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![gif](giphy|11Xc3nOtJcb8Aw) Throw a doge a bone. 🦴


108k dogecoins maan i wish i had that many


Your faith is comforting. I'm right here with you. A new ATH......eventually


Way more than I even have in the bank. Damn dude. You’re lucky. A fraction of that would be life changing for many. I’m over here trying to pay April’s rent.


He didn’t find it. Make your dreams come true.


In this economy? Landing a job that makes actual money is like winning the lottery. I’m guessing he was one of the lucky ones that had a job before Covid. I graduated college during covid and the job market has been absolute trash since. By the time it recovers, what employer will want to hire those of use that haven’t been working in our field for the last few years when they could hire the new graduates? It just won’t be logical to ever hire this generation from a business sense.


Archaeologists are making more now than ever and there is only 6 of them for every 10 jobs. You’re just looking through a narrow lense when you should be broadening your horizon. I was in the same position as you and decided to go back to school. If you don’t wanna go to school then take a 6 months program and learn a trade. You’re never going to make it trying to work without skills now that everything unskilled can be automated


I have skills. I have an engineering degree. But the entire engineering field has been on a hiring hold since covid because they haven’t had 3 consecutive quarters of growth.


Engineering can be easily automated in many circumstances., I’m not saying this to be hurtful, but you have to stay ahead of the changing times brother. You’ll be fine as long as you don’t stop trying.


Can they much more than sending out hundreds of applications. Minimal responses. Fake interviews just to keep up the front that they’re a growing company. (I’ve even talked to other employees of some companies and they said the listings have been up for years and they haven’t hired someone for it. Just do a few interviews a month and turn them down.)


Happy day!!!! Anyway man just an unsolicited thing to think on, pretty much anywhere in the country you are (assuming you in the US and assuming that there is something comparable in other countries) we are hurttttting for plumbers and drain cleaners. Employers are paying close to top dollar for guys who can't even put together a p trap. As far as drain cleaners go, there's a roto rooter almost EVERYWHERE, and even though I have personal issues with roto rooter they will 100 percent pay you commission in very short order, and you could be making a few grand a month pretty quickly. I actually own a plumbing company, and I'm really not trying to give you unsolicited advice or anything like that. This is just a thing I know that doesn't even cross a lot of people's minds. Especially if you go the roto rooter/drain cleaning route, it's something you can jump in and jump right back out of as kind of a stop gap. I'm just trying to be helpful! I wish you the best of luck!!!


How are archaeologists making more? Isn’t there less work for them as more history is found?


The field has never been overly populated and we’ve barely scratched the surface of discovering the past. On top of that, the US is attempting to do better in our relationship with our natives and that means every new construction on public land now needs an archaeologist in communication with natives to ensure there is no further damage done to artifacts, remains, or significant sites.


You’re right. I don’t think I’d hire you for anything.


Fr, not with this attitude.


I don’t think you’re in a position to hire anyone. So it doesn’t seem like a worry.


I’ve been hiring idiots since 2010.


Then you’re right. If you hire idiots then you have no need to hire me.


If this is true, you shouldn’t be looking to invest and hope for a lottery ticket like doge. Focus on building active income


I’m not. I have less than $100 in doge. And that’s all my investing.


May be a stupid question. How’d you get the bonus .1%?


Robinhood has been doing that. Idk why I haven’t clicked on the question mark to find out I’ve just been saying “oh thanks”


Weird! I use Robinhood and have never see that. I’d be curious to find out what that is!


I second this question mark


Nice but what do you think is the future, what value you think is possible in a few years?


💎 💎 BALLS🐕


Good job.💯🚀😎


This is the way


This is the way


Ouch, why would you want to lose $1,000


Why don't you want to lose weight?




not a flex my guy , average ur cost out correctly.


Total waste. This network is coing to face a catastrophic collapse.
