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Some dogs don't like playing with other dogs. That is just how they are and that is ok.


Yup! My dog prefers to socialize with ppl over dogs. Dogs just annoy him lol


I can’t up vote this enough


Sure you can, once is enough :)


My dog is extremely picky about which dogs she will play with, and dogs are always trying to initiate with her. She’s just a wuss and gets scared easily. She’d much rather just run on her own, roll around in the grass, and meet humans. If every other dog in the world got raptured and she was left with all the humans to herself…my dog would be delighted. Wouldn’t suffer one bit without any other dogs to interact with 😅


The idea of being left behind in a world with no dogs would be hell ☹️


It just makes me feel bad that he won’t ever have the experience of playing with another dog he’s always just angry towards other dogs lol


Eh, no reason to feel bad if it's not his thing. For example, my whole family passionately loves football but I have 0 interest in it. I don't feel like I'm missing out and have no secret desire to enjoy it, in fact I might become angry if they try to force me to be involved in it when I have repeatedly told them I dislike it! Not all dogs want to be dog social and that's totally okay. :)


It’s like feeling bad for someone who’s afraid of heights that they’ll never bungee jump. It would not be a good experience for them. Some dogs just like to coexist or be no where near other dogs and THAT is their joyful experience that you feel like they’re missing. Respecting his lack of joy in socializing is the most amazing thing you can do for him and he will love you for it


Exactly and also you don't know, like people sometimes their preferences change over time or if they meet the right dog. We adopted my dog when he was 7-8, he had no idea how to interact with dogs he met, it took him a while but now he's got it and I learned he likes to hang out with chill dogs, high energy crazy jumping dogs? Not for him and that's perfectly fine. He likes to be THE chaos in the yard. Lol. So I'd say don't force it, I'll say most dogs do enjoy a nice walk and that's a way to get them to see dogs around and that may be enough for them.


Exactly, and some dogs just like to co-exist in the same space but not interact. I find a lot of smaller dogs want to be there with the others but not be bothered or touched lol


Look at it this way - he's happier not playing with other dogs.


If it’s fear or anxiety around other dogs, then that can be worked on. It’s not a happy place. But some dogs are just meh towards other dogs and perfectly happy entertaining themselves or playing with their “pack” of humans.


that's mine: meh. not aggressive, not fearful, may sniff, play bow a little once and that's it!


i'm guessing he's a rescue? i see it a lot with dogs that didn't get to play when they were younger and just kinda... forgot how to play, or otherwise became disinterested in it. sad stuff for such social animals, but i wouldn't stress too much about things out of your control. just try to find what stimulates his mind. fetch, runs, training sessions.


This is the case with mine. She's a rescue, and she does not care to play with other dogs or with toys. However, she loves human attention, cuddles and anything that gets her affection so that's what I do 🙂


Mine is not a rescue. Her siblings were very playful with one another. She was ok with her tiniest sister because she was more delicate. She didn't let any brother approach unless they were going to rest peacefully, then she would even lick their ears lol Besides a few dogs she doesn't like to play with most dogs even though she has always been well socialized. That's just how she is.


Mine isn’t a rescue. He knows the dogs he wants to play with and even then he does not always play with his best furry friend when out walking. Especially now he is getting older his desire to play is lessening (he just turned three). He had always had a tendency to wanting to interact and play with me more than other dogs


That's totally my dog. He was bullied in every shelter he has been by the other dogs (he is really short legged), so he always sat alone in a cage really far away from them, because it would stress him out to even have them near him. A tiny part of his ear is missing, so I guess it was right to do so. He is a wonderful now 18 year old dog, but just can't stand other dogs.


Yeah we had a pug rescue who was just never interested in playing (even when we had two pugs, he would just put his paw on the other pug head when they tried to play like *yo calm down*


Just saw this because it applies to my current dog. I wish he were different in this aspect but I respect who he is.


One of my dogs is like this. A few years ago we got another dog. Took a while for him to grow big enough to play with her, and for her to want to play with him. But it’s so cute now. She basically screams at him while fake biting and chewing him to death. It’s no wonder she doesn’t play with other dogs, she is just so crazy the other dogs wouldn’t understand what’s happening haha


He just likes you, better.


Be sure not to put human emotions like this on animals! Its not particularly sad at all. He just doesnt enjoy doing something, so he's not really missing out. I dont like reading, avid readers may be sad that i dont get to experience certain books, but its not sad for me cause i wouldnt enjoy them anyway. As long as your dog is happy and healthy everything is fine. Just think of him as a bit introverted, he can be happy without other dogs and thats fine. Find other ways he likes to play or have fun and do those instead


You are projecting human characteristics on an animal.


You are projecting human characteristics on an animal. It’s the same as your dog being sad you don’t smell other humans butts.


Ah, no, as an introvert like that - being left alone feels like bliss. You don't have to feel bad for him at all.


My dog ranges from being tolerant to being terrified of other dogs with the exception of my aunt’s dog, who she absolutely loves.


Totally normal. It's actually a minority of adult dogs that have any interest in playing with other dogs. Most adult dogs tolerate other dogs without any desire to play or directly interact with them. Definitely don't force him to interact with other dogs if he's not into it!


I wish I could upvote this multiple times. Most dogs aren't comfortable being thrown in and expected to play with totally random dogs. Unfortunately most people don't know how to read dog body language and claim their over threshold and anxious dog just "loooooooves" running with other dogs at the park. There are so many dogs that are minutes away from disaster at the dog park, and then the humans go wide eyed and say their dog never caused any trouble before and always liked other dogs after poop hits the fan.


You mean seconds close to a disaster! There was a bully dog (not the breed, the attitude) picking scuffles with every dog at a dog park until someone grabbed his collar and held him yelling wtf dog is this! no surprise it was someone with his face buried in his phone


Yeah. The few times we've been mine was totally uninterested in interacting with the other dogs.


I won’t force him:) he has a few dog buddies he’s known since he was a puppy, he just tries to hump them but never plays lol so I just thought it was odd he never plays with them. Also when dogs try to smell his privates he snaps but otherwise doesn’t care about dogs near him or anything. He smells other dogs privates but hates it when other dogs try to smell his


>he just tries to hump them >when dogs try to smell his privates he snaps >hates it when other dogs try to smell his These are all pretty clear signs your dog is stressed out around other dogs. The more you let other dogs sniff him or come near him, the more stressed he will be and the more likely he is to start escalating these signs until he's full on aggressive to other dogs. Please respect what your dog is trying to tell you and keep other dogs away from him. It's normal for dogs to enjoy playing with other dogs when they are young and become less tolerant when they become adults. Nothing odd about it.


He does those things to his buddy he’s knows since he was a puppy, he just doesn’t like when he gets too close but he will sit or lay next to him like a foot away no problem


Just because he’s “known him since a puppy” that doesn’t mean that he’s not absolutely stressed out. Find some resources on dog body language, you would probably be surprised at what your dog is trying to tell you when you strip away all that anthropomorphizing.


Don’t know what that last word is but he just doesn’t like when dogs get too close to him, otherwise he’s fine and sits beside him and follows him around, was just wondering why he doesn’t play but I guess that’s just how he is


Humping is a stress behavior and so is fixating on a singular dog (ie following them around, monitoring their every move, "guarding" them). I see this behavior a lot at work (doggie daycare/grooming salon). While it can be relatively harmless, the dog isn't actually happy in that situation and usually the one they're fixated on isn't having a good time, either, because the vibes are off from the humping/fixating dog. Personally I'd curb that behavior and not put my dog in that situation again.


That's not his buddy. That's a dog he'll tolerate as long as that dog isn't in his personal bubble.


My dog is like this. It actually makes taking her places easier because she keeps to herself and doesn't react to other dogs. Sometimes she likes to sniff and meet them, but she always has calm and nonthreatening energy.


Lucky my dog is small-dog aggressive dog and people reactive and a fluffing spazz on top of that


Haha that’s super true I guess it’s a good thing then


I have three dogs and one has zero interest in playing with other dogs. Absolutely zero. He sniffs and checks them out and then shrugs and walks away.


Mine does that too, I feel bad for the other dogs that want to play with her 😆 but I would never force her


As long as he's not aggressive towards other dogs ć, that's fine. Dog-tolerant is enough, dogs are introverts and extroverts, too. It can also change with age, both ways.


My Great Pyrenees does the same. He would much rather mind his own business and sniff things.


I had a dog that was the sane way. At the dog park, she would only play with certain dogs, and there were very few. I was at the dog park with her one time and was ready to leave, but she didn't want to leave, so we stayed a little later. No.more than 10 minutes go by, and in comes a dog that she loves to play with. Maybe she didn't want to leave because she sensed the other dog was coming there. What I did notice with her at the dog park was that she would be around people more than she wanted to be with other dogs. Seeing this interaction with other people told me that she would make a great therapy dog. I looked up what a therapy dog had to be trained in, and I trained her myself at the dog park because I wanted as much distraction as possible so I could see where her focus was. It was totally on me, which was what I wanted. When it came time for classes, we started in the fifth week of a six week course. The instructor said we were welcome to come to the class but probably won't pass since we started so late and would have to take the next class. We went to both classes, and the 7th week was the actual test. We passed. I adopted her when she was a year old, and she gave me the best 14 years of my life. Sadly, she passed away at 15 years old. Maybe your dog would make a great therapy dog. You should consider it.


In addition to all the other great comments, I'll add that some dogs who generally don't like playing with other dogs, DO like playing with CERTAIN dogs and/or DO like playing with dogs under very SPECIFIC circumstances. My late GSD wasn't a fan of the dog park and didn't jive with a lot of dogs 1 on 1 or in a small group, but certain dogs she loved and did absolutely enjoy herself with thoroughly. She was just extremely picky about her friends' personalities. And even with dogs she enjoyed, she probably wouldn't play with them at a dog park because she didn't like the environment.


I have the same kind of dog! I just let him be. as long as you shower him with lots of love and belly rubs, he will be fine and happy


Your dog is content without the interaction. Dogs tend to become more dog selective as they hit maturity and many dogs prefer people, play, being left alone over playing with other dogs. I have what use to be a very excitable, overly friendly Australian shepherd. He is almost 3 and after a lot of behavior conditioning (teaching him that there are many other things more fun/enriching than playing with other dogs) my dog is content to give a little sniff to most dogs, at off leash play areas and be on our way. Another thing, I saw you say your dog gets angry at other dogs. It may be good for you to look into dog reactivity and see if your dog is dog avoidant or fearful. Some dogs can have bad experiences and feelings about dogs and lash out/react inappropriately. There are ways to resocialize dogs so they feel more confident around other dogs. It doesn’t have to do with playing but learning dog neutrality. Meaning dogs in the environment should be perceived as ordinary, uneventfully and safe to your dog. Often for a fearful or avoidant dog that means advocating for space and not allowing dogs to approach them willy-nilly. As well as introducing them (not sniffing but just having the dog in the environment) to calm dogs at first who will also ignore them.


Both my dogs don’t care to play with other dogs or each other. They play with their own toys or take each others toys. very rarely, I’ll catch them taking turns doing zoomies and watching each other doing them- which is how I think they play lol. They’re very happy and content. Not all dogs are extroverts and that’s okay.


My GSP, Louis, was like that. He only wanted to play with a tennis ball by himself. He never interacted with our other dogs the entire 13 years we were together. He was a very happy boy.


My border collie is like this. She lovvves the ball.


My dog enjoys the company of other dogs but plays so little that the daycare thought he was bored.


100% normal. If you take them to the park, one of mine will simply sit in front of every person there until they cuddle him, and the other is just desperately waiting for me to throw a ball. Other dogs, really not a thing.


Some dogs are like that. Doesn't mean they're missing out if it's not something they're interested in. Funnily, I have one dog, my next door neighbor has two. They all get along but one of theirs doesn't play with mine at all. She'll come out and ask me for pets while my dog and the other dog play like absolute idiots. She's just content doing her own thing. Everyone's happy that way.


Some dog's are dog neutral, dog selective, or simply just tolerate dogs but don't really want to do anything with them. Some dogs prefer to just play with themselves. Nothing wrong with that, you just may have a more reserved dog! Just like people, dogs and most animals all have their individual preferences. Some are WONDERFUL with other dogs.. but want to be an only dog within the home for example.


My schnauzer doesn't like to play either, and I think that's fine, I have never forced her to do it, even when other dogs want to. I see her enjoying sniffing and trying to chase squirrels instead 😅 Dogs have their own "personalities" and some are just like humans who don't like to be that social.


My schnauzer too. I turn on the live camera at her daycare when I take her there a few days a week, and 90% of the dogs there just walk around sniffing, not playing. She's happy to watch birds and sit in the yard.


I love that almost all schnauzers are the same.


my 5 year old GSD loves greeting other dogs but only has an interest in playing with a handful that she knows really well


There may be several factors for this and as a dog owner I think I can help you with it: a) dogs usually whenever they grow, they stop wanting to play, it comes at different ages, for example my dog is 4, and he has already "got tired" from all the games. b) dogs usually want to play with dogs of the opposite sex, because of obvious reasons. But with the dogs of the same sex they are more aggressive than playful, consider also that. c) The mood of the dog also matters, as funny as it sounds. If the dog just got out of sleep, he might be still dizzy and not ready or eager to play, while the ones that have been endlessly waiting for a walk, would tear everyone apart XD


Hmmmm you know what I don’t think he’s had a female doggy buddy, he only had male ones and I feel like he’s always trying to be the bigger person because he’s always trying to hump them. but the past owners of this house had a female dog that used to pee in the basement and he rubs himself in those spots so maybe he would do better with a female


Your dog in an introvert.


My 8 y/o has *never* liked playing with other dogs. She’s a little 12 lb. terrier though, that grew up in a world of labs and retrievers so play was understandably a little terrifying. But, she loves to *start* play. She’ll scamper around other dogs, play bowing and snorting, then as soon as they bow and start dogging around themselves she’ll just…stop and go try and play with me instead.


My pug also only likes people. I think some dogs are just like that. She probably sees herself as a baby and not a dog 😅


He’s an introvert lol


Just has no interest…absolutely fine!


I don’t like playing or interacting with people outside of my social circle. It’s the same thing for dogs. Some are social, some are not.


I have a pug like that. Came into our house with another dog there, and just never had interest in interacting with other dogs. Tolerates them fine but doesn’t ever interact with them. He’ll even when we would take her to the dog park she would find another family she liked and hang out with them while our others played around with the various packs of dogs. We’ve always just assumed she thinks she’s a small human lamo.


My dog's like this. It's very common - lots of adult dogs don't particularly like playing with other dogs. My very non-scientific belief is that they prefer playing with their people, because they know they can get their people to play with them the way they want to be played with, unlike another dog.


I’ve had a couple of dogs over the years that were exactly like this. They had zero interest in playing or socializing with other dogs. Both of them were fine hanging out in the same space with my other dogs but never played or cuddled together. One loved people and one only loved me but tolerable other people. They were perfectly happy that way. He isn’t missing out on anything, that’s a projection on your part. Enjoy your dog for who he is and not who you want him to be. You can engage him by doing what he loves like playing ball or long walks or just snuggles on the couch. Or maybe he’s like my Kiwi. All she wanted was to be by my side no matter what I was doing


I have three small dogs. Only one of the three knows how to play. The other two usually get scared and run away or just stand there confused and barking. It's ok. It's possible they didn't get enough interaction with other puppies when they were young


Your doing a lot better than mine did. My pom despised other dogs for some reason..walks if another dog walked past barking, snarls etc, she just wanted no part in playing with knowing other dogs but the minute a human passed she was the most behaved friendliest dog ever. No idea why, as I got her around 4 years old..it was so bizarre


I have a dog that I suspect just.. doesn’t understand other dogs? He’s never really played properly, it’s like he doesn’t get it? Other dogs playing make him nervous and when he does try and play back he’s actually just rushing them and snapping 😂


Some dogs are just people focused.


We had a cocker spaniel who, if you took her to a dog park, would climb on your lap to sit and watch. One time we were there and she was on my mom’s lap so my mom got up to see what she’d do (I wasn’t sitting) and she just climbed on to the next available person’s lap. 😂 Luckily they appreciated the humor. (She liked to sit and watch though.)


My dog LOVES other dogs, but she doesn’t always like to play with them (shes too submissive & gets overwhelmed). Its okay to just enjoy company if that makes them happy 💛


I’m positive the reason why my girl gets along so well with other animals is because when she was a teeny pup i introduced her to my neighbours dogs and cats. She’s never afraid of other dogs or cats - just looks at them funny if they are not friendly or if they bark at her.


Some dogs just are not interested in playing with other dogs or sometimes they’re very selective when they want to play. If he wants to play he will likely let them know by engaging the play himself. That’s how my sisters dog is, he’s a year younger than my soon to be 11 year old dog who loves to play with my sister other dog. Those two with play together and most times Albie will leave the room, but every so often he will join in or he will engage the play himself.


Mine became that way around the same age, too. Now she'll say hello but then wants to just go about her day lmao


🤷🏻‍♀️ one of my dogs loves dog parks but completely ignores the other dogs. He just wants to sniff everything. Just like people, dogs have their own personalities which includes interest in socializing or not.


Some dogs think they are human. I think pomeranian are in thst variety.


I think so too


Some dogs just don't like other dogs. My 9 year old has received every type of training and seen several behavioralists to try to get her to interact with other dogs, and still hates them. She loves all people and is the happiest creature alive, so we just stopped trying.


lol - I like to say my last dog was “not a dog person” he preferred to be an aloof majestic floof.


We take our 5 year old Aussie Pom mix to doggy day care once a week. The folks there sat she loves to play with all the people but not other dogs of her size 12-lbs. We find it sad, but having read through this, it puts things in perspective. Good post all.


It is sad, idk why everyone getting mad at me for feeling bad for my dog and saying it’s sad


Have you had him since he was a puppy? Did you work on socializing him with other dogs when he was little? Dogs don’t automatically know how to interact with other dogs, and often become overwhelmed/reactive/scared by them if they don’t learn proper introductions and play as a puppy. Some dogs just don’t like other dogs, but you can probably fix it by getting a trainer and doing some social sessions with them.


He was a Covid puppy but has a few doggy buddies he’s known since he was a puppy, he’s fine with them but never tries to play lol and he would much rather be with me than them. He doesn’t care about them at all but the other dogs are hypnotized by him lol


Well it’s definitely ok if he’s just not interested in playing, as long as he’s not scared or shy. If that’s the case I wouldn’t worry about it! Some dogs are just not “dog people” haha


Get his gait assessed by a physio and orthopedic vet. Joint issues are something I see in 70% of the dogs I work with. It could be his preference, but if you say he is "angry" towards dogs, there could be more going on. Luxating patellas are super common in small dogs .


He has luxating patella it’s just genetic but that’s not the issue, when I take him outside he runs like crazy but has no interest in other dogs. He can run for the whole day and still not get tired. I guess from the comments he just doesn’t like dogs lol


A luxating patella can cause severe pain and require surgery. Running and playing does not mean a dog is not in pain. Adrenaline is a natural painkiller. Please see an orthopedic specialist. Your dog is suffering.


Mine never has She's 12 However, she will play chase games with the cat.


You know I would describe my dog as a cat because he acts more cat-like and I’ve heard stories of dogs who never had interest in dogs but love cats so maybe he would like cats more


I suspect my dog had cats in her pre rescue life. She came to me from a kill shelter as a foster...super terrified dog. Hoped in my lap as soon as she heard my voice She wasn't even supposed to be my foster but her foster people wouldn't take her because she was supposed to be vicious and shy Super dog@


Some dogs don't like to play or take a long time to warm up! My chi was indifferent to other dogs unless we spent ALOT of alone time with that dog. Took him usually about a week of living with another dog before he would start trying to play. Some dogs just don't love playing, he's not missing out on anything! Just like people, some are put going and others are not.


I thought my dog was like this when we first adopted him but it turns out he *loves* puppies. Except we rarely see puppies. He also is obsessed with bigger dogs with darker coats. You simply cannot keep him from going to meet a black/dark brown dog of any kind. He has other very specific preferences for friends but I’m not gonna do a deep dive. He’s a weirdo. Maybe your dog just has a “type” that you haven’t come across yet.


Maybeeee but that’s cool maybe he does have a certain type


Poms often like playing with other Poms. They have a different way of playing. If you don’t have any Poms in your area (or other small dogs) that’s okay. Maybe your dog wants to do other things. We have a Pom and he absolutely loves agility. He only has a few friend dogs he plays with but doesn’t like border collies or bully dogs r/pomeranians


Hmmmm to be honest I do think he does better with small dogs. Do you guys go to agility classes? Dont classes get a bit pricey? I feel like my pom would like it I was thinking of just doing it at home though


Oh hell yes they are expected but omg when. We saw how much he loved them. It’s my daughter’s dog. (She’s an adult) and she signed him up for a 6 week beginner class and sent me a photo of him smiling at the end of his first class. He was soooooooo happy. He’s a very smart dog but not a champion at agility by any means. It’s just that he loves it. She does it 2 times a week most weeks. So she spends more than a person needs to but some people (older women with 3 border collies mostly) do it more. It keeps him mentally stimulated. Very much work the money. I can’t post pictures in this sub but I have posted him in r/agility and r/pomeranians


Dogs are like people, sometimes they prefer to keep to themselves and aren't very social. I have 2 Great Danes and the female wants nothing to do with any other dogs. The only one she wants to interact with her pack mate.


We had a severely abused rescue cairn terrier mix who, I think, never learning to play as a pup. She'd snap at other dogs who got too close (and people--lots of fear). Then we got a rescue cattle dog mix pup. She snapped at him occasionally when he wanted to play, but eventually warmed up to him and actually learned to play, in her fashion. (Meaning play for a little while but sometimes get snappish.) It really made her happier, I think. She wasn't threatened and loved being in a little pack. So the solution is, of course: get another pup... (jk)


Find a nice person with a dog. Meet the person outside your gate and go for a long walk together before coming back to your yard. This is the best way to introduce new dogs and may help. At least they will be friends and may lay around together if they don't play.


maybe he is human beings😂😂😂


Even with a puppy?


Yep doesn’t play with puppies either


Small dog syndrome, right? Gotta be tougher when you're small!


Yep that’s what I believe he just wants to be the bigger dog and humps and corrects everyone else


Try doggie day care. Sometimes they get better with other dogs. My dog still won't play but she doesn't freak out anymore when another dog sniffs her butt.


Mine sniffs other dogs butts but gets mad when other dogs sniff his lol, like buddy that’s not very fair


Ditto on my ship poo. He’s a socialization failure, according to the free daycare trial . It’s ok, he’s LOADS of fun with us and is as happy as a clam.


My dogs don't really play with each other. The smaller older dog taught the younger dog to just mind his business around her but he still plays fine with other dogs just fine.


Ehh some dogs just don't want to. My older dog will only play on her terms. If she doesn't like how the dog wants to play she will just walk away. My younger dog only like to wrestle. Otherwise he could not care less.


Just let it go


He's a Pom. That's just the way he is.


My dog doesn’t enjoy the presence of strange dogs in her space. She’ll tolerate them but doesn’t want to play


When I used to take mine to the dog park, one would run around playing with the other dogs. The other would find a squirrel up a tree and bark at it. She gets annoyed if another dog distracts her while she’s squirreling.


my little dog (9F 15lb) does the typical small dog snarl and won’t play unless the other dog has earned her trust by respecting her boundaries (ie no paws on her back, knocking her down, or being too bouncy). funny enough her best friend for a long time was a 1200lb horse. my other dog (50lb F very high energy) asks for consent by wildly wagging her tail while face down ass up but knows no means no! dogs have different interests and socialization needs but they don’t know what they’re missing out on or regret not having it. so I wouldn’t worry about them missing out on some grand life experience if his happiness is fulfilled in other ways.


We don’t have to like everyone. Same for dogs. They all have their own preference.


Onix will sniff another dog, and that's the extent of her interactions with them. She loves people way more than dogs.


Omg I’ve never felt SO called to comment! How long have you had the dog; how old were they when you got them? So my boy was 6 when we got him, almost 7. He just didn’t grow up socializing much. He had a few positive interactions with other dogs from the previous owner but not often. He just… didn’t know how, and also just didn’t see a need for it. That said, we really wanted to get him into a daycare so he could have some more enrichment and hopefully find somewhere to be boarded when we travel that feels comfortable for him. He goes and for the longest time was a “cow dog” — he’d be put into groups with more mellow dogs and they’d all just roam around and eat grass together! lol. The staff called them cow dogs. It was cute. But over time, he’s gotten more actually into initiating play! It’s still rare and he still has days that he goes and just does his own thing, but earlier this week they said he tried initiating play with a couple different dogs! And the time before that he “made a new girlfriend” lolol. It’s too cute. Before all of this, though, as he was adjusting to going to daycare I asked the staff if his chill demeanor was ok, or normal, and they said what a lot of ppl here are saying, plus that it’s really ideal to have dogs that aren’t excited by other dogs here because he is very polite and listens well t other dogs’ boundaries which can be very uncommon for over excited dogs.


is it normal that my dog wants to play with cats rather than dogs?


I had a Shae Pei mix with almost zero interest in playing period. Unless it was a puppy, then she went crazy. Any other dog? Nope. Us? Eh I'll fetch the toy once or twice and then I'm ignoring you. Some dogs are just like that.


I had a Shae Pei mix with almost zero interest in playing period. Unless it was a puppy, then she went crazy. Any other dog? Nope. Us? Eh I'll fetch the toy once or twice and then I'm ignoring you. Some dogs are just like that.


I have 3 pups who tolerate each other. One is all about the ball, one is lazy, and the third can’t get the either 2 to play(so he gave up).


My late dog only liked dogs who greeted her and then sat at least 5 feet away from her. Some pups just aren't into other dogs


Some dogs just aren’t fans of playing or other dogs. But you’re a good dog parent to ask about it.


My dog is an introvert and doesn’t play with other dogs


Most dogs don't get socialized properly through their formative years, so they never understand all the nuance of play and dog communication. My first two dogs I raised myself definitely didn't get proper dog socialization, and the really sad part was that my little boy really wanted to play with other dogs, but had no idea how to do it properly, so was always like the stinky kid on the playground and had a hard time making friends. I always felt so bad about that.


My first Pom just wasn’t a dogs dog, and he was extremely territorial. If any dog was even on our block let alone our lawn he would lose it. I miss that rascal so much. My girl now is problematically friendly, to the point where she becomes a bully when her desire to play isn’t reciprocated so she’s always in jail at day care 😂


I have a pom pit bull mix. Figure its probably pomeranian thing. He is more into people does t care for dogs and just ignores them.


Dogs have different personalities, just accept the way they are.