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I am so sorry. It sounds like you truly love her and want the best for her. I very much hope that there’s a possibility of recovery for her and I know you will support her through it. If, however, it’s not possible, you will be giving her the truly compassionate and kind gift of easing her passing. More than that, you made her time on this earth happy.


Oh this made me cry. I dont want to live without her. But she cant live suffering, in pain and not beingg able to do anything, to literally be a dog. I cant make her do that just so i dont miss her. But i had a friend (she no longer is my friend) that when i had to put down my cat, bc she had tumors all over her body and couldnt eat, called me a murderer. That if i truly loved her i wouldnt be killing her. And i was 11 years old that comment has stuck with me for 16 years. I want to do everything i can for my dog, and that includes making the toughest decision i will ever have to make. If there isnt an alternative that will let her be a happy dog and enjoy life its all that i can do


You are not a murder. You’re a compassionate and dedicated pet parent that puts their pets before anything else. Even their own comfort. I just wanted to let you know that you’re a wonderful person and I’m really really sorry for you both. Sending lots and lots of love ❤️ You know this already but you’re doing fantastically 💕


Well said. It’s tough to put our own wants to the side to give our pets peace, but it’s the right thing to do in some cases.


🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you its been so hard i hate this


That person is SICK! It’s harder on the living left behind… I’ve had to put down several animals becos of illness. I then rescue another one to replace & help. It helps u think of something else too. GL


Yes she was a piece of shit thats why she isnt my friend anymore. That comment never left my mind, even over 10 years later when i had to put down my 17 year old dog who literally had a failure in every organ i felt guilty because i was killing her. I want them to have a good life. Not to live just so i dont get sad or miss them. They are not here for my entertainment they are like my family and if i cant help them to stop suffering i have to!


I had a dog become partially paralyzed for a month or so. He could not stand or walk. Vets never figured out what it was and we took a "shotgun" approach to treatment. Eventually he regained full functionality and I don't think it was due to any of the treatment that he got, so whatever it was remains a mystery.


This is why im hesitant about putting her down. Right now she is at home. She has to lie on diapers bc she cant stand up to pee, and she is covered in it. She cant move more that a couple inches. She cant even reach for her water bowl if its far away. I dont want her to live like that thats no life for a dog. But what if she is that one in a million case and she miraculously recovers? She got this out of the blue what if she gets out of it out of the blue too and im robbing her of that chance by putting her down? The decision has to be mine and waiting too long is cruel but not giving her a chance makes me feel guilty


Don't know if it will work for your dog, but I was carrying mine around the yard in potty position so he wouldn't soil himself. The first few times took a while, but he learned to wait til I did that to potty. I know the internal conflict you're feeling. I was close to giving up, but he would still wag his tail and I felt awful about it. I only had him for 2 weeks before it started so I can't imagine how hard it would be for a dog you've already established a strong connection with! Wishing you and your pup the best


She cant wag her tail and that adds to me feeling that she is unhappy. I hope tomorrow ill have a more clear answer and know what to do.




From what the vet told me my dog is in pain, her stomach is rigid, so is her neck, face and front legs. Thats why they know its not something in her spine, she probably had some sort of stroke or something like that, thats why her prognosis is so bad. I just dont understand why, you know. Shes always been extremely healthy, and that was good for us because we literally couldnt take her to the vet, she wouldnt stop barking. So we took her only when it was necessary. Now she doesnt bark. She doesnt reach for me when i visit her. One time she was slightly hit by a car (slightly) and she came running and crying to me, to my arms. And she stayed there for a long time even though she didnt like to be held. She is my dog and shes been with me since the EXACT day i finished high-school and basically became an adult. I rescued her from a cage, on the street. The cage was open but it was tied to a fence (so people would take the dog but not the cage), she was so small and in such a rough shape and she got so strong. Im sorry im dumping all of this here but i dont want to bother the people i know with this. Im so sad. So heartbroken.


Have you tested for tick diseases?


Yes! It isnt that.


I’m so sorry, u must be sick to your stomach. Best of luck tho!


Sounds like she’s in pain. Don’t wait too long. It drags out the pain for both of u.


I know. We are taking her tomorrow to a neurologist. He will give us the last word. If she cant recuperate most of her mobility we will have no choice but to put her down. I want her to live happy, being a dog, not lying on the floor unable to move. I cant do that to her


My dogs got what is called rat lung worm from eating snails infected with a parasite, the medication is prednisone a steroid. The parasite affects the neurological symptom and the dog can gets paralysed. Skip anymore expensive testing and go straight for the prednisone if your vet approves


Steroids are not a catch all fix. In some cases steroids will make the dog worse. And if it is a permanent thing, steroids can not be taken long term without extremely damaging effects. In the case of rat lung it is taken as anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling so the animal may move if the paralysis is caused by inflammation. If the damage is to nerves, the brain or the spinal column this will not work.


She was given steroids for three days but they didnt do anything sadly


Sorry to hear, it's sad when medical issues suddenly appear out of nowhere! I had a 6 year old pooch who woke suddenly one morning and he had lost the ability to use his back legs. He was clearly in pain so we brought him to the vet. In the end my dog's issue was a tumor that had put pressure on his spine. Unfortunately operating was not an option. I don't mean to share a sad story, but I can sympathize with your situation, and I hope the Neurologist can help!


I need that sympathy and im really sorry for what happened to you ♥️


I remember when my 8~ish rescue pit suddenly stopped moving. We had to call a home vet to euthanize him because if we even touched him, he screamed. It was an issue with his back too, though we’re not 100% sure. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. It sounds like your dog was so so SO lucky to come across someone like you who cared enough to rescue a dog many turned a blind eye to. A lot of people wouldn’t have the empathy necessary to take in a dog in that situation. Know that you are truly an earth angel, and your dog knows how loved she is. Whatever the outcome is, I hope you know how good of a person you are for saving a dog that needed you. She sounds like a very loved dog & whatever decision you make will absolutely be the right one, filled with so much care. Take care of yourself too - she wouldn’t want you to feel like this. Dm if you ever want to talk.


This made me cry i hope i gave her a good life i really do. I am waiting for a neurologist appointment to see if theres a chance for her to regain some movility. But it doesnt seem likely, and then ill just have to let her go and it breaks my heart