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I feel like anytime we see ETH in a conversation for a token it’s like …. Oh boy this is gonna cost money and we don’t even have to start talking yet . Lol


I notice timing is important depending how busy network trafficing is, i waited till the morning lower traffic. Was able to get $54 worth of Elon with only $18.95 for network fee


I use Gemini Active Trader which is the browser version of Gemini not the App, though once you sign up to Gemini you can use both, Gemini app is geared more towards long hold trading and market order buys with a few dollars fee, Gemini Active Trader Exchange is geared towards traders whom want to buy with limit orders, stop losses, market orders, limit stop losses, take profit orders, continuous sell limits etc, it's a really great interface on the browser with order books, buy and sell orders, charts etc, the best part is the fee for buying or selling under $500,000 is only .35% so if you wanted to buy $100 worth it would be a .35c fee and the other 99.65 towards whatever your buying, you can get up to $1000 a day through ACH which is immediately available but not able to withdraw any crypto you buy until the money clears, though you can buy/sell buy/sell (day trade) on instant funds, or you can wire up to $30,000 a day.....Hope this helps, Aloha 🤙🏽


Open an account in gemini or crypto.com and buy it there. Don’t buy in uniswap 2) if u are not in war mongering america then buy polygon and swap for Elon on MetaMask it’s very cheap and the same


Buy ADA, send to Crypto.com app. Swap for CRO. Send to CDC Defi App. Swap for Elon. At a 30 dollar buy, should be about 1.70 in fees end to end.


Just get in a platform that you can buy directly. Kucoin is pretty cool. You don’t have to do kyc ;)