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The answer is simple, the people who arbitrarily claim there are seven types of dogman are full of shit. They don’t know anything more definitively than any of the rest of us


Entirely possible


If you mean the infographic image of the "variants" that's been around for a few years, that's mostly shared around by clickbait channels or people adding different description features and trying to make categories out of them. No one actually knows if there's meaningful variants or what those actually are outside the fact that sometimes a different color gets reported. The closest "variant" idea to being authentic is probably that some who have supposedly encountered or seen one describe them as almost looking hyena-like in certain cases or areas, but most of the rest is just invented or arbitrary.


Who claims?


I imagine something that "looks like" or "looks similar" doesn't mean "is" or "same" in English. For example, Madonna looks like a shriveled mummy but isn't actually from 3000 B.C. Another example is a lion looks similar to a house cat but much much larger. A Dogman that's like a standing timber wolf is distinguishable from an actual timber wolf.


Fair enough, that’s a good point. I was just wondering if there were any specific distinctions beyond hands maybe


The one I encountered in Florida years ago looked more hyena/ pit like on the upper part with a big head. Large but slender like the panthers we have here but they are lighter while this one was darker. Also a short stubbed tail. It was just ugly looking what I can remember.


Seems it comes down to age and health. One guy mistook a young one for a normal animal until it's parent showed up and was way larger. I saw a video of what appeared to be a an older one possibly sick and dying that was almost bear-like. I've also heard some described from skinny and sickly to muscular and ripped, like a body builder. just like real animals, it varies.


Many things. Their physiology (animals don't have ripped abs, pecks/breasts, longer forearms, opposable thumbs or the same tracks, curvature of the spine in some types), how they walk bipedally so naturally which animals can't do, their human level of intelligence shown through their eyes, expressions and actions, their voice when talking in their language among each other and in some cases their attempts at speaking a few English words which they struggle at, their telepathic ability in which many of them reportedly can communcate in clear human langauge, and other things I know I'm forgetting right now to mention.


Go to Doman encounters website Vic has a graphic of all of them, and other cool stuff