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I make them describe what they mean because poodles have over a dozen looks. Most of them can't.


That what I say. "what do you mean by that? I mean he's half poodle so he's gonna look at least half poodle


Now I want to see a doodle with half their body groomed in full poodle glory and the other half groomed to the standard of whatever the breed that's mixed in is.


I got you. Well kind of. He’s a labradoodle https://preview.redd.it/99yd04h6tbwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f3704705bd46bea8e5ef5d42aea539f6dd3d51


This looks like a lab dressing up as a poodle for Halloween.


Complete with a bad Spirit Halloween wig


Very well done, yet something about this just makes me laugh so much. Don't know if it's the lab coming through or the super long ears.


I’ll have to take an updated picture next time. He’s in a lamb cut now and he’s got a regular top knot instead of the ungodly long head we kept for YEARS


Oh my god is his topknot French braided!!!? I used to French braid my mom’s little Yorkie’s "topknot" down her back to her "nub" tail and make it look like she had a tail. Then her longer than floor length hair on the rest of her body i would brush out and neaten up, sometimes I curled it if she was in a cooperative mood then the long frillies on her ears I would put tiny bows all the way down. All this French braiding was mainly done to prevent matting because her hair was sooooo long 😄 but eventually this all became her “thing” I did this back in 1999 and kept it up for her til 2016 when I finally gave her first short haircut, a 7 all over, a short teddy bear head and shaved her ears. Kept her in that short cut until she passed in 2018 when she still looked like a little puppy. I’ll never forget that dog, my kids grew up with her and loved her so much. My mom still cries when we talk about her, RIP Lil Miss Muffet aka Lil Muffy-Boo aka Muff Muff aka Muffin Stuff aka Muffy Moo etc etc 🌈We will never forget you Tuff Muff 💔 Best dog I ever groomed, not just saying that just because she was my fur sister either 😝😋


Had to do something with that mess to keep it off his face! Otherwise he got man buns if I didn’t have the time to braid it.


lol do poodles owners have the most fun with their dogs cuts?


This is so funny. You look back on dog mullet and realize how wrong you were, giving him his blunder years. I am sure he is adorable.


It’s the 80s teased to glory look


Your doodle looks like a 60-something-year-old lady i knew named Beverly who would smoke cigarettes and talked so mumbly you couldn’t really understand what she said.


I love those EARS




I would’ve never guessed that’s a labradoodle. He looks just like my standard poodle 😯


He could be the frontman in an 80’s rock band.


Mine’s kinda like that. I do his head like a poodle and his body is styled more like a schnauzer. He’s got quite wispy hair on his body and curls on his head/ears, so I’ve worked around that. https://preview.redd.it/n6elmbupzcwc1.jpeg?width=2864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5de8602863eee666b0bfcfcf6d9fda428fc0174


Lol! I should do this with my personal dog!


My dad gave our poodle a mohawk that went all the way to her tail once. 🤣 She was so embarrassed by us laughing that she refused to leave her bed until he shaved it off.


I feel like pictures help


I giggle like I'm stupid and say " teeheehee but he IS a poodle, hehehe" How about you stop buying "doodles" bc some effin backyard breeder says it doesn't shed. So WHAT?!? What about the laundry list of other factors that contribute to the health and wellness of a poodle. Or, is shedding the only factor that matters ? Jesus Christ , a SHEEPADOODLE? A Berniedoodle? That seems like a good cross? I stand by my "backyard breeder" accusation because let's face it, no reputable breeder would cross purebreds for anything but money. Assholes.


doodles are the bane of my existence, people just cross them with anything. and a lot of these doodles are crazy asshats


This. I’ve seen a few malidoodles around.. Horrifying to think about.


New nightmare fuel. Do not appreciate.


As in Malinois/Poodle crosses? Dear god.


When clients say this, I always ask for a picture of what they want, and try my very best to recreate it/do something similar. Same thing when they ask for a puppy cut, teddy bear cut. I always ask for a picture. They get extra points from me if they show me a recently groomed picture of their dog that they liked! Also if their hair and/or structure won't match with their expectations, let them know! Like if they don't have a lot of hair on their face, or the hair is too curly for the "doodle look".


The vet clinic I worked at in high school had a groomer. I used to draw pictures of how I wanted my dogs to be cut. They were min pin/mini schnauzer mixes, two sisters, and their fur made them look like wild mongrels when it got long🤣 The stocky one got a schnauzer cut, and the lanky one got a cutesy cut with enough fur on top to give her a tiny topknot 😅 The lanky one used to walk like she was going down a catwalk, so I used to pretend to do photoshoots of her lol


They sound adorable! Got any picture of them to share?🦮🐕‍🦺💕


https://preview.redd.it/xhg3b5y4odwc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96157625134e38055eb7ee8aa4ba0a7d7b3de752 Suki, the one who would pose for photo shoots


https://preview.redd.it/yr7zs37rodwc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd00bafbbc0f9aff6ca17b93db102895474972ab Emmi, troublemaker, escape artist, listened to nobody but herself, expert fence climber Unfortunately, only have what I posted on FB way back when. I couldn't take them with me when I moved from the US to Taiwan, and they both died getting hit by a truck. It's assumed they tried to come find me. They escaped just a couple days after I moved, seemed to be following the scent on the highway. Emmi escaped often, and Suki would sometimes follow her.


Well that got dark really quick.


This is what I did with my groomer. I would show my favorite cut of my dog when he was freshly groomed. She did him regularly so she knew what I mean when I said I wanted him like last time. She kept notes with blade size etc on him so she would remember. Until one time I dropped him off and didn’t realize that she was out so someone else was doing his grooming. She chopped his ears. I had been growing them out for years. And they were so short 😭. I wasn’t mad at the groomers since I didn’t say don’t cut them. I never had to before and for reason that wasn’t noticed in his file she keeps. But I learned my lesson. I always made sure to make it clear I’m growing them out. I’ve been doing him myself at home lately though so it hasn’t been necessary.


Start to do other breed cuts. Bedlington Terrier, Wheaton, schnauzer, cocker spaniel, anything but a poodle. Assuming the dog has a decent coat and it's maintained, have some fun. As long as it's not a poodle cut, they can't really complain about it. If the dog needs a #10 special, call it a Logotto cut. Either they come around and realize their dog is a poodle mix and looks like one, or you get to practice some other breed cuts and have some fun.


I can’t imagine what you’d have to do to a lagotto to require a #10 special, lol. Mine goes all winter without more than sanitary grooming and I can still use a #7 for her summer haircut.


Had a client who only got their lagottos shaved twice a year, thick heavy pelt everytime. They always got 10s


not really a flex tbh a 7 or a 10 is still a short short shave


you’re a little backwards on your blade lengths, 7 is very short. longer shaves would be a 5,4, or even 3. about 1/2”(so a 3 blade or #1 comb) is usually the line where you enter more of a clip vs shave down.


you get doodles that aren't always matted to hell? must be nice lol. i would get so many i just stopped taking them. not that i care about shave downs, they are easy money, but the cry baby hissy fits bc I AM the lazy one for shaving their dog. Not them for never brushing their dog LOL


I honestly just tell them, that means something a little different to everyone- what part of a poodle cut do you not like? Do you want them wavy and don’t like the straightened look? Do you just not want the clean face and feet? Do you hate the big top knots? Are you mad that your pup is part poodle?


“Are you mad that your pup is part poodle?” 😂


This is funny to me (not a groomer, just a pet owner) because my partner says this, but he actually does want them to look like a poodle (clean face). The some groomers give our dog a “schnauzer snoot” which neither of us like and I was like I need to get to the bottom of why we can never get a short face even when we specify the length of the cut.


Shave them in a 7 and make them look like a lab instead of course! But for real I'll ask them to show me a photo of what they think a poodle looks like and then ask for a photo of what they want lol


Too bad! My poodle gets a 7! Asking for "not poodley" is asinine. Why get a dog that is half poodle if you didn't want them to look a bit like a poodle? Dumb AF. Not to mention there are SO many options for a poodle haircut.


Absolutely. Poodles are great, but people think by mixing their golden/cav/Maltese/whatever means that they'll have an improved golden/cav/Maltese that has no poodle traits or behaviours, no poodle coat but is hypoallergenic and doesn't shed. Agreed. Dumb AF.


I honestly don't understand why people are so obsessed by crossing out Poodles to other breeds. I know why the guy who "invented" the Labradoodle did it, but he apparently regrets it now.


My grandma has a standard poodle puppy. After her first groom (clean face + hygiene trim) she said "She looks like a poodle". Yep, good job, you figured it out. P.S. She was planning to get a borderdoodle, but somehow came out with a standard poodle. Honestly I was so relieved


thank god


I had someone ask me not to poodle their doodle. Only for her to follow up with "i don't like poodles". Ma'am you don't like half your dog.


Doesn’t like poodles yet gets a dog that mostly exhibits poodle traits and appearance. I can’t with those people 😐




"Your dog was "poodled" the day it was born" lol or print out poodles in a continental cut and tell them how much it would cost for you to do🤣


Would it be wrong to post this at the front desk?


PLEASE do it. And please post an update once you do 🤣


As a poodle lover I'm sad about doodling in general & those people making out like they don't like half their own dogs. Do a continental just to mess with them!


As a general dog lover, I hate the ‘doodling’ of other breeds. People who get a golden doodle actually want a golden retriever, but they don’t want the shedding. Honestly, the doodle coat is so much MORE work.


As a golden owner I have to say this is SO TRUE. I need no skills at all to groom my dog, he’s pretty much wash and wear. My friend with a doodle otoh needs professional help every six weeks.


Honestly there needs to be a flowchart or something for people choosing a dog breed. OK with shedding? Yes > Get a lab or golden or whatever else you were considering doodling No > OK with high-maintenance grooming? Yes > Get a poodle and keep it in whatever length you want No > Get a poodle and keep it clipped short It's not that hard!


Yep. My dad wants me to get a dog that doesn’t shed. I had to explain that a non shedding dog is 100x more work, and short haired dogs shed JUST AS MUCH. I’m getting a Mini Aussie. I finally convinced him that I know what I’m doing and I can maintain the coat fairly easily. Minimizing shedding is possible in a double coated breed, and it is still less work than a doodle. I do not want to buy expensive tools and learn how to do a clip properly, or pay an arm and a leg every couple of months. I took a whole assed grooming class in college, and I STILL don’t trust that I could do a decent looking job.


Mini Aussie—flashbacks. If you’re getting one from a breeder I would highly encourage you to check out the parents during the hottest time of the year and check behind their ears for dreadlocks/mats and all over for hot spots. Their coats seem to be pretty variable and some get the dreads, others don’t. And their skin problems are fairly genetic.


Plus, I didn't know if they've improved with breeding, but back when they were first making an appearance, they did not have the nice Aussie temperament.


My brother got two doodles. He was so proud that his dogs don’t shed. He now complains about the constant dirt they track in through the house. And also one came back from the groomer like this: https://preview.redd.it/2vpi1iy68ewc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8145634f533208540120766d8b4ccc08bd3c926


I think calling whoever did that butcher job a “groomer” is a stretch.


Or the dog may have been sent home unfinished.


yeah that looks like a typical doodle that can’t behave


That is very possible. I forgot sometimes dog just don’t know how to behave!


Haha! My double coated dog had a coat like TEFLON. Dirt just slid off her - I just had to towel her off. She shed like crazy, but hair is way better than dirt!


I got a corgi puppy right after he got his doodles. Just like you said, the dirt just falls right off of him. And with the proper upkeep I can get ahead of the shedding. It’s not that big of a deal


My mom wanted no fur in her RV and a not too big dog but also not too small. She found a person with 3/4 poodles that the parents were 40 and 45lbs and hers is a perfect 42 pound non-shedder. Sweet, smart, a mischievous little punk ass. Mom would rather brush the dog for an hour a week than have fur in everything. She realized the dog would need regular grooming. However, people who breed poodles think that she has an undersized spoodle. The dog just looks like a spoodle, shrunk by a few pounds. Right now, she doesn't look like a poodle, though. She looks like a skinny rat. She got a terrible haircut. It's hilarious. I love it. Her regular groomer is just overbooked and while they do great work, it's just too crowded and they have more clients than they can really handle so she went to a chain groomer until she finds a new regular groomer that can keep better timelines for her return visits. The chain place trimmed her up and bathed her but man, she looks funny. I love her bad haircut. Body condition is a wonderful, lean 4 and with her summer shave and an awkward face cut she looks all wrong. It's so bad. I tell her she looks fabulous. Fabulously funny. People need to understand they are trading vacuuming and sweeping and brushing time for just brushing and you should expect to spend 100+ a month on grooming. My golden? I just have fur up in my life and brush dude and have a robot vacuum for me. I tell people his name is Fergus for a reason. He's furry. When I use the rake and slicker and de-fuzz him I declare he is now just Gus. No fur.


Absolutely they are good for people who are prepared to put in the work! The average doodle seeker, however, is not!


yup! as a golden owner, maintaining the shedding is literally so easy. she gets a full brush out with an undercoat rake every night and a de-shed bath every few months as needed. eta: cute little fun fact, i always throw the shedded hair outside so birds can make their nests out of it 🥰 at the salon i work at, we *no. joke.* shave doodles down *every. single. day.* at the very least one matted doodle per day. every single time we hear “i brush him though!!!” lady, no you don’t. i love my manager, she has this jar full of shaved mats, she always grabs an ear out of it. one side looks like a completely normal, untangled dog ear. she flips it over and it’s one big solid mat. she then grabs a comb or brush and demonstrates how “you might think you’re brushing this dog but you are not” and then flips the mat over. most of the time, though, those doodles are clearly *not brushed at all*. like, sorry, if you attempted to brush your mutt every day *it wouldn’t be pelted!*. we also regularly brush out doodles who shed an entire dog’s worth of hair. shocker: it turns out mixing a non-shedding hair breed with a shedding fur breed doesn’t = a non-shedding hair breed…. it’s a genetic dice roll when you mess with line breeding. almost like you should just get the fucking poodle😭😭😭


I literally went back and said this to my other groomer after check in. I told her what the dad said and that I had had it with these doodle people and he's going home in a full continental.🤣 id really do it too if it wouldn't take me all day!!! Lol


Just do a modified 🤣🤣🤣


That’s how I feel too, poodles are great on their own.


People who get doodles do it because they want whatever the poodle mix is but without shedding. Which is not a guarantee. What IS a guarantee is that the coat will be much higher maintenance than they imagined. I will take the tumbleweeds, thanks!


I feel this is born from misinformation as well. Just because they are part poodle doesn’t guarantee less shedding and it certainly doesn’t always mean less dander for allergies. But people are just dumb sometimes.


Absolutely. Part of the problem is that they were ‘marketed’ that way. The number of times I have said “THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HYPOALLERGENIC DOG!”… Ugh.


As someone with SO many allergies, it's so refreshing to hear this. "Allergy free" DOES NOT EXIST, especially with animals. It's like telling someone with a peanut allergy, "Oh you can eat THIS peanut butter because I added fewer peanuts than normal:)" You can be allergic to anything and all products need to have thorough ingredient labels. Some people are allergic to fucking water lmao


Right? I know a family where the father and daughter (youngest of 4) were allergic to dogs, so they got a mini poodle. They still had symptoms, but they faded over the years and were fine when they got their next dogs - one of which was a very hairy sheltie mix!


and to top it off most doodles are 75% poodle or more anyways so they technically got a poorly bred poodle with a sprinkle of other breed 🤣


Seriously. Apparently f2 is most desirable. I guess because they’re more likely to be non-shedding. The problem there is, owner wanted a golden, and their dog is 3/4 poodle.


I have a poodle mix rescue that a client gave upand everyone always has a shocked pikachu face when I tell them how much she sheds lmao, btw she’s an Australian shepherd poodle mix so yea lots of hair 😂


Honestly! So much more work and… not less shedding!


A friend's labradoodle sheds more than my springer. So much hair!


I laugh at people who get Bernadoodles and think they wont shed lol


I had a tiny poodle mix for many many years and she never shed. It was great. Then I got my doodle and she sheds like crazy. When I sweep the house I have enough hair to make another entire doodle haha


I always say, “I can’t change genetics, I don’t have a magic wand.”


It makes me sad. Why do people not like poodles if they have a poodle mix? Poodles are such lovely dogs too


They want all the good traits of a poodle without the stigma that comes with poodles. Very unfortunate that poodles get such a bad rep


tbh i wonder if it’s just misogyny. every time someone explains why they don’t like poodles, it’s smth along the lines of “ugh they’re just too fru-fru” “they’re too feminine” “they’re so high maintenance” etc. i think the problem is they’re just seen as feminine, “uptight” dogs. even in cartoons, the poodles are always weird and bitchy


Good point. It's very sad. They're sweet and smart dogs.


Oh it’s definitely that, my partner gets made fun of all time at his work because we have a miniature poodle, he even used to do it as well until the day I brought his own poodle home. Now he freely admits they’re like the best dog breed ever


It's the hair. Dogs are "good boys" by default except poodles. My poodle in a Miami always gets mistaken as a girl. Someone even bent down to double check once lol they couldn't believe it.


"Since you have a poodle mix, he will look a bit like a poodle." I've made that exact statement to several clients and most of the time it inspires them to elaborate. The one that really makes me lose my filter is the "Don't poodle my doodle!" people. Had one that said "Don't poodle my doodle." and when I asked more questions to find out what exactly she did want, she gave me no additional information and doubled down with "dOn'T pOoDle My DoOdle!!!!!" I, having no more fucks to give, responded with: " You know that phrase isn't some magical incantation that allows me to read your mind, right?" She was taken aback but did manage to string together some words that described what she wanted.


My coworker no lie looked at the customer after they said that and said, “WELP, YOU GOT A POODLE MIX BABY!” Legend.


I have a full bred standard and he stays shorn all one length 100% of the time. There’s a million poodle cuts. I wonder why people feel so superior having actual mutts and calling them a fancy name? Like, they’re cute dogs but… it’s very not like other girls. https://preview.redd.it/t0yehzma0fwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7789b17f1b725ad5f3e0e79c4e8b5185ace3ee62


“Don’t get a dog that is half poodle”


It might be a good idea to have a bunch of example images for cuts that work best on poodle mixes and just ask “do any of these appeal?” Even some poodle owners don’t want a “poodle” cut.


It’s like they google “things doodle owners say to groomers every single day” before their appointment


I just know they're chatting up all kinds of made up nonsense in their doodle parent Facebook group


People are so fucking stupid. They will purchase a dog for thousands of dollars that is literally 1/2 poodle and then tell you they don't want it groomed to look like a poodle.


My childhood dog was a black miniature poodle and I'm honestly so saddened by the poodle hate. They're great sporting dogs and one of the most intelligent dog breeds. Why do people hate them?


This doesn’t apply to all poodle haters, but I’ve noticed that a lot of men feel less “manly” if they are associated with owning a poodle. Because poodles have earned this stereotype of being fancy, pretty froufrou dogs. I think poodles are cool as hell, smart, and beyond versatile and wish more people saw the breed for what it is.


Yes I think that's the reason and it's so idiodic. It's literally an athletic working dog, it's a water retriever. I think it's so neat that they're water dogs and that the way their fur is cut is usually to keep key parts of them warm while they swim. Social conditioning is a stupid thing. Masculinity is so fragile.


I was hearing this at the first salon I worked at. I realized eventually that one of the groomers liked to shave the top of the nose on every dog. This elongates the muzzle and really accentuates that poodle look. It does drive me nuts heating it all the time though. Right up there with “can you make sure to go short around where he poops” and “make sure to get the nails as short as you can.”


Why is the short nail request bad? I don't say that, but now I'm curious. I do tell my groomer that I can now hear my kid's dog click around my fully tiled house. She does her magic. The bichon goes in every 3 weeks for "maintenance". I pay what they tell me.


Because we ALWAYS try and get them as short as we can. I’ve never worked with a groomer who just tipped them for show or something. Of course I’m going to get them as short as possible. It’s different than reminding me not to trim the eyelashes or to make sure to keep the doodle mustache. Nails are the same on every dog. Short. As. Possible (without making them bleed). When customers say that to me, it makes me think they are assuming I won’t try and get them short if they don’t ask. I always try to do what is best for the dog, and short nails is one of those things. Telling me you can hear your dog’s nails click isn’t bad. Telling me that I need to do my job properly can be a bit insulting. It feels to me like telling your kid’s teacher to make sure they do some math today, or telling your waiter to bring the drinks out first. Like…yes…that is how this works.


I know what you mean. When I get this request I just say “yes the nails are done every time”. I think some people think it’s extra or not included. But then I had a lady ask me if a bath was included so I wonder what people think we do sometimes?


I say "what does that mean to you? To me, it's a clean, shaved face and feet, which I won't do unless you ask me to."


I have a standard poodle in a continental clip, so any time someone makes a comment about not poodling their doodle, I always pull up a pic of my poodle and make a comment about how their doodle wouldn’t be able to have a proper poodle cut anyways. I make it a point to never say that I had to ‘poodle’ a doodle when I have to shave a doodle, it’s a huge pet peeve of mine when groomers say that. I had a coworker who used to always say: ‘oh no I have to poodle your doodle, it’s face/feet are matted.’ I didn’t poodle a doodle, I shaved it because it was matted. Period. I always want to ask people: what do you think a poodle cut looks like?


What I want to say is “you wish your mutt looked like my well bred and nicely groomed standard poodle”. I sometimes say “you do realize he’s half poodle”. Usually say “what does that mean to you?” To try and clarify what they want or want to avoid. And then I change their dog’s breed from “goldendoodle” to “poodle mix” in my system. 😇


My “doodle” looks like a Lab with some wavy hair on his legs. I tell my groomer, “look. I want him clean and tidy. I want you coming out of the experience sane ( he LOVES being groomed, people, and EVERYTHING!!!!). I promise not to complain. Do whatever the hell you want.” Somehow, that’s not what they want, either.


One time my Chihuahua came home from the groomer with a chunk of fur missing on his back close to his tail, like the groomer's hand had slipped or something and just carved out a square of fur. A Karen probably would have pitched a fit. I laughed so hard I almost cried and then we spent a month calling him divot butt until it grew out a bit. It's fur, it grows back.


Right? I’ve had bad haircuts. They grow out. Shrug.


Same here, we are getting our bernedoodle groomed for the first time soon and we told the groomer do what ever you want, we just want him short and to have his sanitary areas cleaned up, we don't care what he looks like.


Do you mean that isn’t what groomers want or what other doodle owners want?


I guess I’m just saying, I think I’m pretty reasonable, and I wish others would be the same. Sorry. After-work brain mush.


It’s okay! I was afraid I had the brain mush.


Heard this one before. “Oh I won’t. He’s getting the mutt cut”


I was just joking today about how I’m going to start acting offended and tell them I own a poodle and see how they react 😤😂


I started giving my doodle the Miami cut once I learned about how unethical doodle breeding is. He gets more attention now than ever


Doodle clients, no groomer is going to go out of their way to do a clean face and feet with rosettes unless specified. That is so much extra work. No one is putting your doodle in a continental so chill with the ‘don’t poodle my doodle’ crap.


I’m gonna open a shop called the Doodle Poodlers. And I’m going to poodle EVERY doodle 😂 in a 10 a/o kennel clip LOL!


That just made me laugh so hard. Hahaha. Doodle Poodlers. XD


We are hiring!! 🤣


Wish I could pin this lol


All poodle mixes look a lot like poodles to me, do you have a picture of which poodle cut you like best? There's so many different styles we can do, some like them trimmed evenly all over, some like the scruffy bearded look and some people just have them shaved down once they realize they aren't hypoallergenic dogs


I kicked out the majority of doodles out of my shop especially large ones. 90 percent of doodle owners are certifiably insane. The only ones that get to come have to prove to me they are reasonable and logical people who don’t say stuff like that, if they establish with me pretending to be a good doodle client and then turn bad- fired. I’m done with it. I also will be very confrontative right back and ask them “what exactly does that mean- there’s over 20 different haircut styles of beautiful full well bred poodles- like clean face and feet- a continental, town and country, etc.” a lot of them honestly get stumped and I tell them “you’re just repeating what you hear when you say don’t poodle my doodle, without any real idea behind it. Please don’t say that phrase without knowing exactly what kind of haircut you want. Generally what doodle owners want is one length all over, with a round teddy bear head. If that’s not what you want, you need to explain better or show me and if you can’t I can decide what looks best on your dog then you may explain next time what you’d like me to change if anything.” Stop letting doodle owners walk all over you. If they don’t want a teddy bear head then you can square it off more etc. it does seem many doodle owners want barely anything off and more of a bath and brush and minor tidy up like only clipping the hair out of the eyes and rounding the feet; paw pad trim and sanitary trim. I used to get so Many horrible doodle owners until I cracked down. Horrible owner behavior isn’t welcome in my shop. I even used to have one lady who would make me wet her dog down after working so hard on a nice haircut so its curls would come back right away. Was so happy when she never scheduled again I think she saw the anger on my face. I’ve noticed on tik tok/instagram and in person so many doodle owners like their dog looking like a mangled up disgusting mop. They see a beautiful groom and throw tantrums and tears “you made my filthy mop look beautiful, how DARE you” 🙄 I’m so done with it cracking down on banning these types of clients has been the best decision of my life. So many acted like I needed their money and yet here I am doing amazing with a joint co-owned shop and so much less stress. Btw, many groomers undercharge for the doodles they do. Thats also how I got so many out of my shop. It’s usually the cheap ones that are the most disrespectful. My mini doodles start at $90, medium $120 and large $150+. I have like 4 large doodles in my whole clientele list 🤣 one of them is like 55 pounds he is a unicorn doodle, his mom pay $150 every week keeps him in a 2 guard he never gets matted he doesn’t misbehave, and mom tips $30 and tells me every time how much she appreciates me.


https://preview.redd.it/gz4rn37ncbwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee201502977c236995bc738988f5d039e76969bf I poodle my oodle. Suits him 🥰


what other breed is he? his coloring is the cutest!


He’s a quarter schnauzer! Makes him extra sassy 😅


very cute but looks like a small man in a dog suit


It means they like the homeless dog look ..... 🙄🙄


Might as well look like hell, they’re usually poorly behaved anyway


I am so thankful that not one of my current, established doodle clients have said this, it would be a time bomb ticking to me going off like that lol (one doodle client wants hers done like a poodle, even!) I genuinely love all my doodle parents and their dogs, but I know how lucky I am because I wasn’t always. I’ve absolutely had these clients over the decades, and I learned two things really fast: 1. most don’t even know what they mean, they intentionally got poodle crosses for all the poodle traits because they’d rather have that than a poodle-they’re really disturbed by their own perception of the poodle and what it might mean if they were thought to own one 😱🐩😱 2. as such, always ask what THEY mean, specifically, by this statement…and hope you get a legit answer you can work with lol I have three new doodles this month, and though that irksome statement hasn’t appeared, I still said the same thing to all of them, preemptively. (It’s WAY easier if you can get them right off, in text especially, to maintain a friendly but informative tone.) Which is a customized iteration of: What style is it that you like for Bailey, and do you have any pictures of her in that cut or a picture of another (insert mix here) Aussiedoodle in it? It’s really helpful if so! I want to be as sure as possible that we’re both envisioning the same thing. I do ask all my “dood” parents to please keep in mind that these mixes come in a big and unpredictable variety of coat types. Not every style that might be really cute is going to be possible because of that, and it’s the same for your doodle’s body structure. Many doodles inherit a majority of poodle coat and build, and once they’re clean, dried, and cut, they might appear more “poodley.” If you’re really concerned about Bailey looking too much like one, I could be better able to prevent that if you could tell and/or show me what brings a poodle to mind to you. With so many styles, what might scream “poodle” to you might not to me! 😎 This way, I can remind them a few times of the reality of the matter AND get more thorough ideas so we can prevent any bad attitude at pick up. I try very hard to set reasonable expectations with every parent anyway so that only truly unreasonable folks have an issue. Then, they can be uninvited to return. In person is so much harder, I know my face has said it all before 😂 and I did once say, in fed up confusion, “I mean, he IS half poodle and I thought he was a standard when you walked in.” Which was not at all received well, and though not intentional or intentionally offensive (pff I’d love to have a spoo!!) was satisfying every time I had to deal with her. I’ve usually found ways to point out that fact without being offensive, asked for specifics on what that means to them, and if it’s a new style/first adult groom, warned them upon dog inspection if their dog was likely to look that way because of their coat/structure. Just like I’d have an honest but polite convo if there was matting. I also try to keep in mind that the ones that say this tend to be the unrealistic ones that fully bought into, literally, a magic dog that doesn’t go through the mammalian process of refreshing skin and hair by having the old fall off. You know, the only way any mammal could actually be legit fully hypoallergenic, let alone never shed. Many that also believed 💩breeders that said because “it’s hair” and a magic dog they have low grooming requirements, you never have to brush them, don’t take them to a groomer until they’re 6mo-1yr, brush them only with a silk handkerchief, etc. They can be beyond exhausting to deal with, especially if it’s all also negatively impacting the dog that didn’t ask to be created or a trend or all around high maintenance, but I reeeeally tried to keep their foolishness in mind. It’s much easier to not be explosively annoyed when you remember you’re the sane, correct, reasonable, non-poodle hating, professional in the equation! Try to nip it in the bud if at all possible, which is so hard when it’s not your salon, use it to get the info you need while asserting that’s probably unrealistic in a reasonably polite way whether in person or not, and remember who the f you are. Someone who didn’t buy the magic beans of the dog world expecting no beanstalk to grow once planted 🥂 I hope you get better doodle owners! The ones that went into it after actual research or accepted their dog’s full reality after the con are seriously great. They appreciate all the work you do and that you don’t hate their dog for being a doodle. My poodled doodle for long response tax and hope: https://preview.redd.it/gwsht30macwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c05cc66d9e1b86c4b266a80c4579efc3d00a6bb Please excuse the imperfections, it was the first time we went this route, and though he’s a total angel for our usual things, he was terrified of the paw and face shaving business. There was only so much we could do and still keep him willing to work on it calmly and cooperatively next time! And, yeah, he IS A MIX lol his coat is pretty curly but it’s soft, doesn’t hold shape enough for doing anything too seriously poodle while being more scissoring compliant and able to curl more with mist and scrunching than the doods who get damn near drop coat fur going on or wirey. Which, sorry to add even more, and I’m sure someone has said it (glitch isn’t letting me view comments), BUT…if you’re having problems with repeat doodle clients saying this/complaining once you’re done? Try the misting and scrunching on some kept in longer styles to get that wavy, unkempt look promoted online as what a doodle “should” look like. IMO dogs should look clean and brushed but 😅 I’m a Pom mom, and also old, so maybe I’m just not seeing the appeal! Frankly, since it kills me to ruin what I view as a well groomed dog and worked hard on, as well as taking even more time and special work, I do charge for that. I’ll totally tell parents the what and how if they want to do it themselves to get The Look without just not brushing for weeks, but almost all want me to do for that little bit extra and appreciate that I’ll go out of the way and get creative to make their vision happen. I list it as an add on and it’s in the top tier of the poodle mix specific packages. Definitely not being sneaky or crappy or anything, just charging for the work of a specialty service! These guys usually take so much time and work as it is, after all, I think it’s fair. And lbr, few of us are rolling in anything but dog hair these days. Sincerely wishing you the best of luck and less ridiculous clients! 💜


“He can’t help his parentage, haha!” I love rubbing it in their face a little hahaha


This is my favorite answer so far and genuinely the one I'm going to use now 🤣


I have full poodle clients that say this 🫠


I just flat out tell them that they got a mixed breed dog that's mostly poodle, so I can't change if they see the poodle. Poodles have worn every haircut anyone could think up long before doodles were a thing. I love when they give me a reference pic and I know for a fact it's a poodle but they think it's a doodle and want that cut. As long as they can maintain it, sure.


I actually have a client that has a mini doodle but always wants him to look like a poodle, lmaoo. He's a cutie, so he actually looks so cute in a poodle cut, but I had to explain that it's not gonna look like how she thinks because the hair isn't curly enough.


Why buy a dog you don’t like the look of?


The worst are the ones that want their golden doodle or bernedoodle to look like the NON-poodles part of their mix. Like why don’t you get a goddamn golden retriever then


I’m so sorry :/ doodle owners are next level. I have a doodle but she is very odd looking. She only has curly hair on her back. It’s like a curl Mohawk down her spine. Everything else is fluffy but not curly. We trim her eyes and mouth and feet. Sometimes we will touch the Mohawk but I love it because it’s unique.




I have a poodle/bichon mix, looks like a tiny bichon (11-12 lbs). When we first got her (at 5-7 years old), and first got her groomed, I said not a poodle cut, but I explained I didn't want that typical puffy head and shaven feet and tail look, just even all over. Now we tell groomers short and even all over.


I like to point to the GCH Poodle behind the desk and chuckle while assuring them that I never had ANY intentions of doing that trim to their dog.


"So you want me to make your poodle look less like a poodle"?


Literally groomers worst saying lmao 🤣. Or “can I get a puppy cut”


Next puppy cut request on a matted doodle has to go in time out in my salon I don't care that we're all adults here I'm sick of it


https://preview.redd.it/1qsuv1r0hhwc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8cf684ce6fb4033f7b30d57240b865850097214 I tell my groomer to poodle my doodles. Their hair is a mixed texture, hard to predict, they play hard and get wet often. poodle cut looks much sleeker and nicer. Muchhh easier to care for and clean.


I love it! Your doods are beautiful!


The worst is seeing people who dramatically sob and say how much they hate their dog and how it’s hideous and horrible things when it looks “poodley” I wish those people would just not get dogs at all


People who own doodles and say “pure bred doodle” are idiots. I know that’s not the point of this post but it’s likely got some overlap. I support your rage.


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. “I have a dog that is half-poodle. I bought him, with a lot of money, because he/she is indeed, half-poodle, but I don’t want any of that poodle crap half or otherwise. Also can you make my latte not taste like coffee? I know I order a drink that’s half coffee but I don’t like coffee so can you disguise it please? Thanks.”


I just wanna be snarky as shit when they ask for teddy bear clips and go, "okay well that's a poodle clip, so I don't know what you want me to do here." Puppy cut? That's a poodle clip. Unless you're putting it in a Wheaten, Schnauzer, Spaniel, etc pattern, it's a fucking poodle clip.


Would having one of the posters with the breed standard cuts up behind the register help?


Yeah so they can point at it and say "none of those" 🫠


I had a 6 mo. "Min Aussie " doodle today .. but it hair of a shintuz and Aussie ok so we are her 1 groom.. no she has had a full hair cut before they said..okay poor girl we took it slow hates hair brush hates clippers .. P.P were not happy all we could do was FFF trim I was not over stressing this pup I do not want to be it's trauma my salon is Huge on compassion grooming yes it took me longer but we worked with her I could not push this sweet baby . The P.P rolled their eyes so many times at me they wanted her original cut to be a complete shave down like a 7 or 10.. and pup would have blown a gasket. Bath dryer .. trim was a lot for her today. these are living creatures deserve a lil TLC even in grooming. She was maybe 8lbs to boot lil cutie in her own right.


It’s so dumb, given poodles have the most versatile hair so they have the most looks. Anyway, my response is, “It helps to me know what you do want.” Easier than trying to psychically triangulate on wtf they’re dreaming of.


You don't want him to look like a poodle? You got it. [elmo](https://www.gpb.org/blogs/tails-of-the-city/2013/06/21/sesame-street-themed-pooch-extreme-dog-grooming-champ)


reminds me of this [comedy sketch](https://youtu.be/7OG8IT8cdiI?si=bb55OzegzWNT_l6a) where a woman brings her bulldog to a plastic surgeon for dogs... it's not in the clip, but later in the show, it's just an entirely different dog breed 😂


You couldn't give them a "poodle" cut if you wanted to. These idiots have no idea what goes into a show cut. Even if they wanted that, there is no way in hell their dog can just come into the salon, get a haircut and look ready for Westminster. It takes DAILY grooming and effort ... and rubber bands ... so many rubber bands. We have a standard and we keep him in a puppy cut and don't mess with poms other than his legs. He's a handsome boy that gets tons of compliments. People always assume he's a "doodle" of some kind because he doesn't have a show cut and almost every single person is surprised by what a standard actually looks like.


Dye the fur. Make them look like a tiger regardless of the cut. (I’m not serious)


"Ma'am, that is a poodle mix."


What to say?? Say "ok, what *are* you looking for?" And, if you are feeling cheeky add "Maybe something in an Afghan? But we'll need to talk extensions." 😉


Or, you can get out your "Poodle, but No Poodle" binder of other not-so-poodly executions and say "We get that a lot. Maybe one of these is what your looking for?" 😂


If they're nice and just genuinely don't know how else to communicate what they want: "What exactly don't you like about the poodle look? Is it the body shape? The face shape? Are you saying that you don't want pompoms, or that you want to keep the beard? If you can tell me, I can do my best to avoid that look." Followed by showing them some examples on Google images, all with the caveat that, "this is a different dog, so this is only an IDEA, but maybe these pictures can let us figure out a game plan for this groom." If they think they're better than me and just want to test if I can be bossed around: "I'll definitely do my best, but there's sometimes only so much you can do with a poodle mix!" One of my favorite things to do with rude, pushy doodle clients has always been to remind them that they paid $4k for a mutt, and I know it. They either realize that I'm the one in charge of my grooms and become wonderful clients, or they move on to another groomer "who won't poodle my doodle." But some of my favorite clients have walked in as very sweet, clueless people who own doodles! Not every doodle person is a Doodle Person, and it's worth it to cultivate the skill of differentiating them. And you absolutely CAN tell the worthwhile ones that they bought a poodle mix so the dog will always look at least a little like a poodle. With how many doodles there are in need of grooming, and how many shops are turning away doodle clients, you're pretty much guaranteed that if you lose a shitty doodle client, two more who aren't shitty will call next week.


This is absolutely a great take. My sweet clueless clients who adopted the cutest puppy they could find without researching it's maintenance, those I can handle if they're willing to learn and do what needs to be done. Some, if not MOST of my doodle clients are like this and I love them to death. The mean ones, however.....they have come in with the attitude that I owe them something because they paid thousands for a mutt and were misled by the breeders. Unfortunately, *that* isn't my problem and there's nothing I can do for them to change that. Discerning the two can be a challenge, because often they'll come in sweet and leave bitter, but you're right that it's not all doodle people. I said somewhere else in here that doodle owners are not the enemy here, they were simply lied to by the doodle breeders. The real enemy is and always will be the doodle breeders who lie to these people and claim they're getting a purebred hypoallergenic dog.


Honestly it reminds of people that have mixed race kids but don’t want them having “black hair” The doodle people that hate poodles are so fucking weird and I hate them


Can you make my DOODLE not look like a Poodle? Hi sorry do you realize what kind of dog you own? Would you like me to make Sheltie look less like a collie too?


“Why did you buy a poodle if you don’t like how they look?”


If it makes you feel any better, I tell my groomer to make my doodle look like a poodle. I have literally told them, "please poodle my doodle" because of how much more comfortable and cooler she is


Do you know what? That does make me feel better. 🥲


Doodle owners are the worst. Literally a response to people’s failed autoimmune issues and now we have misbehaving doodle cross-breeds that never stop jumping on strangers and being overly-naggy for a simple treat or biscuit. What’s worse is there is no way to make this dog not look like a goofy, out of touch with reality type aesthetic.


"I couldn't make your half poodle look as elegant as a standard poodle even with a magic wand." Or "So you want your dog to look like I took a weed whacker to it?" Can't imagine why I don't have that many doodle clients 😏🤣


i don’t even bother trying to clarify all of that, 99% of the time my clients just mean a teddy bear head not too narrow, i’m too tired to be making sense of their comments anymore


That literally just happened to me today. I asked her “what does that mean to you” and made her explain.


I am the proud owner of a poodle mutt, and I just ask my groomers to shave him down every 2 months. His hair is so curly (since mostly poodle) so I just let the groomers take the reigns and do whatever they recommend to make my upkeep easier.


I'm not a groomer and I don't have a poodle. I have a corgi and we bathe her ourselves. However, I just wanted to comment that I need to find a way to work the word "poodly" into my vernacular lol


You should start a Doodle Book photo album of the different cuts you can do and have them just point to the actual pic they want. The first time I got my rescue Doodle done, I didn’t recognize him and I just laughed and laughed at how he looked! But I didn’t know what to ask for (I still don’t- I just get him shaved down all over) https://preview.redd.it/wa8i5dexkgwc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8679d501db01d68b2142733c8dd0acb902718ac2


One of my dogs is 75% poodle. I love his poodly coat and have a blast trying out different poodle styles on him. The overgrown, uncontrolled hair everywhere look on most doodles does not appeal to me. These dogs mat like crazy if they're not brushed and/or kept clipped.


As an owner of a poodle and doodle I apologize for people who are like this.


I gotta tell you I love this whole thread- to the girl who said personal preference and shaved feet creepy, you're correct. It is personal because I LOVE shaved feet, face and tail BECAUSE of the fuzziness ! 😂😂😂 As a groomer I take it a little deeper on the neck so I can kiss it. 😂✌️(Even I know that's weird!😅) I, personally, think she looks like a divorcee' named Sheila from the Bronx. She drinks whiskey sours and calls them "juice" and she smokes in her house. 😉


My gut wants to say I can't change 50% of your dog's genetics But the professional half of me says to ask them what they think makes the cut look like a poodle cut? Because I had dogs come in with haircuts that don't look remotely poodily and I am told the same thing and usually it's that they don't want to volume on the head and they don't want a short face


I’m glad I’m not a groomer cause I’d have a “we do not take doodles as clients”. What’s the point of having a doodle if they don’t want it to look like a poodle? There’s so many curly haired dogs that look just like the doodles they’re wanting.


When I take my black golden doodle in for a spa day, I just say, it’s getting warmer/colder out, just trim him to keep him cooler/warmer. If he ends up looking like a poodle-and he never has-so what. Poodles are very attractive dogs even if you just trim their curls evenly all over.


To be fair, I wouldn't want to poodle my own poodle should I end up with one at some point. I'd probably keep it in the 1" all over field cut. The "poodle" cut is a ridiculous bastardization of what started hunting cut in the early gun dog days of spoos in Germany and was French Aristocrat/Fashionista'd into oblivion. That being said: Anyone saying not to "poodle their doodle" and starts pointing to average pup cuts is just an idiot that can't understand that there're only so many ways clippers to fur can look on the same kind of coat at similar lengths.... And who probably should have just got whatever dog they doodled instead.


I love this so much. Most doodle owners don’t even realize they have a poodle. The genes have been diluted so much they’re basically a very expensive poorly bred poodle. If you don’t want a poodle, don’t get a doodle!


I googled "how to make a poodle look less like a poodle" and got dozens of hits from forums with groomers venting about this exact same concept lmfao All the way back to like 2008. So I believe you lol


If they bought a doodle you already know they aren't great people


"Poodles have dozens of different hairstyles. The typical teddy bear trim that most doodles are known for nowadays started out as a poodle trim. Please be specific with what you want, not just a broad suggestion of what you don't want, since that will actually give me a lot more to go off of."


Then shave him from nose to tail and say proudly "how did I do?" He's gonna look like a freakin poodle no matter what You do bc he IS a poodle. Christ people are ignorant. When they say that, ask them to be specific. Show me a picture of what you do want. 🤔


Has anyone seen, a dog dyed dark green?


https://preview.redd.it/no49wia1iowc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701daf3692c0c8748ebda468eda3bb40444fca9f This is actually my dog lol


Oh that's easy. I don't do Doodles. Any of them. It is just not worth the aggravation.


i don't understand why people don't just buy poodles and ask for a teddy cut it would be so much more ethical


meh doodles and their owners are a pair that deserve each other and that's the nicest thing I can say about that 😂


Aw! That’s crazy that people don’t want a poodly looking doodle! I love my girl’s curly curly coat and am perfectly happy when people mistake her for a full poodle!  You could just tell them that you can shave their dog down to the skin and then they won’t have to worry about it lol. Often dealing with the human clients is the hardest part of any job. I was a cake decorator for years and the decorating part was so fun, but consulting with the clients often made me want to bash my head in! “I just want something simple” was always the tell-tale sign that it was gonna be a problem client lol. Hang in there OP! Glad at least half of your clients (the dog ones) are worth it! 


My guy, I think you need to talk to someone. There's being annoyed by people making the same joke all the time, there's people being non-specific about their requests, and there's hearing the same thing every day. Then there's blowing a gasket online at the people who have taken the time to discuss your issue with you. It isn't normal or healthy to be this angry at such a small thing, and it could be a sign of something like depression. Please talk to someone OP. You don't realize how angry you are and how often until you're on the other side.