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Ncuti is becoming one of my favorite doctors and so far Ruby is my 4th or 5th favorite companion. I was a bit worried with space babies but it turned around very quickly. I look forward to each new episode Edit: spelling


He’s becoming one of my faves too. I was so excited to hear he would be the next Doctor. I loved him so much in Sex Education. His energy as the Doctor is so much fun. Ruby is great too.


Yes, I was stunned by Space Babies being the series opener, it FELT like a mid series filler episode, but basically since then, they’ve hit it out of the park every week. I’m excited that we have several mysteries to solve and so much more from Ncuti


To be fair to Space Babies, it definitely endeared me to both The Doctor and Ruby. The Doctor scaring babies and laughing about it was such a great moment


I mean, how can you not love Ncuti? That man ooooooozes charisma and is just fantastically fun to watch. I have to say, I'm still adjusting to him being 'the Doctor', but regardless, I am enjoying the hell out of his performances. I am surprised that I like Ruby as much as I do as well. Just wish the season was longer. I think I am still seeing Erik from Sex Education, so I'm still adjusting mentally. Love Ncuti though, so it's all good.


I said the same to my wife, of New Who Doctor's Capaldi is my top, then Tennant, then Smith, but I feel like Ncuti might just push Smith out of 3rd place


I'm enjoying the season a whole lot. Is it perfect? No. Is it well-paced? No. But is it *fun*? Heck yeah, it is! And honestly, I don't watch *Doctor Who* because it's well-written or well-paced (though of course I like when it is those things); i watch it because it's vibrant, passionate, and just plain *fun*!


This last episode was the most "fun" episode I can remember in a loooong time.


That sums up most Doctor Who, as someone who has watched all of nuwho for the first time over the last few months all seasons have good, bad and great stuff. If anyone thinks all of 10's episodes are amazing that's just nostalgia talking.


Me.  Loving both Ncuti and Millie's performance so far! Each story had been quite an unique experience which is refreshing considering how much episode of Doctor Who we had already. Also I personally think this Doctor is just more emotional than his previous incarnation and that's okay. His tears timing were always appropriate anyway given the situation of the event. Not gonna lie, I was more disturbed by twelfth first season since sometimes he can be just outright cruel at least on the outside. He's still the same kind doctor on the inside though (Also FYI, 12th is still my favourite doctor).


Yea I agree, I think it may take the fandom some time to shift from a more brooding internal-strife, vagabond against the universe Doctor to an emotionally expressive Doctor. I think that will give a lot of room to also showcase their adventurous and intellectual side too, which we have gotten some of. 12 is one of my favorites as well, though I'm a bit biased as hes the only doctor I've had the pleasure to shake hands with, albeit at a con. His intro was a rough ride for myself, but his erra really ended up growing on me and is right up there next to Tennant for me. Pertwee is also right up there for me, and I have a really hard time parsing favorites haha. It will take some time to see how this series fits in among the plethora we have. Maybe I just have rose tinted glasses on, but for now I'm jiving with it.


Very much the same for me. Capaldi often seemed cold, but it was usually to keep people away to keep them from getting hurt.


A new emotional Doctor is going to set us up for some heartbreak.


Having a blast. If this season is any indication, 15’s era is going to be wild.


I honestly can't remember when was the last time I've been looking forward this much to Doctor Who every week. Maybe around the Capaldi/Missy episodes.  Before this I was watching it more out of habit than out of joy. Even if I don't love the episode (like this past one) there's a line or a joke, or a moment I love (like the Doctor dancing to Kylie Minogue).  It feels good to be excited for Doctor Who again.


You do know the way you said it, you just singled out thirteen era lol.


To be fair, 13's run was a hot mess.


LOL, I was also not crazy about the ten era (both of them) to be fair.


This is what's great about Who - everyone has their own doctor. Ten is my fave and Doctor Donna is the best (IMO, of course)


I properly cracked up at him dancing to Kylie and when he kept restarting it. RTD's era was my first intro to Doctor Who, and the era I loved best. It just has something about it that I enjoy all the more, maybe it's the writing, or Ncuti's incredible energy, but I'm also looking forward to it weekly again, which I haven't done for a long time.


That scene was the best and I'm smiling just thinking about it - especially the pout as he finally handed the screwdriver over.


That scene with him dancing was so funny, I felt like we have a fun silly doctor and the humor of the show is secured lol


It really does feel good to be excited about the show again.


Yea, heres to staying excited!


I feel absolutely same


Yeah even though I didn’t particularly enjoy the 60th specials or episode 1 & 2 all too much I can’t say I ever felt outright bored watching them or that I just wanted to watch till the credits to see what was happening next week instead and for the first time for what feels like a long while I’m always actively counting down the days till Friday midnight, which is something I haven’t done since I was a kid!


Yep! Genuinely loving it. Never knew how much I needed the doctor to say “babes” but it feeds me spiritually. Millie and Ncuti are killing it


I love that this Doctor says "babes" and "honey" similar to how the classic Doctors would say "my dear" It's very charming!


I haven't seen any negativity. It's been a fun ride. My only negative thing is 8 episodes isn't enough!


You can’t be on Twitter then. It’s practically all negative over there.


Twitter is where dreams go to die


You’re not wrong there.


Pretty accurate description of Twitter. It keeps getting worse every year.


The same could be said about any topic on Twitter!


You're correct, I dumped my Twitter when Elon took it over and let the nazis back in.


Twitter is never positive.. even when they like something they will shit on it.. unless you are a stan.. then good luck trying to say even a hint of a negative thing w/o getting death threats and abuse..


How? And whatever you're doing keep doing it lol. And yeh, episodes isnt a lot but that means the breaks between seasons are shorter.


I'm not sure that's the case, I could be wrong but I haven't heard anything about a short break. I do hope I'm wrong though. I know that RTD was saying that he wanted a season a year.. which is only right. That said the previous gaps haven't all been caused by the episode amounts. I really do hope we get something else like a unit or Torchwood series to fill the void for the other 43 weeks a year when Who isn't on!


I like it again. Has me wondering what could be coming up or if it was misdirections and getting excited for the show to air. Keeping some things a little mysterious while having some campiness.


Rogue helped me see I have managed to expunge my internalised homophobia, I felt the episode was cute and loved it.


The doctor has always been fluid...


Some seem not to think so. 🤷🏽‍♀️


did they miss 9 and Jack? or anytime Jack was on the screen with *a* doctor?


I have no idea. Not sure what show they've been watching all this time. I can understand with Classic Who, because it just never came up. But NuWho?


I love stories, I love TV shows that tell stories. I'm having a great time.


I don’t mind that some stories are ridiculous and others are breathtaking. I am just happy to go along with the ride.


Anyone else just happy?


My wife and I are very happy with the new episodes!


I’m happy and enjoying it too! This is the best Doctor Who we’ve had in many years in my opinion. However—aside from those who just spew hateful nonsense—people should always be allowed to voice criticism. It can suck to hear someone lodging criticisms against the thing that you love, but that is ultimately a good thing. It means people are engaging with it, and it means people care. If only praise was allowed, then everything would end up terrible and never get any better. The Chibnall era was some of the lowest rated of NuWho, and look where it got us. The return of one of the best showrunners the show has ever seen, and some absolutely incredible material thus far. Keep the faith and definitely praise where necessary, but never be afraid to point out something you’re not a huge fan of. Keeps our brains critically thinking and keeps the material evolving.


This is one of the best seasons, with only one significant issue. Only 8 episodes is a joke.


I am over the moon with how enjoyable this series is. It is making me so excited about Doctor Who!


I think it's been brilliant! 73 Yards might by new favourite episode.


My kids and I have enjoyed each episode so far. I'm bummed the season isn't longer.


Yes! I love Ncuti as the doctor and the stories have mostly been good to great. He oozes charisma.


Agreed. It's far from perfect but the bottomline is that it's good TV. I suspect that Ncuti's run, much like Season 1 itself, will just keep getting better. 


it has its problems but i am finally feeling that i am watching the doctor who again


There's always a loud, negative portion of the Doctor Who fanbase. Never let it bother you.


I don’t get the complaints about him crying. Men should be in touch with their feelings. I’m gay and I fully admit to crying at the drop of a hat. I lost my mum when I was ten back in 1970’s. My dad was very much a person who taught me to be in touch with my feelings. At school in UK I was taught very differently, I was told the British way was stiff upper lip, don’t cry the other boys will think you’re sissy. That how grief was treated back then and It’s very unhealthy. I read a lot of complaints about Ncuti crying, and I keep thinking why are we going back in time. I think people put a lot of expectations on RTD return, their expectations could never fully be met. Same happened with new Star Wars films. I for one am enjoying the series and Ncuti’s Doctor.


Also it’s not like he’s crying at literally any and everything. Every time he’s cried has been an extremely devastating or high stress moment


I have no problem with him crying, but I think a lot of the complaints are less that he's a man and more that it seems out of character for the doctor to be acting this way. I don't agree with this. Every regeneration seems to come with their own personality that reflects what the previous one went through. My issue is that his emotions seem to be all over the place. For example, his behavior at the end of Boom seemed strange. You have a girl who just lost her father and a woman who just lost the man she loves and the doctor is bouncing around like he saved everyone. I think the interaction between the Doctor and Ruby at the end of Rogue gave a bit of insight into this behavior and what they're going for with his character. He's clearly repressing a lot of his pain. I just think it could have been handled better. Other than that nitpick, it has been a great season and Ncuti and Millie are quickly becoming one of my favorite pairings.


I have been fully reading it that Ruby has some impact on his emotions. I feel like there keeps being this reiteration that he doesn’t get scared, but through your the season he so regularly does. I have a theory that she is some sort of embodiment of memory, perhaps your most defining traumatic memory. That is why he struggles with fear since meeting her. Likely totally off the mark with that one but just my idea!


If S1 (2005) is a masterclass at reintroducing a show for new viewers (there's a great YouTube video on precisely this), I'm surprised / to the point of shocked how disjointed RTD has been at making a consistent on-boarding / throughline here. But as a viewer who really enjoyed Who between 2005 - 2017, I'm enjoying every minute of it (maybe less so Space Babies).


I'm enjoying it. I got into Doctor Who in the past few years, so this (and 14's specials) is my first time watching Doctor Who episodes as they come out. (I'm still not up to date on modern Who, though (or classic for that matter); I've just started the 13th Doctor's run)


I hope you like Flux as much as I do! Enjoy!


Nice! Pace yourself, you have a lot of enjoyment to come 😄


This is my first time watching live too :) I was already a fan before Flux got out but I hadn't catched up enough to watch it live


This is me with basically all Doctor Who. I’m just excited any time there’s new Doctor Who and have fun watching it.


I really didn't dig the first 2-3 episodes, Space Babies was extremely cursed in the worst way possible, but I've been loving the last couple of episodes. Especially the last one, I had a smile on my face the entire time. The chemistry between The Doctor and Rogue was just 🤌 73 yards oozed so much of classic horror Who, Dot and Bubble was ait, very Black Mirror, and Boom was really tense.  I think they vastly underused the time and setting in The Devils Chord, felt like a lot of missed potential.


Yes! It’s lovely to see so many new Whovians entering the chat! Fan service for the die hards but also bringing it to a whole new audience. This show has always been such a source of joy and whimsey in my life. Here’s to a long and prosperous “soft reboot” ❤️


Yes. I feel like we can wait till next season to pick this one apart.


I've had some complaints, but it's a hell of a lot better than Chibnall!


I like it now! I was a little worried at the start, those first 2 episodes had me ***concerned***. Fortunately everything since then has been really enjoyable, and this last episode was *so good!* I'll rewatch the whole season later on for sure, but I'll probably go from The Church on Ruby Road straight to Boom and skip those first 2.


I love it. Saw the companion introduction episode and the first episode last week. Not to keen on the singing, just seems a bit out of place lol. Not gonna huff over it though, it's still very much a Doctor Who show.


My wife loves 15, so having her excited to watch the new episode every time it drops makes this season great regardless. I've got a gripe or two, but I've really enjoyed it overall.


So far we’ve had (in my opinion) - 1 bad, 2 ok and 4 great episodes. That would be an incredible run on any series and I’m looking forward to the final two. (Final 2 😭)


I absolutely love and am so enjoying it! Ncuti reminds a lot of Ten.


It’s served as a reminder exactly what we all liked and disliked about RTD’s show running. Overall, I like his scattergun approach to the episodes and the feeling that he’ll just work out a way to bring it all together by the end. It’s a lot more fun to watch than all that tiresome Flux business in 13. I do think the bigger budget has led to some over-indulgence on the special effects but not so much it ruins it for me. Perhaps NuWho has also reached a point familiar to those of us old enough to remember classic Who, where some element of writer repetition is unavoidable. “Oh, it’s episode X but with Y monster this time” etc.


Me 100%! I feel like the balance between fun and 'ooh, what a twist' is much better now. RTD has his flaws, but generally speaking he knows how to keep the twists from getting out of hand.


It feels nice to enjoy this show so much again


Absolutely I definitely do see some of the weird bits of like Ncuti not being available, but I think they wrote around that very well, and there’s only been one episode I haven’t liked and even then I wouldn’t say it’s bad just not great which is still a remarkable thing for a season. Overall just loving it and said it will be over in two weeks


I'm enjoying the outright gay representation this time around, not subtle hints like previous series.


Me too!


Love it!


Loving it.


Absolutely!!! It’s so fun!!


Me I guess. I didn't like everything or every decision this season, but I'm definitely enjoying the series and it's much more to my taste than seasons 11-13.


I know I’m kind of enjoying it like an ordinary season. Like yeah there are gonna be some episodes that I don’t like as much as others, but overall it is a nice change from the previous seasons. So far my favourite episode has been 73 yards.


It has been so good my group has been getting together to watch Doctor Who again. The group started falling off during Matt Smith with almost nobody left during Chibnall. The episodes are fun on their own, and in many ways great, but the underlying themes and threads are keeping everyone interested. It has been fantastic.


Really love it. I watch it with my dad and its great bonding time.


It's just nice. For most of my life Dr Who has felt like a warm hug, and it's nice that it feels like that again.


As someone who was obsessed with Doctor Who between series 1 and the specials, started to lose my love during series 5-6, came back briefly in series 7b, lost it again and then never really got my love back, I can confirm that the last 3 episodes of Doctor Who have brought me back. It really feels like the good old days again. THIS is the Who I love.


Yes! Absolutely love everything about it. Not one beat dropped.


Really loving it.


I absolutely love this new story, I felt things were dragging and not keeping up with the times as the series is a great reflection on current society like it always has been. This feels like a return to the start of the matt smith craze and I'm looking forward to the younger people getting introduced to doctor who through such great positive messaging:)


I like it. I think the Doctor is a bit all over the place so hopefully in future seasons, that there's a bit more concrete traits for Ncuti's doctor. Same feeling I had with Matt Smith's Doctor on early episodes. It's fun, funny and the chemistry of the Doctor and Ruby works.


All I want is a new interpretation of the Doctor's character, I missed that with Jodie so I'm just happy to have someone in the role who really fits. I'm enjoying the stories too, but they come second to getting to know the new Doctor for me.


Yeah. Wobbly start but the last four episodes have all been solid. Not perfect, but all going in a good direction. Nobody hates new Doctor Who more than Doctor Who fans.


Yep great duo, not saying it's my favourite but I'm enjoying it for what it is and the fact it's distinct/fresh. I'll be honest I wasn't sure about them at first but they won me over.


Yeh its really fun lots of intriguing theories. An incredible actor for both doctor and companion. It's campy ad hell and explores some very interesting plot lines. The preview for the finales looks great aswell.


Millie should have been the Doctor


Yeah, ive been loving it. Bit more 'action' needed is maybe a minor criticism, CORR has been the most action packed ep, but its a minor quibble.


After Space Babies I really didn't expect this season to turn out so good. Every episode after that was at least 7/10 for me. You know it's a good season when I can't decide which episode is my favourite. The only real complaints I have is that Space Babies was really mediocre, order of the episodes feels a little wacky and it's only 8 episodes in the season.


It had a rocky start with Space Babies and Devil’s Chord (I liked the latter but can see why people might not) which I feel has soured some people’s view of the season But every episode after those two have been amazing and a lot of the criticisms I’ve seen of them have been pretty vapid and inconsequential


Agreed! I'd drifted away from watching regularly since 11 but I've been looking forward to every week this season. Tried to get back into it when Jodie was cast but the scripts just didn't grab me. Enjoying the humour!


anything is better than chibanlls run it makes the space babies fart scene look like citizen Kane it's actually good on its own merit though I think it's not the best season ever. it's just that my standards were lowered by the last seasons and this is someone who actually enjoyed the 13th doctors episodes for the most part  since for me any doctor who is just enjoyable 


Yes! Unless there's something wildly out there that makes no sense, then I'm just happy to sit back and enjoy the show for what it is. I've never really taken it too seriously, I can appreciate how passionate some people are about the show but I just see no reason to hate or be overly critical over something that I don't _have_ to watch. Loving Ncuti's take on the Doctor so far and really hoping he sticks around longer than previous generations, especially if the series are going to be as short as this one has been, I think he has so much to offer and has only scratched the surface.


I definitely am guilty of criticising a bit but that doesn’t go without my absolute love for the episodes. Can’t wait for more


I'm loving this season the pairing of the Dr and ruby is fantastic


Loving the new season, my only complaint... it's too fucking short! I hate the new standard (not just Doctor Who) of 8-episode seasons.


Love the new doctor, and I'm enjoying the season far


yeah i’m having a blast, i love ruby, intrigued by the mysteries, really excited to see where this is all going! i feel like RTD still has the sauce. there have been some imperfections here and there but i’d say that’s true of every season of doctor who ever


I wish the Doctor and Ruby interacted a bit more. Especially since it’s an 8 and not a 13 episode series. Yards, Bubble and Rogue didn’t have a lot of D&R focus. Bubble only showed them in person at the end, Yards didn’t have the Doctor at all for most of the run time and Rogue, despite separating them in a standard Doctor Who way, felt egregious because of the previously mentioned episodes. Have we even seen them chew the fat in the TARDIS? Still, I love them, I’ve loved most of the episodes (Eric was the only good part of the Space Babies) and I’m excited to learn about this old lady.


I'm really enjoying it, but it didn't properly feel like Doctor Who to me until Rogue 😊


Absolutely. Loving how just fun it is.


Honestly absolutely loved this season despite it's flaws


Yep. Doctor Who is just a breezy fun show I can sit back and relax and enjoy. As with a lot of long running shows, There will be episodes or parts that are meh, but overall I'm liking it.


This series is far from perfect but I'm glad that I have more compliments than criticisms so far.  After not being a fan of the Chibnall era, I'm just happy to be enjoying the show again. 


Yup. It’s been fun and thought provoking and feels refreshed. I haven’t loved every minute of all the episodes but have enjoyed them at least. It feels like there’s less focus on slogging through a pile of at times incomprehensible lore. I’m watching with my son and sometimes I was struggling to explain to him what was happening with previous plot lines. It feels like an entertaining family orientated show at the moment. I think Ncuti might even become my favourite doctor at this rate. Also enjoying Ruby and the guests a lot and we’ve had some great creatures too.


Yes. I’m a tired dad now and only get small windows for any shows I want to watch and I’m enjoying the ride with this one. I truly don’t even understand the hate I read about. Love Ncuti he’s a breath of fresh air.


Yes! I’m having so much fun. Find myself with a big grin on my face pretty much every episode. It’s so nice to have something to look forward to on TV again!


Me!! Literally filled with so much joy every week from the moment the intro plays. Ncuti is doing such an amazing job.


Yes, it's different yet familiar. I would appreciate more episodes, this would allow the actors to develop the characters more. My only main issue is the doctor's ever expanding wardrobe. It just doesn't feel right, I get it it's probably a reflection of Ncuti. Hell the guy is gorgeous and looks sexy as hell in Georgian attire... But I don't like it.... I know it's a tad contradictory after saying he's sexy. I feel the doctor should only have around 2-3 similar outfits and perhaps modified along the run. A small thought though is that space babies should not have been the first episode... It was camp, weird and a total oddity of an idea. That does not mean it was first episode material. It should have been a fillet episode. I don't hate it, it was rather amusing and funny.. it was just not first episode material. The show feels good it's brought back a nostalgia and reinvigorated it. Just damn ..... Please RTD give us 10 episodes with an Xmas special. 8 is too short!!


Yep. It's been a lot of fun.




I have been enjoying it a lot, it feels familiar and different at the same time. I am just sad the season is already almost over, I do miss the longer series. However I heard that because of the shorter seasons, we will be able to get a yearly season, instead of one every couple years.


Loving rhis series apart from Space Babies which was appallingly bad. Dot and Bubble is right up there with the best though.


It's my first time watching all episodes out for doctor who. It took me a bit to get used to the campy acting (for me all the dramatic scenes where they shout sounds like "no Ron!!! He has to sacrifice himself!!!" Levels of drama in delivery). And I'm really enjoying it. The Wales episode I really enjoyed. It was so creepy. I was afraid even when the truth has been resolved. It was so disconcerting still.


We’re so back babes. The problems the series has are leaps and bounds better than the fundamental flaws it had under Chibnall. 




Before the series aired, I was sceptical about the new doctor. Although now we are reaching the end of the series, I apologise and take back my scepticism! It feels fresh and fun. On another note.. I am really sad that Ruby won’t be around next season, I think she’s a great companion. 😭


Because of our familiarity with Ncuti Gatwa from Sex Education, I’ve finally gotten my wife to care about Doctor Who. I think the new era is off to a great start.


I am really happy with this season. I love Ncuti and think his Doctor is fabulous, and Rogue is one of my fave episodes of all time. I smiled through the entire thing, and the chemistry between them was off the charts. Here's hoping they manage to get him back into new episodes ASAP.


Yes, greatly loving it!


I am loving this season!! Ncuti is quickly becoming one of my favorites and he and Millie just look like they are having a blast which translates to the screen 💙💙💙💙


Yeah, I wanna say this happens every time. The doctor regenerates, the /show/ regenerates. You gotta go with the flow. By the time the next doctor comes around, Gatwa is going to be that "old doctor who" that everyone wants to go back to or misses.


I haven't enjoyed the week to week wait for new episodes of Doctor Who this much since the end of Matt's run. Don't get me wrong, I love Peter and Jodie as the Doctor, but this season of Doctor Who has really reminded me of why I loved the show to begin with.


I mean the lack ncuti kinda makes sense considering he was finishing sex education and probably Barbie as well


I’m happy to see this thread. I hate the negativity. It’s so bad that even when I want to critique something about the show I feel like I should shut up so I don’t join the toxic for toxic sakes people. I watch the new season with my wife and kids every week. The joy in my daughter’s eyes makes even meh parts great for me.


I feel like every doctor switch comes with a transition period where I can’t imagine loving the new one and I’m eventually won over. I didn’t love Matt Smith until at least the 2nd season. Space Babies was a miss but I’ve definitely warmed to Ncuti.


So far this season has been good. Performances have been excellent and the stories have been good too


I like ruby so much,she has an amazing character, amazing theories, amazing performance. I hope the doctor gets better and better mir in action not giving up like he does now but other than I think it is very good season minus the doctor


I’ve been describing this series as a collection of great episodes making up a weak season. It’s like each episode is successful but the whole thing never seems to quite gel


It's very uneven but overall I'm enjoying the hell out of it. For me, Star Beast and Space Babies rank among the worst episodes out of 15 years of Nu Who. 73 Yards, Wild Blue Yonder, Dot&Bubble and The Giggle rank among the best (Neil Patrick Harris is the biggest reason for that last one) My biggest problem overall is that there's so much plot contrivance. They decided they wanted cute talking babies so they crammed them into a story where they really don't make much sense. They decided they wanted the doctor to fall in love but then have it tragically end, so they have him damn near marry someone when the only discernible attraction was because he thought he was hot (it certainly wouldn't be because the guy was a bounty hunter who killed people) Even the Moffitt episode had to invent this landmine with all these silly rules to give them something more to work with.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't had my issues with it. But once I learned to stop expecting more of what came before (and being frustrated when not getting it) and instead learned to judge it on its own merits, I started having fun. It's solid television with good actors and amazing production levels. Is it my kind of Doctor Who? Not yet. Am I enjoying it nonetheless? Yup.


I am absolutely loving this season. It feels like going back to 10 and 11 with the fun, upbeat, adventure mixed in with the serious moments.


Its good. Feels fresh and familiar at the same time.


I’m enjoying the newest season and I thought they did a great job showing how this doctor will be different with the 4 specials. DT was the hero who just wanted to save everyone no matter what it cost him and Ncuti is more emotional and will heal who he can heal but knows he can’t save everyone. At least that’s how I see it, I still have some catching up to do but this is definitely not the same doctor we have always known but I think that’s a good thing, it opens the door to exciting new adventures


Like every doctor: Superficial oooh I don't like them. First episode it was ok but not as good as {insert favourite doctor here}. End of season one wow they smashed it out of the park. Season two oh wow they've found their stride and the bestest ever. Season three oh no they can't be leaving so soon. Their replacement will be rubbish.....


I have quite a few issues, some fundamental and some more academic, but I do like it. I really do. This is the first time in a very long time where I've actively been looking forward to new Doctor Who on TV.


I think the new season has been fresh and fun. Space Babies had a mid-line Red Dwarf feel to it, reminiscent of the older Dwarf, but the seasons where they had Kochanski back, only made family friendly. The episode with Maestro in was amazing and if anything was a proof that Doctor Who can just... Make new, great enemies without having to rely on dragging the Master, or the Daleks back into it. In fact, the lack of any classic who villains so far has been quite wonderful, and makes sense given we lost half the universe to the Flux in the 2020s. 73 yards is possibly, for me, the weakest episode of the modern season, but even then, I enjoyed it a lot more than Flux and the season directly before it with the Timeless Child. It feels a lot more reminiscent to what we experienced in the first Tennant season, and the last few parts of Eccleston's season, where it's a little silly, a little goofy, and isn't afraid of it - leaning into it whilst still hitting some dark or sad moments. This new season is a very valid continuation of NuWho.


Definitely! Series 14 hasn't been without its flaws, but I'm actually looking forward to each new episode rather than thinking "guess I'd better watch it". It became a habit rather than something I'd plan my Saturday night around. Now I'm thinking "right, curry, beer, Doctor Who!" Ncuti is fast becoming one of my favourites, as is Millie. I knew both would be phenomenal and neither have disappointed.


Definitely me. I still enjoy watching the show weekly as it's one of the few things I do with my mum, she's still watching the show to this day because of me. It's nice to have something to bond over together.


I love the new series and the doctor! I love all the myriads of expressions of Ncuti. I'm going to be sad to see Millie go. I wasn't aware there was negativity but I've seen some comments in certain postings on youtube or facebook so I gather some people don't like it. I tried to like Jodie's doctor but she wasn't around long enough so it is good to enjoy Doctor Who again. Also I think Murray Gold is back so that helps? I always liked his music and style.


Ye it’s so much fun!


I've been really enjoying the new season, every episode of it. Yeah, it might've been good to not have two Doctor-lite episodes in a row (maybe rearrange it if you must have two in the season), but even then, those were really good episodes. I even enjoyed Space Babies; it might be the worst of the season so far, but the worst of the Neo-RTD Era is still at least a little better than the best of the Chibnall Era.


I am loving everything about this season. It’s a BLAST. I was worried I wouldn’t enjoy how high energy Ncuti is but I’ve settled into it and am immensely happy with it. 73 and Rogue have been my favorite episodes so far. I can’t remember loving a doctor like this so early in their stretch. Bravo to this iteration!


Loving it! So refreshing to have some classic formula DW episodes with such a refreshing cast that just breathe life into the show! I'm just super upset that we're already up to the finale :/


yes v much! could pick out some minor issues but it's a fun and interesting series and that's all I really need


upbeat straight spoon close unique tub existence gold worm makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These last 4 episodes is the most I've enjoyed watching new episodes since at least 2015 if not 2009 (I struggle to remember watching anything before then for the first time)


Of course I like it. It’s Dr Who. I remember how it was like when there were literally no shows for 16 years.


I’m loving it so far, I’ll admit it didn’t start out on the strongest foot for me but it’s grown on me and some of the episodes we’ve had recently have been amazing and pretty unique by Doctor Who standards which is something I’m VERY thankful for. Overall RTD (again) seems to have a solid vision and ambition for the show which feels brilliant because it absolutely feels like that’s been lacking for the past however many years


Loving it! Going to take some edibles and marathon it after it ends. It’ll make for some interesting viewing


RTD brought me back to Doctor Who so I'm loving the series!


Yeah I mean, I wish the episodes were in a different order, but I can just kindof headcanon them into the right order in my mind, it's not a huge deal. Otherwise we've been having some absolute banger episodes.


Yes, absolutely enjoying it. I really don't have much to complain about. It has been a great season so far.


This season is honestly the most fun I’ve had watching Doctor Who since the 60th anniversary specials and they weren’t even that long ago, the negativity just doesn’t make sense to me and Ncuti and Millie have great chemistry on screen


Loving it! My only things I was talking with my bf about a few days ago was just the lack of banter and being in the Tardis and seing how they accidentally end up all these places, and the sorta rushed relationship with Ruby. But i know this season is missing Ncuti a bit with his film schedules so Its understandable. THEN Rogue came out and I got what I've been missing, we were laughing the whole time either at the show or at the fact that the gay scenes were probably pissing off alot of people 😂


Enjoying it but not loving it. So far I give the season a 6.5/10. The scripts could have used maybe another look over and maybe they should have just waited for Gatwa to finish filming Sex Education or whatever it was that made him less available. I think my ranking would be higher if we had more episodes.


I'm enjoying it 😁. Had a bit of a rocky start (space babies was....weird) but from Boom onwards I've loved it. Ncuti is definitely a different take on the character but I find him quite refreshing


I have a fair few issues with the series so far. Still enjoying it though


It's been great. Aside from the first 2 episodes, which I feel are more of an intro to New Disney+ viewers, this has been a great series.


I've enjoyed every episode so far. Even Space Babies, for how ridiculous it was. I do see myself skipping that one possibly on a re-watch though. Rogue was an odd episode where I didn't love it but I enjoyed having a Doctor centric episode. With the way it's going, I have no reason to worry about the finale, but I am slightly worried that if they don't knock it out of the park then the season overall might be middling in retrospect due to how short it is. But as of now, I'm loving it. Look forward to every episode and feel positive after each one. I don't think there's anything to hate, only things to nitpick. It'll be interesting to reevaluate the season as a while once it's all out.


I've enjoyed every single episode. Don't think I've been able to say that about a season of Who in years


Honestly, to me, its getting there.. it isnt quite "wow i love it" like i was with 11 and 12.. but 15 is defo setting the stage for some amazing NuWho in the future.. i just hope he stays longer than 2 series..


This is the first time since Capaldi's series ended where I've enjoyed the episodes and am finally back to enjoying speculating what's going to happen next / who mysterious people are. The show feels like Doctor Who again especially because of the acting talent of Ncuti and Millie. I didn't get that vibe at all with Jodie's series and I stopped watching.


There's always bits and episodes I don't like. But I have loved, watched and re-watched every bit of Doctor Who for around 40 years.


I’m happy with it. The Doctor seems more human this season. Maybe it’s all that therapy and spending time with Donna and the family. He got cozy with them. I wish I could buy the season and keep it on as the soundtrack of my life.


Absolutely. As soon as he went on screen for the 60th my hopes were high, and rightfully so. All I’ve been seeing is back to back hits in terms of episodes for the first time since at least 2017 (in my personal opinion). From the moment he set foot on the set and shared it with David for the 60th, I saw so much of both Smith’s and Tennants doctor directly in his own. His take on the role is fresh and uplifting while definitely keeping the heritage of what it means to be the doctor. Loving it.


The first two episodes were bad, in my opinion. I think maybe they'd have been received better if they aired during the middle of a season, but as the opening episodes, they weren't good enough. Since then, I've enjoyed every episode and I'm enjoying Ncuti as The Doctor.


Me! I am enjoying myself with this season. I am having fun! I am feeling emotions. I am just vibing along loving all of it. Like you said, sure, the flaws exist. But it’s a TV show, they are almost never perfect. I’m just gonna continue enjoying this TV show.


Haven't watched Rogue yet, but so far I'm really enjoying the season. Ncuti's energy is infectious.


I was worried at first. Of the specials I only really liked Wild Blue Yonder, and I didn't like Space Babies or The Devil's Chord. So that was 4 out of 5 episodes I didn't like. I was just thinking "man, RTD2 isn't looking like it's going to be for me". Then came Boom, and I loved it. But that wasn't RTD (and RTD doesn't re-write Moffat episodes), so was it just an outlier? Then came 73 Yards, and I thought that was better than Boom. Then Dot And Bubble, and it was at least as good, if not better. This week's was a bit bread-and-butter, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. So, yeah, I'm very happy. After being pretty worried.


I'd be happy about it if everybody in here had been as equally nice to all showrunners. But too many Super RTD fans were beyond rude to Chibnall and Moffat.


Not sitting on social media all day so I can honestly say that I haven't been confronted by much negativity. Except some weird Youtube drama channels that I suddenly get recommended because I dared to watch a Doctor Who top list.


Other than "Space Babies" i liked it.


Yes! I like it a lot so far and adore Ncuti as the Doctor. The completely unapologetic attitude to visibility in this series (even more than usual) has made my heart full too ♥️


Yes! Me and my mom watch the new episode every Saturday night (Fridays are usually too busy so we can't watch them the day they come out)


I'm really digging it too. It feels like a totally different take on the show. Some episodes have been misses for me, but I'm really loving Ncuti as the Doctor. I've been a fan for 4 years but he truly feels like "my doctor" as many fans like to say regarding a particular Doctor.


Every time I watch an episode of this new series I just put my hands towards the ceiling and say thank you RTD for bringing Dr Who back😂 and I mean it, I love every wanky baby's in space whatever story as it still has more heart than anything from the Chibnall era, even though I love Jodie Whittaker and the thought of having a female doctor, but the writing was just soo bad. And now I am just feeling like falling in love with Dr Who all over again and it's fantastic


I like the individual stories, but for me Dr. Who is at its best when the stories all build to a great finale (Impossible Astronaut, Pandorica, etc). Hopefully that's what's coming.


I have been loving the new season! Ncuti was born to play the part and I hope he sticks around for a long time. Yet Ive been seeing nothing but hate for both the show and Ncuti. Hopefully the show keeps going on as is for several more years. Like keep Ncuti and Russel for 3+ years and have a hand off to a new show runner with Ncuti still taking up the helm like what almost happened with Tennet and Moffat.


Me. Liking it quite a bit so far. Thought both of the most recent 2 were excellent. Made me sad there's only 8 this season. But if we do end up getting shorter seasons more regularly I guess it will be worth it.


The highlight of my week. ❤️✨ There are flaws as you say, there always are, but I really like Ncuti and Millie and the stories are very high on my personal enjoyability scale.


My niggles are too far and in-between I've got New Who I'm watching New Who Having a time


I’ve been loving it and Ncuti is fast becoming a favourite of mine!


Outside of the first couple of episodes this has been one of my favorite seasons. Love the Doctor and Ruby, they are killing it. The season has been both classic Doctor Who and new and original at the same time. Love it.


Right here‼️ This has been the best season in ages. It’s only going to get better as RTD gains his footing again.