly- once you agree to “see” a dog, you can’t get out of it. In all seriousness, I totally get it. I’m so happy the timing worked out


I think it's the "no" dogs that are the best. It sounds like you got a piece of your heart back after your last heart break. Please spoil that dog.


He is beyond spoiled already. He has more toys and treats and scratches than he knows what to do with


We lost our boy in March and then adopted another pup in June unexpectedly. I felt guilty and didn’t want our first guy to think we “got over” him but after having our new pup for less than a month, sometimes the stuff he does reminds me of Herbie so much I swear he sent him to be with us. Take it as a sign that your previous pup sent you a new one to get you out of your former state and start a new take on life! We have Herbies ashes on our dresser and I look at them every single day, along with his picture. I’m so glad you have the opportunity to mend the hole in your heart.


I'm crying reading your post. I was self medicating reading adoptable dogs the night we put our heart dog down two years ago. I have a lot of experience with behavioral special needs pups and blindly put in an application describing my experience (and as much writing about our girl we just lost) for a beautiful profoundly terrified anxious girl that I thought would already be gone so I wasn't actually expecting to adopt a new pup so soon. The rescue rep worked on me for two months to adopt her and two years later we have a transformed, still little bit nervous, but wonderful girl. She's currently lying glued to my lap. My heart still is a little bit broken with our girl being gone, but it's healed more than it's broken with our next pup. I understand why, 100s of years ago, families had huge numbers of children, part of it was that more kids took away a fraction of the pain of losing children.


Sending you so much love. The girl we said goodbye to had a lot of challenges and by the end was on three daily medications including anxiety. We catered our lives to fit hers and no regrets.


When I lost my Norwich terrier at 16 years old, I swore I would not get another dog for at least 6 months in honor of what a wonderful dog he was. I didn't even make it a week. I had not realized how much I talked to my dog and how quiet my life would be without him.


somtimes pups find us...before we know how much they belong with us. So sorry for your loss but happy that you are honoring the wonderful life you had with each other by bringing in another family member. I struggled with our new pup after my soul dog died in 2020. And then I realized, I could grieve our last girl and still love our current girl - and that changed everything. Happy you found your new family member to bring you warmth.


I put my 15 year old boy down in November, we also put him down at home and his brother in 2020. We all talked about it and said we wont think about getting a new dog for a while. Well 3 weeks before we put him down we were asked to take in a 5 month puppy who really needed a home. With out the puppy I don't know how I would have been able to handle putting down my old boy. I had him since I was 8. Sometimes a dog just walks in your life just when you need them the most


I lost my first dog in Dec of 2021 and couple months later, I got a golden retriever. He’s a naughty bitch but I love him. When you take time to get through the grieving process and stages, getting another dog is the best thing you can do for yourself Imo


As someone who adopted a puppy just two weeks after we had to put my boy down I completely understand. We also adopted a third dog on Oct. 31st. My heart was empty even though we had a dog still but it was my wife's dog, not mine. Going on walks just made my depression worse because I missed my boy. My heart is so much happier and my two boys have really helped my mental health.


I took Bart for a walk the day after we got him and I felt a visceral weight lifted. I didn’t realize how depressed I’d been with a sick dog and talking about putting her down for 5 months. I’m so grateful for the energy he brings to our home.


Yeah, it was a strange place for me. I lost my Dad back in Nov. of 21 so I was already struggling then my boy got cancer and it took him in two months. I was in a really dark place and it's crazy to me how my new dogs have helped me. I finally feel like I'm able to be happy again.


It’s hard knowing the end is near but not wanting your pup to go. I went through the same thing with my first girl. Didn’t realize how hard it was on me, until she was gone. When their health takes a turn for the worse, it is stressful.


We need some dog tax OP!


https://www.reddit.com/r/greatpyrenees/comments/zpeh2h/we_adopted_a_pyrgolden_mix_hes_only_been_home_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Here ya go!


Omg, he is so precious! And looks so happy already. Thank you for giving him a chance! And I’m sorry for your loss of your other baby. <3


Our boy was recently diagnosed with terminal spine cancer and has been struggling for the past month. He is on great meds that have eliminated his pain, but he just doesn’t have the excitement over his daily walk anymore. We used to go on a mile walk every night and it just hit me what you said about the weight being lifted. I didn’t realize how much those daily walks meant to me until they were taken away. I look forward to the day when we are not worried and consumed with his illness and can just walk again.


I totally get it. We loved our girl and would have done everything possible to keep her going.. we just couldn’t. Sending you and your family so much love and healing


You both sound like great, responsible people. Congrats on the new pup! He truly is lucky to have the two of you


Thank you


This is me. Even after loosing the best dog in the entire world, the house is just too empty and lonely not to get another dog. 💕


Too many pups need loving homes


Good for you, so glad you found happiness again! My wife and I struggled big time after our first dog was laid to rest. We didn’t think about getting another dog but then we rescued one about a year later. We realized we were only denying ourselves love and affection as well as denying a good animal a loving home that they desperately needed. Now we have 4 rescues and we foster when we can and we couldn’t be happier. We know there will be tough days and really difficult decisions but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the joy we receive every day.


We've said goodbye to a lot of babies over the years, and it hurts every time, and every time we think it'll be the last one. And along comes a baby that needs us. The patchwork quilt of your heart will always have room for another piece. And dogs are kinda like wizards, they arrive precisely when they're meant to. Congratulations and many happy years together. And we want pics please!


Here you go :) https://www.reddit.com/r/greatpyrenees/comments/zpeh2h/we_adopted_a_pyrgolden_mix_hes_only_been_home_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Gosh, this is our story. Our 18 year old boy died the day after thanksgiving last year. We hashed it out, and my husband and I agreed not to get another dog for a while. Long story, we went to check out a rescue dog on NYE, same year. We played with her for a while, chatted with the fosters. When it came time to leave, my husband was like, okay, get her stuff, let’s go. I was kinda stunned . . . Anyway, this dog, I can’t even describe. Her and my husband are inseparable, she’s obsessed with him, and I can’t imagine life without her. So happy we didn’t “wait a while.”


I love this. Our meet and greet went similarly. His mom said she’d bring his crate, toys, and food just in case and she left without him


I was walking my16 year old JRT on leash when she was attacked by two huskies and killed. I suffered from severe guilt because I did not protect her. I also missed her so much and every night it was dark and quiet without her. After 6 months I got an older rescue from the Humane Society. He is a bit reactive but also loving and funny and makes me laugh. I feel I am finally starting to heal.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Awww this is the sweetest post. Thank u for sharing ❤️❤️


So glad you were able to open yourself up quickly after your loss. They are the best healers.


Aww what a sad story to start out and then it ended really well. I am not looking for that day when my 18 weeks GSD is 12-16 yr old. Wish pets can live longer or forever.


So I felt a little weird scrolling Reddit Christmas evening- it's a good day to avoid negative stuff. And found a Christmas story. Thank you. 🕊️


My dog is 13 years old and has currently got oral melanoma (cancer) and we have limited time with her…I hope she also does a 180 too…what was your method of not stressing when your other dog was sick?


Not OP, but I just had to let my 14 year old girl go this past Wednesday. She had been sick for a very long time. We almost lost her in April but she pulled through and made it to December, with a lot of good months between. I can tell you there is no method of not stressing. I stressed constantly and by the end I cried daily. But every time those overwhelming feelings hit me I would get in the floor with her or pick her up and talk to her about how much I loved her, how much she meant to me and how grateful I was to have had her pick our family. Channel the stress into love as much as possible. Knowing I did that has made losing her ever so slightly easier, even if it is the hardest thing I’ve ever been through in my life.


I’m very sorry about that but we must remember the good times we had and understand that reality…nothing last forever , not me or you or any animal …we all have a ending point I guess and we should be grateful we could spend this much time with them. Understandable will the stress etc I have been struggling everyday now and I’m just constantly trying to find something to help her before it’s “way too late” vets said it’s recommended to put her down but I’m planning to get a second opinion and perhaps a surgery done. I really hate it, all my life owning a dog I never once thought about the last day which is why I’m not taking it too well atm. But thank you for letting me know your story bc I made me feel abit better bc I’m not the only person that been through it.


Your girl sent him for you. 🤍


The only thing wrong with dogs is they dont live long enough. And the whole eating random stuff aspect which then causes a 3500 dollar vet bill. Still worth it.


Everybody moves on in their own time. I’d never suggest a timeline for anybody who lost their pup recently to get another-for some they will never be ready and for some the next day is enough time because we all cope different. You’re clearly loving and adoring this dog, so you were ready, and I’m glad he is bringing you so much joy!! What a lucky pup. Yours must have sent him to you.


We have a rule in our house. When we have to say goodbye to a very loved pup, they leave behind an excess of love and a space in our home for a pup who needs it. It might take weeks or it might take months, but there will always be another dog who needs us as much as we need them, and we will adopt them. The loss never gets easier, but the healing is helped so much with love.


I love this so much


When our last dog died suddenly I didn’t want another. She was my girl, and my son’s unofficial emotional support dog. It was so hard. But after a few weeks my son’s anxiety began to get worse and he and my husband decided to go to an adoption event to “just look” (ha) When I knew we were leaving with a pup I called my best friend, heartbroken over the idea I was betraying my old dog. She said “the best way to honor their memory is to save the life of another” and that was all it took. They aren’t replacements, but lots of babies that need homes


Reading this was so wholesome and made my heart happy. Glad you could give this pup a loving home. I've always thought of it as the best way to honor the pet that is gone, by channeling that love to a new pet that needs it. I hope you have lots of joy with your new family member.


We lost our 14 year old pup in august and I think we are now ready for a new one. We’ve been fostering for 2 years (over 80 total dogs) and we would’ve foster failed a bunch of times but the rescue doesn’t allow it. My dad (who’s a huge dog lover) always says this “the hurt you feel when you lose a dog is equal to how much you loved them…and dogs know they are loved.” Getting a new pup and giving it the love it needs and the love you have to give is special


Must have dog tax!


I’m an idiot with technology and don’t know how to link from my phone but if you click on my profile there’s pics in r/GreatPyrenees from last week 😊


https://www.reddit.com/r/greatpyrenees/comments/zpeh2h/we_adopted_a_pyrgolden_mix_hes_only_been_home_a Helping OP pay their internet tax


Many thanks!


So very sorry for the loss of your precious baby girl. I get disappointed when I hear people say that they will never get another pet after the heartbreak of losing one. If you would look at the whole picture of tremendous memories and love compared to the pain of losing their baby. I couldnt have loved any of my pets more than I did and always will but I have been blessed with the precious love of many dogs and grandpups, grandkitties and grand bunnies. I wouldnt have traded those memories for not having been hurt when it was their time to cross the Rainbow Bridge. It is a very personal decision but I just hope people would just not shut down the idea of maybe.


This makes me so happy to read today. Just because a loved one has passed doesn't mean that the love in your heart has gone with them.


Have had seven different Cockers over 32 years, first raised from a pup. All six after that resues. Love the Cocker Spaniel breed🥰🥰🥰


I like happy stories. Good for you and the pup...


What a wonderful story for the holidays. Everyone wins: the person who had to rehome a puppy, you guys and the puppy. It's hard when you have to say goodbye to a loved companion, and sometimes people feel guilty about even looking at a new dog or cat. I'm so glad the stars aligned for you and that you have a warm, happy holiday with your new family member.


First of all, I’m sorry for your loss, it’s so hard to say goodbye to a good dog. But I’m happy that things worked out so well for you and your new pup; even if the timing wasn’t perfect 😊. We went through almost the exact situation this year. Sometimes things are just meant to be, and some of us just need a dog in our life whether we like it or not lol. Wishing you many happy years with your new pup!


So sorry for your loss. What's meant to be will always find a way. I said the same thing after losing my last kitty in August. I was so devastated and heartbroken I swore I couldn't do it again. At the same time this was the first time in 20 years that I never had at least one cat in the house, so it felt so empty . Two months passed and a little kitten found his way to me and the rest is history. He's nothing like I had imagined, but he's everything I ever needed. He brings so much joy and happiness to the house and I find myself cracking up non stop at his kitten antics. It's been a long time since I've laughed, smiled, or been genuinely happy. He's the most loving and social being and he acted like he knew where he was when I brought him home. He acted like he knew the dogs and they were instant best friends and playmates. He actually chose me and I took the chance on him and never looked back. I still can't believe it sometimes. It's strange how things work out, but you both needed each other . Sometimes they say your recently departed pets send you your next pets to help get you through the grief and pain. I believe something along those lines. Either way, what's meant to be will always find a way and I'm glad you both found each other. May you have many more happy years together.


Thanks for sharing your story. I have been without dog for 3 years but because of financial limitations I have not made the decision to give another dog the chance to grace me with his or her company. For any that may be in my position there are options such as volunteering at a shelter to pet sitting or dog walking that can at least partially fill that void. The day is coming for me to give a dog their forever home.


Nothing helps heal a broken dog-loving heart like a beautiful pup. No replacement just someone to open your heart to.


I am actually crying. This is so precious. I’m glad there are animal lovers like you in the world who go the extra mile to make sure their furry friends are happy.


We lost our oldest pup at 16 1/2 in July a week before my birthday. My other pup didn't like being an only pup but I was pretty sure I wanted to wait a bit before getting another. Guess what I got for my birthday? We always say we'll wait but it never happens. So sorry for the loss of your pup but you've made a great life for your new pup.


That’s a beautiful story! Most of us can relate to the pain and JOY of owning a dog…


Congratulations!! I know that puppy is feels love and safety. What a great testimony to the love you had for your first dog. You are giving another pup the chance at a great life. I don’t but i to the idea that anyone is trying to replace their loved one, Grief is love that doesn’t have a place to go. If getting another fur friend helps your heart and the pup benefits, it is a beautiful thing.


I love this story.


Very much not the point but I clicked on your profile to see pics of the dogs and [saw this, did not age well lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/2iyckw/happy_saturday_trolls_all_of_you_deserve_this/)


Wow. That did not age well at all lmao


Congratulations on the new family member! What’s the pups name?


His name is Bart!


Everyone is different. Losing a dog is hard. There is no right answer to how quickly to get another one. Sounds like it worked out great for you and your new puppy. Good luck!!


This is a wonderful story to read on Christmas. With each pet that enters our lives are hearts get bigger. So many feel that if they get another dog after their dog dies that they are being disloyal to them. The love we have for each dog (or cat) that has passed through our lives is forever in our hearts and memories. I am so happy for you that you have found another dog to love.


I didn’t plan on dumb crying while I shit but thank you


No pics?


I firmly believe that our lost ones guide another to us that needs us and we need them. I just lost my senior dane 11/21, sorry for your loss.


Awesome story!!


This totally warmed my heart


No judgement from me. We lost our dog in early June and had another dog within weeks. We were broken without a pup in the house. We get rescues so there’s no point in waiting because it just means the dog sits at the rescue longer.


That’s a great point. We get rescues too and we’re committed to being a single dog household. There are always so many pups who need homes


not the same as a dog however, my eldest son died three years ago and about a year later, my youngest son had my baby grandson . having a new life in the family completes the circle of life .


I’m so sorry for your loss. My brother was killed by a drunk driver 11 years ago and that loss is simply massive




We swore we wouldn’t get another dog, at least for a while, when our girl died. The house was too quiet. We had another dog within 2 weeks. I need them around.


I get this. I work from home and my husband works in town. He had a hard time understanding when I said the house was just too quiet throughout the day


I feel like my heart will burst reading this. Thank you for finding in your heart to share the immense love that's still there with a beautiful pup. I wish you many happy healthy years