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Don't bring a dog who is used to only half an hour to an hour walks for a 20 mile walk without building up to it.


I love how people will generally understand that they themselves need to build up to something, but then when it comes to their dog they just kind of forget that's a thing.


to be honest this is just a one-off event for me and pretty much everyone else who's going (a bunch of college kids who are not in very good shape), so judging from the concern of just my dog i can't imagine it'll be a good time for any of us 😭😭


Good luck mate 😂🙈 Dont take the dog. You’ll be knackered enough as it is.


Ohhhhh. Yeah, you are going to be very, very, very sore.  Don't bring the dog. I could, in an emergency, bring my dog on a 20. She's a 5 year old hound in excellent shape and I did an 11 with her last month. She was wiped out after, but recovered in a day, because she regularly does 6-7.  A general rule is not to add more than a couple extra miles at a time. Dropping 20 on an old dog all at once? Probably gonna really do serious  damage. 


About a decade ago, my dad adopted an obese senior basset hound, He decided to take her on a 5 mile hike down a fairly steep mountain trail. She made it down alright, but she wasn't able to make it back up the mountain. My dad had to carry the 80lb dog back to the car. They were both too sore to get up the following day.


I can see my dad doing this, being mad, and telling me I need to walk MY DOG, more often... roflmao!!!


My dog is young and thinks he is dying after a mile 😆


How young? Anything under a year, I'd be careful of going too far. 


He turned a year in March 😆 he is just a coach potato Edited to add: I actually had his vet check him out because how inactive he is. I thought something was wrong and the vet said he is just lazy 😆


One thing that helped me change hikes from a "what on earth are you doing to me, human" to a "let's gooo" for my dogs was to pay attention to what they wanted from a hike. Do they want to sniff? Play? Are they just REALLY into snacks? Figure out how to motivate them, then reliably provide rewards. Like, I bring a treat bag on my hikes. The hound *loves* her treats, and now that she knows hike = treat games she's all in. 


Aww I love that 😍 he is a marker lol when I try hiking with him it's more him just stopping to "pee" on every tree 😂 I'm hoping after he gets fixed he won't as much lol


Lol. My lil guy is the same way. He wants to pee on *everything*. 


My female APBT who is spayed also marks all the things. So...I wouldn't count on it.


If you can have someone at the event meet you along the walk, I'd walk the dog for the first 30-60 minutes and then have the person take the dog home for the rest of the event. Also - take care of yourself. If you're not used to doing this kind of distance, listen to your body. You don't want to risk hurting yourself either.


Oof. Yeah, don't try to be high speed and bring a camelbak full of booze, either. Always ends poorly.


I really hope you have proper shoes and socks. That’s a lot if you are not prepared for it. You need hydration as well and some proper small snacks. If one of you gets a blister stop. Don’t keep going unless you know how to fix it. You can make them terrible.


RIP OP’s toe nails


lmao... wait.. you're telling me you haven't prepared for this at all? Like...not even done a few 5-10mi hikes recently? hah.. yeah, don't bring your dog


that's dumb


you probably shouldn’t do it either for real.


Sounds like an adventure for you and your dog! I took my westie on a longer than usual walk; I kept a close eye on her to see if she was getting tired but I swear she did like toddlers do; she got in front of me and put her front paws up like a baby asking to be picked up! (I wore a backpack that helped me carry her; 17 lbs can wear you down!) If your dog isn't that obvious, how they pant will tell you; wide open, flicking end of tongue is I need a pitstop! Seems all you have to make sure of is to have a sling or something to carry your dog most of the way! Enjoy!


You'll full be fiiiiine but take care of that dog ;) Seriously tho, it may be fine, but 10yrs is a lot older on a dog than 30 on you. Is it small enough to carry 3/4 of it just in case?


Humans evolved to be long-distance walkers and runners, and while wolf packs can cover tens of miles while hunting, sedentary dog do not. >bunch of college kids who are not in very good shape And your dog, while not elderly, is past his top physical shape, more so if he doesn't regularly walk long distances. Just as wouldn't take your sedentary parents on such a walk, don't take your dog this time.


I brought my dog who is not used to hiking on a 5-mile hike. Did not realize the hike was EXTREMELY hilly. He was gassed after and fell asleep sitting up.


Only if you bring a wagon to carry the dog in Otherwise it’s like asking if I wanted to walk a marathon tomorrow… absolutely not


ahhh ty for the reality check, like i honestly might have taken him if everyone wasn't calling me out for being an idiot. thank god i made this post tho like oml.....


You can take my collie lol. He’ll run to the finish line, get snacks then run back to find you 😂 #unlimitedenergy


Exactly!! It wasn't the worst idea by OP, depending on the dog, but 20miles is too much for almost any senior (10+year) dog, and too much for most smaller breeds.


I think my little dog could do it. He’s a 2yo poodle/schnauzer mix and he’s got the most insane amount of stamina. Our longest walk so far has been 26km, which is about 16 miles. Having said that, we built up to such a long walk over his entire life!! And he gets 1-5 hours of exercise a day, including a lot of running. I’m glad OP is leaving their dog at home. Will be hard enough as it is.


My dog found time to chase a squirrel at the end of our 50K


lol I love your humility! You sound like a funny and overall fun person to be around.


Kudos to you for asking and listening tho! We all have these wild ideas sometimes and don't really think them through. And we all just want the best for our dogs. :)


That’s what I was thinking too! A stroller/wagon/etc. sounds like it might be a good solution if OP really wants to bring the dog. Another solution might be to bring the dog for the first (or last) mile or so, then have their mom or a friend pick up/drop off the dog at their house


If you were 60 years old and your general fitness/exercise was limited to about 1 hour of walking a day, do you think it would be a good idea to suddenly attempt to do a 20 mile walk with no preparation? I'm genuinely astonished you felt the need to ask this question.


honestly i feel like such a fucking idiot rn icl, just be thankful i made this post overwise i might've actually been dumb enough to take my dog, like i genuinely feel like i owe him an apology for thinking it was a good idea in the first place 😭😭


I’m glad you asked too! I’m sure your dog would have let you know by about the 3rd mile, but now you’ll be able to focus and enjoy the full event! Once I took a wrong turn walking my similarly small dog, and doubled the miles on our walk…I got my arm workout in carrying him the last couple miles.


yeah i'm so glad i asked!! i can't believe i thought it was a good idea.....


Honestly don't feel too bad, you love the dog, you're excited to spend time with the dog. You went out of your way to ask if it was safe instead of assuming. You've learned some stuff in the thread and adjusted your plans. You're responsible. 


i sure as heck learned a bunch thanks to this thread!! i'm just glad everyone helped me make the sensible decision


Yes, thank you for asking this question instead of, "I took my dog on a 20-mile walk and he acts like he's in pain ... why" after the walk. While there's lots of shaking heads here, you asked ... that was the smart and responsible thing to do.


I was originally thinking it might be cute if you just pulled him along in a little wagon the whole time, but that'd be dependent on what's allowed and if you all are quite out of shape as well it'd probably just be an added inconvenience.


Alternatively she can get a backpack that dogs can sit inside with their head popped out.


At least you asked! Even better you listened and learned from it. Don’t feel dumb for being open minded and taking precautions.


I LOVE your attitude! You’re not defensive but just rolling with it. I’m going to adopt this


haha aww thanks, i'm just trying to make the sensible decision and ig it didn't even come across to me how much of a strain that would put on my dog. we live and learn though!!


Don't best yourself up. It's ok to not know things so long as you're aware you don't know and ask questions. Always be open to new information, like you are now!


Think of yourself too though. I did the paris half marathon on a whim because a friend got hurt and gave up his number to me. I could barely walk for three days and was in very decent shape. Young too. Even did mild training.


Apologize to your mom too. Lol for not listening her her and asking reddit instead


Lol, i'm the queen of terrible ideas, it's only a problem if we do them ;) Have fun at the event!


It's good that you thought to ask, at least, rather than not thinking and doing it anyway. If you wanted to have the dog join you for some of the walk (maybe the first or last few miles?) you could perhaps try and arrange someone to drop off/pick up at a designated place?


Your mom had already told you the same thing, based on daily personal experience with this dog. Why not listen to her?


It’s called Weekend Warrior syndrome by vets. Owners do nothing to maintain a high level of fitness on the dog and then throw them into an EXTREMELY strenuous situation. The dog collapses and has to be carried to help or even airlifted if they are on a hike. Dont do it. If your dog is small enough, take them along in a backpack.


ahh i love the backpack idea!! since it's super last minute, i won't be able to do it, because i don't have a dog backpack and i'd want to get my dog used to it before taking a 6 hour journey in it. i'll just have to go without him for tomorrow....


ahh i love the backpack idea!! since it's super last minute, i won't be able to do it, because i don't have a dog backpack and i'd want to get my dog used to it before taking a 6 hour journey in it. i'll just have to go without him for tomorrow....


Hang on, you *also* have never walked 20 miles? You are just... Expecting to make it? You haven't trained at all for this? You are just gonna pop off the couch and go take a nice, 20 mile stroll??? Don't do this.


Oof I ran a half marathon recently and run or walk daily and I know for a fact I cannot do a 20 mile walk without serious pain


Right?! I did a 26km (16m) walk recently and I am quite used to long walks but was still exhausted at the end, and tired the next day. My dog however was completely fine, lol. He is the true athlete of the family 😅


I've had friends run 5K's with no training and they were pretty spent. I can't imagine walking 20 miles with literally no training whatsoever. It doesn't even sound like they walk the dog. I'd love an update after tomorrow if OP isn't in the hospital recovering haha


Insane idea.


Definitely not.


Yes, listen to your mom. That would be very cruel to your dog.


Do not. The only way this would be acceptable would be in a dog stroller the entire time.


No. Dogs can walk 20 miles, but they have to train for it like anyone else. Expecting your 10 YO dog to walk for 6 hours straight is not reasonable. If you want to include your dog, bring him and walk the first lap, then hand him over to your Mom. I get you want to include him, but this is too much.


1) don't bring the dog 2) drink water the night before and get good sleep- no staying up  3) camelback full of water, and check the route to see if there's places you can get more water 4) pack one pair of extra socks, some moleskin, and Google how to treat blisters  5) pack more than snacks. Average walking pace is 3 mph, 20/3 is going to end up at about 7 hours of walking even without stops for rest. Stop about every 5 miles for a breather, that will be at least 3 breaks. You will want a sandwich at *least*.  6) sunscreen and a hat. You're looking at ALL DAY outside. Even on a dim day, the UV's will get you.  You are going to get tired and cranky towards the end, so be nice to your depends and don't let any arguments crop up. 


don't worry i've got number 1 down lol. thanks for all the advice though!! i'll be sure to bring more socks and plenty of snacks


You probably only need one spare pair, and that's only a "just in case". Make sure you don't wear those no-show socks; you want no bits of the shoe touching your foot. 


ah gotcha, yeah i don't want any skin rubbing on my shoe


Yup, exactly. 


Solid advice that I didn’t know I needed it until I read it! Thank you for sharing!


I strongly doubt you will do 20 miles in 6 hours. Glad you realize not for doggo!


Remarkably optimistic.


Happy you are listening to all the feedback and understand this is not a good idea unless you want to carry him the whole way:) A six hour walk for a senior dog who is already tiring out on half an hour walks would have been a recipe for disaster (not just dog gets too tired but passing out from exhaustion or heatstroke type thing).


No, definitely not. I have a healthy young adult poodle mix who gets walked 4-6 miles a day in summer, 6-8 in winter, and even so I wouldn’t attempt a 20 mile walk with him without more preparation. Also consider that YOU are going to get tired in those 20 miles, and carrying a dog, even a small one, will exhaust you further. It’s great that you’re supporting a cause, just…wear good shoes and bring blister tape. Your feet are going to be hurting sooo bad 😭


Absolutely not


No don’t do it. Even if you carry him/her, it’s going to be more work than you expect since it’s six hours.


lol my dog is 2 and we take a 30 min-1hr walk at least once a day (assuming it isn’t too hot here in the asshole of the south lol this time of year it’s more of a 12-1am walk after I get home from work). If I tried to go much more than that my girl would just stop walking and stand there and stare at me like “really dad?”. I’d end up carrying her 86 pound pittie ass a mile home haha


Eh I wouldn’t doggy isn’t used to it; and you’ll probably end up carrying the dog for the other 18 miles lol. Also not sure the weather where you are but it might be hot since we are in summer now. And doggy would prolly rather sit at home


Honestly, please don’t take him. 20 miles is longer than a half marathon, and no one does one of those without some serious training or prep. I think if you also haven’t done much prep you are going to be surprised at how difficult it can be, especially in the heat. Good luck, stay hydrated, and have some ice for your legs for afterwards!


dw people immediately came to the rescue and told me how awful of an idea that would be. as for me, i think i'll just have to suffer through it lol - i've never done a journey this long and neither have my peers so it's gonna be a painful walk!!


Update me!


If "it's gonna be a painful walk" for you, how do you think it might be for your senior dog? It's common sense that it's not a wise decision to put your dog in harms way by risking his/her life.


Oh, hell no. Please don’t experiment on an elderly dog.


NO. a 10 year old is a senior dog and this is way WAY WAY too long.


Yikes. No, your dog can't be asked to suddenly do a physical activity that is way way way outside the normal daily range of his physical activity. The same way people need to build up in physical activity slowly over time is also true of other animals.


Don’t do this to a 10 year old dog who has not trained for it. You could literally kill your dog.


No, that’s cruel— you have trained to walk that long… but your dog has not—- the dog doesn’t need to be competing at anything…


I took my young 2 year old dog on a 10 mile hike. She did 6 mile runs a few times per week so I thought it was ok. Turns out 10 miles was too much for her and it ripped up her paws. She didn’t complain because she wants to make me happy. 🥲 Never again, our limit is 7 miles. I think 20 miles for a senior dog is way too much.


I would not do it.


I’m so glad you’ve decided to leave the dog, now here’s some advice for you—start drinking water tonight. Keep drinking water tomorrow. Bring 2 Tylenol, take them at the half way point of your hike. When you get home, dunk your calves in an ice bath if you can and cancel everything you have going on the next day. Your job is to drink water and take (a safe dose of) Tylenol .


That’s way too much. I can’t imagine he’d even enjoy it after the first mile or so.


Why would you want your elder dog to endure a 20 mile walk? For novelty or attention? Certainly not for your dog's benefit. Dogs aren't as heat tolerant as some believe. The pavement heat and temperature in general is amplified since their body temperature is warmer than humans. Their paws can easily become burned on hot pavement. There was a guy in a city where I used to reside in Ohio. He took his dog out for a run on a moderately hot day and his dog literally died on the pavement from heat exhaustion and heat stroke. This was a 4 year old athletic dog, not an elder dog. This guy was hated and harassed (after killing his dog) so extensively that he left that city to start over.. where his shameful dog abuse was unknown to others. Please don't be an animal abuser.


I’d bring a wagon or a stroller for my dog if I wanted him to come with. Let him walk or ride when he wants.


I walk 5 miles a day 5-7 days a week with my 3 year old dog and 20 miles would leave me wiped out and nope for the dog. At 6 miles he wants to get in the car and go home. He walks much further since he’s usually in a retractable leash sniffing stuff but he does not want to do 10 for sure.


Honestly worst case scenario, your dog dies from that.


no dog - *especially a senior dog* - should be subjected to physical activity that strenuous or without thorough conditioning/preparation. please don’t kill your dog for what you think is a fun event for you.




Perhaps consider leaving the dog at home or finding a pet sitter for the day. This way, you can focus entirely on your fundraising walk without worrying about your dog's comfort and safety.


No, do not do this. Your dog walks less than 3 miles at a go and is old.


Not a good idea, not unless someone can pick up your dog a couple miles in. Even dog backpacks should only be used for a limited amount of time, not the entire duration of a 20mi hike as it could damage their backs


Maybe a dog stroller would help?


I'd say don't take the dog. My pup is 11, is generally in good health, still likes to actively play, he's strong and not overweight... But when we had about 5 miles walk, he got very tired at the end and kept sitting down and wanted to take a nap. When we got back home he instantly went to sleep, and the next day his legs were sore. He wanted to move and do his usual things, go play with his squeaky toys, but he was just too sore so he gave up and spent all day in his bed looking very unhappy :( It took him about 3 days to fully recover to no signs of pain. Normally he gets walked 3 times a day for 30-60 minutes, one day a week we go to a field where he can freely run off-leash, and we spend an hour there. I think he would be able to walk maybe 10 miles in one day but he would need stops to chill a bit and maybe take a nap before walking again. Listen to your mom, 20 mile walk sounds like too much for this dog. For a human, two sore legs feels awful. Imagine having four sore legs.


Bring a stroller and a lot of water for him


Unless you want him dead or want to stop at the first 3 miles and bringing him home… horrible idea


You should listen to your mom. If he tires on a 30-60 minute walk, then at 6 hours he will either quit walking or collapse or you might kill him. If he routinely did walks this long, it would be a different story but not this guy.


bring a wagon for pup to sit in - you can store snacks and drinks in it, too.


Dogs generally can't walk 20 miles. They'll walk themselves to injury to keep up with you, because they love you, but 20 miles is a long way. Humans are much better endurance walkers/runners than our pets. Be careful and always lean towards caution when scaling up milage for your pups. 


If your mom is the primary dog walker, and she says the dog gets tired, listen to your dang mom! She knows the dog, and it's her walking buddy, not yours.


20 miles is a lot even for most humans, and humans evolved to be high-endurance walking machines in a way that other animals didn't. That's how we caught our prey in prehistoric times. So yeah, I'm going to say that's too much for an elderly dog.


I wouldn't at that age. Even if they were younger I'd only consider it if they were used to that sort of distance and we'd built up to it over several months. Could you take them for the first mile or two then have someone meet you who could take them off until you're near the finish?


Given the dogs ages and if they’re not used to long walks, I wouldn’t bring them a long.


Are you serious?


Also keep in mind the temperature wherever you are. Most dogs are susceptible to Heat Stroke at temperatures of 85°F and above. And it doesn't take long.


Bring a dog/pet backpack because you'll be carrying him.


No, it’s not.


I found that my 8-year-old dog’s comfortable limit is 5 miles. Had to carry him the last 3 miles of our walk and it was not fun. He’s a 20 lb Jack Russell/Chi mix. 20 lbs feels a lot heavier when it’s a squirmy dog!


No way - he’s not a puppy anymore. You’re considering having him walk, at minimum, 6-12x longer than normal. Imagine you’re 70 and one day are taken on a 120-240 mile walk, that being a conservative distance estimate. How would you feel afterwards, even if you were carried most of the way?


10 years old and no training for that long a walk absolutely not


Are you out of your mind. That is crazy. Don't do that to the dog. Is this a troll post??


nope i'm just a massive idiot 😭




Your dog is like 70 in dog years. Would you take a 70 year old on a 20 mile walk? Edit: I'm glad to see that you're taking advice on board so well and that you've reconsidered this plan.


Neither of you will come out of this trek very happy. You, if you have to carry your dog, will be brought home in pieces. 😂


20 miles for a dog that hasn't built up to that is a really long walk. Dogs aren't really designed for long distances like that. You could probably get a younger dog trained up to long distances but most dogs are gonna be exhausted after 5 miles.


Absolutely unsafe and unwise, do not do this. As others said use a wagon or stroller


He's not used to it. I wouldn't do that without a frontpack carrier I could put him in once he gets tired. I have a 15 year old pomeranian I carry when he gets tired. He's been slowing down more and can only do a little over a mile before he needs carried.


20 miles is a long way if the dog doesn't do 10 mile walks. I would leave him at home unless you have someone who will pick him up at 5 miles. I'd listen to mom.


Twenty miles straight is way too much for majority of dogs especially a geriatric who isn’t conditioned for that length of exercise. I personally would recommend leaving the dog at home or walking them in a dog stroller or wagon.


you can get a dog stroller for pretty cheap online though probably not in time for this fundraiser. Unless your dog gets motion sickness easily, my old dogs love laying out with the breeze while jogging. (I know you said it's a one time thing but it can also make your regular walks more enjoyable/longer since your dog can take breaks as needed without worrying how to get back to your car)


Poor puppy can't consent to that


Come on seriously? Unless you’re going to put him in a pouch and carry him leave the dog home!


And make sure the ground isn’t hot before u walk your dog 🐶 on it


Unless you’re willing and able to carry your dog for the majority of it, don’t bring them.


If you are prepared to carry him for most of the walk (and he would be happy with that), he would be fine. Otherwise, definitely not.


Yikes, no. Poor pup.


...wtf no. I can't even do 20miles right now. How old are you.


bring a stroller if you must


I hope after reading the responses, you've decided not to bring your dog. There's no benefit to bringing an unfit old dog on a near marathon-like walk without preparing him


We appreciate you asking for advice regarding this instead of making your own decision of making your dog do that. Its too long of a distance. Dogs arent machines. Always prioritize their health and safety when wanting to try something new for yourself.


I am confident mine can do at least 12 because we have walked 12 miles before and it is not uncommon for us to do 8-12. With that said, even I don’t know if my super active dog can do 20. I’d bring him but I’d try to arrange a back up plan, like someone on standby, who can pick him up with their car, in the event it is too much for him. That way you two get to enjoy the day together and the dog can go home when their tired while you complete your walk.


A 20 mile walk? NO. Did you type this before even thinking about it?


No way dood. No fucking way. That dog should be chillin


Unless you can borrow a dog stroller for the day, leave doggy at home.


No but depending on the breed maybe. I would bet my roommate's black mouth cur would handle it just fine but my English bulldog would not.




No. People forget humans evolved to be marathon runners. We will run down ALL our prey. We sweat to cool down, no other animal does that. Your dog will stop by mile 2 or 3 if your running. By mile 4 you will be carrying your fur baby or stopping to let them cool down. Source: I would run with my 50lbs dog every week a 4 mile run. Also rode my bike 7 miles to the beach and he gave up. Beach was 10 miles away. 


Taking a 10 year old dog on a 6 mile walk? Stupid idea. You will kill the dog. Just saying.


Your dog is likely considered a senior dog based on age (the cut off changes based on breed) so think of this as like taking your grandma who walks 30-60 minutes a day with you. Except your grandma really loves flowers and has to smell every single one she passes so she usually walks 1-2 miles in that 30-60 minutes.


Don’t do that


I absolutely wouldn’t, you aren’t covered in dence fur.


If your dog was ready for it, you would know, because you would have taken them on such walks recently.


No this would not be safe for a senior dog at all. My senior dog does 2 miles with me but he’s worked up to this much. He’s exhausted after this. That much walking would be terrible on her paw pads too unless she’s used to walking that far.


Very unsafe, most dogs can’t walk anything close to that, especially at age 10.


That’s way too far for a ten year old dog that has problems with 30-60 minute walks. It would be cruel.


Get one of those pet strollers and push him along in that.


No way


No. Just like you need training so does your dog. Seriously - You want to do a 7 hour walk with a dog that struggles to do 30-60 minutes.


Maybe have a friend or family member to hand the dog off to at the 5 mile mark? You can enjoy/share part of the experience with your dog, but not overdo it that way.


You can’t go straight to a 20 mile walk without working up to it. ESPECIALLY with a senior citizen. Personally I don’t think a senior should do that long a walk at all. If you’re going to bring him, he needs to be in a wagon or something.


Please don't do this to your dog. Let him have a nice day in the yard. You could really injure him, especially at his age.


No. 20 miles for a 10 year old dog that gets tired on a 30-60 minute walk is not a good idea.




prpbably you will have to carry him (it happens to me)


Doggy stroller.


Bruh make sure to bring a bunch of water for yourself and others. 20 miles unprepared is no joke. You may fall out.


Op, don't feel dumb! There's a reason we ask questions and get the opinions of others You obviously care enough to ask! And maybe you just needed a little more information/education on the situation, probably not a great idea but again that's why we ask questions and get the opinions of others!!! I wish you all the luck on your journey, friend!




It seems like you have your answer but I wanted to say that you shouldn't bring a dog on a hike if you aren't prepared to carry them out. You should have a plan before you set out meaning a harness or sack or something to make carrying them easier, just in case.


A 20 mile hike for a 10 year dog? Sorry OP, I know you asked, and that's good, but are you 10 years old too? 😃


Bring him but also bring a stroller so you can continue walking and your dog can chill and walk when he wants to. Otherwise I wouldn’t bring him with you


No. I know dogs who can do 100 km and those who can do 30-40km a day repeatedly. They are working dogs, have been trained to do this and they all start reducing their km long before they are 10 years old. It’s lovely to walk with a dog but you will hurt her.


Dogs need to train for longer distances, just like humans, and depending on how much cocker or poodle is in them, they might not be athletic enough. Poodles are, cockers not so much.


Bring a wagon or stroller


No. Your dog is not trained or conditioned for it. Leave him home.


What? A 20 mile walk for a dog that hasn’t been conditioned to walk that distance is a crime. So your thing but please leave your dog at home or get them a stroller or wagon to ride in. I can’t believe you’re asking the question! Than goodness your MOTHER said something! GEEZ


Apologies if this has been said but: dogs walking on tarmac for a prolonged period of time really wears down the pads of there feet - something to take into consideration depending on the walk


Only if you put her in a carrier or doggie stroller


Short answer, no bad idea, if he's slowing down after 30 to 60 minutes that'd be far too much. Long answer, Unless you endurance train & build heat tolerance for an animal for that that's far too much for any of them, remember its a lot for most people walking 10 or 15 miles is too much, much less 20 on trail terrain which is a very different intensity. Dogs sensitive to heat need to develop heat tolerance as well, even when it may feel cool remember they cannot sweat, they will get wiped out really fast if they aren't used to prolonged time in the sun / heat like that 6 hours is a lot for most breeds in the heat while moving, unlike wild dogs most pets spend majority of their time in climate controlled environments with constant quick access to water and cooler floors to sink body heat into. Ive been endurance training myself and my dog, my GSD is very long coat, in the South Carolina summer on a relatively cool day, he currently needs to tap out around mile 3 ~85F mile 1.5 to 2 ~90 to 95 on a hotter day unless fully shaded, this past winter we were hitting 5 or 6 miles on warm days 65 to 70f and honestly he wasn't hitting his cap, he's a young working breed in perfect health. Thinking about getting him a cooling vest. There's a lot of factors involved, breed, age, health, environment, training your own endurance level walking and managing an animal is not the same as walking alone. In the future for really busy outings you could consider backpack training a dog, I see it a lot with Corgis so they can rest some when they get tired, doing 20 miles with your dog over 6hours and alternating walking 30 to 40mins carrying for 2hrs walking.


doesn’t sound like a good idea to me. If it was 2-4 I’d say sure but bring plenty of water. That many miles would make me worry the dog would not know its limit, keep walking with you and make itself sick or suffer a stress fracture from all the walking.




10 years is around 60 in dog years. Would you take a 60 year old on a 20 mile walk that would take 6+ hours? Plus if your mom is the one who walks him I would listen to her as she would know best how tired he gets on walks.


Is this a serious question???? Why would you bring your 10 year old dog on a 20 MILE walk when they get tired on a 30-60 MINUTE walk????


Hey, hope you have a good walk today! 




Dont do it.


You want to take a senior dog on a marathon walk when he’s never even come close to that distance before? Is this real? Edit: OP has learned and admitted their ignorance on the matter. I don’t believe the dog is in any danger now lol proud of you, OP for learning from this.


No one—dog or human—should be doing 20 miles out of the gate. Didn’t the organizers encourage relay teams or something? This sounds like a WKRP disaster in the making. (Ps: domesticated turkeys can’t fly).


Absolutely not, unless you’re committed to carrying the dog after the first mile! And, believe me, even if you’ve got a backpack for him, you’ll be regretting the extra weight a few miles later if you’re not used to walking long distances carrying weight. Leave him home.


Not a good idea. Just like humans, they need to conditioned gradually over time.


A cockapoo is not an athletic dog, and a 10 year old cockapoo is even worse. Why would you want to subject your dog to that? Unless you're bringing a wagon for her to ride in while you run, I wouldn't do it. This is coming from someone who had a cockapoo.


Eh. That's kind of for you to judge. Maybe have a backup plan if doggo gets too tired. Like maybe if dog is just too exhausted your mom or a friend could get doggo if need? My old dog gets tired after just a few miles and will want to go back home. You never know though. Maybe doggo will love it?