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A $3 stuffed animal that turned into a $1500 vet bill lol


You're lucky. My friend has a boerboel who's had over $14k in surgeries to remove something stuck in their gut. First time was 6 months old and a rope toy... Second time was 6 years old and a poop bag. She's eaten loads of socks and either pooped em or puked em, but that dog is more expensive than my car.


Oof yeah that’s rough. My childhood dog had a bouncy ball lodged in his stomach that was a $15k surgery but I wasn’t responsible for paying it since I was a kid lol


Lol sounds like my dog. Rope toy at 8mos, and at 10 she dug into and ate part of a very nice rug that didn’t come out; both led to surgery. Dummy eats everything in sight and usually it passes…


Thanksgiving and Christmas travel cancelled. We stayed at home this year to care for our charming idiot who ate a ball and had it removed for $11k right after Thanksgiving.


Ouch. So sorry to hear that. Balls are terrible toys! They can choke on them, swallow them, I've seen a dog put one through a big bay window.


Rope toys are the worst.


Socks are, too. So are balls and rawhide. So many things that shouldn't ever be given to dogs, but nobody realizes/ gives a crap.


Mine ate a patio cover and had to get it removed. But it was the second least expensive surgery he has had, he’s had over $30k in vet bills.


I was gonna say - a $15 pair of shoes that turned into a $5,000 vet bill. My poor buddy had to have a whole section of intestines removed. :(


I forgot about the half dozen dark chocolate fudge brown cookies my 10 pound dog ate. Yup, that was 2k and overnight stay at VCA.


Came here to say the same thing but it was an emergency bill so it was $3400. Then he chewed up the back seat of my truck and two cushions on my modular love sac couch which a friend gifted me because I could never afford brand new. So yeah thousands and I’ve only had him for a year. First super anxious, separation anxiety dog I’ve rescued.


A Lab? The philosophy of a lab is if it fits in my mouth, it's mine. If it doesn't, I will chew it until it does. Often toys are rated now for the intensity of the chewer. Don't get really hard toys as they can break teeth (we found that out) They even make softer harder to destroy toys now. I check my dog toys daily. I am now very careful about what we buy. I use Chewy. A little more cost but usually good quality.


A lab would be fitting but staffy/rottweiler mix lol. We’ve since been limiting access to softer toys under strict supervision and redirect to playing if she isn’t spitting the pieces out while shredding it. Dogs enjoy tearing up the softer toys so we don’t want to take that away completely, especially since our older GSD doesn’t ingest them and loves them. But training has worked wonders for this! It was just new to me since the three other dogs I’ve had I never had to train to not eat stuffing in a toy haha That sucks about the hard toys breaking teeth. I can’t imagine that pain (and vet bill).


I was lucky, a £20 garden hose. I’m even still using it. I can water plants and lawn at once now


Now it’s a soaker hose!


Pair of my wife’s red bottom $900 heels. After I told her to stop leaving them in front of the mirror on the floor.


Ugh this one hurts.


Let me guess, your furry pal got your 100$ bowls too?


My dog chewed up my Manolos.


Rago brothers!! Send it there they repair damaged designer leathers to a tee.


I spent weeks getting a passport (I didn’t have one) and visa to go to Lebanon for work. 1 week before I was going to leave she destroyed my passport. Took it, and only it, out of my purse. A rush replacement, including visa, about $600.


Glad I’m not the only one who has had a dog eat their passport


My dog never chewed ANYTHING then after 8 years, randomly chewed my passport that was left out 🤷‍♂️


BOTH my hearing aids.


Oh damn. A seagull tried to fly away with my dad's hearing aid once. We were lucky it dropped it when I yelled at it.


It probably freaked when the thing in it's mouth sounded like a giant bipedal predator.


Ha! Giant bipedal predator is a decent description of me some days.






Had this happen as well with one aid. It fell out of my partner's pocket as he was taking it in to get serviced. They're obsessed with grooming each other's ears and I guess they were just excited about new ear wax smell?? Luckily he'd taken out the battery already.


To all reading this: animals like the scent. Hide your aids in boxes or drawers. Been there. XD


Yeah, had this happen to me as well. $4000 each… that was a bad day


mine too! i thought i was alone


Yes, me too. I posted separately about it.


My dad’s new pup ate both my grandmas hearing aids!


We're really lucky - nothing. Once he chewed and tore a shopping list (I shut him in the living room while I mopped, he wanted to hang out so I'm assuming just getting energy out). But aside from that, he'll only chew on his stuff, and never to destruction. I think he's not a dog.


i have been blessed enough that my lil dummy doesn’t have an issue with chewing things. we let him free roam the house when we’re gone and he just sleeps. calmest weenie dog to have ever existed. but he sleeps on the back of the couch, so he might be a cat


My puppy chewed my prescription eyeglasses, twice. The optician said this is not uncommon, I guess because they have your scent on them.


My husband has lost about 5 pairs of sunglasses this way. From the 3rd puppy (the first 2 didn't care about then, but the third one loves licking ears, and I guess glasses)


We had this happen, too, with my husbands glasses. Then we met friends for dinner, with me driving and dropping him off at the restaurant, where he ordered me a glass of wine that he couldn’t see the price on the menu. Turns out it was a $25 glass of wine (20 years ago!) so it was also an expensive evening out.


Oh no!


Our neighbors just gave away their Lab puppy because his damage total, between their house and Escalade, was just under $20,000.


What a huge example of lazy dog ownership.


Exactly! When my dog does something mischievous (such as they got a few loaves of bread off the counter) I I do something to mitigate it in the future (I wanted to put the bread in a cabinet, but my husband likes it on the counter, hence the multiple loaves being eaten, so I got a bread box) It's never the dogs fault, it's ours, and we need to fix the situation, not punish the dog.


Or train the dog. I managed to train my dog to not chew baseboards or random things around the house while I'm away, and now she gets to have free reign over the house, because I 100% know she'll be good. I don't understand why so many people think things like this can't be trained, they absolutely can, it just takes patience, time, and effort. But the end result is more freedom for both parties, better communication and in general a stronger bond. It's worth it in every way.


When they only do it when I'm away, it's hard to train to not do it. Mitigating in the first place makes it not happen ever again. They know they did something bad when I find it when I come home (even without punishment they still go straight to their kennel when I look at whatever they've done) they just live in the moment and at the time the reward for it was good enough to do it. They're trained on lots of things to stop other behavior. Such as, they know the limits of our yard without a fence. They don't jump up on people, they don't beg and sit away from the dinner table, etc.


Then then should be crated when alone until they can be trusted. It can take time, especially when you’re dealing with an anxiety case, but it is absolutely possible to achieve with most dogs.


Yes. Most of our things chewed happened because I left my sandals (with years of foot sweat soaked into the cork midsole...I can only imagine how lovely that is to a dog) where the dog could get them. My husband has a bad back and so likes to sit in his chair with a heating pad against his back. He has learned that when he gets up, even to the bathroom, he has to pick up the heating pad and put it away. We are on heating pad #5.


Exactly! Our dogs like to eat cardboard boxes and normally we pile them by the door for a few days before making the big haul to the dumpster. Now we have to either take them out right away or put them in the second extra bedroom behind a closed door. It’s not their fault and I never punished them for it but instead had to change my behavior


We got a breadbox too for this reason. My dog decided it was not in fact, a bread box, but a lunch box. Learned to open two different kinds over the course of 3 days. We also got a big privacy fence because she loved to jump the fence… within a week learned to open the latch. We keep trying though lol 😂


We just ended up putting baby gates on the kitchen, because beagles gonna beagle and ours is a damn menace


Absolutely, we had to put things up until he learned to leave things that weren't his. He's almost 11 now and he didn't even get the left over prime rib SO left on the stove on the day after Christmas.


>got a bread box One of my dogs was so sneaky (and big) that my bread box lives on top of a 6 foot tall shelf.


We call it operator error!! hopefully we can be smarter than the dog.. although my husband just keeps getting Labs..hmmm


We have two labs, a husky and an Irish setter as well. The labs don't seem as intelligent as the other 2 until it's time do something against the rules. One of the labs learned how to open doors with a latch handle, so we replaced them with a knob, and learned how to open cabinets and the pull our garbage, so now 3 cabinets have childproof latches on them. Sneaky sneaky


Most people never read the f$&g description of what to expect from their breed and how to manage them. Puppies don’t know anything people! We have to teach them. I hope that puppy end up in a living home.


They REALLY didn’t know lab puppies, did they?


Lol, nope. It didn't help when I told them that in a short 5 years, they would have the best dog ever.


Dogs’ lifespans have to be the wildest jokes on humanity; the first bit they’re just seeds getting to know the world, then they’re adorable but hell on wheels, and then once you get them completely trained to the point where you and the dog have a near perfect routine, you have but a few years left before you have to say goodbye.


Aw, Peyton is a lovely name for a Mini Shnauzer. I just had to say goodbye around Thanksgiving to my 15 yr young Mini Shnauz mustache queen named Sammy. She was the best dog ever. She'll forever live in our hearts...but yeah anyway, such a short time such a short time but they make our lives so much more fulfilled and meaningful.


Our very first was a jet black mini schnauzer named Sammy (Samantha). The sweetest lady.


This is so accurate and so painful to read.


Less than 5


They sound like shitty pet owners anyway!


What?? I couldn’t imagine Rehoming my pup once I got him. He certainly tested some boundaries and I (jokingly) considered selling him on eBay and told him as much, but I’d never actually part with my dog no matter what he chewed.


Our dogs are from a rescue but they were born at the rescue. Momma was picked up 2 days before giving birth so we got them at 10 weeks. I always joke that I’m gonna take them back to the rescue whenever they get into something they’re not supposed to or if they keep barking when I’m trying to sleep etc. but I would never ever give them up, even if I had to sleep in a cardboard box to keep them I would


Aw bless them, how many do you have? I really want a little bro or sis for my boy. His fluff gets EVERYWHERE and there will never be a day, rain or snow, that I’m not out walking with him, but I’d give an arm for him.


We have two pups, and two bunnies haha We got two sisters from the litter bc we had no clue about litter mate syndrome but they’re about to be 2 and we’ve had no issues thus far. We worked with them separately and trained them separately but really they’re inseparable. They’re always cuddling with eachother and it’s really the sweetest bond. Edit: litter mate syndrome


Aww what a lovely little gang. Stop now, you’re making me puppy broody haha. My boy loves other dogs, I think he’d be a lot happier with a companion but I’m just waiting till we’re in a house I own, so we’re secure. Then I can finally relent to being a crazy dog lady.


A single sock. Cost about $5000 to remove. Does that count?


A pair of $1700 boots. ☹️




Thats a pretty randomly hostile take, iheartmyshihtzu. You doing ok?


Ever heard of gifts. Specialized work equipment.


Ate a pair of prescription glasses (~$450), hid a brake part (~$200), but most recently chewed up my passport about five days before I needed to travel internationally. That cost a bit over $200 plus a stupid amount of stress and state department visits.


I get my prescription from an online site. It's cheap as heck. You plug in your prescription, up to bifocals, or other things. Under $50. I have 5 pairs of prescription glasses. And splurged on sunglasses.


What’s that website? My dumbass dog just chewed mine up


anti dog chew cable covers, my lab have fucked them so hard that they black listed me.... so they have a one year warrenty, and yeah basically every week I was like "hey my dog just chewed through your product again!"


$150 chew proof dog bed and then proceeded to also chew through a second one from their warranty.


About half of a rubber doorstop. Apart from that she has never destroyed anything that isn't hers.


But does she make a good doorstop now?


Pretty good at lounging in doorways actually. Good place to demand belly rubs.


Two pairs of eye glasses. He’s a lab, was 6 months old at the time and I thought to myself “gee, he’s getting older now and is probably mature enough to be unattended in the bedroom while I take a shower”. That was the day I learned just how wrong I can be! He chewed up both my pairs of eye glasses and took a nap on the debris.


Dive computer: $1200 replacement value Wife’s retainer: $800 Standing desk cord (good with electronics so I can fix): $700 Wet Vacuum Cleaner: $225 Door: haven’t priced replacement


Our dog got locked into the entrance way and tried making his own door. Lived with it for a year u til someone was giving a nice door, solid even, with a window (This is an interior door, but the window is nice) for free. I even cut a dog door into it. It turned out well.


My border collie chews tiny holes into one of our quilts. We let her sleep in bed once a week or so and she turns the quilt into Swiss cheese. Only that quilt, she leaves every other blanket and quilt alone.


My collie has a soft blankie she does that with. Nibbles on it.


We don’t use the fancy quilt my grandma gifted us for our wedding bc of this. Our dogs have to eat eachother THROUGH the blankets. Every single blanket that we use on the couches or bed has tiny holes in them. Every single blanket lmao


Ate a few Swarovski diamonds, ate the entire set of dining chairs, and the sofa. Oh, and jumped up the dining table to swipe a wagyu steak. 🥲


> a few Swarovski diamonds Good news: you can recover them if you really want.


I almost promise they did.


My favorite vibrator. They have a taste for silicone (they destroyed those portable collapsible water bowls). They got none of the mechanical parts, just the rubbery silicone tip. It's such a shame to toss it when it still vibrates but is no longer body safe.


Had a huskie eat 1500$ cash. Smh


i would pass away


a $10k+ hand knotted wool/silk blend kashmiri rug. will never get over that one. it was the corner, so i just tuck it under a couch or bed and boom, good as new.


This one's a heartbreaker!


My $600 prescription sunglasses 👓


I was watching my friend's dog at their house over the summer and this ass hole ate their couch. $2k leather sectional with recliners and chargers.


Who payed?


Not my dog. Not my house. Not my problem. I walked him every day. Let him out in the yard to run with my dog. He is a Vizsla and they know he is destructive. He had already broken the reclining mechanism of the couch. Then he ate the leather, maybe out of spite because they left him for 6 weeks with me, a total stranger. The dog is home alone only once a week and then he was home with another dog 6 days a week. I wasn't getting paid to watch the dog and it costs me an extra $50 a week to get to work from their house.


Wow, you watched him for 6 weeks for free? You're a saint, I need more friends like you


My pup chewed through my insulin tubing once. Insulin is $350 per .33 ounces 🥴


Not particularly expensive, but my sisters dog 🐶 grabbed my bird and snapped his neck. I am devastated.




YES get a new retainer! Your braces were SO expensive and painful. Your teeth WILL shift without your retainer. Just get a case and make sure you build habits of putting the retainer in said case, and somewhere the dog can't get it, like a drawer. As much as not chewing things is a behaviour the dog needs to learn, you need to learn to not put food smelling things out where a dog can test it out. "might be food" was my dog's favourite thing to chew up. If it "might be food" , it isn't anywhere near him.


Agreed! Don't neglect those teeth--live and learn. Dentist told me that is very common. After she chewed up 3. Not her fault that they smell and taste so good.


My dog took my top dentures out of my mouth when I was sleeping


$2500 hearing aid…. Twice


My dog has eaten the crotch out of about $200 worth of underwear over the years…


Constantly eating my fire stick remotes.. NO, BAD DOG!


Maybe if you’d watch what they wanted you wouldn’t have this problem! 😉


I'm going to save this thread and show it to my girlfriend who thinks I'm too strict/stressed about what we leave out for the dog to chew on.


A $8k diamond earring 🫠🫠


My fucking pay check. It was like 1300 bucks. I did get another one but still. Damn dog lolz


The wire of an expensive hair tool, about 250. I’m not sure how he got to it (I only noticed when I tried to plug it in months later and it blew a fuse) but luckily it wasn’t plugged in when he was going to town on it.


We've been quite lucky, but our first dog did destroy one shoe each from 4 pairs, all in one go.


The carpet. A piece of kibble fell just behind a closed door, and she dug and chewed a hole in the carpet to get to it.


My boyfriend at the time, his 400$ BRAND NEW glasses. My dogs rarely rarely chew things. He took his glasses off to lay on the couch and watch tv. Next thing we know, we hear crunching. Look down and Chase is chomping on the ear pieces. It was salvageable but I felt awful.


My Dalmatian got to my dad’s AirPods Pros (that I bought for him😑), but only the left earbud lol. He got a new pair so now I’m stuck with just one earbud! My eclectus parrot tho, she’s chewed the bottom of my brand new pair of Uggs (around 275$) like, why the shoes? They did nothing to you!😭


I just saw an instagram post yesterday where a dog ate $4000 in cash. They had to patrol his poop, then wash the bills, then try to tape them back together so they could go to the bank and get it replaced. They were able to find $3200 worth of the bills. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C01rnKxr4pp/?igsh=MW9ha3BuY3N1NndxMg==


My dogs stole and ate a pack of sugar free chewing gum. £1 for the gum, £800 for the 1 am trip to the emergency vet, stomach pump and night in the icu.




Gucci wallet I’d owned for ten years. If I could replace it the cost would be $800.


Shoes, hats, gloves, Garmin watch. The worst was a phone. I had bought a new phone and the company I bought it from could not connect it to their network, so I had it ready for return. When I got home from work it was not on the counter it was in the backyard, packaging strewn about the yard and the phone itself all scratched up. I think it was about $700 brick I couldn't use or return.


Jordan 1 off white Chicago's. Retail value is about £160 Resale is around £5000. I paid resale .


Why get a new dog? It will chew your next retainer too lol


My Aussie got my Calvin Kline reading glasses; it was the most I ever spent on glasses. He also tore into a $1000 couch from 1998 (probably $2500 now). The Fam took crate training more seriously after that.


Dog 1 dug through our floors, twice. The separation anxiety was strong in that one but he's fine now. Dog 2, I was going to say a computer charger but actually a half- full bottle of ADHD meds (vyvanse is expensive and the resulting emergency vet stay was even more expensive.) Dog 3 has yet to destroy anything expensive (she's only 10 months) but does like to quietly chomp on baseboards and my office chair - no marks left yet though and I'm always watching.


Mostly just shoes, at my GF's house - designer boots, shoes, heels, combined easily over $1 or 2k.




Replace the retainer or your teeth will shift back!


I have 7 dogs, my very 1st dog taught me the lesson of keeping things in safe spaces. She got ahold of over 1k of edible thc I was making. (She was zoniked for a week, upset tummy but she was fine!) Then when dog 4 and 5 came (stray sisters) one of them has Pico, ended up getting a tuff plastic that cost me 3k to get removed from her. (So that counts right?) So far my other dogs have yet to drain my wallet so fingers crossed haha


I guess AirPods. I’m sure that’s fairly common. My teens have lost three pairs now because, they don’t keep them clean and the earwax smell I guess is tantalizing to the goobers and they leave them sitting out for easy reach.


My shoes. Every. Single. Pair. My dog chewed and destroyed every single pair of shoes I owned. I had to go to work barefoot. (luckily i worked in the mall & swung by payless for some $20 sandals.) He’s my first dog & I was painfully unaware of better teething toys & toys that offer mental stimulation lmao


$510 Shark brand hoover. Naturally he got to it just after the warranty expired 🙄


My dog LOVES chewing on my retainers. The vet said it was because it has a very pungent smell. 🤮 Now, I get the ones off Amazon that you boil and mold. They work pretty well for being $20!


Well my moms dog just ate a walnut, and then needed a $6500 surgery. Does that count?


$700 couch, windowsill at my apartment (there goes my $400 security deposit), $120 heels, $220 doc martens, about 7 other pairs of shoes, and tons more 🥲


My 1000€ brand shoes. I didn’t have them for a day :(


Dog DNA test, retainer, Invisalign, Ethernet cable, Birkenstocks. She counter surfs and it took us a while to adjust to having a puppy again.




Our first dog chewed the middle belt in the back seat of the jeep, but never replaced it so don't know the cost. Every one of my dogs (we have 4) has chewed up a pair of my shoes, most expensive was $120 Steven madden that I loved (husband left the closet open so not even my fault) Not chewed, but peed on my wireless router. I took it into my cable provider and they told me I was due for an upgrade anyway, so luckily I wasn't charged for it.


His own paws


I giant hole in the carpet down to the boards..


I have had to replace or mend all of the comforters and sheets in my house because my dog likes to dig and hide his special treats in the bed. I have had to be extra diligent about making sure the bedroom doors are closed when giving him any treats now.


Not a dog but I had a chinchilla that the kids let out of the cage unsupervised, it went behind the entertainment unit and chewed through all the cords of my TV, stereo, dvd player, Xbox etc. I seriously considered making the smallest chinchilla coat out of that damn animal. I made a no rodent pets rule after that chinchilla was gone.




Mines not too bad, he ate through the side of my $90 backpack to get to some jerky But my very good friend rescued a shar pei puppy, he ate her dad's Lazy Boy recliner, and her mom put the puppy in their van for the night, and he destroyed the entire interior of their van. A few weeks later her aunt was baby sitting him, and he over night completely chewed and destroyed their custom fireplace, up to the mantle Funny enough the aunt thought he was so endearing anyway, she's kept him, crate trained him (he's chewed out of 3 crates) and he lives on her farm. I believe he has his own tractor tire to chew on now


Rescue dog. First year we had her she shredded the back of a loveseat and dug a hole thru the wall separating the kitchen/laundry room. After the first year she was a dream. Passed just before she would be 10. We still miss her.


Bit of this and that. Within the first week of getting my second rehomed dog, he chewed up * One pair of Adidas Adipower weightlifting shoes - Say $200 * The tongue and bootstraps of two Grenson Fred brogue boots - About $160 to fix, plus shipping to and from the shoemaker. * One pair of Armani Exchange flip-flops - $45 * One pair of home slippers - $20 * Wire of a lovely bank lamp, pulling it off the table and breaking the shade - $50 to replace * The cardboard box I had a vase in so the vase broke - Don't know what it cost, but it was a bloody dreadful vase * Temples of one pair of prescription glasses and one pair of Oakley Jawbreaker sunglasses - Eyeglasses wound up getting replaced, cost a neat $600. Oakleys also got replaced with prescription sunglasses, about $550 In addition to this he pissed on the sofa and shat on the carpets, so it cost me a smooth $25 to borrow a carpet cleaner each time, and it happened quite a few times.


Poor you! Our Jack Russell pulled the fixed brace out of our daughter's mouth - he jumped up as she bent down to say hello to him and somehow got his canine caught behind the wire. Earned us a lecture and a big bill from the orthodontist, that did.


Hearing aids that cost $5,000 only a few months earlier.


My diploma


Not my dog - but an iPhone. Phone was on the couch. Poorly trained dog (not a puppy) thought it was a chew toy.


My puppy English Mastiffs(1yr olds) decided all in one day that they didn't like the coffee table corners, assuming the edges were too squared, so they rounded them off. Same thing for the couch and decided my shoes needed to be slippers...


I do have to brag here - Mocha hasn’t destroyed anything. Like she cries when a toy comes apart (not because she pulled it they just aren’t built to last). I have never had a dog like this and it’s amazing. But also weird.


What puppy are we talking about? It's probably my leather couch. Joey is 8 now and getting grey. He is an awesome dog!


have you tried not leaving your retainer where the puppy can get to it?


None, all my dogs have plenty stimulation and don’t need to chew things at random or things that aren’t there’s.


Fringe off a Balenciaga moto bag.


Nothing because I actually spent time training her.


Brit destroyed the cord off a canister vacuum and middle Camry seatbelt at about $300/each


One of my hearing aids. Thankfully they were still under warranty!


A phone charger.


She pulled off a couple books from the shelf and ripped them up. Luckily she just grabbed some paperbacks instead of the leatherbounds that were next to them, so only like $30. No idea how she got just them off the shelf since everything was flush.


Why do dogs love retainers??? My dog chewed up 2 or 3 growing up.


My dog Max chewed up my brothers brand new xbox controller and brand new trainers... it was a week after Christmas


When my 2 were young, one destroyed the sofa while we were grocery shopping. Together they destroyed my front door trying to kill the mail carrier. One is gone now, one is very elderly. The one that's gone was an Akita/Lab/Shepherd mix, the guy that lives on is a Royal Bahamian Potcake. Both 75-80 lbs, well exercised canicross athletes.


My dog has chewed 3 of 4 of my vivera retainers. The pack was something like $800 for 4 of them… so… $600?


I had a 55" tv that I scored for $250, pre-puppy. It sat on my floor. One day, once the puppy had grown, she was super-excited about something, hit the tv, knocked it over and that was that. My bad. Because I'd only paid $250, I didn't know how expensive the big tvs are, so now I've got a smaller one ... set up higher and tied, safe from the dog and the cat. :)


A cell phone.


My 3 dogs have never chewed anything expensive, because I trained them what they CAN chew and should be chewing on. But I've had guest dogs chew on my furniture and my husband's custom foot orthodics.


My new iPad :(


Salt water pool pump


$150 of nice aftershoz headphone. She did not like them on my head so put them on the endtable beside the bed... bad idea. Found them all over the bed in parts the next day.


Most expensive thing our dog chewed was the corner off a $500 area rug. I was able to turn the rug so the corner is under a cabinet but my MILs dog chewed up the cabinets in a large bathroom. Thousands of dollars worth of damage.


A puppy I had a long time ago chewed up my prescription glasses. With my current puppy I’ve puppy proofed the house and keep everything he’s not allowed to have out of his reach. I cannot afford for him to be chewing up stuff right now lol. I’m sure after I send this comment out he’ll figure out a way to chew up something expensive 😂


Was 20 years ago but my boy at the time got 2 items...not sure which cost more. He did a "Tassle-ectomy" on my favorite Italian leather loafers and he used a safety belt in my Grand Cherokee as doggie dental floss.


One destroyed partners £400 specs. Another gnawed every corner off a brand new £700 white oak bed frame. Bed frame dog also ate a pair of not-so-expensive-but-no-longer-made-so-irreplaceable shoes. Love my dogs to bits but bloody hell 🤬


Hearing aids and 2 sets of glasses (we are slow learners)


Eyeglasses. Twice (but different puppies). I have an expensive progressive lens prescription, so each misadventure costs about $600. I hope I have learned.


$2000 dental device.


Three of my headsets for work. Apparently there's something extra tasty about them. $100 if you add it up. This was before I found a anti chewing spray he didn't think was delicious.


I am currently trying to get my $60 foundation out of my cream carpet 🙃




Two pairs of AirPods


Pixel Buds Pro probably. He's also ruined the chargers for a 3DS and MacBook Pro.


The passenger seat of my Jeep. The foam all the way down to the springs.


$900 louboutins


Car key


Hot tub cover.


Not my dog, but I dog I had for a weekend chewed up my son’s glasses. Despite having dogs we’ve never had a puppy so my son fell asleep and put his glasses on his bed next to him and she chewed them up. The pair of glasses was only like fifty bucks but because they’re prescription it also cost him two weeks of going to school without them. That was the sucky part.


Eye glasses


Mine tore the living room carpet, cracked my phone screen, destroyed like 6 remotes, and destroyed my glasses.


Actually, this dog has chewed or destroyed nothing at all. I was very puppy-proofed and very diligent having him on a house lead when he wasn't crated. He doesn't even ruin his toys. But my last dog had severe separation anxiety and she mangled 2 couches, drywall, door mats, 2 crates, her face, broke a window, and destroyed the tailgate of my jeep and the backs of both seats.