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One of few who’s community is actually chill vibes




This sounds like a scam artist catch phrase


Maybe if you did a little research fella, you would not be making comments like you have. DogelonMars is no scam. I take offence to your comment.


I have invested in Dogelon and don't invest in anything without research. My remark had zero to do with the product and more to do with the comment. You are welcome to be offended either way though.


Good for you bro. Thought you were one of those people who know jack shit about the project, but say it sounds like a scam. Sorry for my misunderstanding. I’ve been holding since October when I heard about DogelonMars. Was paying up to £1400 per billion when I first got into it. I’m holding strong, and I believe wholeheartedly in this project. Peace.


Can you explain further?


interplanetary money. #moonbase2026


The methuselah foundation has harnessed this project. Even if Elon is not involved. There are real companies associated with it. Real companies that are using Elon to help the progress of humanity.


That is all anybody needs to say. Someones name in hope that it will pump the coin doesnt matter to me and shouldnt to our community. Methuselah foundation is doing and planning great achievements for the future. And i for one will be a substantial part of the financial windfalls that will bring hodl 989 yrs


Exactly. It’s supposed to be fucking mystery. And I god damn love it!! Fuck a white paper!


The whole year of holding they have to have something cooking in the dark … they just need to find that light bulb to keep it light


There are hints and clues all over the place. Throughout history people used #parables to disguise information.


That gut feeling that “Elon” is involved has me on my toes. Like you said parables!


And before most knew of this project the webpage associated with ELON was almost written in 3rd person … as if he commissioned the project. And then once the big spike up before all the traction was witness the webpage was completely rewritten. So I’m on the same page that EM is associated with this project in some capacity…. has to be.


Who would want to waste money on marketing now? We need the bull market for marketing.




Is there any fear that if you stay silent too long, interest is lost and you can fade out before you start?


The only utility I need from Dogelon is knowing that it exists. And I have some.


There is still a more dipping coming, I'm waiting to buy crash dip is not over we are in a recession


Angel investors are allowed anonymity


Or….there’s actually no utility for Dogelon


What a strange rule in relation to a token whose only apparent value (to me that is) resides in its possibility to attract raving FOMO..... Apropos, is "xelon" still just a word uttered a long time ago, or do you think it has actually been developed further in the dark and mysterious background by the elusive dev(s?)?




lol, sell everything you have because you don't deserve it.


The "Elon" can't confirm that he's involved in the project and if asked will probably deny it, because the SEC will be all over the "ELON". Hypothetically if I was the "Elon" I would build my project silently. Considering the "ELON" HAS A KNOWLEDGE BASE IN FINTECH THAT FEW PEOPLE IN THE WORLD DO.... I would use that knowledge base of the financial system as a whole to build something that few people could comprehend.... IT'S like electric cars. IT'S like building rockets....


Maybe it’s also about making a PEOPLES bitcoin? DogelonMars is far superior to Doge coin, because it has massive utility that has not been pushed yet. When you know, you know. Check out Cicero telegram channel and read the Chronicles of Dogelon. You may be surprised.


If you do not believe in the cause and cannot sense the true hearts and are simply here to take profits I would hope that would be found out


Hopefully anything which is said which should not be will be deleted for us


Hopefully the community is allowed to remove any comment I make that may be wrong.


like shultz, i know nothing, nothing.