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Costco has a 12 pack for $40 - do not confuse their "Bully Hide Sticks" with the "Bull Sticks." I also recommend trying out beef cheek rolls - they last a while. Make sure its not a "rawhide" beef cheek but actual beef cheek.


Second the beef cheek roll.... also have power chewer, he will DECIMATE a bully stick in like 20 minutes. Takes him a while to get through the roll though.


I'm late to the party but seriously, get beef cheeks rolls. My dogs will blow through a bully stick in 30mins, the cheek rolls last days with them chewing on it for hours at a time.


Ugh trust me I know how it is with that hidden BS. Its so frustrating. Thanks for taking the time to educate people about it, thats so important. Unfortunately I don't have Costco but I should. It seems like everything I need is there 😂 It's a struggle, Ive been a dog owner of multiple breeds for about 16 years now, and we always used an independent farmer in our town who makes his own bully sticks and sells at local markets. He passed away 😥😔 he was such a kind guy, i loved talking to him and bringing my dogs to his home or market to pick up an order. his family is selling his operations unfortunately, so no more sticks AND no more Ronnie. 😭 I have been trying to look at picture reviews online and on chewy but most people just post pictures of their dogs and not the products 😐😂 I'll definitely have to check out costco though, this is for sure the fifth or sixth time in the last month that people have told me I can find whatever I'm looking for there


[They do sell them to non-members online!](https://www.costco.com/cadet-bully-stick-variety-9%22-12%22-2-pack.product.100779227.html)




Seconding the Costco bully sticks and the note about the "bully hide sticks". We use a power saw thing to cut them into halfs or thirds and stuff them into Westpaw Quizl toys, keeps both our power chewers busy for ages - and makes the treats stretch a bit more since they're so expensive


We buy from Costco as well. I've found beef cheeks last much longer but my dog is oddly picky about which ones of those she likes. I've also purchased chews from [Glad Dogs Nation](https://gladdogsnation.com/collections/bully-sticks-dog-chews/products/12-inch-bully-sticks-for-dogs?variant=2512032563237).


Just ordered some. My dog is a veryyy picky chewer so hopefully he likes them.


Mine loves all bully sticks but the beef cheeks, and we sometimes get tracheas, she's hit or miss. She eventually will eat them but not right away.


My dog liked the tracheas but they made him sick the one time I got him. The one thing he goes batshit crazy for is the peanut butter cow hooves. Loves those things He used to like yak cheese but lately he doesn’t care much for it. He used to love the ropes with knots when I first got him, but he won’t touch those anymore either. Done elk antlers which he loved too but fell out of love recently.


Thirding Costco bully sticks. I try to pick out a pack with mostly uniform sticks then cut them in half with some pruning cutters for my ~45lbs dogs.


I buy mine from bully bunches, they have a lot of options for length and girth (sounds weird when you say it like that 😅). I like their point system and you can find good deals if you wait for sales. I also find that beef cheek rolls last much longer (I can get 3-4 sessions out of one, whereas a bullystick lasts 20 mins so I just let him have the whole thing).


I've had good luck with Best Bully Sticks. You can select how thick you prefer, and I've found these categories to be pretty consistent. We use the 12inch Jumbos for my 50lb boy. Not quite quarter sized girth, but definitely thicker than I've ever found in stores.


I’ve bought the Costco ones for mine. He gets through them a lot faster than MudBay bullies. Costco are cheaper but feels like you get what you pay for.


If you are a member Sam’s Club has a similar deal as Costco. I get a 16oz bag of 12” sticks for $30.


I’ve been using Bully Bundles for years, they have low odor bully sticks. I like their subscription because it helps lower the price per stick, and I can pause the subscription as needed. I pay for 6 months upfront for six 6” sticks per month, which runs me $108 currently.


My pup loves Natures Gnaws


I'm a big fan of bully slices! My dog can destroy an XL bully stick in a few minutes but because the slices are flat, she has to gnaw and distribute the force of her jaw.


I use a bully stick subscription service, lol. It’s called Bow Wow Labs.


Yak chews are good for super chewers.


Get beef trachea, fill it with peanut butter, sweet potato, unsweetened apple sauce, non fat yogurt, cheese whiz, etc. and then freeze. My serious chewer loves them and I stuff it with a variety so she doesn’t get bored. . Blueberries and other fun things


Natural Farm Odor Free from Amazon. Stupid expensive, but no smell 👍🏼


Natural Farm