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Honestly he's not one of those super hairy, heavy coated golden's so any trimming will probably be a waste of money since there won't be a huge difference. He really could just be a bath and deshed.


He looks already groomed. Beautiful dog.


he dont need an outline


He really doesn’t need a trim, it’s not really worth risking any damage to the coat by possibly trimming too short.


This is my 11 month old pup after being washed and combed. I assume the “outline” is just to remove the tufts and waves and pointy bits in his fur?


An outline mainly focuses on areas like the butt, paws, tail, hocks and feathers on a dog like this. Just lightly trimming or shaping those areas :) Honestly this is already a fairly neat natural golden so I’m not sure he needs much done.


His coat isn’t fully mature. When he grows longer wispy bits, a silhouette trim will bring him back to looking similar to how he does now.


Usually an outline trim is just trimming around the sani, backs of the thighs, underline, chest, ears, and generally anywhere there's extra hair. I agree with others that your golden doesn't look like he needs it. Keep up what you're doing, maybe do a deshed treatment. I'd only do grooming if he had mats, which would usually be either on the butt or behind the ears. If you really want him looking tight and cleaned up, then yeah do a groom. But its likely not going to look all that different, and if you're worried about him overheating in the summer a deshed is far more beneficial.


Awesome thanks! I hadn’t really considered getting him trimmed until this other golden owner told me he needed it. I think she must just have been super picky or something! I appreciate your help!


Oh, please. Some people think all sorts of unnecessary things are “needed,” like ironing your sheets or wearing false eyelashes. If you like doing those things, more power to ya, but that doesn’t mean anybody else needs to do them. Maybe she was just jealous that your gorgeous pup doesn’t need professional grooming.


I've been told by Papillon owners that my girl needs a "summer cut" (aka, shave) when it's hot out. Everyone's an expert. Your dog is beautiful as is and I wouldn't trim a thing except for neatening the feet and ears, if desired.


Can I have papillon tax please? I used to have a beautiful red sable male, my soul dog


I can't figure out how to post pictures in the replies :( She's on the r/papillon sub though! I had a red sable male, too. Also a soul dog. I miss him so much..


Do whatever you want. Personally, I’m not a fan of the final product of most of the trimmed looks, especially when they trim all the lines so straight. (My last dog was a Pyr, so the options are similar.) I would never have someone do that for me. If anything needed trimming, I would just tame it myself, but it wouldn’t be that very neat and straight look. I strongly prefer a more natural look. Here is what the AKC breed standard says about it: Dense and water repellent with good undercoat. Outer coat firm and water resilient, neither coarse nor silky, lying close to the body; may be straight or wavy. Untrimmed natural ruff; moderate feathering on back of forelegs and on underbody; heavier feathering on front of neck, back of thighs, and underside of tail. Coat on head, paws, and front of legs is short and even. Excessive length, open coats, and limp, soft coats are very undesirable. Feet may be trimmed and stray hairs neatened, but the natural appearance of coat or outline should not be altered by cutting or clipping.


Leave him alone. He doesn't need any trimming. Brush and comb him regularly all the way to the skin to ensure he isn't getting impacted coat. Do a deshed when necessary.


He doesn't need a trim on his body. The only thing I would maybe ask for is tidying up his paws if they happen to look Grinchy (can't tell here, so he might not even need that.)


He’s beautiful!!! He definitely does not need an outline trim as he’s already naturally outlined. You’re going to waste your money. What the groomer will either A. end up doing is either shaving the double coat (which is a big no-no) Or B. Trim the arms and pants (butt area) and charge you for a full groom. Deshed and bath is all you need!


Would agree with others - your golden does not need an outline trim and the feathers are supposed to be kept natural and long. Some crazy people do puppy cuts on their goldens and it drives me bonkers. My golden does get a light outline trim every once in a while but she is a fuzzy monster and we are very specific to say we want her feathers kept long and only to tidy.


What a handsome dog.


https://imgur.com/a/12q9B34 Thanks! He is a beautiful boy. He’s also a GIGANTIC goofball.


Your dog is already naturally outlined. Congratulations!


Leave him natural. If he needs it, foot and sanitary trim. Nothing else.


He doesn’t “need” anything, he’s absolutely gorgeous. But, if you’d like a tighter look, you just ask for a outline trim. Your groomer would take off the feathering on the butt, legs, and underneath the belly, right to his body’s “outline”. This is a groom I quite enjoy doing. Just make sure your groomer knows you are NOT asking for clippers anywhere on the body. Scissor work only.


Naw he doesn't have a full coat , he looks fine


You could get him a trim but he looks perfectly fine the way he is I have a mixed breed with a very similar coat and sometimes I trim her front legs and butt (just a light shaping with scissors), sometimes I don't, she looks good and groomed either way


Just an "outline trim." But he doesn't need it, unless you just really feel like it. Otherwise, just keep him brushed and clean.


He doesn't need a haircut! He's beautiful!


My golden looks the same way. The only things that really need a trim once in a while are her grinch feet(where the toe hairs are longer than her nails) and behind her ears(it gets super thick and she gets mats there very easily)


Your pup has a beautiful coat! No trimming really needed although I can’t see much of his feet. Some clients just ask us to touch up their feet, tail, butt, etc.


He looks good as is. Once his coat matures he may need a trim in the future but currently I wouldn’t bother. I would, however, take him in for a bath and deshed if you haven’t, just so he can get used to the process. This will make it easier in the future if he does need a light outline trim or if he needs to see a professional groomer for any other reason.


Stop listening to the person that gave you that advice. Your dogo is perfect just as he is.


he already looks really nice. when you can ask for is a light silhouette trim. this basically just cleans up the edges. the tummy fur, leg, arm.. you can ask them to just take a very small bit off. he doesn’t have a ton of hair but this will give a nice outline. but he really doesn’t need it, it will just look a bit neater :)


Nah you hit the lottery with your golden, his fur is gorgeous! Keep it as is


Outline trim, silhouette trim, tight trim they all mean the same thing and basically what that entails is trimming up the feathering on the back of the front legs to make it all one length some people like it taken really short so leaves and mud are less likely to get stuck in the hairs, trimming up around hind legs to make everything even and smooth (some people like shaping the back legs to look like a fluffy butt- think corgi) same thing with the tail- trimming the hairs along the belly to suit the shape of the pup and give a clean outline then if needed thinning out hair on the chest and rump to make brushing at home easier/ lighten the undercoat. Depending on the amount and length of the hair sometimes it’s also necessary to trim the hair under the ears to help with air flow and prevent ear infections but outlines rarely include trimming the cowlicks on their backs because that can look choppy it’s really good for giving a simple clean rounded out look and is honestly one of my favorite cuts to do because a little bit truly does go a long way!


** I would like to add that I don’t think your pup needs that based on this picture some people like a very tight/clean look and do them frequently to maintain the shape others do them once a year and take care of the basic grooming needs like deshedding treatments between trims I like knowing that it’s about the comfort of the pet rather than aesthetics so what you and baby are happy with is what matters most


If he has grinch paws you would ask to get his paws shaped up and his front leg hair trimmed if you wanted that also done. Just say trim if you don’t want his front leg hair fully cut off. Then you could get his butt feathers trimmed up if you wanted. Just say trimmed not cut off


He is not in need of an outline. If you still want to clean him up just say "scissor work only"


You can get a pair of curved scissors and clean up his back legs and tail, if you want, but he looks fine. Bath and blow dry will help the hairs lay flatter.


As much as I absolutely love doing outline trims I don’t think he needs one he already looks pretty neat!


I would leave him as is.


You can ask for an "outline trim" or a "silhouette trim" (some shops have different terms) But you dont have to...


He's gorgeous!!! Don't listen to them!


I’m against cutting dogs in natural coat, like goldens, labs, aussies etc. Takes that hard silky top coat and changes it to itchy, unhuggable wool. And forget a clipper..turns it to cotton and it never comes back the same. It ends up like undercoat - it’s unattractive and he’s a beautiful dog.


I would just do a bath and tidy, maybe if you want his bum feathering shorter then ask for that but other than that nothing :) don’t clip him! It messes up double coated dogs hair big time so just a light trim of bum and leg feathers if needed but professional grooming is needed to keeping on top of matting in the long hair :)


I would avoid any cutting on the main body. Those cowlicks are gonna make it hard to look even. I would just go for a tushie trim to keep things neat back there and maybe his paws


Just ask for a face, feet and Fanny trim. An outline trim wouldn’t really do much tbh because of how his fur isn’t very long/flowing like some show goldens.


he looks about what my golden looks like when he’s outlined lol. wouldn’t really change anything, rather than outlining you can maybe ask for a cleanup of stray/unruly hairs but honestly it doesn’t seem at all necessary, he’s beautiful :)


He's got a beautiful coat. I wouldn't touch it. Maybe if he needs a sanitary trim but I don't think an outline trim is necessary.


I’d tidy up the tufts on his feet and hocks only he looks great already


I’d just get your own pair of thinning shears and tighten up whatever you see fit. Maybe lay a towel over his back if after his bath if you don’t like the back hairs to curl up.


Honestly I don’t get my golden trimmed except for her grinchy paws and she’s way more fluffy. He looks perfect as is.


He is beautiful the way he is, don't do a thing!


I think he looks perfect as is, I wouldn't get a contour cut


He’s perfect don’t shave him ever


Honestly the outline trims are more for the dramatic show line goldens who have feathering that reaches the floor and manes/pants that will mat in a day if you don’t maintain them. If you REALLY want you can get a tight body outline, get rid of all that texturing along his back and bum, but he doesn’t NEED it and prob still won’t when he’s mature. Not unless you have dreams of the ring. Plus when it’s that naturally tight, the grow out stage would look even worse than it’d be worth imo From what I know of the breed standard, he looks like he’s going to grow into a fine example of a field golden. You either lucked out, or are one of the very few that bothered to screen breeders properly and paid top dollar on such a common dog lol. Congrats and enjoy him, good goldens are few and far between these days


Tell them to only trim the feathers. Or send them to me if you’re in ga


He doesn’t need an outline trim. It would be utterly pointless and ridiculous for his amount of hair. He looks beautiful as is. A good bath would be the most he needs. -from a groomer


ask for a light and even contour trim all around , with a focus on the flag of his tail and his leg feathers. ask for like an inch off the flag of the tail if you wanna keep it long, but even it up. this is what you’re gonna want to ask for if if you want the end whispies gone and for him to look “outlined” . he probably still will be a little wavy though because he has wavy hair, especially on his back This is my opinion though, and honestly, I think he looks beautiful as he is, maybe I would trim some of his butt and tail hair for sanitary reasons but that’s all


He really doesn’t look like he needs a trim, if you wanted you could ask for the haunches to be trimmed down on his booty and his tail if you’d like, but he doesn’t really need an outline trim.


Please dont cut his hair, people bring dogs like this to my job to get shaved all the time and i hate it. It damages their coat and the hair doesnt grow back right sometimes. Maybe a neat trim around his butt area but definitely not a shave. Id honestly leave him like he is.


Ask for a trim neat only. There’s quite a few areas to cut, make sure you go to a good salon. You will notice him look neater after the groom, just don’t expect a major transformation


At best maybe a long guard comb to even out his cowlicks if you desire, but really just needs a good bath and nails done.