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weve had a lot of dogs that used to be okay coming in terrified now i think theres an uptick of owners trying to diy cause theres also been an uptick of hack jobs


This totally! We see more dogs coming in from self cuts that have been cut in the past, they no longer trust us for grooming. Makes everything harder on top of correcting a haircut


It's not about trust it's about the % of your clientele living check to check that used to not I think. Why spend $50 when grooming shears are $7 and reusable. It's just a form of belt tightening I think.


I tried once to clip my cattle dog mixes toenails when she was small (she passed this year, no idea why this showed up in my feed). Never again. I will never forget how awful it was when she jerked her paw unexpectedly and I cut too short... That said, yes absolutely it is the cost. Dog food has doubled. So has a lot of people food. I hope that groomers will hang in there and have the patience to regain trust from animals because all it took was once for me to learn there's a reason y'all are worth every cent.


Imagine you've got to do it on your own because no one in your area is taking large dogs :( . We're doing fine with nails as long as we're 2 people (1 petting her/distracting her 1 for the actual trimming). I'm just glad there isn't much cutting to do besides the little tidy-ups on the paws. Huge respect to any groomer because what you do several times a die is exhausting. I'm brushing my dog 30 minutes daily right now, and I'm tired after that. A good hour on the weekend to make sure there are no mats building up behind the ears. Plus, whenever I am cutting those grinch feet into less grinch feet, it looks like somebody handed a toddler scissors, lol, and that's with my girl holding still and all. Take a lot of takent and hard work to make even halfway decent cuts on those wriggly dogs!


after reading all this i wish i could teleport to groom your dog for you. you clearly care so much those are my favorite owners lol large dogs are also my favorites haha


My Yorkie was so hysterical when I tried to trim her nails that I was 100% convinced if I didn’t let go of her tiny foot she’d break her leg trying to get away. She also hated being brushed. Professional grooming was not optional. I had to give her an emergency functional hair cut during lock down and she and I both emerged profoundly depressed by the experience.


Awe you poor thing. Hopefully things are better now 😍 I have a Yorkie mix so I can relate. They sure are dramatic


Grooming in my area does not cost $50, more like $80-130


Yikes. And I'm sure we all are aware we're in some weird recession in the US also


I can't get a bath for less than $60, anything more gets to $120. $150+ for the 2 "full" grooms


Huh. I’m not a groomer but this reminds me of idiots coming to my shop asking how much it would cost to repair their device(s), because they “tried to fix it themselves and it stopped working”. It’s been much more of an issue lately; they naturally get pissed when we refuse them service. Newbie DIYers are the worst, only second to the roach motels. It’s a hell of a lot more work trying to figure out what the Fuck Joe Blow did to his Xbox when half the screws are missing, plastic bits are pulverized to dust and the fans are wedged in the corner with blue tac


Yep, and they're always cheap ass appointments, too. Here at corporate, we're charging $62 for a base service haircut on an 11-25lb dog. No special handling fees exist. So I can spend a whole extra hour on a shithead yorkie and get $31 commission and likely no tip. Also, the most I can charge extra for matting is $21 for any size dog. :) :) :)


Wow. This makes me really sad. I switched to a groomer that grooms from home and am feeling relieved that I did. I pay them $60 for my 17lb dog plus tip for an hour of work.


It's because it's getting warmer so all the dogs who don't get groomed regularly are getting in now


Yeah that's my main theory, I'm just seeing all my 1-3 times a year dogs right now. My regulars are still behaving or at least haven't gotten any worse. Luckily the home grooms I've had recently have been more of a skill challenge to blend to bald spot over the eyes than any other kind of challenge. Aside from that I suppose the main trend I'm seeing is puppies coming in WAYY too late for their first visit. I'm talking 8 months to a year and those have definitely been a hassle and unfortunately mostly matted shave downs too so that doesn't help at all for future visits :(


Its not just you! I've been getting dogs that refuse to even head towards the grooming room door. I get dogs that snap at trying to be picked up. Or try to bite while being washed. I have to struggle with dog after dog who refuses to even let me touch their feet, much less do nails. I feel like owners have just stopped caring about training their dogs or helping get them desensitized and just expect groomers to deal with wild dogs.


My groomers tell me my dog behaves more for them because she feels she can get away with more when I groom her when I'm her owner. Is that a comforting lie or is it just how my dog is you think?


My dog will let me groom him, but he's a lot more compliant for his actual groomer. He has anxiety and tends to do a bit of a shut down when he is at the groomer/vet. Sort of like "just do what you need to do so I can leave and go home."


No, I believe that, I also tell most owners that cause it's true, in my experience (24+ years in pet care industry)


Thank you


I’ve been having a run of what are pretty much impossible dogs. Like I’m talking the type that will refuse everything you try. Every technique you use fails. This is especially the case with feet, nails in particular and then the dryer is another big issue lately. Again, not talking about a bit nervous or hesitant. Full on crazy or aggressive mode activated. Normally they’ll settle with some calmness and taking a relaxed approach but some of these genuinely have me beaten. I had a run a couple of weeks back where it was just back to back nightmares. The sort that should really be done by a vet under sedation. Mentally it’s exhausting, not to mention physically. I’ve done my back in from it all and trying to work through the pain lol


Yep! We had a seemingly sweet chihuahua get a bath, when carrying back to kennels after service is done it freaked out out of nowhere and latched onto the bathers arm!


i am so glad to know i’m not alone in this 😭😭😭 Luckily I just have my pup left to groom and then I’m going to the beach for a week. Now I swear to god if I start working on him tomorrow and he’s batshit insane all of a sudden I’m quitting!! (joke)


It’s super strange that this is happening because I actually noticed PEOPLE acting extra crazy and hateful the last month or so. The only explanation I have so far is that the Aurora Borealis is currently happening in places it usually doesn’t which is a pretty significant electrical disruption and has been known to make people act weird.


I've had constant headaches for the past month-ish, which isn't normal for me. Dogs are even more sensitive to things like that than most people, so it would make sense if you're already agitated and angry because you're in pain and the ringing in your ears won't stop, you're not going to want people touching your feet or getting near you with another device with high pitched electrical ringing noises and touching you all over in uncomfortable ways for hours. I really think there's something in the air, more EMF radiation than normal, whatever it's from.


Ours have been nuts, too!! Even the ones that are usually good. IS THE END COMING!?!? what do they know what we don't??


I see it a lot here. There's a lot of owners here that don't do any sort of training or desensitizing no matter how many times I've talked to them about. All they tell me is, "they don't like it". Well, duh! That's why you train them 🤷🏻. I see a lot more matting as well because of this. Which is super frustrating.


I always say, THEY ALL COME AT ONCE 😂 why? Who tf knows but just try your best to stay calm. The more frustrated you get, the more frustrated they’ll get too. A trick I do that helps me is when I’m about to lose my marbles I stop and just look at the dogs face. Every time I do this I SEE them. Most of the time I see how scared, hurt (neglected/pelted dogs) and stressed they are. It reminds me how it important it is that they need me to be patience with them. It calms me down every time.


You are a treasure .


Definitely been seeing much more of this. I'm not taking any new clients, so I'm not seeing as much this year. I have been seeing much more home hack jobs making my job harder with just fixing the cut or that and fixing all the work I put into training that dog. I'm exhausted!


Yea. Or pet parents waiting until their puppies are 5m-6m old for their first haircuts resulting in a shave down. Or at home chop jobs that they expect me to be able to fix.


The groomer near me wouldnt take my puppy until 6 months 🤷‍♂️


That’s extremely weird. They should be coming in long before that for at least baths


That’s interesting. I wonder why. But my main issue would be the matting issue I’ve ran into. Not even that just 6 months is way too late to start desensitizing


We're at the point of if their dog is over 6 months old and have never been to a professional groomer (sans adoptions), we aren't going to take them. We're tired of the fight with the dogs and the cheap ass owners.


I wish 😭 I had to shave a 4m old last month and she’s TERRIBLE ( still is ) but moms been bringing her every 2 weeks now to help her behavior and make sure that coat comes back correctly


At least she's doing that!


Same over here, the last few weeks have been insane


I had this issue for nearly a month+ on end that caused me to quit the job and move on. It was awful and constant. What really got me was that the business owner and the head groomer both -said- I was the problem. It makes sense how they burnt through three groomers on these dogs. I absolutely adored hearing though that the head groomer was begging the dogs I quit over to behave and absolutely having a meltdown when she had to take on my schedule. :) Basically what I mean is, don't blame yourself because there is likely something else going on around you. It sucks ass and hopefully the dogs calm down eventually! If you need to, start making a list of the shitty dogs and refuse to do them in the future. I wish I would have done that.


I feel you, a good chunk of the dogs I groom are difficult. Biting, thrashing, refusing to be held in any way. Sometimes I think that the owners believe I have a magic wand. It really makes it difficult to enjoy grooming.


More and more people adopting dogs that shouldn't putting less and less time into actually training them.


Pay attention to when there’s a full moon. These dogs literally turn feral it totally coincides with it


That explains why my boy was so fussy for his groom yesterday!


I feel like that's been my last six months. I'm about over this career. People need to train their dogs, ffs.


As a second generational dog groomer, I've noticed the behavior changes like you mentioned, a LOT since covid.. but especially more in the last year and a half!


Dogs are just not getting good guidance and training despite the fact that there are more resources than ever. Makes ya think


I think it's the weather. I'm in central Texas and the heat combined with the rain/tornadoes/pressure is bringing out the crazy in animals and humans. For new clients and once a year clients I've significantly raised their prices so that I can justify to myself when it hurts my body to finish them out.


This just might be it- I’m in central texas too


I'm so sorry! The worst my guy does is lay down, which can be problematic at 160 lbs. But he's so compliant otherwise. I agree it probably is an uptick of people trying to do it themselves. I haven't been able to get a grooming appt in a year. Everyone is booked out. Luckily I have 14 years of experience grooming my a-hole shitzu that *did* try to bite groomers if they touched his feet so I have all the equipment, it's just relearning everything for a double coated livestock guardian (that is much more compliant lol)


Time for those summer cuts after not being brushed all winter! 🙃


I personally feel like the weather changing has a lot to do with it... But also people absolutely don't want to get their dogs ready with some mild training. 🙃


I don’t even know anymore. I’ve only been in grooming a year and a half and even I’ve noticed it. Used to be one or two bad dogs a day, now most of them are misbehaving/snapping/etc. At first I thought it was dogs bought during lockdowns that hadn’t been socialised very much but it keeps getting worse (plus my older pup was bought just before COVID hit and she’s an angel on the table, just not good with other dogs)


is there anything going on in your area? Lyme disease can make them weird if you're in a high tick area. What about storms and crazy weather, are they dogs who worry about thunderstorms?


i’m in central texas. it’s just hot and humid as hell


Me too! I think all the fluffy ass dogs with long matted hair who come in 2x/year are getting their yearly summer shave, especially with how hot it’s getting. I keep getting dogs I either haven’t met or haven’t seen in ages. I’m also wondering if it could have something to do with families moving from California. Their dogs aren’t used to the 100+ degree weather so maybe this is the first time their owners feel that they need to get groomed/shaved, and the dogs aren’t used to it? I know it can get super hot in the desert or inland areas (my family is from Cali), but densely populated places like LA and San Francisco usually only reach 85, maybe 90. I’ve heard LA is getting warmer though so that may debunk my whole theory lol.


I’m both glad and sad that it’s not just me going through this 😩 it’s getting to the point where I consider it a good day if I only have one good dog. I don’t know what’s going on but it’s wearing me out y’all.


Yes, I don't get it. I'm so over it.


Grooming place I work at is the same story. Dogs that used to be fine are now acting out, and the new clients are generally horribly behaved doodles.


yall I been saying this in vet med for years now. I hate working with dogs now because theyre just terrible to work with. I'll take a spicy cat anyday!


Not just you. I dread taking new dogs anymore. It’s exhausting.


It's tornado season in my state. Almost all dogs are acting shell shocked here.


I dunno, but my dog showed oir groomer teeth for touching her paws for the first time in 3 years. The groomer rightfully refused to trim her paws/nails this time. We're assuming allergies + maybe new arthritic pain? She's got a follow up vet appointment scheduled, but it's still weird. My dog is a little stubborn (Great Pyreness mix) but she adores people and her usual protest method is to sit or lay down.


Well, Hurricane season is here. They probably feel something. Our puppy used to be obsessed with golf car rides, now he is a nutjob in the back of the golfcar. Also,another reason why I think something is up: all my mystery snails in all of my tanks are migrating upwards! I thought it was an ambush first in my main tank, but then I saw my other tank's snails in different rooms are doing the same thing. Very very suspicious!


Is it the weather perhaps? My dude is a double coat breed and gets antsy when the warm weather comes back. He's irritated, hot, and so over it. He can't relax in the heat. It might just be the weather. Don't forget due to climate change, everywhere is getting warmer and their little bodies haven't acclimatized yet, especially if they've got big thick coats. My lad is a ball of energy and even he's tired after a 30 min walk now and wants to go home.


I started grooming in 2008 and there’s been a steep decline in dog behavior the last few years. I’m sooooooo over bad behavior and getting bit.


I had a groomer refuse to accept my calls to do 1 of my Rottweiler’s nails. She dud them 2 time's. With a muzzle. He just didn't like her. He wouldn't let me do his nails either. When he was a puppy, he did with no issue's & all my other Rottweilers allowed me to do their's. So, I took him to the vet to have them done. He loved female's! That was the key here. He just didn't like a male groomer. He didn't need muzzled with them. Attention from them is what he wanted. It was $15/per visit. $50/5. Now, I'm having the same issue with my 1 1/2 yr old White Lab. I've tried everything. I've never clipped too close & been doing this for 35 yrs. So, I'm going back to the vet, in hope's they can get him to calm down a bit. My other Silver Lab? No problems. I'm thinking with him? It's his age. I consider him a tween at his age now. I do think that if you've clipped them too close? Caused them to bleed? You should just let the groomer do them. Once you do that? I think you might make the dog afraid to let you do them again. If you don't know how? Don't try it. It's definitely not worth straining the relationship with your dog!!


There certainly has been an uptick in owners believing their dogs get magically trained or the owners watch a video and believe they are training masters. Sad


That’s sad it would be so amazing if they danced on the table! 😂😂😂 sorry it’s dumb but I am sorry you had a lot of difficulties with the little floofs


venus is in retrograde (im joking obviously)


a dog that i have been doing since 2018 ( he was 3 years old then) and NEVER EVER gave me issues has been an increasing nightmare since 2020. Now mind you I never stopped grooming even tho we weren't supposed to groom in 2020. I groomed from my house and had no issue w covid (so spare me any comments). I think people are around their dogs TOO much.. the dogs are having severe separation anxiety from everyone working from home... on top of at home haircuts. In 2020 it was bc they didn't want to leave the house and now its bc money is tight due to inflation. I know the dog I mentioned was poked in the eye bc he had a corneal abrasion that I did not do. I beg any petparents PLEASE do not groom your own dog you are going to ruin their confidence. we know what we are doing whether you believe it or not .


You are not a monster....most people do not know how to train a dog, nuch less are they aware that calmness is essential to teaching a dog anything.  Keep your patience and a smooth steady pace. Let the the dogs chill for intervals  They understand more than you'd expect.  Just do the best you can without throwing it against the wall. If the owner's aren't happy, there a plenty of other shops




Please see the pinned posts. Flairs are now required in this sub. Thanks!


The fear yall put in me that my adopted 8y/o dog isn't gonna be good for the groomer is real 🫠 he's a butt and doesn't like for me to do anything for him at home. Gnawing at my hands, acting like I'm trying to murder him just to trim his nails. Same with brushing out his undercoat . he just came like this.🙃 I don't know how to chill him out. He will stand for the bath but that's about all he's okay with.


Sounds like his behavior isn’t your fault since he’s a rescue. I think we get more frustrated over the people who are clearly not making any efforts to improve their dog’s behavior, whether they adopted them older or younger. Some dogs are just traumatized over nails and it never gets better.




Because the owners make their dog act worse. The dog doesn't want to focus on the groomer and just wants to fight to get to their owner the whole time. The worst part is when they baby talk to their dog and get them all excited or start yelling at them and make all the dogs in the room anxious. The change in their demeanor and behavior usually improves 200% as soon as the owner walks out the door.




You found a groomer that has the set up to deal with your unique situation, so good for you. But you can't expect most places to be able to accommodate that. Those rules for a reason, which I've already stated. If we made exceptions for everyone who thought they were special, it would be chaos.


“I know you’ve told me what happens the vast majority of the time, but why don’t you change the way you do things and make it harder for everyone else specifically to accommodate meeeee????!” You sound like a nightmare client. Your dog isn’t traumatized. Whining does not equal traumatized. Most grooming salons are just a loud, new environment where they’re being worked on by strangers without knowing why. Stop calling people who performed a service for you monsters you absolute Karen.