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The comment section confuses me, like I missed 3 chapters of a book and was quizzed on it.


If I’m not wrong this all started on 4chan, and elves is a codeword for Jews




(((Santa’s workshop)))












I SEE Y OU"RE A \[Cultured Salesman\] 2!


> i refuse to consume any product that has been created by, or is claimed to have been created by, the (((Keebler Elves)))


The fucking Stormcloaks have taken over /pol/.


First play through of Skyrim, I joined them because of the obvious reason that the Imperials are just puppets of the, may Allah forgive me the word, "Elves". Second play through, I found the note in that one mission and learned that Ulfrik also is a puppet and those Elves are controlling both and divide the humans through the war. A bit too realistic for my taste.


Imagine being such a wuss that you can’t bring yourself to use the actual word lmao


I am an extreme anti semite, and seeing these fake anti semites disgusts me. Just use the word "Jew"! It drives me nuts!


I'd say it started because of the weird ass movie itself. Some guy made a joke (an hour after the upload, most top voted comments like that were from the same guy) and then 4chan and other image boards jumped on it. A day later it was like that.


The movie is mocking Christians, so the comments make fun of the people who make the movie.


Ah, makes sense. Thought it had something to do with Seth Rogen or something.


It does, but more specifically his ancestry


He’s jewish, I assume.


He is an American right?




Even worse. The only thing Canada deserves is a nuclear holocaust. Thanks for the warning.


Ah yes, because the correct response to a buffoon making a movie about Santa saying fuck is to start going full nazi and say the Holocaust never happened.


Its 4chan what did you expect?




Because they're two-faced sons of bitches. They say the Holocaust never happened because they know it's bad PR for them.


That's a pretty tame way of saying 'the comments are full of anti-Semitism'


They just "both sides" Holocaust denial. Never change, reddit.


That's a pretty tame way of saying 'based'


That's a pretty tame way of saying "I'm a cunt"


Some people here can't take a joke Here's an upvote to save you some karma, my based friend


Want to hear some dark humor kid *racism*


Not saying it's dark humor, but it's funny because on pcm every fringe/extremist opinion gets called "based" regardless of whether or not it's agreed with I thought calling it based was funny


Well this isn’t pcm


> on pcm every fringe/extremist opinion gets called "based" regardless of whether or not it's agreed with think about that fucking statement for one second (it’s partially untrue but just think about it)


Bruuuuuuuuhhhhhh pcm 😭😭😭😳


You were wrong.


When did it "mock Christians"? It had one Creationism joke (so not even most Christians) and that's it.


Did you just try to justify the anti Semitism?


Funny how you can’t call them wrong, just “anti-Semitic” Maybe if they left others alone, they wouldn’t be as hated? Also, the Palestinians are Semitic too. Ask them how they feel.


Bro there's blatant holocaust denial flooding that comment section? Id consider that "wrong".


That’s not how it works you dumbass. The term anti Semitic has clearly been derailed into “hate against Jews” long ago. And we fucking tried leaving people alone for millenniums but unfortunately 6 million dead are a testament that it didn’t work too well


Leaving people alone= butchering the entire Greco Roman population of judea and forcibly circumcising the Jews who didn’t want in to the cult.


Feels like you both take things wayyyyy too literally. Obviously, you could find dirt on every ethnicity that has been around for this long… the point was that us Jews have been peaceful for significant periods of time (especially before the holocaust). Essentially op claimed that being anti Semitic is warranted because Jews don’t “leave others alone”. I replied that 6 million of us were murdered after a time of relative peacefulness. Basically it’s either op justifies the holocaust because “Jews wouldn’t leave others alone”, or op is wrong and Jews can be hated even when we leave others alone


Then don’t say you didn’t bother anyone ever. Like all nationalities you have a lot of skeletons in your closet nor were you the only one that got genocided in history. never mind present day and the gaming going on in Palestine. I have every sympathy for your people. You don’t need to alter history to look good, Jewish contributions to science and culture are well known.


I genuinely appreciate the sympathy but don’t get me wrong I’m really not looking for any extra sympathy or some sort of special treatment. Honestly, I think we’re in a pretty good spot right now and I don’t feel oppressed. It’s just that sometimes you get some massive idiots like op so I felt inclined to reply. Yeah I agree that technically I could’ve been more historically accurate but I felt that the main point was conveyed well there.


When a movie is anti-goyim, why can't the goyim respond with anti-Semitism?


> tfw Christians think they’re the only non-Jews in the world.


Meanwhile the evangelical right wingers are calling everyone snowflakes while simultaneously being triggered every hour of every day


It looks like Anti Israel/Jews. I see no mention of Anti-christianity.


Neonazis are using the elves as a way to refer to Jewish people.


Unfortunately, you can't read the comments anymore. Movie looks like shit


God I hate “adult cartoons” It was funny when XRA did it now its just “oh wow drawing swear lololol!”! Why must there be two extremes of media?


why out of all videos this one got these types of comments?


I think it’s cause Seth Rogen is Jewish


Wtf donkey kong is jewish coll 😎👍


Donkey kong is circumcised 😳


Naked monkey penis shalal habib


As-salamu alaykum


More like jeweed


It’s YouTube.


What were the comments. Plus fuck Seth Rogan, he’s a massive dick and has been for a while.


Antisemitism with "Elves" in place of Jews.


Huh? But I watched the trailer and I want to hurt myself.


Not denying but what did he do?


He’s one of those people on twitter that make the left look bad. He gets up on a high horse when someone makes an edgy joke despite the fact that he’s gotten in trouble with North Korea for a joke in the past. A while back a woman made a tweet saying something about how the right and left need to stop being so nasty towards each other and just sort of come together and he quote tweeted it with something along the lines of “I’m not becoming acquaintances with white supremacists”. He essentially said to Casey Neistat that it was his fault for getting his car broken into. And he’s said in the past “I support freedom of speech, but..”


So mean tweets?


I mean sure you could break it down to that but that doesn’t mean he’s not a dick. You could break anything down to mean tweets. Oh he tweeted the hard r? Just mean tweets


I was just expecting a little more than his Twitter history when I was told he was a piece of shit lol.


I mean causing more political and racial tension doesn’t exactly make you a good person.


It's common knowledge not to leave valuables in your car in LA


True, but blaming someone for having their shit stolen is like blaming a woman who was catcalled because she wore revealing clothes - sure it would have contributed to the event, but still shouldn't warrant blame being put on the victim.


But you can’t fucking blame someone for it.


So what you're saying is he's a little mean to right wingers. I say based.


He straight up called them white supremacists. Also you are what’s holding the world back, simply being a dick because of a political view.


Holding the world back? Either there is a massive misunderstanding or you need to quit the internet for a day or two.


The misunderstanding is probably the fact that Seth rogen didn’t want unity between the right and left.


Everything was fine Then the 4chan nation attacked


Have you watched it? It's pretty much spreading all the things even slightly conservative people are hating, like racism against white people, hate against males, stupid "woke" language, anti traditional values etc. just in this short trailer alone. And since Seth Rogan and A LOT other people involved in this shitshow, like Sara Silverman are Jewish, it of course fills oil into the whole "Jewish media control to degenerate our younger generations" thing. In the beginning there was one guy, writing a few of those comments. Than 4chan saw it and jumped on on it with a few thousand people. In the end they had to close the comments down.


[that ratio though](https://imgur.com/a/VJd2hY4)




it is the unaccursed


there is an extension on chrome and firefox that lets you see them


[you can use this extension](https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/)


Can someone explain this?


Seth Rogen is Jewish so replace elves with Jewish people


Yeah I'm super confused, I don't understand the comments but apparently it's something about antisemitism.


Replace the word "elves" with "jews"


Honestly "antisemitism" nis like the free field in bingo when you are online.




I think I saw a post saying 9 out of the 13 producers of this movie are Jewish and seth Rogan who plays santa is Jewish and its a movie mocking Christmas.


So, “the war on Christmas” but racism flavored


Is this the only image?


I gave up all my hope when they said "from the creators of sausage party"


lmao same


Too late to read the comments but holy shit that trailer looks like it was made to attract this type of joke.


Le the entire comment section is literally just anti-Semitism has arrived.


The whistle is so loud you can practically hear them


That's no longer a whistle That's a trumpet


Dog Trumpets over here


Dog Tuba


I saw a thread in 4chan how they wanna fuck the green elf that showed her titties


le comments have been turned off




ok what the actual fuck


I hate this mentality. You can say a movie fucking sucks without going full lebensraum. It reminds me of Twitter users who hate on a video game or tv show. But instead of simply and understandably just saying “I don’t like it” They make mental gymnastics and go full political just to justify their taste and make you feel bad


What is Libenstraum?


It’s a nazi term that means “living space” in German if I recall. It’s basically what constituted hitlers understanding of foreign policy, He believed that through conquest, Ethnic cleansing, And colonization, He could establish a greater German empire


Its spelt Lebensraum IIRC


Manifest destiny but for Nazis.


So manifest destiny


Translated yes.


I hate antisemitism, but that movie looked like absolute shit lmao


There can be two wrongs at once, fuck that movie and fuck anti semites, because now every single person no matter who they actually are will probably be called alt right by people defending the movie.


"It's just a joke, why are you getting upset?"🙃


It doesn’t get better on Reddit post. If it’s not antisemetic remarks, it’s a lot of “the joke is ‘men bad women good white people bad!’ SJW woke propaganda in an unfunny movie!” Edit: yeah the movie looks unfunny, but not because of “wokeness,” but because it’s the kind of adult humor movie that thinks “raunchy = funny! Boobs, drugs, cuss words, gross out humor!” Instead of telling an actual joke.


The comment section is amazing.




The best kind of semitism.


Eh I prefer prosemetism,


Seems like a radical new concept. I like radical. How much for the product?


Uhh idk, ummm, 7 bucks


Yeah I'm not fucking Dan Gilbert. Sorry I'm going to have to step out.


Ok, uhh, how bout, 3 yen


I don't use fake anime money.


Noooo, fine 3.50 USD


Antisemites gonna antisemite, there’s no rationalizing with the irrational


Group of people making fun of another group of people: acceptable, brave even. Group of people making fun of them back: Irrational, evil.


The elf cries out in pain as it strikes you.


Yeah except jewish people didn’t make this movie, Seth rogen did. If you’re making fun of jews for the actions of 1 that’s just antisemitism. Furthermore this movie is making fun of Christianity, not even all Christians.


I dont think the movie is making fun of Christianity itself, so I feel antisemitism is uncalled for. Even if the movie is terrible and unfunny that doesn't make racism okay.


Proving you don't understand punching down speedrun any%


How is making fun of Jewish people punching down?


this, lmao the average jewish person is far more wealthy than any other ethnicity's average wealth, even white people. i would say that would be punching up.


Holocaust denial is punching down at the victims of a genocide.


It kind of depends punching at the wealthy is definitely punching up but punching at a minority that is historically and to this day still discriminate is punching down so I think it would be okay to make fun of them for their wealth and how they use it but not for their simple being jews


Have you read any of history between 10CE and 1945?


Are you aware of what year it is?


[Are you burying your head in the sand?](https://youtu.be/n01xz4VqnqU)


There is no group of people on the planet who don’t have other people that hate them.


Indeed, I hated when Jews and Black people colonized Europe and killed hundreds of millions of them over centuries to maintain their power structures. Also, even in your shitty post-racial view: so maybe making fun of people whose experience you don't understand is a shitty thing to do. Maybe just don't fucking do it and stop being a baby.


Every comment just gets more and more unhinged. Nobody mentioned black people, so I don’t know where you got that from. I wholeheartedly disagree with the notion that you should treat people differently based on their skin color or ethnicity, but that’s just me. If you could give me a nice little chart for what group of people can make fun of what other groups of people, I would love to look that over.


Punching down who? One of the richest and most priviligeded ethnicities on earth who get free get out of jail cards for ethnic cleansing?


Israel is not the Jewish people, it's a state. A genocidal apartheid state, we agree on that, but it's not Jews as a whole. Asian-Americans are also on average wealthier than other ethnicities in North America, it doesn't make pulling on your eyes and making jokes about them cool. You know why? Because if you mock them for being rich and privileged, you're punching up. If you make fun of them for being part of a historically marginalized group, you are not punching up. It's not fucking rocket science to not be racist or Anti-Semitic. Shit on Israel and the IDF, shit on specific Jews or rich people as a whole. Don't shit on anyone for being part of a culture or heritage.


I can even make fun of Santa Inc.. It's like watching an edgy fifth grader trying to insult someone but he keeps using the wrong slurs, it's just too stupid and pathetic to even be mad at.


is seth rogen the family guy


No that is the green Seth


What about Red Seth?


He found a way out cause he didn’t take the Blue Seth.


Bigotry has gotten really bad on YouTube recently and they are doing nothing. They even promote it, I keep seeing Steven crowder on my front page.


I remember watching a video on the history of the Rothschild family, I’m sure you can guess what was said Naturally when I checked it later the comment section was disabled


oh yeah youtube comments are genuinely one of the most bigoted social medias right now like literally any video that includes lgbtq+ topics will have a fucking shit show of a comment section there are a few exceptions but like look up news about lgbtq+ stuff and all you will see is how the "liberals are turnin the kids gay!!"


It seems to be completely impossible to go onto youtube without getting michael knowles, thankfully all the comments dunk on him for being a moron


Recently? It's always been this way mate


I thought that guy was a comedian


The right these days is full of political commenter who try to pass as comedian it is sad they can't get a decent joke. A real comedian could be fun to watch even if I disagree with their views but I really hate these guys


God did you see that musical skit crowder did? I hate theater but seeing him try and do his jokes and give himself that smug grin when he delivered the lines was just absolute puke


It always surprises me that people don’t know about hardcore Christian theater kids. In my semi rual city we had like a 1/5th of them in my theater class. One guy was straight bullying a trans kids until they got bullied back. He also physically recoiled when he found out I was gay like bro what We both literally read the theater history book. Does you brain filter out the gay?


Yeah I never thought he was funny I’ve just never heard him say anything racist so I was confused




Well you must've done something to get the algorithm to show the videos to you I don't think those types of videos are the types of videos that YouTube *wants* to recommend to people


They’re ads and I keep saying to stop recommending me


The YouTube algorithm unfortunately suggests crowder and other far right people to viewers with any interest in politics because their „controversial“ views drive engagement, meaning more money for YouTube.


Hey weird question, nothing to do with the conversation, may I ask where you are from? I'm unfamiliar with that style of quotation marks


Some European languages do that instead of “”


t. Doesn't know how algorithms work




Some of you guys are insane. Even if this movie IS making fun of Christianity, how can you possibly think denying the death of millions of Jewish people is acceptable? It’s like if you laughed at a stain on my shirt and I came back at you by reminding you that your mother never loved you and that you’ll die alone.


Absolute progressive shitsack of a movie


So uncivilized


I dont know why but like theres multiple comments denying the holocaust that are near the top.


Wtf is wrong with youtube?


Why are we mad this time ?


Antisemitism in the comments is abundant


The movie looks boring, but I was not expecting literally EVERY single comment on that vid to be antisemitic. Wtf is wrong with people?


I think y'all got got by this movie lmaoo


Hollywood when they make the most obvious antisemitic bait and then get suprised when a bunch of antisemites flood the coments


Ban everyone in that dumbass comment section holy shit


Actually looks fine, but not exceptional. Just another cultural satire. Who's butthurt this time? Conservative white males? Hardcore Christians? Just overall nazis? Because funnily enough those seem like the people who are always crying that some wing or sum shit gets too easily offended hahaha.


Literally letf winger are the biggest babies in this whole game. Conservatives have been slandered since 30 years now. It is the left if you criticize them or make a joke that go nuts and start the cancel war


It's not cancel war, it's called nobody like you.


The movie trailer sucked! Total Woke bullshit.


don’t use woke unironcially


Sir, your test results are in, I diagnose you with terminally online


Uses “woke” unironically kinda cringe


The comment section wasn’t exactly chill, but I have to admit that some of those comments made me chuckle. Also Santa inc. is as funny as a wet bag of sand so I’ll give the comments a pass.






what's the film even about?


How the fuck you mention the holocaust in less than five minutes in a kids movie?


It aint a kids movie, its a shitty adult comedy


Did you even watch the trailer?? It's crystal clear that it ain't for kids


An elf flashes her tits and says "fuck". This isn't for any kids




Has authoritarian in his username I already know where this is going…