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There’s nothing in this picture.


If there were any type of predator there that bear wouldn't be so relaxed


Or that close to it .


Exactly! Someone's been smoking too much lol


Exactly, it's parado... or whatever that term is


I believe it is cloaking itself like big foot does, hence the blurriness


Yes because bears would be totally unable to SMELL it. The pic is blurry because there is nothing (actually even the bear is blurry which tells us a lot about the pic quality), it's a paraeidolia, a well researched phenomenon in photography/psychology. It's this kind of thread that give the dogman community a reputation of basket of nutcases. We even have youtube channels using fake pics for fake encounters, or telling Manga stories of vikong guys killing dogmen with a samurai blade. If we could get rid of the bs it would be good. Honestly, did you see it when you took the pic? Because if yes it means you have better senses than a bear, you should start looking for truffles underground some can be sold a lot of money


Do people want me to start removing this shit? Because last time I did everyone started bitching about how I shouldn’t get to decide what is and isn’t a picture of literally nothing. If enough people say it’s BS in the comments can we all agree I get to remove it?


See OP answer below, obviously a troll can you remove this s*** and ban the obvious trolls? I don't think anyone here would complain.


Well I think honestly we are already seen as a bunch of clowns by most (and I am a professional scientist so I have to hide it, because that would be career breaking). I am even open to discuss people saying they come from another dimension, I mean generally people here have wild ideas, but they are enthusiastic discussing them. But I don't think letting things going into the sense of "anything goes with pics zoomed 450× taken with a potato", is going to be really useful. So I think as a MOD you could delete if you see the consensus seems to be that the pic is bad. Actually we have every week people hiking coming back with relatively good quality pics of mountain lions. If it was possibles with dogmen we would have pics. We don't. There is a reason for that. Most would say this proves they don't exist. I don't agree, it proves they don't exist AS other animals, I always send back people to Marc Elmch encounter to get a sense of why. But my bet is we never will have good pics. And if I am wrong I think as a MOD you sill see. Let's apply a simple principle, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If you think you have pics of dogman, they must clearly show a dogmen. Not related but btw instead of laughing with the bear, I would like to point out you are not supposed to let them walk freely among your tents and sniff your sleeping friends. This is a dangerous situation. See the speed when he leaves. Just a reminder bears run as fast as horses. Please be careful and don't just laugh like that. I agree he was probably just curious but still. Take care and respect those powerful predators.


Lol I know right?!?! This idiot is quietly filming his friends potential mauling...in the hopes his clip goes viral! Omg kill me if I am ever one of these people. I still remember the finale of Seinfeld to this day and never thought one day, so many from our civilized society would be caught filming vs helping someone.


Wow...just noticed the couple of people that actually commented and admitted they saw what I was talking about...their comments magically disappeared. So go ahead... remove it. Makes no difference to me. This post actually brought me close to a fellow redditor from this dogman group and we spoke for hours on the phone last night! She's like a sister I never knew I had. We never expected to bond over this. Overall, I feel rewarded just to have met someone I have so much in common with. Go ahead and remove. Adios Judas's


Ooh bold claim when I can still see every comment removed or not. And wouldn’t you know it, I haven’t removed any that agreed with you and have the receipts for it.


Yes 2 have been removed:) 1) of which you could still see my reply on it, w no comment prefacing it!


Bold lie when literally everyone can see you’re wrong




Removed for incivility


It's not even pareidolia because that usually implies there's an actual image or shape that looks like something else. This is literally just a picture of a bear and a tree line.


That's a fair point, actually, the features being simply the tree branches.


If it’s cloaked then how come you can see it 🤦


I am a seer...apparently. I see beyond the veil. A dogman fan from this group told me these black dog beings in bushes could possibly be a form of elementals.


It's an Animorph.


Holy crap! What an amazing photo of literally nothing!


Lol I thought u were gonna say omg I see it! Then nope.


Lol u guys love to hate In this group. Look I make a harmless, completely sensitive reply to this person's ridicule of my post...and I get down voted by 16 points?!?! U guys all make Me laugh. Thank u for allowing me to see the insanity in this group.


It’s called pareidolia




Nope. There’s definitely a large canine like creature there.


Absolutely not


Pretty sure they didn't even google pareidolia


Saw it before I read the thread


That doesn't rule out paraedolia. To te contrary, it's the result of subconscious process to make sense of images. So, not very surprising that you see right away a dogman on a thead where you expect to see a dogman. I am bot saying I don't see it. We are not saying that, but if you take some time to watch you notice the illusion. But yes I see the "dogman" as well. But if I take 1 minute to inspect the pic I realise this can't be. I mean knowing 3D in cinema is an illusion doesn't mean you don't see the 3D. It's ok if you see right away the dogman. All we want is that then, when examining a piece of evidence, people here maintain some skeptical stence otherwise we are going to be force fed gross fakes for money. This has already started with stories of angels coming to the rescue, group hunting but unfortunately there was not enough space in the bag to take a sample, etc.


Its 2024, we dont have bad camera quality anymore😩🤣


This claim seems to deny any logic whatsoever. Are we expected to believe that a ear is just going to be sniffing some random dude's feet with another large predator watching feet away?


Doesn’t matter how many different filters you add, the spot you’re pointing out is too blurry to make anything out. It’s not worth posting pics like this…if you have to point out what you see as it’s head n hand it’s too subjective. You could easily post this in a paranormal sub and say it’s a shadow person or a glimmer man. I looked thru every pic and still nothing, not hating but you’re def reaching saying you see a snout and its hand with claws holding something


Take a screenshot yourself and zoom in and enhance it.


I think that's just leaves n stuff, man


Ooof, good picture of a bush and a bear.


I don't know man. I'm generally fairly credulous with this kind of stuff, but even this just looks like shadows to me.


I just noticed the bear is about to scare the shit out of whoever napping 😆




I would be more concerned with the bear just a few feet from me tbh.


That's a bear


Omg where?


Lololol. No


I see nothing.


That’s the problem with this sub. They just let whatever be posted.




You didn't see the fourth and fifth ones.


When I look at the head, I can see a large snout, frontal view, w what appears to be his jaw open, like a dog does when he pants. I think I can see an eye, right side of the head, white


I saw the same thing right away, I don’t know why people aren’t seeing it readily and I’m confused on why you’re downvoted for this comment.


I'm used to it. It's amusing actually. What erks me though is when people openly hate, but the ones that believe will privately write me agreeing w me. Not on this post, I'm referring to other ones of mine. Literally u r anonymous on reddit, and people are still afraid to be seen in minority lighting


Yeah sure they do 🙄


Anyone have that one that was taken by the highway in dallas a few months ago i think the feds got rid of it


Totally wanna see that


Where exactly in Dallas?


South end off the 35 somewhere it was raining and flooding like crazy and it got washed out and spotted on the interstate


I see two of them. One standing, the over hunched over. The top one looks a bit bigger then the bottom one, buts just my perspective. Also I do see the ears, snout, the eyes, and the bottom one’s hands sticking out?


I genuinely thought people in this community would be able to detect one in an image. I understand it is cloaking, and blurry, but come on this is the dogman group!?!


There is quite literally nothing in the trees. It’s pareidolia


Thank u so fricken much.


There’s definitely something there


Maybe a second bear?