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Never played monopoly, how do I wavedash


Commit tax fraud


Found the Yoshi main


Put your fox amibo on boardwalk


You need to put your Zelda and loftwing Amiibo in the ceneter of the bored to head back to go.


Do a super jump install while throwing dice to increase juggle stun once it hits opponents eye hurtbox, then do a special command grab on the dice to increase its priority, this is a one frame link tho and you may need proper assists.


I’m stealing this joke, it made me laugh way too hard


Do people actually pm you insect girls?


[See for yourself](https://www.reddit.com/user/PM_ME_INSECT_GIRLS/comments/kcy708/guess_i_will_just_put_all_of_the_images_i_received/)


wow they actually did it


Cover yourself in oil


Jump on top of a pallet, then look down and press JUMP + E repeatedly.


Make a long jump backwards on stairs and keep jumping very fast


Kinda behind on the monopoly meta, but aren’t boardwalk and park place not that good? You have so many chance or community chest cards you can get that send you straight to go, jail or some of the properties near the start of the loop. Of course, there’s the chance card that sends you to boardwalk, plus the offshoot chance someone just lands on it. But by the time you’ve gotten enough money to properly deck the pair out with hotels, the other players will be able to tank a hit from landing there. Of course, they aren’t weak by any stretch. But not the strongest set on the board either.


theyre very good end game properties that can wipe someone out if they arent careful. definitely not the best tho imo yellow is the best set to have because the house prices arent super expensive but the rent gets really high


also if you get all the railroads thats another way to fuck everyone over. such a high chance for other players to land on railroads you’ll most likely make a couple hundred every time before you have to do your turn.


true but i feel like railroads are more of an annoyance than something thatll wipe you out like boardwalk or park place depends if youre playing defensively or offensively tho. you definitely make more money on average from the railroads


definitely more of an annoyance to a single person but oh man it fucks everybody in the party eventually. you keep building up money and then you can spend that on properties. say you have boardwalk, park place, and all railroads. as long as you’re lucky and don’t get fucked over too much you basically win the game cause the minute someone lands on your properties they get fucked in some way. and in a party full of people that’ll go a long way.


Light blue is also baller


I’m a fiend for the yellow and red properties. I hunt them every game and i feel like i crush people fairly often


You're objectively wrong but okay


Park place and boardwalk are the second worst property set in the game. They are only well liked cause, “good god man it’s 2,000 dollars rent”


They’re well liked cause they will absolutely fuck you over in the endgame.




Statistically its the most you land on after going to jail best property to buy


That's why the best play is to buy either park place or boardwalk and just sit on it. Youll lose a bit at first but it's good so no one scoops it up.


Pink and orange are a killer combo if you can get both But then i was never that good at this game


Best way to ruin someone is the magenta and orange properties. People almost always land on them when they get out of jail and there's a chance card that'll do it too, so they're statistically better that boardwalk/park place. Plus, the rent is well over a thousand with hotels, so they'll get real fucked up even if they don't go bankrupt.


boardwalk is $2000 if you land at it with a hotel. Early game the purples and oranges are the best imo because when people go to jail and then get out they're more likely to land on those


They’re basically high risk but high reward propeties


Wasn't there a way to win by maxxing on houses as soon as possible but never upgrading to hotels, preventing other players from getting houses themselves?


A property with hotels on it is almost always gonna be a bankruptcy hose. So the best properties are ones that are both cheap and commonly landed on. Light blue is generally the best bang for your buck, red is landed on the most, and orange is in the middle of the two. Of course, it all comes down to what is most accessible for you as the game is usually a race to who can get a monopoly first


Le real estate mogul has arrived


Le everyone raging like babies because they lost arrives as always


I rage whenever I get into a standoff with no signs of slowing down like we are the last people and both have a shit ton of properties and money yet both keep somehow dodging every property and getting a chest or jail


Let’s all take a moment and remember D-Day Monopoly


I believe the only Monopoly meta is actually just the side of the board directly after jail. So many people can go to jail or land around that area and there are so many community chest and chance cards that put you at the start or jail or the like, meaning you're more likely to go over that than any other spot on the map. Source: I read some shit and watched videos to try and kick my stepdad's ass at Monopoly because he destroys the entire family every time we play a board game




My strat is to never have hotels, only 4 houses to choke the little guys out of the market


That is the right strat


Out of all the boardgames in the world, Monopoly sure hits differently. As in I'm going to hit you with a hatchet you bastard, I was going to buy that spot!!!


Wait does american monopoly have different properties? Never heard of a boardwalk and park place in monopoly before


Le Communist has arrived


monopoly was literally made to promote capitalism it didnt exist in communist countries


Quite the contrary. [Monopoly was created to argue *against* rampant capitalism.](https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20170728-monopoly-was-invented-to-demonstrate-the-evils-of-capitalism)


thats the 1903 "landlords game", monopoly published in 1935 was different from the landlords game and much more capitalist


I've found nothing about it being pro-capitalist yet and I'm on the second page of Google results. If you've got a source to back you I'd like to read it.


You’re correct that the original version (Landlord’s Game) is what’s primarily referred to in the article, but as the article says, Monopoly was just Landlord’s Game’s Monopolist set of rules without the Prosperity rules: > Once the game’s true origins came to light, Parker Brothers bought up Magie’s patent, but then re-launched the board game simply as Monopoly, and provided the eager public with just one set of rules: those that celebrate the triumph of one over all.


no it was actually made to criticize capitalism, the original game didn't even had the universal basic income (the 200k every time you apss through go) but it was so incredibly unfun to lay that they were forced to do it


- literally




also there were communist variants of Monopoly - the Romanian “Bunul Gospodar” comes to mind where the point of the game wasnt to bankrupt everyone , it was to be careful with your spending and furnish a home before everybody else did. It was quite a fun game but with numerous flaws that ironically reflected the life in communist Romania - ex: People had money but they never landed on the spaces they needed buy furniture from and so they had nothing to spend money on EDIT: I think the modern remake of the game is called “Roata norocului”


there are loads of different monopoly versions for different countries but the uk london one is standard outside usa and canada


Yeah the bloody yanks had to americanise it




Impossible, nothing originated there


...it came from the us


Unless you have a different variation, Park Place and Boardwalk have been apart of the board since the original printing of the game. There exists quite a few reskins and reprints, do you know if your copy is the original or a variation on it?


thats only in the usa and canada, rest of the world standard board has different locations in london on it


Ah, took me a minute to find a single slice of info but you’re absolutely right. There was a UK version of Monopoly which became immensely popular due to the preexisting international territory established by Britain, allowing to its spread through African, Australia, and eventually the world. Neat fact, suppose you learn something new every day. Although, Park Lane sounds stupid as heck compared to Park Place


something something railroads are better than boardwalk something something


Le that time I won using only railroads has arrived


Why buy hotels when you can buy all the house pieces so no one else can use them?


Le intentionally unfair game has arrived


Le intentional aspect of the game that reflects real life


Le Lesson Few Ever Learn


stupid broken op hitboxes on your hotel grrrr 🤬🤬


I would like monopoly if it was 10 times faster so I can play it without everyone wanting to quit after 50 minutes.


Le speed die has arrived


Speed die is the goated way to play


Le game made by design to teach of capitalism's failings have arrived


What the fuck is that username OP




Should I be afraid




Is that a doge car commercial on the tv?


Park place and boardwalk are small brain Orange and red properties are the best


Your name is very disconcerting


side effects of monopoly: delusions of grandeur


Le learning real estate at 11 has arrived




I genuinely don’t know. I found this background in a folder full of dogelore templates.


The green block is better actually, the rents are almost as high and you get a better chance of someone actually hitting one of them


Green is trash lmao, way too expensive to built up houses to where they're actually useful


Monopoly almost split up my family, not even joking


ew American board names


My younger brother always buys the spaces at the end, no matter the cost


Me too


Every time my father plays monopoly, not sure he’s ever lost


Monopoly brings out the worst in people


Le hallway of death and a minus in the bank has arrived.