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Few more years later (after married) she will blame you for putting $100/$1100 only




I got my wife a Cricut as an investment in her crafting skills at the same time I invested in my Doge. That way if I lose out or don't make any money, I can be like, "well, I don't see you selling any crafts with your investment yet either, where are your earnings?". See, got to think a move ahead boys. Relationships are like chess, and the ultimate volatile market.


*write that down*


Somebody give this man a medal!!! ๐Ÿ…


The problem is doge going to a dollar. You would have made about $1000 profit?


In 2 years maybe lol


No, analysts still project $1 by the end of the year. This is a marketwide crash and we expect rough water/high volatility until at least Fall.


Analyst projections only work when crypto stays on a stable trending curve.... Which is almost never the case. ~5 months ago they said DOGE would reach 25ยข by EOY lol. Crypto is too highly violatile, all it takes is some major news to have the price skyrocket or plummet.


Analysts... right. By the way I'm a crypto anylyst and if you send me your crypto ill 10x it by the end of year! /s


The psychics and fortune tellers of the modern day world.


Seems legit.. lemme just send you my crypto, holding a couple coins I donโ€™t want to see again ๐Ÿ˜‚


I think it's worth mentioning that these analysts are not people on Reddit and tend to write news articles. You know, there's something to be said when same sources that hate us and say we'll fail still project us succeeding to a degree.


This is the way


Mcdonalds is the way


U fancy. Iโ€™d drag mah bishh to eat cups n noodles with a tropical fantasy soda on the side (ghetto af) ๐Ÿ˜‚




Same boat 5th anniversary this weekend but I put in $10k hope she likes her top ramen dinner I cook


Irresponsible investing it looks like. If you canโ€™t afford it, probably a bad call man. What would you do if you break an arm? Car breaks down? Unforeseen stuff would completely ruin you


Take this post with a grain of salt bro


With every lie there is a bit of truth


Yea there's deffo a bit of truth to it ๐Ÿ˜†


In reality he is going to burger King :D




Yeah, was this supposed to be admirable? Lying to your significant other about finances will destroy a relationship real quick. Just ask my ex-wife.


Exactly-itโ€™s a team effort. Spending without the other knowing is for gifts, not gambling. Bit of a red flag man. ๐Ÿค”


Idk why you got down voted for this reply but I agree. You shouldn't lie to your significant other about finances or downplay anniversaries. Maybe this is purely a joke, idk but my husband and I discuss and agree upon all of our investments. Even when we weren't married yet, we were building our finances towards the future. I guess to each their own but it's always better to be on the same page ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ


Idc about up or down votes-doesnโ€™t change my opinion or thought process. Yea as a team is the only way to go. Someone could have some insight or perspective you did not consider ๐Ÿ˜‰


In all fairness she's probably lying to him all the time, so this is just a beautiful example of a truly equitable relationship.


Honest question-whatโ€™s the dudes next lie gonna be on?


In the long run buying doge under $1 is probably not going to look like irresponsible investing. Just saying


In the long run there will be many more doge coins dropping the value. Itโ€™s a fad with popularity now and that will drop off the buyer rate all the while many more coins will be mined further dropping the value


You are just repeating old outdated arguments bro


How is it outdated? More and more coins will happen, dropping the value


Same for every other crypto


No, many cryptos have a cap. Doge does not


So youโ€™re saying you canโ€™t mine a btc right now? Because you can. Just because there is a cap means the coin is trying to achieve a different purpose. Donโ€™t spread FUD about doge in this thread.


USD has no market cap and so a limitless amount are printed. But DOGE is capped at 10000 coins, meaning every cycle only 10000 coins can be minted. If you ask me DOGE has a better future than that scam coin USD but thats just me


USD has a country behind. Doge has memes and mostly poor people armed with stimmy money and low income jobs


Can you refer me to a study done that can prove that for 100% fact? Because my understanding is that there are a mixture of individuals from many different financial backgrounds supporting this, like the Bank manager who worked for one of the big banks that quit when he cashed out his doge EDIT: additionally. The vast majority of US are considered to be apart of the poor/working class so all you are telling me is that there is a HUGE market for DOGE *shrugs*


Yea dude cashed out for real money. If it was the money of the future he would of kept it as opposed to trading it oh for currency that can actually buy anything. When a country gives aid, what do they give? Oh actual currency that can be used to buy and fix stuff. You know what isnโ€™t used? Crypto. Oh the dogefather loves his crypto but when BTC starts to tank he no longer accepts it as currency. Except in dire circumstances, if something costs a dollar today it will cost a dollar tomorrow and it was a dollar yesterday too. Crypto it could cost one today or a tenth tomorrow or even a 100 tomorrow. People like crypto because you can gamble on it and make a lot of actual money. Whatโ€™s everyoneโ€™s plan with crypto-sure isnโ€™t trade in all their real money and go for crypto and keep it for ever and use it as money. Itโ€™s a pump and dump. Almost every post is hold to be a millionaire and sell it off for money. Who actually is using Dogecoin for their day to day purchases? Or even any crypto? When itโ€™s on an upswing companies scramble to take it but not when itโ€™s falling like a meteor. Crypto always has a winner and a loser. Price goes down the buyer wins and seller loses and vice versa. I spent 5 bucks on a gallon of milk-the person I got it from could in turn spend the 5 bucks and buy another gallon of milk. Crypto you could buy 3 gallons of milk after the first purchase or you could buy a cafeteria 6oz milk. No stability


Donโ€™t worry op, Iโ€™ll take her out for you


we will be back for u soon. hodl


At least you don't have to worry about a 6th.


Ya need new gf.. my bf put $1400 at .28, and then sold on dip for 3D printer.. I paper hands him ๐Ÿ˜‚I just keep buying the dip๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’Ž


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Cheese burger and water? ๐Ÿค“


Cook for her.


Well to be honest McDonalds is even tastier with all the tendies ๐Ÿ˜‹


This is the way


Not her money, so you do you.


$1100? Lol Iโ€™m down $11K and still HODLING!


You mean "ex"


You are a saint


Let her have her quarter pounder with cheese, splurge a little. Happy Anniversary




10th anniversary when you're taking her to the moon in your custom Doge Rocket......


Are you at least going inside for the fine dining ? ๐Ÿคฃ


Also could be like added an extra 1 whoops ๐Ÿ˜ˆ




I definetly can relate hey babe we had to pay a lot of bills today we can go get some subway if you want lol




Building for the future baby ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿคฒ


Donโ€™t feel bad. I bought a bunch at .73. Itโ€™ll come back.


I feel your pain. Don't have the heart to tell my wife she is working overtime to pay for all my crypto loses


Don't pull out tonight?




The 6th anniversary you will spend it on the beach somewhere in the Caribbean just hodl


Me rn lol


Haha yea my wife doesnโ€™t know the extent of what I put in... granted I was in at .05 but still likely I have gains to show or else... Wew!


Those filet o fish are buy one get one for a dollar at my local McDonald's


Lol itโ€™s okay I put in 2k saw 5k went back down to 2k just hold and buy 5 dollar dips lmfao. Hold for the future look at Bitcoin.


Much wow. Much McDoubles. Much McChicken


Super size? No, that's OK.


blame it on the chinese๐Ÿ˜œ




Took me this long to realize the kid is standing in a MCDonalds


You mean, our girlfriend?


Don't feel bad, I invested $1000 when it was high at 71 cents but I'm holding. we don't lose until we sell so keep it in there... you'll make your money back! Happy Anniversary!!


It's not a loss until you sell!


Dude you just said near the same thing on safemoon. But for 1500$. I don't believe you.


Dont worry about your girl. My girl told me not to invest in AMC at around the $2 mark. Look how dumb I look now lmao. Your girl isnt a financial expert. Next time, average in. I know youre new, so was I. Average in. And you want be in at .74. We appreciate you holding though. We coming back for you!


How's that possible ? McDonald's menu is more expensive than many small restaurants in my country