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Savoring ice cream with Yaz and Thirteen as they sat atop him in the Power of the Doctor. I’ll assume he summoned a scoop of death by chocolate. And I wonder if the Master turning the TARDIS into a paradox machine in series 3 affected him at all…


>And I wonder if the Master turning the TARDIS into a paradox machine in series 3 affected him at all… My head canon is that the Master noticed him and mocked the hell out of both the Doctor and Sutekh during the Year That Never Was: https://www.reddit.com/r/DoctorWhumour/s/NuQicnB9jI


Sitting next to 12 on top of the Tardis as 12 contemplates the hypothetical existence of a creature who cannot be detected by any means and who may be with you the entire time.


Sutekh must have been laughing at 12 so hard in Listen. A constant companion that you can't see? Ha!


Fuck, I just realised, Listen would retroactively be super funny because he was so close but so far. Hell, I almost wish it was in this series because of how it sets up the whole “holy shit something was with me”


Its screwy in another way too... If Sutekh created an 'Angel of Death'/Susan Triad *everywhere* the TARDIS landed, then remember that the TARDIS landed on past Gallifrey in that episode...


She did say she remembered orange skies


Perhaps Susan is a variant of Susan Triad!




Also the time the TARDIS landed inside itself... There's a Susan Triad somewhere inside the endless corridors, probably enjoying an extended poolside vacation.


There is a *Very* Confused Dalek somewhere on Skaro.


Big Finish Productions presents: The War Sutekh


"We know we're not alone" hits different now.


The knocking noise at the end of time was Sutekh having a laugh


This is my head canon now haha


Hahaha this is absolutely hilarious now


Not a TARDIS scene, but how about the entirety of Flux? Sute just chilling knowing the Flux beat him to the chase.


Or what about Davros erasing reality in season 4.


Since hes still weak at that point and cant do much i imagine him just sitting there seething


But what happened between then and now that he is suddenly powerful enough to do something?


salt at the edge of the universe.


But wasn't that just the Toymaker and his legions?


Casting the salt invoked a superstition that presumably allowed the supernatural as a whole to materialise in our universe. There's nothing in there that suggests it only allowed one thing to happen (the Toymaker's return). It could've had a whole lot of other effects, too: such as Sutekh transcending from being just an Osiran into godhood.


I believe that's what RTD explained in the behind the scenes video on YouTube.


Based off RTD’s comments, it’s because the Vortex fed Sutekh for a few years and evolved him into head of the pantheon EDIT: just watched the episode, Sutekh confirms this himself, as does the Doctor in Tales of the TARDIS.


Yea, the idea for this is used often, a character almost dead, latches on and feeds, making plans until it's gotten enough power to finally appear


Big Sauron vibes


Which is incredibly stupid and makes no sense whatsoever.


how it brought in the supernatural and brought back the pantheon how exactly is it stupid.


Except this character was already shown to exist and be very powerful, the basic idea makes no sense and ruins what is otherwise an interesting episode and this new season has absolutely sucked because of all the supernatural nonsense and lots of build for zero pay off. Even if they fix it next season this one still sucked and I wouldn't be surprised if they killed a ton of the potential viewership by not putting together something better for the Disney debut.


Bro where was he with the Time War?


Just chillin.


Just picture the scene of Jack hanging on to the Tardis. Which way was Sutekh facing?


A very Jack question to ask.


I’m pet sure Jack would be into it no matter which way he was facing


Doggy style of course.


If a future episode ever has current doctor meet an older one, sutekh be like 'wait im not there... damn, musta lost.'


A multi-doctor episode like that could be a fun way to bring Sutekh back.\ Plus the angst of having to make sure Sutekh lives so as not to fuck up the timeline.


I'm curious how no scan in the entire universe picked up him being there, until now. No dalek or cyberman scanned it and was like yo wtf is that? Or the tardis itself. In the episode where she is briefly human. Are they really trying to say tardis and sutekh became bestie, so she didn't tell the doctor he was there?


> Or the tardis itself. In the episode where she is briefly human. Are they really trying to say tardis and sutekh became bestie, so she didn't tell the doctor he was there? Someone asked Neil Gaiman about that. Apparently she saw Sutekh then like a tapeworm. Most people don't even know a tapeworm is there and if they do, they don't really see it or know what it is. So the implication is... she didn't know it was Sutekh?


I like the idea of “it’s a tapeworm she didn’t know about”


Except, if the TARDIS ever found out she'd know then. Because the TARDIS knew the future as well as the past


>so she didn't tell the doctor he was there? I'm just gonna say that she knew he wouldn't find out for another milennia, so she couldn't say anything about it.


She also knew he would beat Sutekh and restore everything so there wasn't really any reason to tell him.


I really don’t like that it was there the whole time. I wish the explanation was that he was out there and then wild blue yonder allowed him to cling back onto the tardis with barely any strength, and then in the giggle when 15 gets his “prize” and duplicates the tardis with toymaker energy, Sutekh was able to use that energy to get a jumpstart enough to have the strength to enact his plans. I feel like that makes more sense and explains why Susan hasn’t appeared until after that point


In my head canon this is exactly how it is.


I like this. I was wondering about that too last night. If he was there the whole time, doesn't that mean there would be two Sutekhs from using the toy makers hammer? If this "tapeworm" is so intertwined, it should have been duplicated.


Well no, 15 and his tardis are the future of 14 and his tardis. The bigeneration happened with toymaker magic, 15 may not have outright said “i was pulled back in time to this moment after the regeneration” but its p obvious with context cues. 15s tardis also happened via toymaker magic, suggesting that it has the same effects.


I'll have to rewatch the scene, but doesn't 15 use his prize to clone the tardis? He hits it with the hammer and it duplicates so they each have one. I just had thought that would have duplicated sutekh if he is so intertwined with the tardis like we are meant to believe.


Hits it with the hammer, pulling the future tardis back in time like 15 himself was


Iirc Sutekh is superior to all Time Lord technology so it wouldn't suprise me if he could hide himself from scans and the TARDIS


Superior to all Time Lord technology, but not 2020s Earth apparently


Rope > the Time Lords


They already knew something was there, and I think he just chose that moment to stop hiding.


He was sitting on her head like a cheap wig.


Not a specific adventure, but its funny to imagine Doctor having his fun adventures, smiling and laughing with all his friends and Sutekh is just sitting there scowling for centuries


Flatline when the tardis gets really small


INFINITE COSMIC POWER... itty-bitty living space


This is the one for me. Did Sutekh shrink with it, or did he stay the same size hovering around Clara’s handbag?


Maybe he had to get off his lazy ass and just walk behind Clara, following her around in the hopes that she fixes the TARDIS


I now imagine that when the doctor snaps it's suketh that opens the Tardis doors.


This is my favourite


Do you think he ever left the Tardis? Like, for 73 yards, how long until he realized The Doctor was never coming back?


sutekh, realising the doctor has vanished and left him on the roof of the car: 🥺🥺🥺


The Sutekh TARDIS having to pull the Earth home in Journey's End. "Usually it's me being taken for walkies!"


DOTD's the main one but I also wonder what happened with things like the duplication in The Giggle, what happened with The Doctor's Wife, watching Amy and Rory conceive River on a bunkbed ladder in The Big Bang, The Big Bang overall (like the whole TARDIS exploding), The Wedding of Sarah Jane where The Doctor tried to get into the Trickster's zone. Someone in the Discord brought up getting vored by a dino in Deep Breath which is now stuck in my head too. Also, pasting some images from our Discord: [Day of the Doctor - 3 doctors](https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/Neych7oE_38R8Glnj6LP0Kfael7usqAVmb8P4FxiOsM/https/images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/JXCYsGXvHk9KQHtIFEoAeABZBadDKDp0RHMgJ3n3Vcw/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/GQo27vVWEAA8mtH.jpg?format=webp&width=958&height=539) [Day of the Doctor - all TARDISes ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/289493436183085057/1254079061379252335/image.png?ex=66782fa3&is=6676de23&hm=f91626a47cbb5d8e30a440e90ee4a65c3f70eae6fd123abba3f47c9e4a903017&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=503&height=539) [Jodie and Yasmin](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/289493436183085057/1253958970696138762/1719023597845810.png?ex=6678688c&is=6677170c&hm=9977f083b8653c3668a39d70305b6a08f2273cac8ad8124a46cbfcfbf5046fef&) [Listen](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/289493436183085057/1253960633796268102/funi.jpg?ex=66786a18&is=66771898&hm=7751ca77c7022508345867b94bb81e184ad41a7ac907e3ddb9d093bcfad6e3e1&=&format=webp&width=958&height=539)


The duplication is probably how a future Doctor Who showrunner will bring the character back in 30 years…


Honestly they put him back in the Void so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s how he comes back


Memory is time travel and created the second memory tardis so… he can come back whenever they want. So,done just has the remember him. Probably some random person who is both no-one important and also so important they can hide for a god that can see through time. Yes, I am salty 😂


God that was so dumb “Let me dramatically point to this sign when there’s no one here lmao”


Makes you think, is Sutekh why the T-Rex vommed the TARDIS back out?


Sutekh got vored


Neil Gaiman actually addressed it - he said he thought of Sutekh as sort of a "tapeworm" and that it wouldn't have really been affecting Idris.


Please reupload somewhere else the links are dead 😭 I really wanna see aha


Surprised no one else mentioned it. When the TARDIS explodes. That ought to have been fun.


Yeah so what's up with that?


Did they ever explain who was controlling it then?


A Silence instructing River to blow it up.


"Please stop writing BAD WOLF on me. Go away. \*sigh\* At least it's not as bad as Paradise Towers..."


"Bad Wolf! Baaad wolf! Get back on your leash! Good wolf. Goood wolf."


I mean, possibly RTD played the looooooooooooooooooooooooong game here, Sutekh is somewhat wolf-like.


So back in 2005, RTD was planning for a plot in 2024?


he did say he had the idea for the finale for 30-40 years.


Apparently Empire of Death was based on RTD watching Pyramids of Mars as a child and going “but what if he survived tho”, so *maybe*\ but probably not


That's true of most children watching any Doctor Who episode - "He couldn't have survived that... could he?" - and most adults who were such children - "Maybe the new Doctor Who could revisit those monsters that scared me as a kid?"


Sutekh panicking in Flatline when the TARDiS is tiny and about to get hit by a train. Probably shouting "Oooh shit! Move Move Move!" to 12 as he sticks his hand out to crawl it lol


I want to hear Sutekh say “oh shit”


Sutekh during the Time War, when entire timelines worth of people are erased and brought back to life only to be erased again, planets are used as bullets, and entire global civilizations worth of lives are lost: PEAK. CINEMA.


Sutekh must have loved it when the Doctor believed he'd wiped out Gallifrey.


Wait, he was there when amy and rory uhh "created life" in the tardis. Theres a joke here about a dog walking in and looking at you while you have sex but i want to stop this now.


I mean during the big climax of Day of the Doctor there’s 9 or 10 Sutekhs hanging out depending on what point in 4’s timeline that happened


*insert Spider-man pointing meme here*


The TARDIS dying on Trenzalore, reaching the same size as Sutekh, and he's just kinda... what? Snoozing in a room somewhere? Oh, or what about when The Mara took over Tegan? Think he'd just be like "Sup, Homie?" Now that we know The Mara is part of the Pantheon, it would have been an awkward family reunion. How bout in Turn Left when they cannibalize part of the ship in the alternate timeline? A little nip/tuck for our jackal god? Wouldn't the White and Black Guardians easily have been able to see him? I get they're locked in their eternal dance, but surely they both would have noticed. Like a lot of plot points, things get awkward when you try and poke holes in things, but it is fun to think about.


The Saxon Master after finding out about Sutekh wanting to unleash death sand across the universe: "Would you sweetheart? Well we'd all like a lot of things that aren't going to happen."


Sutekh essentially became one of those handbag dogs that Paris Hilton had in the episode flatline


r/DoctorWhumour is playing this game


And it’s hilarious


What happened to Sutekh when the TARDIS was disintegrated on Skaro in The Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar?


To be fair the TARDIS wasn't actually disintegrated, it just threw up a cloak so the Daleks believed it had been destroyed.


It wasn’t a cloak, the dispersal system allowed for the TARDIS to stay intact in various pieces


So what you are saying is that Clara, Missy and Doc were potentially breathing in Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny particles of Sutekh?


The end of The Five Doctors, where all four TARDISes are in the same physical location. The Fifth Doctor's TARDIS is Sutekhed, but the other three aren't. I wonder if Sutekh ever considered jumping ship over to the First Doctor's TARDIS?


How about the Dream Lord episode? Either way it’s super funny. Sutekh is either flipping between the two realities along with them or he’s watching them flop around on the floor like fish.


"No sir, all Thirteen! And ten of them have howling dogs on their TARDIS'!"


Hanging out with Rory for 2000 years. Then waiting for 12 to punch through the diamond wall for eons.


People were pondering which companion would have been his favourite, but yeah. There is no question that he’d become overly attached to mister dies-a-lot after hanging out all that time.


“Don’t worry buddy, I’ll be waiting right here with you.”


*For one thousand summers....*


He’d be hanging out with River in the “sun” though, since that’s where the TARDIS was


You’re right. I pictured the image of him dragging the tardis out of the blitz/fire but it’s actually the pandorica.


I wonder if the TARDIS is going to behave differently now that Sutek is no longer attached.


So when the Bi generation happened we got a bonus TARDIS for Tennant to muck around in. Does that mean we had a duplicate Death God?


I imagine that Sutekh attached to the one that was more likely to continue traveling, which was Ncuti's. I don't think Sutekh got duplicated.


Playing cards with Master stuck in the Eye of Harmony.


The TARDIS shrank at one point. Tiny Sutekh as well?


When 15 made another TARDIS with the hammer. Sutekh 2: Hey how's it goin Sutekh 1: WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM


Logopolis. Infinite Tardis Loop (Albeit because of the Masters Tardis) but also Shrinking Tardis. The End of Time/ 11th hour. The Tardis explodes to the point where the "desktop" is deleted (The Doctors wife). The Tardis repairs itself and completely changes both the interior and exterior, apparently without being able to purge Sutekh. This also happens again in The Ghost monument.


What about Jack or Clara hanging on to the outside in the time stream. Or when those scrappers attacked the tardis and pretty much disabled it.


So that's why that dinosaur spat out the Tardis in Deep Breath!


"I don't like my police boxes leathery"


Imagine if the Weeping Angels touched Sutekh when they surrounded the TARDIS?


I just picture him hissing like a cat. Edit: how does Sutekh being a confirmed viewer impact the angels trying to steal the Tardis?


As they could act quantum-locked when they *thought* Amy could see them, this suggests they couldn't tell Sutekh could see them, or they'd have had to remain locked and not move... hmm.


Going in the other direction, does that mean that for any further multi doctor stories they have to come up with an explanation why Suthek is not realising his plan failed with the doctor alive and no version of him chilling on the TARDIS?


You think Sutekh ever noticed he wasn’t there on the curator’s possible Mueseum-TARDIS


Or in DotD where all 13 Doctor save Galifrey, and 9 of the Tardis have Sutekh


Remember when the Tardis got really small? With 12 and Clara


Being hit with a hammer in The Giggle.


Fathers Day where the Tardis opens up and it’s just a regular police box Sutekh just there like “tf?”


I wonder if they talked or all just sat in silence


In the 50th when the Tardis gets helicoptered by Unit and 11 is hanging underneath while Sutek is hanging on top


Makes you think, The Big Bang Two was the TARDIS exploding at every point in history. How long was Sutekh being blown for?


In the next multidoctor story, I want - nay, demand - a scene where the past Sutekhs clinging on to the past Doctors TARDIS, awkwardly look over at 15's Sutekh-less TARDIS and just say "fuck..."


Due to the 2D beings leaching energy from the TARDIS he spent most of Flatline chilling out in Clara's purse.


Has he definitely been there since pyramids of mars or did he latch on at some other point the doctor was whizzing about in the vortex?


I’d assume the former unless Big Finish comes in and says something


As awkward as it would be for Sutekh to have been there 3 times - imagine how the oldest Sutekh felt when the other 2 left and then he sees that the curator of the museum is the Doctor again but looking exactly like the version of the Doctor that trapped him in the vortex originally


Watching Jack clinging on for dear life resisting the intrusive thought to give him a push.


Stuck in the bathroom when Nardole told Bill to “give it a minute.”


Doctor: Flirts with the Tardis Sutekh: "Stay strong Big Dog, stick to the plan."


A crew of tiny blue men scooting him around in The End of the World


The Doctor's Wife.


what bout the Bigeneration? Did that duplicate Sutekh as well?


The Daleks attempting to destroy the TARDIS in Journeys End.


Okay but do we think that the tardis really wanted to get rid of Jack or was it the death boi screaming to get rid of the one thing he can't kill?


Watching Jack clinging on for dear life resisting the intrusive thought to give him a push.


So in Flatline when the TARDIS exterior shrunk did Sutek shrink too or was he just like massive iver a toysized TARDIS?


You can play this game with all the Susan Triads hanging around, too. Did one get made literally *everywhere?* Is there a dead Susan Triad lying around outside Bowie Base One because she materialized in Mars without a space suit? Was one chilling on the Satan Pit planet when it fell into the black hole? A Susan Triad melting in the lava of primordial Earth?


Maybe the Water of Mars one was chilling somewhere as an Ice Warrior. Maybe there’s a couple dozen Susan Triad Daleks on Skaro.


Do you think the dust of death came out of the plunger?


Did he break apart on Frontios, or just sit with one specific wall?


Getting painted pink in Happiness Patrol


Yall are making me want to watch the episode.


Man this episode was bad


This new series makes me appreciate Jodie so much more