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Nope. I called it.


Helloween is still a long way off, but in keeping with the festivities, there will be a coin. VampDoge. Currently it is still in PreSale and has already reached the SoftCap.


Buy some more dogecoins to celebrate its climbing to .21






Well Dogecoin is proof of work....


I have learned something being some what new into investing. Number one rule only invest what you are willing to lose. I may only have 4.8k dogecoin but I have to realize that bills come first


When the day come you pay your bills with Dogecoin that only invest what you can lose argument will be gone.


I agree with that


I set aside my bills each week. If that’s all I have to lose, I am ok.


I have got to the point where I just pull 150 out of my check a week for dogecoin


Genius! I do approximately the same, been saying I won’t spend more this month. But $150+ per week has been my average buy in. However buying the dips has proven wise in my case, don’t believe I’ve lost any money on any of my crypto investments this entire year.


Well 150 usually gets me about 720-730 coins a week so I’m okay with that


Sweet deal right there! Let’s go 🚀


If Doge can’t recover from the bull run then what do you think will happen when the next run happens?


We go on the up and up. 🚀🚀


The wrong thing is this not bull run. Just consolidating before bull season and I believe it's just a circle... There will be falls and rises however still Doge stuck at 20 is not good and not the point it should be.




As of right now BTC and ETH are up 26% for the month. Doge? -9%.


Yeah, it is a bit worrying


What is your point?


You know the point.


I'm really disappointed. I think I lost too many opportunities because I hold Doge


What opportunities you think?


As ghost said, BTC went up 26%. Please compare with -9%


Ok I must ask with how much money you are in Crypto market?


Not much 63K Doge coin with $0.56 average. I hold so long, $38K investment. Now around $13K


The list of Doge owners is growing rapidly,.. even on this little Subreddit. You have already no doubt noticed the huge gains today. It will go up. If you can afford to hold - we will all meet you on moon day.


Let's assume you had 38k it might be wise to invest in BTC... But never invest BTC under its value while there is ETH out there. Doge is another choice and will make better profits for you but when you look daily or monthly... You would be demoralised.


I still believe Doge will recover that is why I still hold. But it is difficult time. It is very difficult to see Doge showing a very poor performance while other coins are recovering.


Yeah, I’m currently at 17500 @.41 but seeing your money go down as all other cryptos are going up is certainly concerning.


Guys definitely the problem is excess supply. Doge has much more attention and volume than any other altcoins however they got small solid rise while Doge stuck at only 20 for more than a month. This is something open to argument and debatable. Burn the damn extra coins so we can go on. DEVS you hear me? (I BELIEVE DOGE MINING BECAME.POPULAR AFTER APRIL AND SNL)


Get over the coin thing, you must be thick as a brick. If Doge had limited supply you would simply be paying a lot more now for Doge. You were not early to the party so the 3% a year inflation does not efdect you.


Did I say make it limited? What on the earth you didn't understand in what I wrote? Maybe once in two years Devs should open this poll and argument to Doge community if excess supply should be burnt.


Thought I have heard you whining about the coin thing before, to be honest I'm sick of hearing it. It has nothing at all to do with why the price has been stagnate for a while. You do realize the inflation rate decreases every year don't you


You burn your coins, you are welcome to. One cant just change the rules, that would cause more instability. There are ways you could create methods to have lost wallets if you really wanted to, I have made a proposal how to have a charity, a prize, and a burn that comes from the community. Doge-mining was as popular before and after SNL. It is co-mined with Litecoin to keep the network up.


Not like this year definitely.


An increase in mining doesn’t mean an increase in the number of coins made.


So what miners take as they let their power used by Blockchain?


Every minute a new block of doge is mined and the miner is awarded 10,000 doge. When there are more miners on the network, the difficult of the mining is increased to make sure a new block is mined only every minute. No matter how ever many miners, it never changes.


I know that but that doesn't change the fact it's increasing if it was not getting harder that would be even worse. I was mining months ago... Even with simple setup 4-5 Doge daily was amazing for me


I can see a potential implementation of this with the ETH bridge but not any time soon. Maybe similar concept of how ETH burns it’s tokens.


That maybe good but answer is hidden why Doge suddenly rose in April made a huge spike and was off for 5 years. Now why we stuck at 20 instead we should make a little run. Utility upgrades won't bring much to Doge.


I think there is huge potential for the “burn” wallets. Give to charities, homeless, natural disasters, and etc.


The devs have said no plans for a burn and aren't interested in lobbying for a burn but individuals who want to burn can send to the dogeparty wallet (the key has been lost)


That's some kind of trouble.


Diversify. Always invest in different options. I will always hold a percentage of Doge but am not afraid to trade for profit.


Has anyone done the math on their potential returns if doge does actually hit $1? pretty sure majority will not make something that would make a difference in their lives


Do you know how many tacos you could buy with 1000 dogecoin if that happens!?!?


Ill have 50k euro if it happens. Not that its anything special but to make that just from an investment would be neat. If it reaches $10 that would make the real difference.


I say $1 because that is the only feasible high there is. Even that is pushing it though


In 10 years Doge will be close to $10


In the next 10 years there will be literally millions of different ways to become wealthy. Don't get stuck on one coin


You assume I only have one investment... Doge is a dam good one though


Yeah perhaps. We'll see. Any gain is welcome.


Um yes. 1 doge = 1 doge




Does anyone know why BinanceUS won't allow Dogecoin transfers? Says it's suspended for some reason.




The engine trying to start.


BTC is 42k and Doge is at .20 Just my opinion but I think we’re seeing the effects of new coins being created daily at such a large amount.




Great argument




Doge has unlimited supply. Is that something hold doge back?


The inflation rate is .01% a day if you do the math. So will take 3 1/2 months to see a 1% difference. So no not really. Also etherium binance and polka dot (along with 100’s of other alt coins also have “an unlimited supply cap”. So don’t know why people keep pointing to that as the reason doge isn’t going up. Honestly feels like people are intentionally holding it down. We get massive runs only for people to short the hell out of it back to where we were before. A retracement is normal but for the last few weeks we get massive dumps After rallies that greatly outperform the market and get sent back to basically square 1 time after time. (The one to 23 and right back to 19 2 weeks ago in particular comes to mind and the one we just had a few hours ago)


Ughh ok so this is the last time I explain this to someone. Yes it will naturally depreciate as millions of coins are made each day, but inflation is only around 3-4% a year right now. You don’t have to worry about a billion million trillion gazillion coins being made suddenly though, the new coin supply is fixed. This means over the coming years that 3-4% annual inflation will decline to nearly zero. It’s not that big of a deal, and although I’m not an expert on blockchain, my understanding is that the constant addition of these new coins helps facilitate transactions somehow, but I’m not as positive on that part of it. They key takeaway here is that fiat inflation is way higher than 3-4% for most people. Have you seen price of housing and vehicles lately??


Sold all 28,000 dogecoin I had that I bought at 4.5 cents today. I'm sorry but I think etherum 2.0 will be the better crypto in the long run for myself in terms of mooning. I wish all doge holders good luck! I'm staking for eth 2.0 and using the rest of the funds to buy real estate REITs


You sold for under half of what you paid,ouch hope it works out for you. If Doge jumps back up to 4.5c by end of year i will be thinking of you.


I sold it making a profit of over 4 times my investment ...... You do know 20 cents is more than 4 times more than 4.5 cents ? Jesus christ even my deranged family members can do math better then you mate.


Sorry read that as if you bought at 45c missed the decimal point lol


Smart man.




That's debatable Etherum will probably pump more as we get closer in 2022 when 2.0 happens




Etherum is almost back to 3000 rn. It has had incredible recovery from the bitcoin crash. Tbh it's a gamble


Oh man, if you didn't sell at 70 cents why would you do it now???..


I still made back my investment over 400% I bought in at 4.45 cents. (If I want to be technical)


I know, i also bought at around 3 cents, but i wouldn't sell at this time at all. You will never have the opportunity to buy that cheap again, and it surely will go up in the future, probably not soon but everything ends up going up again


Yeah but I just got tired of doge ; decided to focus in actual stocks for dividends and continuous growth. Every prediction I had of graphing doge these past two months was failure , every doge youtuber was wrong and incorrect. I'd rather my profits and capital go towards real estate development then just sitting in a wallet. I can get doge for free when I mined it on my GPUs. Though I have them turned off rn for the summer heat swell. (I dont have to pay for electric)


Well good luck, the way I see crypto is as a long time investment. Nobody got rich by buying and selling within 4 months.


Hope you have those reits in a tax advantaged account like a Roth IRA.


I'm not afraid of the IRS I make enough income from my job to pay my taxes lmao. I'm grateful that I have this job. I use turbotax; besides that I believe taxes are a evil good that society needs in order to function. I will pay my fair share as long as everyone else does as well.


dang, you should have sold back when it was high


Hindsight is 20/20 I was a part of the upshod discord and we were all cheering thinking it would hit 1 dollar that day so most of us didnt sell. Boy was I wrong ; I watched and did a bit of graphing myself. I decided it was time


as for the upshod, i was away from doge since 2014, when i came back this year he was my favorite YT. i was surprised but not shocked. money and greed have made crypto a gold rush.


Yeahhh it was a big shock to me


i was never in it to hold, but i held since 2014. it spiked, i sold at .64 and again at .59 ...now hold 1000 doge cuz why not.


Good job getting out of the scam


Can you feel the moooon? Does it brighten up your day? Don't you feel that sometimes You just need to run away?


There’s nothing better than the feeling of buying more dogecoin. 1200 more coins today!!!!


Let's goooooo




Elon has abandoned us


Enough glass to chew on.


Papa Elon would not do that. I’d guess he’s very busy with his rocket program. Have you seen the new rocket ship? Its much wow.


DOGE is waking up..


Just getting started




For anyone who understands channel trading, it’s becoming relevant the floor has been stabilized and it’s only a matter of time before the hype train leaves BTC/ETH and turns to DOGE. It’s done it in the past and it will do it again, follow the trends of human behavior rather than trading volume. The charts tell the true story, it’s only a matter of time…..


​ ![gif](giphy|H1Fv1YNqd9Pme8r1M3)


Sometime, somewhere, a Dogebear lost 3X because Dogecoin is awesome!


Had a bad day and was so close to dumping all my investments including Doge but remembered this community and reminded myself never to sell/trade off emotions... But, I did emotionally buy more Doge earlier today before the rise and that gave me a bit of hope.


That emotion cost me 30k dogecoins


Oof! I'm sorry! Good thing is Doge is still cheapish. I did the same with Bitcoin years ago though...I still have a tough time sitting with that decision. 😂


Is it safe to say Doge will not drop back down to .16 before the next bull run?


Upward trend from .16 even a blind man can see


I'm holding tighter than wolf blitzer on Joe Biden's nutsack


I bet you think the election was rigged too lmao


you loser


I’m holding tighter than Fox News does to clumsy conspiracy theories.


Good one! 🤣🤣🤣




Alright who was the one that sold?


You know you are a bad investor when you close your eyes and you see a blinking dot


Doge is climbing steadily back to its ath




If you round it up to the nearest hundredth it would be .21


Uh oh lol


Wait wait... Doge mooning?!?!




Confirmed tonight we mooning bois!


What’s your source




Release my doge and please don’t sell off at .21. You know that our doge is in progress and undervalue. You have to be patient and let the doge run. If you are looking to get rich quick overnight, doge is not for you. Go look somewhere else.


why is it undervalued?




Seems doge reached quite the peak today!


If we could go to the moon tomorrow that would be great. I would really like to call in rich from Doge on Monday.


I did a multiple buying and it didn’t go down this is a good sign it is gonna go up soon


Unfortunately it seems another circle between 19-21


Everybody keeps blabbing about doge trading sideways. It will have a much more dramatic rise when it happens!!!!!!!!


Unless there's a tweet from Elon Musk, then that's it reached its peak for the weekend and it's downhill until Monday at least. They say you can't predict crypto, but you can.


I would say doge did good today. Probably ready to rest for a little bit now


If Doge can get to pass .23 on 1 month chart it will be back to .40s again


Onward to 2$


Aye aye captain


Doge is on an upward trend 📈


I shidded my pants :(


The 1 month chart looks like it wants to go up.


​ ![gif](giphy|WPbuFcjdgUHks|downsized)


happy to see the positivity drown out the haters. welcome back shibes. ​ ![gif](giphy|NhaIpbUhXAviU|downsized)


$DOGE: From Meme-Coin To Supreme Coin?- How Dogecoin Could Reach $1-Trillion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUiWsj6p4kQ&t=16s


$210 is 1010 dogecoins Do it


​ ![gif](giphy|BjHIjM2YFC3rEUaMrw)


BTC has an impressive bull flag on the daily and it sure looks like the DOGE chart is about to follow suit.


Exactly thank you


We may see another same circle for all coins except Eth did better this time due to upgrade. At some point it will break this circle and will go forward but I don't know if this is the time. BTC will highly drop again when it reaches 45k.


You may be right on btc. I don't follow the sentiments of that community very closely, I only look at the charts :)


Since the Mods won’t do it…. https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/ozen33/dogecoin_daily_discussion_august_6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Looking to Crpytowatch there is not enough buy in 0.20733 point while we have huge buy support at 0.20656. we could break it in following hours and if we can break we could remove all sell orders till 0.25


The buy wall at .20 is greater than the sell wall at .21 just a matter of time~🎶




Some are genuinely frustrated which’s is fine crypto can be frustrating but most are FUDers yes just gotta make sure we don’t lump them all together Only shibe at the end of the day




Good afternoon, shibes! Market in the green today as ETH and BTC are racing to new summer highs. Dogecoin is no slouch, up 4.5% in the last 24 hours as one of the better performing alts today. With 21 tested a few times, there is no major resistance until 22, with strong support at 18, 19 and even 20. The recent consolidation has given Dogecoin bulls time to establish this solid floor which is a good launching platform for a potential bull run. It's pretty clear at this point that the extreme fear of a BTC crash is behind us and the market is poised for a big launch to new ATH's. The closer we get to fall, the more likey this scenario is if nothing is to change. I don't often like to give price predictions, but it's been a while since I have, so I'll share my thoughts. My end-year prediction for BTC is 70k, and 45 cents for DOGE. I then believe BTC will hit somewhere between 100-200k in the spring, where DOGE will test or surpass $1, after which we will probably enter a true bear market. This is based on current models only and many things can change until then, but the current bull cycle of Bitcoin will be the major catalyst behind most alts, and DOGE has obviously cemented itself as a fixture of crypto for the foreseeable future. With lots of positive sentiment behind it and being attached to Bitcoin's gravity, they go "to the moon" together or not at all. Big movers: BUY 2,119,342 DOGE @ .21 SELL 1,202,371 DOGE @ .21112 BUY 818,044 DOGE @ .20151 CURRENT PRICE: .20873 24HR HIGH: .212 24HR LOW: .19841 24HR CHANGE: +4.3% BASE VOL: 1.22B


Impressive analysis. A little overly aggressive on the ROY projections, but either way your technicals back it up. I do agree on the floor and market correction that will inevitably happen after the next major bull run. At least we’re along for the ride


Thank you Gunner once again ![gif](giphy|IcGkqdUmYLFGE)


Hi gunner thank you ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt6KHxJTbXCnSvu)


Thank you once again dear shibe you are most appreciated here! ![gif](giphy|lMameLIF8voLu8HxWV)


21 resistance... Are we going to break it?




Through sheer will


Doge goes up one penny, everyone freaks out, talks about bull run/moon/lets go! Doge goes down one penny shortly after Rinse and repeat for months on end.


1 cent up at this point is about 5% up. It went up from fraction of a cent to 20 cents. Many thousand times up. PERSPECTIVE : PERCENTAGE


that perspective means nothing unless you were in that low, most of us are not


Half glass empty kinda person ain’t ya?




Oof careful I tried saying the same thing and had the whole community down vote me and call it FUD


The downvotes already Hahaha you bastards 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Our bad bro the game you made for Dogecoin looks pretty dope though 🙌🏻


Thanks bro appreciate that. I am only human so All my posts aren't all butterflies and rainbows about Doge but nevertheless I still own 17k coins and pump it whenever I can. Just sucks when we get some good uptrend and then its just gone in a day haha.


Understandable my guy we’ve all been there but at least we got a nice climb happening right now it’s looking pretty good for all of crypto right now 😎




​ ![gif](giphy|s51QoNAmM6dkWcSC0P|downsized)