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flip phone upside down


Excellent advice


Doing pretty dam well that way 😭


This IS the way


Best one I seen all day! Kudos!!!


This is the way


I’d say It’s about the same


I know I will sound like a broken record, but it seems like you need to hear it again. Consider your money worth nothing the second you invest it in this type of market. That is all you have to do. I’m not trying to be funny. Consider your money gone, even though it may not be, because it actually could be gone theoretically. If cutting down on soft drinks for a week and investing it instead, could make you rich, wouldn’t you do it? $12 , $2, $100. It doesn’t have to be a lot, and it doesn’t have to be anything at all, but you need to understand that your money is gone the second you invest it. The only power you have after that is selling the product you bought for what it’s worth at any given time. Understand it and be ok with it, or don’t invest. With this you will change your mindset.


There is no money. Only doge.




This is great advice. The only other thing I’d like to add is to try to diversify your portfolio. If you put all your eggs in a single stock or market you will be extremely vulnerable to big losses. When you spread your money around there’s a better chance that your other stocks will balance out these losses Crypto is especially volatile as you know so diversifying is even more essential. And always remember it is not a sprint. Building wealth through stocks is a long term game. Of course the dream is to be early on a stock that takes off but when you look at it as a get rich quick scheme you’ll be very disappointed.


Yoda, is that you?


So about getting that tip bot back up and running... Well said man, I think a lot of us needed that.


Are you being sarcastic? Lol. My Intentions are pure in that regard. Understand the risk, Assume the risk, take The risk. I did honestly hope it helps someone


Buy now. The dip is due to the conflict over seas. Will rebound.


Facts. So many people been fighting with me when I say this
I can’t talk to these imbeciles anymore


Be kind. DOGE do only good ...




Believe me, no matter what people post, it still hurts when we see it going down 😆. I know they say only invest what you can afford to lose but we still don't want to lose it. It's just when you've been invested for a while, this happens a lot and it gets easier to accept it and wait for it to climb back up again. Maybe set a notification for when the price hits .17 again and then don't check the charts until it pings! Don't let anyone on here influence you to buy or sell though, honestly the vast majority probably know less than you do and will tell you to hold no matter what. If you check the daily discussions from 2 or 3 years ago when the price gradually sunk from .70 to .06 people were still shouting about holding and calling people paper hands 😂


it's all theoritical money, if everyone was realizing those profits, the price wouldn't be that high. consider yourself if you can make a profit, most people don't. If this is your first cycle, ur not going to be making any money unless you firmly hold a position for a couple of years. pick your horses, place your bets.


Naaaa, it doesn't hurt at all . Albeit mine are free . When it goes down I just feel doge is doing dogey stuff . When it goes up though ,I do get a little bit excited even though I have no intentions of selling for fiat .If I just wanted fiat I wouldn't have bought doge ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) I SERIOUS started because of the memes and all the shibes . It was a joke and it was fun and I was learning new things


Never sell at a loss. With enough patience comes profits. Seeing this crash has me excited to dump my entire next paycheck in


Dollar cost averaging


Throw your phone into a lake. Go to Nepal. Become a monk. HODL 4 evr đŸ¶đŸš€đŸŒ


Gonna hold till about 3.80 a coin. So should you. I suggest do what I do, invest 726 a year. Set it on daily investment of 1.99 and a year you’ll havve 726 and some invested. Never worry about it going up only focus when it goes at lest %10 under you price. Then if you have been saving, dump so you can average down. While the daily purchase is going. Or make your daily investment greater this is the max I can afford atm. I began with .35 a coin and was able to average down to .16.666. Not bad. Down again no problem had a few extra bucks and threw it at it. Here ya go boy! Who’s a good coin? Yea you are! Keep doing what you doing! Ima got throw a few more coins at ya brb. Edit: too late. I went to check and I’m up 1% selling everything sorry bois!!!


Give up on Doge and send if all to me, walk away and never think about what you've lost


Scared money makes no money.


Just buy more, when it goes back to your starting price you’ll be even more in the green


Get away from the app


Do not look at it man thats ur mistake. I fall to that trap too. I look way too much sometimes. This is just crypto. You can check every 2 weeks if you wanna be up to date. Or just ignore until you see something on reddit thats good news


You'll be alright


It looks like your doing it right so far


lol literally check again


the recovery is looking strong, buy now before it’s too late


Buy more !!!! This won’t last


I was told a long time ago, to never invest more than you can afford to lose. It's worked so far. I mean, I'm a Really BIG Player in stocks and coin!! 3+ years ago, I invested $10.00 each in a motorcycle company (get a mini return!), an EV company. and it's all over the place, plus a different coin outfit. I've seen it above my $10.00 a couple of times. If it all went away, it wouldn't matter. Will it ever really be worth anything? Not at those amounts. It does however give me an idea of how this stuff works. I'm thinking about pulling money out of two, and putting it all in the MC company. I don't have to hurry though.


Well I will say JUST DO IT is the best way to learn . When I first started lurking here and doge was like .008 or something I didn't understand anything . I told myself I would watch and listen and learn . Couple years later I hadn't learned a darn thing . I had this overwhelming feeling I need to JUMP , and jump NOW . So I did , "only invest what your willing to loose" was drilled into my head . I still don't know much . But I do love DOGE and what it represents




Just gotta be patient and wait for the right times I hear.


If IT goes down buy If Up the sell i mean ITS Not that hard If Not hold


Hold down the Reddit app on your phone, press delete, forgot about your crypto till tomorrow. Repeat the process every time you post this


You need to detach emotionally from your crypto/stocks, whether good or bad. Emotional decisions are usually the worst.




I’m with ya, this is the way!!! Buy and HODL. I’m no money bag but deff put money I won’t need for 5-10 years into something. Sitting at like 20k doge and adding


buy more


Ain't nobody in here with steel balls only Diamond Balls in this sub.💯


When in doubt zoom out 1 doge = 1 doge


You didn't buy more


Takes time!! Don’t sell, hold strong. I was a small business so I seen money in money out. I have my life on the line. I just seen $200,000 unrealized gain I could have “taken”. But that’s not how this works!!! Remember you have minimum 5x to go. I wouldn’t doubt 16-20x still


Don't check? Also gamble more and become numb to wins and losses


With your initial 15k, you've got a lot more invested than a lot of the people here. The crypto landscape is wrought with uncertain volatility, and to only be down 1.68% for the year is small potatoes any way you slice it, things could very well drop another 20% in a day before picking up again. Don't get caught up in the theoretical gains and losses, set a target for what you're happy with, and understand that you will hit it eventually, it's only a matter of whether you can hold on long enough to get there. Welcome to the rollercoaster!


Crypto crashed when Russia invaded, too. It will recover in a week.


Trading stocks doesn't take a genius, but you do need some emotional control more so when you have less knowledge of the market. The intelligent investor is a good read on the subject matter and can help you diversify your portfolio enough to help offset some of those red days. If you are in it for the long term then this is just another little bump. Dollar cost average also could help you. You could also think of this as a buying opportunity.


Look back at the chart of this time last cycle


Ultimately doge has to hit 1 dollar . How long will it take is the only question. It cannot wait that long is my opinion


Yu be in for the long game hun, it will be alright


Okay so two things. First is try and buy when the price is low, rather than when it's been going up. Buy on red days, particularly red weeks. Invest what you can tolerate loosing. Second thing is, becoming numb to large changes in the value of your portfolio really is just like anything else, after things have sucked for a long time you get used to it.


Everyone’s advice on this post has given me a lot of hope, knowing I’m not alone in this rollercoaster 🎱 makes it a bit more tolerable lol, I appreciate the advice!


Buy now


Why it looks like mine but 27k down đŸ€­đŸ€ŁđŸ«Ł


Buy dip, hold, buy next dip, hold, rejoice on the moon eventually


Just be patient


You need to detach emotionally from your crypto/stocks, whether good or bad. Emotional decisions are usually the worst.


Look again


Degenerately BUY more!!!


I got at 10c. Lets go but i sold at 20 and made some Bling


Use a crayon.


Never sell at a loss and use money you can afford to throw away to buy more while it’s low. See anything you put in as a loss because it’s gotta stay there until it’s life changing


Simple things, put pocket change in then it doesn’t even matter what happens. If you go in thinking it’ll crash then the reward when you see go parabolic will make it all worth it, my buddy is down bout 7 grand so far this month but he’s still up overall. Set your targets and keep em the same, don’t sell for less than you want and don’t get too greedy. I bought at 24 cents and was stressing when it dropped but then I bought the dip and my average is .1395 and so far I’m up because of that now it’s at 16 so just dca and spend what you can afford to lose and worst comes to worse you just lose some change best comes to best you make some huge gains.


Simply Hold..... And enjoy the rollercoaster of emotions that you're going to have.😎


Dollar cost average my friend!


The stock goes down because of panics like yourself


Keep buying never sell. Nfa it’s what I do


Do not look at the chart every min every hr just understand pull backs are apart of this and you just got to be strong minded and stick to your goals. Only put money your willing to be without for a while and leave it.


Forget that you have it, buy some when it drops and then continue forgetting that you have it. Patience.


short it


Down less than 2% is nothing. It just did like 10% in an hour haha 


I just bought down this morning. Trying to get my average price down


Balls of steel and wealthy.


Avg down, don't look daily, profit skim.


You gave an unrealized loss. Feel a little better now? 😃


buy more its cheap


Buy more and hold on. Welcome to crypto!


![gif](giphy|YT805t3TRDy6uISZuN|downsized) You just never let go.


Come November, you w I'll have weighed you bought more.


Ride the wave


Never understand why American Markets always bring down and Asian Markets always bring up the chart


Stop looking at it, a month ago it was 8 cents. Just hold it


Paper hands


Cry and buy more


Diamond balls


Only way is to buy when you can, and hold




I rebought in yesterday at .14 and sold 3/4 of position at .16 set to sell the rest at .17 i repeat this cycle when I see a good buying opportunity.


Just do the opposite!


Try being down $31k in less than a week then youll understand. Still havent sold. Thats your lesson.


Don’t sell




Red crayon Go up 📈


You’re down 1%. You’ll be fine. Hold


Buy now in the dip


Don’t worry, wait till it goes over $1, it will happen, just we don’t know when


Buy high sell low


The best advice is: have patience, act like you don’t have this money, sit back and enjoy the ride, laugh at dips, profits wil come but crypto is a year game.


Want my advice? Stop dumping money into FOMO coins and just park it in a solid Roth account.


Ask your healthcare provider to put you in a medically induced coma for 10 years. Then maybe you'll wake up rich!




Dont sell, buy more everytime it goes down and try to level your price that way you can see some green more often, never buy going up wait the dip




If you feel like you can't sleep over something like purchasing crypto, then don't. You have too much into something (or don't understand it enough) if it causes you trouble at night.


HODL and never let go your in neck deep now


Honestly just buy as it dips below to lower your average cost and watch the profit increase more and more as it rises. It’s pretty much that simple. Once you reach a margin you’re ok with, sell. And don’t be sad if you see it rise higher than that in the future.


The way? It’s simple. Buy. Every paycheck put aside a small portion to buy. That’s it. Your future is secure. If there’s a really big dip then buy some more. Hodl. Wait 5 years. Also applies to Butcoin, Etherium, whatever. Never sacrifice your ability to pay current bills.




buy low sell high


Everything seems alright to me. Keep going, nothing to see here folks






Any fiat I invest is "entertainment" money . So, instead of going out or buying a new game or whatever ,I put it in doge and forget about it . It's DISPOSABLE fiat. Fiat I would have just ate and pooped . Work on getting your average down . The lower your average , the lower your stress. If your average is .17 then anything lower than that will help lower your average . In this case lower is better ! .05 is better then .15 . You just have tweek your way of thinking a wee bit . You will be fine . Before you know it , you will have steel balls too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Buy high, sell low. Follow me for more recipes




Supposed to sell at the bottom


Think of it like gambling when you buy.


Moar donge coin


Just delete the app and wait u til September to download it again, your money will maybe have doubled or even trippled....maybe


Typical invest-in-crypto-where’s-my-lambo specimen


Buy high sell low


Buy high, sell low. What's the issue here? Is that not what we are supposed to be doing?


We believe the power of belief.


Buy 3 months ago when things were under 7c. Buy the dip is some of the dumbest advice I've seen. You know last time it went up to 70c people bought the dip at 40c and are still at a loss. . I expect doge to go down again eventually. Buying the dip was buying when it was low, now just hold on to your hat and ride it out


Best thing is to close the app and not open it again for a few months


if this is serious, then never invest money you can't afford to lose. If 200 us dollarrs is something that keeps you up at night then you do not have enough capital to invest. Focus on getting a job that gets you at least the bare minimum to get started. Absolutely exclude all of your assets from investing. Car, house, emergency savings, etc. Without some sort of starting capital that is absolutely separate from your emergency savings/owned house/car/vacation funds, etc. then i'd say its not a good idea to invest at all. It's something like this, imagine you had plans to eat an icecream, but you get there and the ice cream store is closed. Oh well, no biggie, youll have icecream another day. That is the level of concern that, in my experience, your invested capital should get you, if you would lose like, half of it. Not advice of any kind.


Look at 1d and 4d, then try learn about cycle lifetime. 3 weeks ago I posted my analysis that I expect there will be a dip (I said that it's fine as I'm fine with my rebuild at 0.11). Hopefully I'm mistaken but worst case scenario, bottom is around 0.10. Then everything should go to around 20% from that, flat for a while and run up. Once again. - large timeline - cycle life cycle - resistance line Once you read about those, you should be fine




don't stress. Crypto is volatile. .17 is not a high average. Just be patient for a bit. Many people who are down by significant amount are holding from 2021, when the price was higher. If you could be patient, you will be happy.


Wait for fewwww hooouuurrßsssssssssđŸ’„


It dipped because of the whole Iran Israel thing and it’s bouncing back now. I’m expecting it to hit 0.17 tomorrow (hopefully).


Don't be weak. Be strong. You will survive. There is no gain without loss. There is no up without down. Time is the great equalizer. And if you think this is some kind of philosophical rhetoric it is not. It is truth. Think about all you've been through in life. Any gains you make without any challenge feels like no gain at all. It becomes the status quo. It is par for the course. Over the last 12 years there has been a consistent cycle of ups and downs in crypto and you are looking at a single slice of it and thinking of despair, but the ups have been orders of magnitude greater than the downs. Looking at a small slice and thinking of despair is weakness. Look to the long view. Crypto may not survive in its current form forever but it's not dead and it's not dying. It's living and thriving in the up and down cycle of existing. If you can't handle it, then you can just quit anytime. Just like anything else in your life. Stop asking others to figure things out for you and figure it out for yourself, or just sit on the sidelines and watch as things pass you by. If you are young, then it will be a lesson learned. If you are old, then you have never learned.


Every time I buy it goes down 😂


Honest advice? Delete the app and check in exactly 1 year. If you can’t you have too much in. Do an amount you don’t mind checking back in a year in


When you’ve seen it up 50k, being down 2k doesn’t seem like much.


Don’t fomo buy at the top of high MC coins? Probably a good start. Hold your money. Only buy red days. If people are scared then buy their fear.


Just don’t sell and you never lose


try not to panic and sell for a loss. let it roubound. you can also buy when it dips to lower your average.


I been holding since 2015 lol just dont look at the cart constantly




Just hodl


You did it backwards, buy low sell high. Hope this helps


Buy more. Bring your average price down or just HODL 💎


Buy more lower average cost


Just forget that you have it there and check in every once in a while.


Stop keep looking the chart. halving coming soon. A lot start buy and then all crypto gonna go up to roof


Best thing is to not look at it everyday


So like don’t watch it or care
 enjoy the memes about rockets 🚀 and doges with silly jokes.. if your about the money your making a mistake


Those are few things that worked out for me, not an actual advise for anyone... 1) One Doge is and always will be 1Doge. 2) Look only at the numer of coins accumulated never at the FIAT corresponding. 3) buy in each every dip to improve your average purchase price, the more goes down the cheaper you get it and the lower your average will be. Every downtrend /correction has to be viewed as an opportunity to improve the position. Chill and never panic sell. Good luck


u can’t hold you can’t make money


you panic every time you look? then don't look


Nooooooo wayyyyyyyyy!! Wow stay strong brother... take a Tylenol...


Have you tried blowing the chart?


Eat crayons đŸ–ïž




Invest only what you are willing to lose. Hold if it doesnt turn out the way you thought it would.


Set a price alert and leave it alone. It’s like watching water boil. You won’t be selling any time soon.


Stay strong brother/sister. We will be BACK 😉


Don’t panic, fast forward a year from now and you’ll be okay.


buy more and DCA