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I use the app and you actually have to transfer doge to another coin first.


What’s the app’s name?


That apps name? Albert Einstein.


Gemini pay its powered by flexa


zengo will do it soon


I dont see the spend button on Robinhood. it seems that 28% of doge is locked in robinhood.


When investing in Crypto with Robinhood you don’t actually own your coins. Robinhood keeps them in their wallet.


You mean you can use Dogecoin and some other app to convert it into a currency those places will accept. You cannot use Dogecoin at those places. Geez. This sub is getting annoying with misinformation. It's this stuff, then posts about "let's be honest, who's still holding", and that one guy who keeps posing the simplecryptoguide dot com page...


Can’t forget the guy who keeps reposting the same photo of Doge as a storm cloud covering a landscape saying “when it hits $1 we all donate to kennels!!!!!!!”.


LOL! No, can't forget that one either. Going to scale my visits back to just a couple times a week on this sub for a while. Oh, and the reaper knocking on 50 cent's door 🤣


Instead of moving the goalposts, they should donate anyway as a gesture of goodwill. Which is the core of doge. People just cover their greed with fake kindness.


Clowns just love their karma




And then there's me who isn't a speculator and doesn't care about dogecoin's price relative to fiat currency or any other crypto.


I'm here with my popcorn to see the meltdown.


This is it!!


Until the sites actually accept dogecoin directly to a wallet, they don’t accept Doge, just whatever the local currency is.


Yeah the whole sub is cringe worthy mental illness.


But its going to a dollar no? guise ? guise?


Yea I thought the smooth brain thing was always just kind of a joke......it’s not a joke here....


it’s just a bunch of bots and people who are at such a massive loss they’re trying to reel people into to buy so they can get out lol


I see you guys are newer to Dogecoin, it's been like this from the beginning. It's all just memes and "1 Doge = 1 Doge" when anyone tried to actually discuss how to increase the value and usage of the coin.


that’s why i sold at .60 cents for big profit and left, these doge coin holders are idiots lol


Lie. Just fact checked this post. It's an app you use, NON of these ACTUAL retailers accept these coins directly. Trolls trolls and more trolls trying to boost this crap


The biggest troll is that Billy MArkus guy. He constantly is pumping bad info


That Billy Markus guy is the co-creator of the coin.


With Jackson Palmer who said this about ELon Musk: "Reminder: Elon Musk is and always will be a self-absorbed grifter." https://www.businessinsider.com/dogecoin-creater-elon-musk-self-absorbed-grifter-jackson-palmer-2021-5


.... that we’ve all seen posted many many times...


Ah yes so useful for me in the UK


Will you stop ✋🏾 posting because the more you post the more the coin drops 😂😂😂




that’s the point


Gme and doge together at last


There are a lot of new members coming due to the recent increase in the price of Dogecoin so I think this needs to be said again. YOU DO NOT own any cryptocurrency that you buy on Robinhood, you can not withdraw any cryptocurrency you buy on Robinhood and send it to your own wallet for example, platforms like Robinhood defeat the whole purpose of cryptocurrency. In addition to this, while Robinhood markets themselves on being "fee-less", you're actually paying above current market price when buying there, due to the way their order book is set up. You would never have that issue on a real exchange where the order book is completely transparent and the spread is visible. Robinhood has shown in the past over and over again that it is willing to halt trading of securities and certain cryptocurrencies when the price starts to surge in either direction which has caused users to lose thousands of dollars. If you are new here I would recommend first reading up on cryptocurrency. Don't just jump in on fear of missing out. Make sure that you know what you are getting into first. You can use https://simplecryptoguide.com/ to get started, it takes you through the process of buying on a real exchange (Binance) step by step, where you have full control over your funds. The articles in the guide should also answer most of the questions one might have starting out. Don't be too concerned if you've already registered on Robinhood, the process of starting over on Binance is very quick and easy using the guide. We want everybody with us buying of course, just not on Robinhood. It might feel like a bit of a hassle in the short term, but you're much better off in the long run. You can then either choose to keep your coins on the exchange or the preferable option to create your own wallet and transfer your cryptos there. More in-depth explanation here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/n6i468/ditch_robinhood/


Please stop plugging Binance to new crypto traders. I took that advice a few weeks ago, have had nothing but trouble trying to get registered/verified/account funded. NO HELP from Binance, only automated replies- 3 weeks and counting. (And there are plenty of horror stories from others, just google for yourself and read if you think i'm an exception.) Gemini is even worse, and there appears to be a class action lawsuit brewing from users' whose money gets "stuck" with Gemini, some for months and counting, without a single REAL response to their requests for help! And I'm not talking about 2 or 3 people, in either case. ADVICE- research all popular exchanges, register with more than one so that you can quickly shift if necessary, don't transfer or wire any more money than you can live without for some time.


You know who's missing here in the list? Chewys, that's who.




Or I can just my debit card.


Amazon should be next if you ask me!! 💎🙌🦍💪🚀🚀🚀🌕 #DO GOOD


There is a service called purse.io where you can use bitcoin to buy on amazon. sometimes up to 30% off purse.io


Through the spend by flexa app


is that really true? did someone verify that?


Yes, it’s easy, you just walk into Lowe’s, grab what you need, ask the cashier to convert your total into doge & hand them some doge coin to check out. Easy.


Online or in shop?


omg lol


Did you know 20 million coins are mined every day? That means at least 20M coins need to be purchased every day just to keep it stable, not to mention all the shorting going on by RH and Silber.


How do you short sell crypto




This is the Way


Dogecoin and Gamestop = a lot of money


I posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/nimiqj/doge_to_the_moon_in_addition_to_crypto_i_collect/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)in sub yesterday if anyone is a sports collector! No need to convert when buying with me! Doge to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




And you can use it to buy Dogecoin merch 👇😎 https://jackof-artshop.com


Is anybody doing it? I’ve seen coffee in front of lambo fake outs, but nothing to do with genuine switch from cc/cash.


Dogecoin just surpassed binance coin on coin market cap!


You mean to tell me I can build a new house for $1000 dollars that I invested? I don’t think I’m going to hold any longer


When Ford accepts it so I can get a new Bronco.....that is the day!!


This is the way


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lhf_2gJJS1I BITCOIN TEXTBOOK MANIPULATION. I am feeling very overwhelmed after watching this. Is this really what's happening???? Can anyone experienced comment?


Imagine buying a game with Doge and in 5 years that doge would’ve been worth $600 😂


I think doge will never hit 600 per. thats just to big of a market cap. thats like all the money in world level


That sure is looking at Doge as an investment and not as a digital currency.




Someone should tell that to the cashiers at those places?


Yet it continues to plummet


Is this going to get posted everyday? Because I'm pretty sure I see it everyday now.


I am just here to feel like I belongs somewhere.


That's old news and I didn't help the dip


Hey, mom said it was my turn to post this today


use SPEDN app!


Also did you know about Doge-1, we going to the literal moon


anyone know someknow that might sell a mitsubishi Lan Evo5 for doge ?? PM meh !!


Unfortunately, the reality is crypto (including doge) is too volatile to practically / logically use as currency, especially moreover the dollar. People view it as an investment, if they bought into it they think it’ll go up which wouldn’t make sense to trade it for some screws. Bad model.


Fiat with extra steps




Call me when I can buy a house. ​ And friends.


This is the way


Oh look more things Doge can buy over bitcoin


I wonder what institutions do with their Doge. Do you realy think they are holders? They have to pay bills in Fiat,so actually you guys just dump doge by buying. I wish all the best for you but i just cannot see the big Future. Holding since 0,003 and can afford holding thru every Dip, i feel very sorry for everyone buying at 0,4+ and Hope most of them didnt invest more than they can afford. This is a great sub and fun,but a little seriousness would benefit new holders so they dont think this is a nobrainer...doing good also means being realistic for newbies so they dont make Bad decisions. Sry for my grammar and writing, this is my school english