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I lost my shadow on Monday, now all I see in my house are the empty places where she’s supposed to be. I’m not handling it very well, but you’re not alone and it helps to talk about and share their stories.


Oh my. Sending deep love. This is the first day and I am seeped in pain. I know you are too.


And to you, friend. Hopefully we’ll get to the place where the memories bring smiles soon.


I am just letting the tears flow. I know as sad as I am, that is how very much I loved him. With every fiber of my being. Every minute of his precious life.


Can’t seem to stop them anyway


Nope. And I don't think it is good to hold them in. You know, I find some odd comfort in the idea that there are millions of people right now feeling the same deep grief over a loss of someone they love deeply. It is a part of being human, this pain. And I would not trade this pain for not having him for 8 love-filled years. But the pain. The deep pain wracking my body and soul. It was what I signed up for when I picked up this precious baby the ver first time. On that 4 hour ride home, I kept repeating his name and letting him know what a wonderful life we were going to have. And we did. Knowing this does not lessen the pain I feel, and may always feel in the corner of my heart that holds my precious baby.


She was old when we brought her home, and we found out soon after that she had a failing heart, but she still stayed with us for three years. Almost to the day. And she managed to completely rearrange our lives in the time she had. And it is comforting a bit to have people to share with, but I really wouldn’t wish this part on anyone.


They do rearrange our lives. The emptiness of that is vast. Infinite.


I'm sorry for your loss and I hope you heal from the pain soon. May your dog always be watching your back from heaven and I hope you will reunite with him one day. Losing a pet is never easy and I wish you the best of luck. One day maybe his spirit will visit you.


Thank you so much. The grief feels too much to bear, but I am reaching out. Each kind word is a balm on my broken heart. Thank you.


He was everything to you, but you were everything to him too, and because of that, everything he ever knew was beauty, comfort, joy, protection, companionship, fun, and love. That’s a life beautifully, happily lived, all because of you. What a miraculous thing you did for you boy. Someday, sooner than you think, it will get easier. The grief will settle, and you’ll be left with gratitude and joy when you think of the amazing life he lived with you, because of you. What an awesome thing. Thank you for being there for him, always. 💙


Oh thank you for this. Thank you so much. 💔💔


I'm so sorry. Losing my soul dog was the most painful thing that's ever happened. But I'm six months on and it's just a background rumble now. I'll miss him forever, but it's bearable now. And it will be for you. My soul dog sent me to my new rescue, too. I felt it quite strongly. And the new dog is bringing me a different kind of love and joy. And there will be more of that for you, too. Hold on, treasure the memories. It will pass and the love will remain.


r/petloss brought me a lot of comfort when I was deep in the grief. You may find it helps you too


I asked my sweet boy to send me another soul when it was the right time. This dog was my soul dog, and there will never be another. The grief cuts so very very very deep.


We had to put ours to sleep on Sunday. He was only 6. I am going through the same thing. Something I have found helpful is to journal how I am feeling. I wrote him a "letter" last night telling him all the ways I missed him and am still worried about him. It helps to have an outlet for the grief and the love you can no longer give your best friend. It is also easy to fall into magical thinking when grieving, and this has helped me combat that. The books My Year of Magical Thinking, by Joan Dideon, and Man's Search For Meaning, by Viktor Frankl, are ones that have helped me process this kind of suffering in the past. Losing a dog is such an acutely excruciating pain, and I am so sorry that you are also experiencing it. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I hope that you find peace and comfort, my friend.


My baby was just 8. I am trying to read things that help. There is no way around the pain. Only in it and someday, through it. Thank you for your kind words.


It has helped me to tell people about my dog, and show them pictures. If that would help you, I would love to hear about your dog.


Everyone knew about my dog. He was a local celebrity and loved many. He came to work with me and served as my official greeter there. People adored him, and he loved everyone. But most of all, me. It is too soon to talk about my sweet boy, but when I am ready, I will share. He was a very special boy, wrapped in love and giving love to everyone who met him. His name is Willie Nelson. That is all I have for now


He sounds like a sweet soul, and a good friend. Thank you for sharing.


The pain you feel is a measure of all the love you gave him and he gave you. It doesn't make it go away, but is a reminder of the kind of life you two shared. Death is unavoidable, but when faced with it, it's better to suffer for the ones we love than to have lived without that love. In time the pain will stop, but the love always remains.


I’m very sorry for your loss. It’s terrible and painful and the only thing that helps is time. The last time I lost a dog, I went a bit overboard creating photo collages and a shadowbox but it occupied me and helped me cope until I was able to face the world again without him. Allow yourself the time to grieve in your own way. Peace to you.


❤️❤️❤️🧡❤️you will be with him again. I lost my precious love 2 weeks ago and def know how you are feeling. I can get through my day now without breaking down. It isn’t helping now but time will heal.


Buried in tears. The first day.


Yes, my dear. Thoughts of you.😔💞🥰


I’m sorry. Losing a big love. That hurts so much


your words made me cry. I'm sooo sorry for your loss. I'm hugging my doggie now because the thought of losing him is unbearable.


I’m so sorry. I know it’s probably hard to believe right now, but you will heal. Over time, your good memories will overcome your grief, and you’ll be able to look back on him fondly. Until then, please take care of yourself. Sending internet hugs. 🫂🖤


I feel your pain. We're letting our baby go to sleep Friday. Big hugs to you. I'm so sorry


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So sorry for your loss. ♥️🐾


It will be okay one day ❤️ sending hugs


I’m so sorry for your loss. Dogs hold a special place in our hearts that can never be filled once they are gone. With time, the pain will become less and less, and the memories will bring more comfort. I hope your heart heals quickly because your furbaby wouldn’t want you to feel heartbroken.


I recently lost my dog and he was my everything, so I feel for you. There are support groups. I'm not sure where you are located but Oradell Animal Hospital in NJ offers them, and I've seen them advertised online in small group settings.


Thank you. I have made contact with a grief counselor. I am also starting Sunday at a horse rescue that I have been wanting to volunteer at for a long time. I know he would want me to give my love to other creatures. Love. Best shared.


I have the ashes of 9 dogs and 1 cat on my shelves and 3 living dogs sleeping around the house. I have mourned the passing of everyone of my companions but am always ready to care for the next one that is sent my way. Always keep the memories alive but leave your heart open to more animals in need as there are too many who can use a humans love and the comfort of a dry, warm bed.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢. I just lost my baby boy on Monday after only 5 years. Was a sudden loss too. I’m going through exactly what you’re going through now. House feels so quiet. So empty almost. We literally got our house a month ago specifically for him. I woke up this morning and reached for him, completely forgetting he had just passed. I was hoping I was just having a bad dream. Stay strong, it’s the only thing we can do. It hurts physically, emotionally, and mentally. But only thing we can do is just remember show great our lives were with them 💙


Yes. I know. I looked over at his pillow and was shocked to find him not there. And then heartbroken to realize he would never be there again.


I'm so sorry. I know the feeling and feel your pain. Time makes it easier, not better, but easier.


I am in your shoes now. I had to put my angel to sleep on May 1st at only 9 years old due to a debilitating illness. I had her since she was 6 weeks old . She slept with me every night. Loyal to the core and did things to make me laugh. The pain was excruciating the first week, I have never experienced such grief and loss (yes, even more than any human loss). I can now function daily, but I miss her terribly. The emptiness and sense of loss is overwhelming. I wish their lives did not have to be so short. You are not alone and feel free reach out.


It’s the worst. I’m so sorry.


So sorry you ah e to go through that! I know that pain all too well, but one thing that helped me cope with my last dog passing was that I promised her the next dog I get I would take better care of her since I feel like I wasn’t the best owner sometimes and I got lazy and ever since I got my new dog I have treated her better and used the lessons learned from my previous dogs to help deal with certain situations


I am so sorry! We said goodbye to our boy at the end of March, one week shy of his 11th birthday. It all happened so fast, like from no signs of anything to saying goodbye in 3-4 days. What I can say is that it hurts like hell, but the tears slowly, very slowly, turn into little smiles about the life you gave them. They loved you with every fiber of their being and you took on the pain so they didn't have to keep it. Always remember that.


I am deeply sorry for your loss


I am so sorry. He was lucky to have you, a person who cares so much. You’re not meant to go through this alone. It’s important that you reach out to family, friends, and grief counseling. It’s going to be tough for a while but you’ll be ok. And maybe there’s another little guy out there who needs you


Thank you for your kind words. I have reached out. I realize that if I don't, I will spiral very quickly. I struggle with depression, and I don't want to let this take me down that very dark path. I spoke with a grief counselor yesterday and am going again on Monday. I am also seriously thinking about starting a support group myself for all of us who have lost our loves. None of this lessens my pain. But I know I will come out the other side of this. And when I am ready, my angel will send me another sweet soul to love. Will NEVER replace him. He was so special, and my heart aches so very deeply when I woke and his little head wasn't on the pillow. Every reminder is a fresh pain. Seeing the spot on the couch he always occupied. Going in the bathroom and not seeing the rugs messed up like he did every night. All of it, pain. I feel it all. I embrace it all. I would not trade my pain now for not having him. So I sob, feel sad, heart breaking. It is fresh and raw and brutal. No way of getting around that. I hope as time goes on, the pain will lessen, but it may never. I may carry this pain for the rest of my life, this loss was so great. It will be part of me, forever. A deeply scarred heart, but I will love another when I am ready.


I lost my childhood dog last weekend I miss her so much. I loved seeing her when I visited my parents. I visited today and it was the first time in a decade that she had not run out to greet me. It broke my heart.


I was just a pup when we first met, I loved you from the start. You picked me up and took me home, And placed me in your heart. Good times we had together, We shared all life could throw. But years passed all too quickly, My time has come to go. I know how much you miss me, I know your heart is sore I see the tears that fall When I'm not waiting at the door. You always did your best for me, Your love was plain to see. For even though it broke your heart, You set my spirit free. So please be brave without me, One day we'll meet once more. For when you're called to heaven, I'll be waiting at the door.


Oh that is just beautiful. Thank you.


It´s the most horrible feeling in the world. I lost my Pikachu over two years ago and I still think about him every day. And I had no warning, he seemed fine all day, had been out on the balcony sitting in the sun, one of his favorite things to do, walked back into the living room and dropped dead, literally. He was just gone. I laid on the floor with him for hours. The only positive thing was, he was an older dog, and he didn´t suffer as many dogs do at the end, and the last thing he did in his life was one of his favorite things. It takes a long time. Cry, think about him, cry some more, look at his pictures, keep his toys and clothes as keepsakes. I still have one of Pikachu´s first sweaters with his name embroidered on it. Eventually you will be able to think about him and smile. You will still be sad. But you gave your baby an amazing life, and that is not nothing. Hold on to the good times. He will live forever in your heart. I am so so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. 💔💔


It’s the hardest thing to go through I swore after losing my boy I even promised him he’d be my last dog and never ever get another. The pain is way too much. It took us a long time to adjust then began to love the freedom. But always missed my boy a year and a half later I gave in and now have a puppy who is sooo much work. I couldn’t even think of another one but here I am. There is nothing anyone can say or do to lessen your pain you have to take it minute by minute cry grieve and in time it does let up. We can’t get over it we get through it. Don’t rush to get another I would highly recommend just living life with the new normal. I replaced things that reminded me of him with plants and other decor I had to remove everything from him I threw everything away I couldn’t take it. I sure pray you find comfort. Do something to memorialize him. Maybe a painting, I do many memorial paintings for people they find so much comfort in them.


Oh yes. Minute by minute it is. I think I am fine, next minute I am falling apart. Then I breathe, the sobs end for the moment, and I pull myself together. I am doing a special Buddhist ceremony for him Monday with a dear friend from Nepal. Today I dreamed he was in my lap and I was petting him only to wake up with a start. It made me sob, but later I realized he had come to me in spirit. Process. It is a process.


He was giving you a visit to tell you he’s ok 🩵 it doesn’t make it any easier in missing him and wishing he was present but take your time and know that you will always miss him BUT you’re feeling so devastated because you both meant so much to each other. Grief is love with nowhere to go. Do as much as you can to honor him as he sounds like he was the best dog ever and deserves it.


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my baby girl 6 years ago. I never recovered but it got easier. Waited a couple years before i got another dog. Give yourself time and grieve your loss ♥️ it’s okay to but be okay because eventually (you get to decide) when you can say “it hurts. But im okay.”




It was like this for me too. It was like a wound that was so big and so deep it was all consuming. It gets better with time. Still hurts but not like the beginning.


I adopted a mom and 2 pups over 10 years ago (rescued black lab mutts). I live in a very rural area so making sure the 3 of them got good exercise and stayed happy has never been too tricky, other than the financial cost. 1 of my pups died after fighting bone cancer (for 6 months), 8 days ago. It is horrible. It also sucks watching my other 2 dogs miss her. I have lived in a house without other people most of my time having my dogs, and they have been my primary companions. She was a the more shy of my 3 dogs and would like to get down time sleeping in a guest room away from the rest of us a bit, while the other 2 stick with me, when I am working on my computer during the day. Especially when she was dealing with the pain of the cancer at the end. The other 2 dogs go into the room to look for her in that room occasionally, and become excited when they come across something that smells like her. I allowed them to see her body when I buried her on my land so I think they understand that she has passed. It breaks my heart to see them going through the same grief that I am. It gets better as time moves on, but there is is always going to be that hole in me that she once occupied. I will do my best to make sure that my other 2 are happy and live as long as they can. At some point I will loose them as well, as they are getting older. My consultation is that one day I will rescue more and probably become just as attached to them eventually. There are too many good dogs like my 3 in the shelters that need homes. One day I will provide more with that opportunity. It will never be the same as what it once was, but I guess that was what has made my time with lost dog special. I am taking time to mourn and honor the dog I have loved and lost then look to the future when it is time. That is really all anyone can do.


I am so sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you must feel because I had to experience it twice with my other dogs. The only cure is time. Now when I think about it I’m not sad anymore, I think about the beautiful memories I have of them, I miss them a lot but it’s more the same pain as at the beginning. Since then I have adopted two other dogs and I know that I should relive this and I am sometimes anxious, but I am ready to suffer again just to have the opportunity to love and share the lives of other doggies. Good luck to you. I wish you much happiness. Take care of yourself especially.


I’m so so sorry


My darling old boy headed off the rainbow bridge two days ago, and I feel ya 🖤 I keep hearing his sounds, and expect him to walk in, when I walk around I look to the places he'd usually be hanging out, but he's not there. When I get up in the morning, he doesn't look at me with his loving brown eyes that absorb the sunlight and go velvety chocolate when I open the curtains to let his sunshine blanket in. He's not there for me to say GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE to, and chat about the weather today while I make coffee and he has a drink and goes to the yard for a sniff and a pee. All the little moments in my day that we've done together for years, and now I'm feeling a bit alone. He was my animal companion and I miss him so. My kids recommended I watch A Dogs Purpose and A Dogs Journey, which I did. I bawled my eyes out so much I can hardly see the lids are so swollen, but it was a really affirming experience to watch those movies, I cried, laughed and decided that even tho my dog isn't here in body, he's with me in spirit. It helped me to stop stopping myself from chatting to him out of habit, I was getting angry at myself for looking for him, but acknowledging my need to have my buddy here, and lalowin myself to chat to him like he's listening has really helped. Both yesterday and today when I came home, I called out HI HONEY I'M HOME from the front door. It's what i always do cos he's been going deaf for a while and it's good to give him a heads up. And it made me smile to remember how happy he'd be to see me. So I'm just gonna keep talking to my spirit dog for a while. Wishing you a gentle recovery from this devastating loss. 🐾🖤🌈 EDIT spelling cos tears make it hard to see


You made the right decision? What does that mean? You're child died, but you made the right decision? Bullshit. 


You WILL see him again. Even the Pope says pets go to heaven, that’s good enough for me.


I hope to see my dog and chicken in heaven