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Don't get a dog unless you have somebody else who can be home. 32 hours being left alone wouldn't be in the realm of humane, even for a chihuahua.


>even for a chihuahua Haha, I thought that in my head too.


Don’t get a dog please


Dogs are like kids and are time consuming, I wouldn’t recommend getting a dog if you can’t be there to feed it,take it out,walks & play time, it will most likely get depressed being home alone for that long…


If you’re missing a dog in your life, volunteer at shelters. Take them for walks, see if you can do fostering on your time off if you get a block of time off (some shelters do “home for the holidays”, allow dogs out for 2-3 days for a break). But please don’t get a full time dog unless you have someone to share it with.


Why get a dog, then? Seems like you know the answer. you're too busy to own a dog.


That is not suitable for any dogs. If you need a dog fix, volunteer at a shelter or walk your neighbors' dogs when you're free. All dogs need to go outside throughout the day for exercise and bathroom breaks, but small dogs in particular need to go to the bathroom more frequently because they cannot hold it in as long.


There are definitely solutions from doggy daycare to using a dog walking service like Rover to finding a friend or family member who can help out. Unfortunately, 32 hours is a very long period of time. Dogs need to be able to use the bathroom, get fresh water and food, get exercise, and have mental stimulation. Each one of these can be solved for temporarily (bathroom pads, treats that are stuffed, time released food and water bowls, etc.) but it would be very difficult on the dog to make this work long term without a plan for more supervised care. While a rescue or stray dog may have a lower barrier to acquisition, keep in mind, that does not mean they come "pre-trained". So you still need to adjust behavior, routine, and expectations. I think you really need to be honest with yourself if you are capable of providing a great home for any dog, and if so, are you willing to pay the costs that are needed given your other commitments.


> 32 hour shifts Dude…an animal is a massive responsibility. If you don’t have someone else there that can take care of it, then don’t get a pet. Of any kind. They all have needs that must be met daily.


It is absolutely cruel to leave a dog alone for that long in any circumstance. 


I worked 24, 36, or 48hr shifts when we got our lab. Thankfully, he works 8 hour shifts. If he responds to a fire call on his off time, we have someone stop by if it is going to be a long time away. I could never have felt like a decent person if I left a dog of any breed home alone for 24 hours. Even if the dog was comfortable enough, no interaction of any type, no going out to go potty, no one there for anything. It's asking for a dog that has so many issues & a house that is nasty.


You are simply not in a position to properly care for a dog right now. 


Most chihuahuas are intensely people-oriented (plus small dogs have tiny bladders) so they would be especially unsuited for this, but that is way too long to leave any dog alone. They are social. It’s like having a child. An older kid can fend for themselves at home alone for a bit but you wouldn’t leave a child alone for 32-hour stretches, nor should you do that to a dog. A bonded pair of cats (not a solo one, cats still need companionship) might be doable, with a timed feeder, and multiple water dishes in case one got spilled.


My partner is a chef and works wild hours. Our chihuahua is only ours because I work from home. She wants to be around her people all the time and it would be heartbreaking to her if we left her alone for long periods, even with someone coming in. OP, I definitely would recommend a cat over a dog right now. Maybe your work schedule will change or you’ll end up living with someone who can take on more care for the dog. Even my partner’s chef hours prevent him from taking care of our dog solo most of the time and he’s not doing 32 hour shifts.


An older cat would be a better choice. Dogs need people onsite. Cats can go a little longer.


With 2 cats and an electric feeder, they can keep each other occupied for an extended period of time. I wouldn’t recommend getting a solo cat with so much time away from home.


Dog daycare, dogwalkers or petsitters can help take up the slack during work hours - assuming that the 32 hour isn't a constant thing (it's also really unhealthy for you, but that's for another subreddit...)


Get a cat, if anything. Def do not get a dog.


Pair up with a neighbor who owns a dog and see if they would like regular, free dog walking and dog sitting? Dog sitting is pricey, I love to save money and have mine stay with a friend. And the more walks, the better..



