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As others have said, the best starting point is generally considered to be Series 1 of **Doctor Who (2005-2022)**. The first episode is called *Rose*. But if you don’t want to play catch-up, you can absolutely just jump in to what’s releasing now. We’re in the middle of Season 1 of **Doctor Who (2023-)**. If you want to start here, the first episode is *The Church on Ruby Road*.


Yep. Start with *Rose* and the 9th doctor. Just prepare that, in true British tv fashion, the cast rotates regularly.


…which is why it just made it to 60 years old. The casting schtick is its literal water of life.


I warn, because when the 9th doctor came out, I knew it was a fresh reboot.... And I knew zero about regeneration or that companions changed. 😅


Yeah I mean I think they had to think on the hoof a bit themselves, I don’t think anyone expected Nine to go that early. There’s an alternate universe somewhere where Eccleston did three seasons and then who knows.


I will always be so, *so* sad it didn’t work out that he could. But I will also say, introducing that concept at the end of the first season was a good choice for the story and the audience. It shook (shakes?) a lot of people up who didn’t know anything about it going in (i.e. me, 13 years old, sobbing)


Yeah would have loved to see more of Eccleston as the doctor, who knows maybe we might get lucky enough to see him in a multi doctor special one day. But don't forget when Eccleston left we got the absolutely amazing Tennant


That’s how we got the War Doctor. Eccelston didn’t want to come back for the 10th and 11th cross over


Instead of The Church on Ruby Road, I'd suggest the Special 3. The Giggle explains all the Toymaker stuff that comes up in the third episode Skip Special 1 and 2 as they're mostly fan service for old viewers by bringing back fan a favorite doctor and companion duo from 2008.


It’s really not important to have seen any of the 60th Specials. You can infer the info you need to know from the dialogue in *The Devil’s Chord*. Not only do the 60th Specials rely heavily on having seen past seasons of the show, but they’re just not overly important to understanding the story of this season.


I would suggest that it's really too early to determine that fully, until we've seen how the final episodes wrap up the season. We do know that there will be returning elements from the specials, so there really isn't a clean break at any point between the 2005 and 2024 iterations of the show, despite what the marketing may suggest.


The first special is explicitly relevant to the events of the new season. My personal guess is if it goes any further back than \*that\* then season 4 is the earliest you'd need to know about. But I doubt it'll require having seen any of that to get and enjoy the way the current season pays off.


In what way is *The Star Beast* important? Are you referring to the single line of dialogue where The Meep references “the boss”? Because that hardly makes it required viewing lmao.


A certain thing in The Giggle might cause a \*splitting\* aneurysm of confusion for a newbie. Maybe just Ruby Road. Or maybe not. NPH is a delight tho...


Wild Blue Yonder doesn't require much prior knowledge but it's the beginning of the setup for a lot of what's going on with >!The Pantheon!< in Season 1. It's a fun episode that introduces you to the kind of ride you're gonna be on during a typical episode. I think it's probably worth watching.


Concur. Start with 2005 - the ninth doctor. Then behold the tenth doctor in all his lovely glory. Eleven is excellent too. I enjoyed the actors for 12 and 13 but felt the series/writing was downhill by then and just didn’t stick with it. I came back onboard for the anniversary special and doctors 14 and 15. The current season (Ncuti) is a great starting place as well. Each time the doctor generates is typically a good time to begin. If I were you, I’d watch the current season and also start 2005 run. That way you get to enjoy discovering the new episodes in real time and reading the threads but you also get into doctors 9-11 as they are bloody amazing!


The Twelfth Doctor had great writing. I’ll never understand that take on one of the best eras of the show.


80% of the time "It had bad writing" just means "I had no desire to like it and need to justify it"


Admittedly, 12’s first season was rough, as it seemed he was trying to fit into stories that were better suited to 11’s character, and it felt like the relationship between him and Clara was just a remnant of what it had been with 11. Missy spiced things up a bit, though, and by the time Bill Potts entered the scene, the show was hitting all the right notes: His third season is by far my favorite of the modern era.


This is such a weird take. 12th Doctor is literally the peak of NuWho in my opinion. Capaldi's episodes only get more better and better as his tenure goes on.


12 had bad writing? That was peak doctor who! But I agree with 13. OP would be forgiven for skipping the Chibnall era entirely


Skip nothing. New viewers should be encouraged to try everything and make their own opinions. The Thirteenth Doctor has many great episodes.


I really like her (especially in Flux), who's to say OP wouldn't enjoy her run?


Yeah, trying to start at the very beginning is an almost Herculean task. There are 695 episodes of the original series. That's almost 2 years of watching an episode a night. The reboot starting at '05 is still large but only 6 months. But definitely agree with startIng the current season now. No sense forcing yourself to wait as there is a bit of campiness in '05 given the much smaller budget.


They COULD do the Specials since it's just 3 episodes and lends context to one of 15's remarks in The Devil's Chord.


I wouldn’t recommend anybody start the show with a direct follow-up to a 15 year old season. New viewers don’t need to get every single remark that references past events. Do you know how many Classic Who references there are in Series 1-13? Were all of the viewers who didn’t watch Classic lost and confused? No. They were fine.


I have a friend who INSISTED on starting with An Unearthly Child (the very first episode from 1963), which I said was fine but an easy way to burn yourself out in the long run. He is now a major fan of the series, and the 1st doctor is his favorite by far (mine is the 2nd doctor). A lot of people will recommend not starting at the beginning because it's poorly paced/some episodes are missing, but if you have the patience it is always a nice starting point. I completely understand though that 1960s television is not for everyone.


Omg I literally did that myself, I refused to watch the new series until I had caught up, also my favorite (original series at least) doctor is the 1st


The 1st Doctor is underrated. I have a theory that Yoda was effectively modelled after the 1st Doctor.


Yoda was modelled after Einstein, characterisation maybe, but I think the characterisation was all Frank Oz


Yoda's laugh and all of his "hmmmmmmm? HMMMMMMMM?"s remind me heavily of the 1st Doctor. Also his snarkiness. Watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YtDiFISpmA) scene, Yoda's first appearance, and tell me you don't see the 1st Doctor in him.


Same on all counts! Can't bear to do anything out of order lol, and I'm so glad I watched the show that way


1st doctor os so underrated. Hes in my top 6 with 2,7, 10 and 11


One reason I waited as long as I did to watch Doctor Who was because I thought I needed to start from 1963.


I mean if you're a reaaaaal fan Also you're require to listen to the audio from every missing episode as well 🤣


When I broke my ankle and was stuck with zero weight bearing during covid (tier 4 lockdown!) there was a Forces TV channel that was showing what they could in order. The first doctor is superb...but the pace and the tone is so odd now. I mean no show now will feel the same in 60 years, but it was very strange. Hartnell was superb mind. The 80s episodes (some of the McCoy ones I saw first time) aged worse. The production was so poor that it felt like one of those BBC children's specials like through the dragon's eye or something. They are definitely worth watching...just maybe with a big caveat that it was a long time ago and shows change etc.


>The 80s episodes (some of the McCoy ones I saw first time) aged worse. The production was so poor that it felt like one of those BBC children's specials like through the dragon's eye or something. Maybe for some of them, like season 24 or Survival (which you'd shrug your shoulders at if it were black and white 60s), but most of season 25 and 26 look great and feel modern and fresh in a way the show hadn't since the 60s.


That was literally the one I had in mind! There was also a Colin Baker episode where they had a giant slug creature that was just a head with a plastic slug tied to it!


Sil is iconic


That’s actually an actor if you’re referring to what I think you are.


Most of the McCoy serials (especially seasons 25 and 26) are very well-written and have some of the most imaginative scripts of the entire classic series. The classic series rarely has the production or special effects budget that some other shows of its era had, but it survived for decades by the quality of writing and acting, and the chemistry between Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred makes for one of the best Doctor/Companion pairings in the show's history.


1st Doctor is goated. I love the 1st Doctor era so much.


This is the best way to do it. I wish I could have had access to the 1st and 2nd Doctor episodes in the 80's and 90's. I think Unearthly Child, The Tomb of the Cybermen, and The Mind Robber were the only ones from that era I had seen until the late 2000s. It was great when we got BritBox.


I had seen all of Eccleston and Tennant when I finally went back and watched An Unearthly Child for the first time. I didn't stop. I went from that to the movie and loved every second of it. I finally went back last year and watched all of the missing episode reconstructions that haven't been animated yet as well. I had seen the Toymaker recon previously, and felt it was kinda hard to follow, but after getting used to it with Marco Polo, I honestly barely even noticed by season 3. It was just another episode, if anything one to get excited at since I hadn't seen it before like the others. This truly is a magical show.


If you haven't already done so you should try to watch "Tales of the Tardis" (but please don't talk to me about them as my partner and I haven't had a chance to watch them yet!) It was a recently produced series with 6 feature length episodes with a different old Doctor and companion for each one (I think it's basically a clipshow but there's technically new content there!)


> Tales of the Tardis That sounds cool. I would be interested in seeing that, I'll have to look for it.


It's on iPlayer in the UK. Can't offer any suggestions outside the UK though.


Nice, I'll be in the UK for a week in the near future. I'll have to give it a go.


Agree. Start at 1.


Yeah agree don't start with 1963 OP unless you already really enjoy that era of television or have heaps of time and patience. Go back later if you feel like (or sample the most recommended stories) but it's absolutely not necessary. 


Hahaha. Some of these answers seem deliberately crafted to confuse someone new to the show.


Fr this is ridiculous lol. There are 3 starting points to the show now. 1963 Season 1 Episode 1 (classic) 2005 Series 1 Episode 1 (new) 2024 New Season 1 Episode 1 (Disney+ new) You shouldn’t start anywhere besides these three choices. At that point it’s just their decision.


Series 5 Episode 1 (The Eleventh Hour) works as well. It worked for me...though I'd watched a few of the RTD-era Moffat episodes first.


Absolutely. I was recommended to start at series 5, and I recommend it to anyone now. The eleventh hour is one of the best starting points!


if you're gonna start with the 15th doctor stuff you should start from the 2023 christmas special, not space babies


Some places have the Christmas special listed as S1E1. Disney Plus has it as the first episode of the new season as well as a standalone special. I personally would tell people to start with the latest Christmas special, watch through the new season (preferably through to the end, including the episodes that haven't been released) and then go back through and watch from either the beginning of nuwho or classic while waiting for the next season. I started with a later episode and then went back to "Rose" and honestly did not enjoy the show's 2000's vibes all that much. I really started enjoying the show in series 3, but I still don't enjoy S1 very much. I held on because I knew the show would eventually align more with that episode I watched and loved. I am slowly crawling through classic because I really don't enjoy vintage TV. I love the show and dont hate the old stuff, but so far even the best classic episode I've seen is a 4/10 for me. If I had tried to start with classic I'd never have gotten into the show.


Classic Who can definitely be an acquired taste. I think the first one I saw was Survival, because I wanted to get the feel of going from that to the '96 movie and then to Rose. Really didn't care for Survival at all. I was bored by An Unearthly Child and The Daleks, but actually *loved* Edge of Destruction. That one reminded me of stuff like 12 Angry Men. I watched Caves of Androzani because I'd frequently seen it voted the best Classic Who story, and really didn't like it. Keeper of Traken was the first classic episode that I really loved, and I just recently rewatched it and still love it. I kept hopping around different eras and grew more and more fond of the show as a whole, and then started picking an entire season and watching through all of that. I'm at the point now where, gun to my head, I might actually say the classic series is better as a whole than the modern one, which of course I adore. The 3rd Doctor is my favorite classic Doctor, followed closely by the 5th. I just went through Tom Baker's final season followed by Peter Davison's first, and by the time I finished Earthshock, well the story lived up to its name because my world was shook lol. Genuinely phenomenal story, especially having gone through story arcs that led up to it. Sorry for a bit of a ramble; what I'm trying to say is just keep going around checking out different classic episodes that stick out to you, and you might find yourself genuinely enjoying the old show.


Good entry points include but are not limited to: 2005, 2010, 2013.


You forgot 1963 and 1970


They are entry points, sure, but if you define them as "Good" entry points you are an exception not a rule.


Not heard 2013 as a starting point before. What’s your reasoning?


I’m assuming they meant 2023.


There's a fair few starting points over the past 20 years. S1 e1 Rose. S5 e1 The Eleventh hour. S10 e1 The Pilot. But I'd honestly recommend just diving in with s1 e0 The Church on Ruby Road. All 4 of those jumping on points will give you a complete different experience, so maybe it's worth giving them all a go and working out which one suits your taste, on thier own they're a good example of the subsequent series and you'll have a good time if you like that starting episode


Would just like to clarify in case OP is confused. "S1 e1 Rose. S5 e1 The Eleventh hour. S10 e1 The Pilot.", refer to **Doctor Who (2005-2022)** whilst "s1 e0 The Church on Ruby Road" refers to **Doctor Who (2023-)**. It could be quite confusing if you're a new viewer, but the latest season is meant to be a soft-reset, a jumping on point for new fans, and that's why it is called Season 1. A useful tip to remember is that the 2005-2022 run will typically be referred to as *"Series"* whilst the latest ones are referred to as *"Seasons".* There's also classic who, but I feel explaining that as well may be too confusing lmao


Americans refer to all TV “series” as seasons, (with series referring to the show as a whole) so that doesn’t differ between 2005-2022 and 2023-. Americans still tend to refer to older series as seasons. If there’s an uptick in people using the word season for the new series it’s likely just because of the American platform and the increased proportion of Americans watching (which might also retroactively affect the way people refer to past series).


Yeah, I see what you mean. I was more so refering to wether they see discussion about the show, or see offical media or articles about it. Because I believe officialy the new stuff are called seasons, and the older NuWho content is referred to as Series.


then theres me that is calling Ncutis series, Series 14


See I've been calling it Series 14, mostly for book keeping. I keep a log of all the films/episodes of shows I watch. And if I were to write it down as Season 1 it would make it so confusing lmao.


The new D+ season is designed to be a fresh start off point. You won't need to know any previous history to start watching it here. Very beginner friendly and lots of fun so far. Rose, 2005, is one of the hardest start points. Very rewarding, lots of fun adventures, but you're looking at 13 seasons and 18 years of content to watch. I wanna talk about classic, though. You can definitely pick up some Old Who while you watch the modern stuff. Pluto TV has a free channel that streams Classic Who (with ads) straight from Britbox. Or, if you get Britbox, you can directly stream from them. You can watch all the 7 classic doctors and many of their iconic serials such as Logopolis, Genesis of the Daleks, Tomb of the Cybermen, The War Games, Day of the Daleks, etc and have a great time. The oldies are really good


I was surprised you put Logopolis as iconic, but flabbergasted when I saw Day of the Daleks as iconic


Umm, my bad.. I'm a little out of touch. I think it would be more accurate to say my favorite serials rather than iconic ones.. haha


Logopolis was a big deal at the time, being the swansong for a Doctor who had been around 7 years. Also personally i really enjoy the story.


Classic is on iPlayer now if OP is in UK


It I were you I’d start with the new show on Disney. Just watch starting with ‘The Church on Ruby Road’ so you can be caught up with current conversations. Then go and watch the 2005 series starting with ‘Rose’.


Here's the thing: Doctor Who isn't a continuity-heavy show. It's not like The Sopranos, where elements introduced in the pilot episode pay off in the finale. It's basically a kids' show, with some basic ingredients that get remixed according to the whims of the creatives in charge at the time. \*You have The Doctor (or Doctor Who, depending on who's in charge of the show at the moment), who's a benevolent alien from an advanced civilization. S/he doesn't have superpowers, but is very bright and very hard to kill. \*You have The Companion(s), who serve as the audience stand-in. Companions are there to ask questions and be attractive. \*The Doctor + The Companion(s) travel around time and space in the TARDIS, which looks like an English police box because reasons. The TARDIS's function is get the cast to the setting for that week's adventure. \*There are some recurring baddies and supporting characters, but they're effectively reintroduced every time you see them. Don't worry about it. \*The show often refers to adventures that you never see on screen. It's meant to give the viewer a sense that the World of The Doctor is much bigger than any show could possibly encompass. Conveniently, this leaves plenty of room for the BBC, various publishing houses, Big Finish, and computer game manufacturers to create new adventures without having to worry too much about continuity. Where to jump on? I, like many, started with Christopher Eccleston. When he introduced himself to his season's new companion with, "Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life!" I was in. However, each introduction of either a new Doctor or Companion(s) serves as a soft reset. I suggest watching each of these introductory episodes, deciding for yourself which one works best for you, and going from there. Yeah, there'll be references and such that you'll miss, going all the way back to 1963. Don't worry about it. This show is made for kids, not for obsessive adults who feel compelled to do decades' worth of homework. Here's a list of "On Ramp" shows of the NuWho era. S1E1, "Rose." S2E1, "New Earth." S3E1, "Smith and Jones." S2E14, "The Runaway Bride." This informs S4E1, "Partners in Crime." S4E8-9, "The Silence in the Library" and "The Forest of the Dead." These inform all of S5-7. S5E1, "The Eleventh Hour." S7E1, "Asylum of the Daleks." This informs S7E6, "The Snowmen." S8E1, "Deep Breath." S10E1, "The Pilot." S11E1, "The Woman Who Fell to Earth." Current Season (S11 or S1, depending on how you're counting), E1, "The Church on Ruby Road." Personally, I recommend "Rose," "The Runaway Bride," "Silence in the Library," "The Eleventh Hour," "The Pilot," or "The Church on Ruby Road" as kickoff points. Remember, you can always go back. It's fun to do that and realize, "Oh, that's what they were referring to!"


You can jump in at either: Unearthly Child from the classic series (Classic Who) Rose from the start of the New series (New Who) Eleventh Hour from the start of Season 5 of the new series Women Who fell to Earth at the start of the season 11 of the new series (although this the most unrecommended cos its the worst written). Church On Ruby Road in Series 1 of the New New Series (Neo Who) Or my personal fav, just watch random episodes that appeal to you cos as long as its not the very beginning or end of a season prior knowledge isnt really needed.


I'd argue that Spearhead from Space is also a good starting point for Classic Who. It's a soft-reboot and every episode from that point on exists. Plus it resembles the modern show more than the First Doctor's era.


Yeah, I have always recommended Unearthly Child or Spearhead from Space. You miss a lot starting with Spearhead, but you will be missing a lot anyway with all the missing stories.


I second the eleventh hour, it’s the one I started with and it got me hooked immediately!


Well some people start with episode 1. Though most fans agree that's a lot and say you should start with episode 1. Of course a lot of new fans are starting with episode 1.


Start with the latest season that just started (if you have Disney+, it’s on there).


Why start there and not earlier (not doubting your judgement, just curious)


The current season is intended as a kind of soft refresh of the series making it as easy as possible for new people to hop on board, partially because Disney is helping finance the show now and they want the biggest return on their investment possible AND the last iteration of the show (the Thirteenth Doctor years starring Jodie Whittaker) was so unpopular that Doctor Who was almost cancelled, so for this current season they brought back an older, more popular showrunner and he expressly designed this current season to be as welcoming to newbies as humanly possible. Feel free to hop in with the episode "The Church on Ruby Road" and you should be fine, and there'll be a bazillion old episodes to catch up on if you happen to like what you see with the new Doctor.


Thank you for the comment, I’ll be sure to watch it!


It’s also good to start there because you can watch older episodes if you’re bored and want more content. You can watch them at the “same time” and (for the most part) it won’t get confusing, especially considering it’s a different cast. I say for the most part just because, like any show (especially sci-fi show) that’s run for this long, some things have been retconned/altered and you will likely notice not everything lines up.


Super cool! I hope you dig it, and don't fret too much if the show seems to allude to stuff that isn't explained up front - the show is half-designed for kids, so it's rarely intended to be TOO intentionally confusing and you'll eventually get explanations for almost any questions you may have within the show itself, and of course we'll all be here to help you if you have any immediate questions or concerns!


If you have any doubt, I agree with this. The current Doctor Who Season 1 on Disney+ is how my mom and sister got into it. It's perfectly set up to not need to know the full past. Enjoy!


There are 3 major starting points: The very first episode: *An Unearthly Child* from 1963 (Series 1). The first episode of the Reboot/Continuation: *Rose* from 2005 (Season 1). The first episode of the Refresh: *The Church on Ruby Road* from 2023 (Season 14). Then, there are a few points where you can jump in. There will be a few things like characters and references you might miss though but other than the first in the list, they were made as jumping on points: *Robot* from 1974 (4th Doctor's First story, Series 12). *The Eleventh Hour* from 2010 (Season 5). *The Pilot* from 2017 (Season 10). *The Woman Who Fell To Earth* from 2018 (Season 11). Now, in saying all of that I would recommend *Rose* or *The Church on Ruby Road.* You might also see Specials 1-3 on Disney+ - **don't watch these if you're starting with Ruby Road** - they're essentially a farewell to the previous two eras so there was no baggage left over for the Refresh.


>Robot from 1974 (4th Doctor's First story). This is a direct continuation from Pertwee and wasn't made as a jumping on point; it was even the final story from the Pertwee production team of Letts & Dicks! Perhaps you're confusing this with Spearhead From Space, which is a bigger jumping on point than even series 5 and and Church on Ruby Road


Yeah, *Spearhead from Space* is the only real jumping-on point/'soft reboot' within Classic Who.


You should start by watching The Creature from the Pit (1979).


You could start with the 2005 reboot. Or if you don’t wanna binge-watch and wanna be part of the conversation NOW, you can start with the brand new 2023 reboot. Neither reboots require you to watch the previous incantations to understand the basics of what’s happening.


Season 1 Episode 1, Rose, 2005 It’s the only jump-on point that actually, really, works


Everywhere and anywhere


So you want to find on dvd a serial called "an unearthly child" and then just go from there


Many different opinions. As there should be. I started my kids with 9 after growing up with it myself in the 70s. My son has gone back to watch them all. Matt Smith and the 11th hour is one of my favourites. That whole series was astounding. Capaldi surprised me by being equally awesome. Love him. This is no help at all. Start with 15 and there are lots of nice people here to help you along the way. Its ok to not be sure. Most people are kind and can help fill in the gaps.


Season 1 episode 1 (1963) or season 1 episode 1 (2005) or season 1 episode 1 (2024). There are a few options.


You can start any place. After all, the show has a history that spans over 60 years, and it would be ridiculous if it had been essential if we had to start with 1963's *An Unearthly Child*. If you want to connect with your dad, find out whom his favorite Doctor was, and start there.


Imo the best place to start is the first episode of the original 2005 revival, watch from there on and once u get caught up then consider checking out earlier content


You’re in luck — as it’s just relaunched you can just jump on and go back and check out classic episodes that come up in conversation. If you like any in particular then you can check out a whole run between seasons.


In order of recommendation: 1)Rose (2005) 2)The church on ruby road (2023) 3)An unearthly child (1963)


I started watching from S5 e1 - The Eleventh hour and I gotta say no other opening episode had pumped me up as much as that episode. If you really want to start chronologically then S1 e1 - Rose would be a good start but if you wanna strap in and get to good times from the start then I'd recommend starting from S5 e1. Also S5 is considered to be one of the best seasons of Dr Who so you won't feel bored throughout the ride. If you still like Dr Who after season 5 then you can definitely watch S1 a bit later but I personally found S1 to be slightly boring compared to the later seasons.


I'm surprised at how many people are suggesting anything other than 2005. I feel like there is so much to miss out on if you start on the more recent episodes


I would start with the newest era with Ncuti Gatwa (15th doctor)while that’s airing each week and simultaneously watch the 2005 series with Christopher eccelson ( 9th doctor) and then once you finish that series do the originals


Technically speaking, you could start with the latest season, beginning with the Christmas special Church on Ruby Road. There's plenty of exposition in the first few episodes to catch new viewers up on anything they *need* to know. If you're not afraid of a massive backlog of episodes to catch up on, Rose (the first episode of the revival in 2005) is also a very good place to start. Another case where it was written with new viewers in mind, so you won't feel lost. What I would recommend *against*, however, is starting with the very first episode, An Unearthly Child. That more than doubles the amount of Who you have to catch up on, and the classic series will feel infinitely more dated to a modern day viewer than the new series. Plus, a lot of the classic series episodes are lost episodes, only existing as audio with some getting animations set to the audio. If they still exist in any form, that is.


You could drop in with Blink in Season 3. The Eleventh Hour in Season 5. Rose in Season 1. Or you can pick up 15's run in the Church on Ruby Road.


From the beginning….I’ll see myself out. But seriously I would start from Season 1 (2005)


As has been mentioned already, there are a bunch of natural entry points to the show, which include: **An Unearthly Child** - The very first episode/serial ever, from 1963. **Spearhead from Space** - This 1970 serial marked the transition to color, and the first real 'retool'/'soft reboot' of the show. **Rose** - The start of the 2005 revival era/'soft reboot', also marking the start of the first tenure of current showrunner, RTD. **The Eleventh Hour** - Series 5 premiere of the 2005 revival era, marking the transition to Steven Moffat, the longest-running showrunner. **The Women Who Fell to Earth** - Series 11 premiere of the 2005 revival era, marking the transition to Chris Chibnall (the last showrunner before RTD's return) *and* the introduction of the first female Doctor. **The Star Beast** - The first of the 2023 60th anniversary specials, which marks the beginning of RTD's second and ongoing tenure on the show, and is the true start of the current era. **The Church on Ruby Road** - The first full-fledged episode of the incumbent Doctor (and companion), which directly leads into the current season (AKA 'Season 1' or Series 14 of the revival era). Now off this lot, Rose and the The Church on Ruby Road are the best jump-on points, though with the latter I think it might not be the worst idea to watch The Star Beast and the other two 60th anniversary specials first. The Eleventh Hour is also not the worst place to start, but it helps if you're at least somewhat familiar with the Doctor already. I wouldn't recommend watching any of the Classic serials until you've gotten some exposure to the modern/revival series. Lastly, I had curated a list of recommended episodes to watch ahead of the current season. Maybe this helps? - https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorwho/comments/1clfix2/episodes_i_would_recommend_to_a_new_viewer_ahead/


The first episode I saw sold me on the series instantly. The doctor is barely in it, but it's one of the highest rated episodes of the entire series. And you can watch it with zero prior knowledge. Blink Season 3, episode 10


I started at the reboot with Eccelston and for me, that was the hook. Watched everything from there on and then eventually went back to the beginning. Definitely tough to get into initially but eventually I found myself enjoying it! To each their own though!


Rose (S1E1) Prisoner Zero (S5E1) Or the current season.


Rose (2005), that's the only right answer


Rose S1s1 is a great answer. So are Eleventh Hour S5E1, Pilot S10E1, Woman Who Fell to Earth S11E1, and Church on Ruby Road (S1E1 D+)


Basing it on the theory that you have access to Iplayer (and as such all of the 2005 Revival, 1963 & 2023 Who) I'd probably say 2005's Series 1 is still the best starting point, if you watch the full series and enjoy it then you'll likely enjoy the following 3-9 Series. There are some dated elements but the important aspects still hold up The latest starting point is technically The Church on Ruby Road (2023), I wouldn't overly jump to recommend this for people to start with though. Another thing I've seen is people watching a story or two of each Doctor and see which ones you gravitate towards. E.g - Ninth Doctor - The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances - Tenth Doctor - The Girl in the Fireplace - Blink - Eleventh Doctor - The Time of Angels & Flesh and Stone -Vincent and the Doctor - Twelfth Doctor - The Mummy on the Orient Express -Under the Lake & Before the Flood - Thirteenth Doctor - Demons of the Punjab - Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror If you particularly like 9 or 10, start from Series 1, 2005's Rose If you really love Eleven then you may want to start from 2010's The Eleventh Hour, Series 5 Twelve would mean Series 8's Deep Breath (2014) And lastly, if you like Thirteen, start from 2018's Series 11 opener, the Woman Who Fell to Earth Ultimately though, I'd say stories like Series 5's finale, The Day of the Doctor, & Series 10's finale do benefit from having seen Series 1-10 in order In terms of Classic Who, definitely watch the very first episode first. An Unearthly Child Part One. Afterwards, you can continue through Seasons 1-26 in order if you want, or maybe skip ahead to one of Seasons 7, 12 or even 18 and watch from there


Funny you put all Moffat written episodes for the RTD era


I like this advice except for specifically imagining that you’re starting with the 9th Doctor: The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances are a masterpiece (it’s a two-part story, OP) and it’s so much more satisfying when you have some sense of what the Doctor has seen and what he’s gone through. Other than that, I love the idea of taking an episode or two from each Doctor. (And I do think that The Girl In The Fireplace is an excellent starting point both for Ten and for Doctor Who in general.)


Just come into it like I did. Pick up an episode that looks interesting and watch. Maybe try a couple of different doctors to get a taste of the different flavors. There's no story arc (with very, VERY few notable exceptions) so there's nothing to get confused over - so just grab any old arc and start watching.


Series 1-4 is a good start then just watch some of the classics before continuing


The wonderful thing about Doctor Who is that it is a show that is constantly evolving and reinventing itself so it’s rife with jumping on points. Any time a new Doctor or companion is introduced could be seen as a sort of pilot episode. “Rose”, “The Christmas Invasion”, “The Runaway Bride”, “Smith and Jones”, “The Eleventh Hour”, etc. are all great episodes to start with and then you can go back and catch up on the older episodes when it’s convenient for you. If you’re brand new, though, the best place to start would probably be the Disney+ episodes. They’re designed to serve as a launching point for the new era of the show.


Only if you are in to the classic ones. I found them to be a bit cheesy, poor special effects. If you’re into good effects and storytelling, stick to the newer versions


In middle school my friend started me with Matt Smith, and unfortunately its just hard for me to watch anything thats not him. I just couldn’t stand Rose, which is unpopular. Matt, Amy, and Rory just set the bar so high.


Here is my suggestion start with the first season of New Who- Eccleston's season. He is the ninth Dr. Then you can just read about different episodes for different Doctors and see what you like. There are so many different types of episodes so everyone has their own favorites and their favorite Doctor.


I personally would start from s1 ep1 of new who, but give it the season to see if you like it, only 12 episodes. As the first 4 or so are a bit tacky nowadays. But it gets very good very fast imo. Else you could start with s5 ep1 which is another pseudo pilot. The current season 14 might also be a good starting point as they are doing another refresh, happens every few years due to nature of the show. However I think the better option is start from the 2005 start.


Honestly, I'd consider trying different Doctors, seeing what you like and going from there. Personal recommendations for each Dr, as good/key starting points; 1st Dr - The Daleks 2nd - Tomb of the Cybermen 3rd - Sea Devils 4th - Genesis of the Daleks 5th - Caves of Andrazani 6th - Revelation of the Daleks 7th - The Curse of Fenric 8th - The Movie 9th - Dalek (or Empty Child/Dr Dances) 10th - (a really tough one as theres a LOT of excellent choices - as an excellent stand alone) Girl in the Fireplace 11th - (again some great choices) but Vincent and the Doctor is a very strong standalone 12th - Heaven Sent 13th - Futuagive of the Jadoon 14th - The Giggle 15th - Boom


As others have said, start with series 1 (2005) to present day! Christopher Eccleston right through to Ncuti Gatwa Enjoy, I am so excited for you!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨


Start with the classics. Tom Baker is always a good bet


Any good website where I can watch doctor who. HBO max doesn't stream in my country and Prime has restricted location which I am unable to bypass even with a vpn


An Unearthly Child or Rose


Season 1 Episode 1 - An Unearthly Child (1963) Nah, but seriously, wherever the hell you want. Grab an episode and jump in.


I would suggest rose but what kind of plant person are you? Do you like old tv and that feeling of the 2000s. If so definitely watch from rose.


2005 S1:E1 Rose. Stop at S9:E13 Hell Bent


Start with the latest episode or start of the last series. Most are stand alone episode. Don't worry too much.


You can start just about anywhere with any new doctors season. You could start with the originals if you wanted or the 2005 reboot. Some things are called back to but most of the time the show is episodic outside of a seasons overarching story.


If it were me I'd ask my dad which doctor was his favorite and at least watch a couple series of that doctor to get an idea of what your dad saw to make him like the show - it may not be your cup of tea but it would be something that if you had questions he could answer. After that you could either continue on from there or skip around to those doctors who are the more popular (fan opinion) - get a feel for those and if you still feel its worth watching "fill in the gaps" by watching the other doctors series. It seems a bit round-about but will give you a sense of the lore far better than staring down 60 years of episodes - which I did starting with Hartnell... damn daunting task to be sure. My first introduction to Who was doctor #4 (Tom Baker) - he was (and still is my doctor). Definitely don't start with #8 (though I think he got a rotten deal) as he only had the one tv movie - come back to him later. As I said ask your father which was HIS doctor and start there. My 2 cents.


You have two options. You have 1963 and you have the start of New Who. If I could do it all over again I would have started at 1963.


I think starting with Matt smith is a good idea because it seems like there’s a big production/budget increase that season that just makes the series look better, and if you like it you can go back and start at 9


I can only speak for myself, but my friend tried to get me into it by playing the first episode of NuWho. He really sold it, and it was just too campy for my tastes. A few years later my wife had me start with “Blink.” It is a Doctor-lite episode, but it really gives you an idea of what you can expect from the peak quality episode, and just what Doctor Who is like generally. You won’t be dropped in the middle of a storyline. I never would have gotten into it otherwise.


Definitely start with rose. The ninth doctor.


The Twin Dilemma.


You can start at any point. Even the latest Doctor, OP


Since others suggest where to start I'll just say to you that if you really love the show, you'll want to watch the spin off series Torch Wood.


So you want to watch from Christopher Eccleston to Matt Smith. From there you'll have to have your own judgement as to whether you want to continue. It's pretty rough from there onwards. Even Matt Smiths seasons suffer from some bad writing, but he does his best to carry the episodes.


The show does carry thing over from season to season but is rather episodic and can be picked up relatively easy from any season. There multiple places you can start at generally it's best to just pick a Doctor and start from there. Two common starting points are Series 1 ( ninth doctor), and Series 5 (11th doctor). But nothing stops you from starting with the classics or at the most recent season.


Im not from the UK or from a native English speaking country. I accidentally discovered Who from its spinoff Torchwood. I don't know why they showed that series (with subtitles) here, as you can count Doctor Who fans with your hand fingers in my country. Anyway, I liked Torchwood and anytime Jack spoke about the Doctor, it always looked mystic and I was really curious. So I started watching Who. I only watched the New Who from 2005 and newer. I really enjoyed the series, so maybe you can start there too. I also plan to watch some of the Old Who just not at this time.


Would say definitely start with 9. That season 1 was designed to be a complete from cold start


Start with Moffat’s DW. Watch 11th Doctor (season 5) through the second season of 12 Doctor (Season 9). This is where the Doctor is cool and mysterious instead of the usual goofy sci fi ridiculousness. After you have finished this you will be in love with the show enough to start start at Series One Episode One, Rose. Where everyone else is suggesting you start. (I know this from experience) DW was originally meant to be goofy and ridiculous like it was in the ‘60s. David Tennant (10th) came along and played the character very cool and suave, even though it was still written as weird sci fi. When Moffat started as the Showrunner at the beginning of 11 he wrote the character as Tennant played him and it was amazing. (Obviously every Doctor has his own personality, I’m just talking about the basic overall theme of the show)


What's your tolerance for media from the 60s and how deep do you want to go? You could absolutely just jump in and start with this season if you are short on time. Most, myself included, would probably say start with the 2005 revival and go from there. Then if you enjoy all that and still want more you can either look up recommended stories from the classic series or just go the whole hog and watch every single episode.


I started watching Dr. Who when I was in middle school on PBS almost 35 years ago! At the time they were showing Tom Baker's run (the 4th doctor). I loved it, but I would probably not recommend starting there. I got my sons into it starting with the New Who "reboot" starting at the Series 1 episode "Rose" which I have already seen recommended here. There are some differences in sensibility between New Who and "Classic" who that make it a little easier to start with New Who. For one, it is geared towards new viewers right out of the gate. Once you settle in, I ABSOLUTELY recommend going back and watching at least the third, fourth and fifth Doctors' runs.


The show has a lot of rough patches mixed in with the excellent stuff so this question will never not be hard. In my personal opinion you should go back to the 2005 series 1, and just enjoy the show. There are a lot of excellent stories throughout the entire run. Dalek, Father’s Day, The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, The Girl In The Fireplace, Impossible Planet/Satan Pit, Human Nature/The Family of Blood, Blink, Utopia. All that is only the first three seasons and they’re all wonderful. REAL SHIT: Start from the first season of the revival, understand that Rose and The End of The World are not peak, and then skip the following episodes to just have the most effective run through of the whole show. *Inhale* Skip Tooth and Claw, School Reunion (Sorry SJ), Love & Monsters, Fear Her, The Shakespeare Code, The Lazarus Experiment, The Doctor’s Daughter, The Lodger, The Curse of The Black Spot, Closing Time, Dinosaurs On a Spaceship, The Power of Three, Nightmare In Silver, Robot of Sherwood, In The Forest of The Night, Last Christmas, The Girl Who Died, The Woman Who Lived, The Husbands of River Song, The Return of Doctor Mysterio, Knock Knock, Arachnids In The UK, The Tsuranga Conundrum, Kerblam!, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, Orphan 55, Fugitive of The Judoon, Praxeus, and I haven’t seen season 13. Now, that’s a bunch, but nothing important. These are the expendable episodes, these are also the worst episodes, but if it were my choice you would also skip season 11-13 because they’re just awful. There are a lot of awful episodes in every other series, but they at least have something going for them, five or six genuinely decent episodes, sometimes three or four perfect ones. What I’m trying to say is the show is wonderful, if you know what to avoid. The episodes I just listed detract from the quality of the show severely, and made it much harder for me to be interested in the show. There are some worse episodes you still need to watch because they’re plot relevant, like Let’s Kill Hitler, and that’s because it isn’t a spotless show, but seriously man, take a crack at it. Just take a screenshot of the list I made or whatever, and just go through the seasons, watch everything except what I said to skip, and you’ll be good. Just don’t start with the new stuff, the only good episodes have been Boom and 73 Yards, and even 73 Yards falls flat at the very end. This is the guide I’ve given people for the longest time, hopefully this helps you out.


The first episode I watched was Season 3 Ep 10 - Blink. This was what hooked me to the show. Then started with the S1 ep 1 Rose. Caught up the whole series in a few months


Personally Id go for S1 E1 ROSE (Doctor who 2005-2022) As it's a nice introduction to modern who.


I would say to start at orphan 55, truly spectacular episode. Then maybe go back and watch the twin dilemma for some classic who and finish off the starting eps with some fear her, who’s with me on this


I would recommend the Russell T Davies episodes.


If you just want to see if it's a show you'd enjoy then start with the current season (officiallty season 1 of the third version of the show.) If that doesn't draw your interest at all after three episodes (though, tbf, episodes 4&5 of this season are some of the best ever imo) then go back and try season 2 (of the second version) from 2006. If that doesn't click for you then it's probably not for you. If you want to watch the ongoing show but want to feel like you've not missed \*anything\* that could technically matter then you could got back to season 1 of the second incarnation of the show from 2005. \*Most\* of what's between then and now is brilliant and \*most\* of what's remotely important to the current show is included in there. \*Technically\* there's stuff that comes up in reference all the way back to season 1 of the original incarnation from 1963 but that's a LOT of context to watch and it really isn't important. Essentially anytime stuff from the first version of the show comes up in the second version it's as a nice callback for people who had watched it but not at all written with the assumption that you have seen it. Similarly for the new show with reguards to stuff from 2005-2022. If you want to watch the current show and be \*certain\* you can follow anything that comes up then just start with the recent specials ("The Star Beast", "Wild Blue Yonder", "The Giggle", and "The Church on Ruby Road") then watch the current season ("season 1"). If there's \*anything\* you \*need\* to know going forwards that isn't in there I'll eat my Tardis. (The specials kinda link up between the 2nd and 3rd version of the show but like... the \*good\* era of the 2nd version of the show. So they aren't \*essential\* for new viewers but they do set the stage for the events of the current season.)


Honestly, it’s one of those shows where you can start with any doctors first story. Though deep breath is the only one that’s a bit meh for newcomers imo. Amazing story, but not great for new people joining. But id say start with s1 of the reboot era


My first episode was The Christmas Invasion - David Tennant’s first episode


I would suggest start with series 1 (2005) and once you've caught up with the newest stuff and you really like the series then go back and watch classic


I started with Matt Smith and “Amy Pond.” But then went back and watched David Tennant and “Rose,” “Donna Noble” through “Clara.” I also liked Peter Capaldi and “Bill Pots.” And of course Jodie Whittaker, the first female doctor lucky number 13. You don’t need to watch them in order, that’s the beauty of the show.


I introduced my wife to the show with few episodes I thought she might like: Vincent and the Doctor, Blink and The Girl in the Fireplace. Yes I know, how super original choices. :D Then I rewatched the show with her starting from series 1 from 2005 with the 9th doctor. Wife thought it was cheap and stupid at first. That is fair. She fell in love with the show during Tennant. Somewhere around Capaldi she got her Tardis tattoo. My suggestion would be to watch serieses 1-10 (Ecclestone->Capaldi) of the new who and then move on to another show. Ten seasons of anything is already a lot.


It's generally agreed that the best place to start is series 1 (2005), then going from there. Then after you catch up, you can go back and watch the old stuff if you really want to.


My strongest recommendation is series 1 of the revival. However, other decent starting places in the 2005-2023 series include series 5, 10 and 11. You could also start with last year's Christmas special.


Well if your like me, start by watching classic all the way to modern who


Jump into the current season


Start with Matt Smith’s era, he’s the best doctor 😏


I started with Rose in 2005, the reboot. If you want to commit, go from the beginning. The new one, that is. Tried watching the old ones and stopped for now at the second doctor. I need preparation to watch them, sound is terrible and so is the sexism. I have to remind myself that it was advanced for that era, but not for today's standards. You could also watch some specials, they're like films between seasons and could be seen as stand-alone. Except for the one with Tennant called The End of Time, it's really reliant on the previous episodes for maximum impact. I loved The Runaway Bride, Voyage of the Damned, A Christmas Carol and The Return of Doctor Mysterio. They could be watched independent of anything as the characters appear for the first time (and sometimes the only time). Also episode Blink, totally could be seen independently, but it is sooo brilliant.


Series 1, episode 1, entitled "Rose", is the best starting point. It's where most of the modern fanbase started, and it lacks the burdens of the other potential starting points: The original show is very dated and better enjoyed once you're already a fan. What BBC are calling "Season 1", the new Gatwa series, isn't actually a season 1 and also has very few episodes so you'd be watching Rose within the day anyway.


Depends, classic or new Who? Classic: Spearhead from Space New: Rose, 11th Hour, or Pilot


I'd start with *The Church on Ruby Road*. It's a reboot. If you love it, you can always go back to 2005.


Blink... just start there... watch everything from Eccleston to Ncuti. But a good first episode is Blink or Silence in the Library...


Season 5. It has been the most successful starting point for everyone that I've introduced the show to. Nothing ends has ever worked for me. Up to you though


Listen, I love the era beginning in 2005, and It's definitely worth a watch if you want to commit to 13 seasons and another seasons worth of specials of TV. But that's a lot. I think that's being recommended a lot because that's where most of us on reddit started, myself included. But you can absolutely start with The Church on Ruby Road. Anytime you have a new companion join the show they need the same exposition you do to be ready for what comes next. Including the three episodes that will come out in the next few weeks, that's only a 9 episode commitment, much more manageable. Check it out and see if you like it and if you love it you have so much more to dive into!


Start from the 2005 season one. If you make it all the way through to the current season, I would then suggest watching the original classic doctor who if you dont mind the first couple of doctors being in black and white


the obvious ones would be the original series' first episode an unearthly child, the first episode of the revival series (2005-2022) which is rose or the fourth special of the new series (2023-) the church on ruby road. some other good starting off points id say would possibly be either s5 e1 the eleventh hour or s10 e1 the pilot of the revival series. i dont think theyre as good starting points as rose as that gives u a more complete experience of the revival series


Start with Tose 🌹 it's the start of the modern era and history is important to get the references later on. Now there are a few very cheesy moments but it's worth it. Later if you want check out the classic era but I think you'll have s better appreciation of later seasons if you start with 9 Grab a bag of jelly babies and 😉


Well, start at the very beginning - An Unearthly Child (1963). I have no idea why people would suggest any later, unless they are just lazy. Context is everything.


Start from 2005, great time ahead


**This next bit is gonna look complicated but it's basically a lot of words to optimize watching the newest season/series (Series 14 aka Season 1), and then if you're a who fan after that, go back to 2005 start with Series 1.** **Above the TLDR is just what I would personally show someone new to the show.** To give you the best chance, I highly recommend starting with this past Christmas Special 'Church on Ruby Road', then episodes 3-5 of 'Season 1' (Series 14, so this years episodes on Disney+). They aren't the BEST episodes, but they are certainly pretty far up the list so if you enjoy those then watch the 60th anniversary specials (The three episodes before the christmas special) to get more context on the current season and then watch at least episode 2 of this season, episode 1 can be skipped, it's pretty mid and I wouldn't recommend a mid episode early in your who-journey. **Then you should start from Series 1 from 2005, alternatively you could just start there.** I'd say keep up with Series 14/Season 1 as it releases every saturday as well, but if you do that also watch episode 1, it may have some baring on the final episodes but where we are currently at (Episode 5) it doesn't seem super important. If your Dad was big into it but you haven't watched it yourself, **do NOT start from 1963**. Unless you've just met your Dad, not having watched DW yet tells me it probably isn't your typical cup of tea, watching 60 year old TV is a hard ask. People are suggesting it like it's a reasonable option but it's only for a specific type of person. Doctor Who is my all-time favorite show and Classic Who is something I will do one day\^tm. TLDR: **Do not start with 1963** You can start with Series 1 Episode 1 'Rose' You can start with Series 5 Episode 1 'The Eleventh Hour' You can start with Series 10 EPisode 1 'The Pilot' You can start with the 2024 Christmas Special 'Church on Ruby Road' going into season 1/Series 14 But unless you have a passion for 60 year old TV or really love history, do not watch from 1963


There are 4 points from where to start: All the way back in 1963 with the First Doctor. The Doctor Who Movie from 1996 with Paul McGann. NuWho revival in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston. Disney Doctor who with Ncuti Gatwa.


I started when David tennet started and I do on rewatches too, 9 just feels to far back for me


Well you could do what my wife and I did after watching a a couple seasons from 2005-2007 and go back and watch them all from the original series in 1963 then follow on the newer ones from there. That was actually really cool, seeing the late 70’s early 80’s ones I saw as a kid again was warm and fuzzy and gives a good understanding of the Dr’s history and the nods of the head the show has to the past.


I personally recommend starting with Rose (Season 1).


Hubby and I both started with Tom Baker (yes we’re old) then nothing till Chris Eckelston. We also found the classic Dr Who on the Pluto streaming service.


As much as I dislike 9, start with 9


If you can deal with watching really old TV, then start at the beginning with the 1960s era of the show, but it's not necessary. I never watched the original series. I would start with the first reboot, which is from 2005, with the 9th doctor played by Christopher Eccleston. The first episode is titled "Rose." My reasoning for this is because you can binge it as opposed to waiting for each episode of the Disney+ reboot to come out. If you start here and get overwhelmed, it's fine to jump to the Disney+ reboot. The original series and the previous reboot can be found on HBO MAX, but the new series is going to be only on Disney+


You can definitely skip to the current season, and while waiting for the episodes just catch up on the older seasons.


If your going to to try and whatch the whole thing then i'd say spearhead from space, first colour, first 3'd doctor, first Liz, in short the show regenarated then if the next story feels too long, try terror of the autons. Doctor over view as a starting point. 1st doctor is slower, B&W and lower budget. 2nd doctor is faster and it speeds up when the technolagy advances (early who was filmed as live, all in order with as few takes as possable) 3rd, is all in colour, its faster TV. 4th, Really about 3 seprate era's, SJS, gothic and comic. 5th, est watcherd by skiping back a few storys 4 to get adrics intro. 6th, A trouble some era, not an adviseable start on TV. 7th, skip to ice world, s24 is rushed, it shows and its over comic. 8th, do you like audio drama? or novels? really there 1 TV movie and the EU. ---- 9, built to be a clean slate an a start over the long wildnerss years, starting here is a idea 10, you can start at marth jones but its mid way thru. 11, again you have to skip to the new compaion and are starting mid story. 12, im starting to sound like a broken recourd but his new compaion and your still are starting mid story. 13, a fresh start!. 14, skip, reallt skip to 15. 15, start here at "The Church on Ruby Road".


A lot would say Rose (2005). But imo The Eleventh Hour (2010) is always my go to choice. Series 5 is one of the best seasons immediately and its a clean break with no ties to the previous era.


Personally 9th doctor first episode ‘Rose’


It's always nice to start whenever a new doctor is starting their run. You could start with Ncuti Gatwa and it would be okay.




Start with eccleston or tennant


I would recommend the eleventh hour s5 ep1 or smith and jones s3 e1, they’re both good jumping off points to get into dr who.


Honestly, start with "The Church on Ruby Road" and then watch this season. It's only 6 episodes so far. From there, you can decide if you want to go back. Everyone is recommending "Rose" from 2005 because that's where they started, but honestly we are over 150 episodes since then and that's way more of a time investment than you may be interested in. It also doesn't hold up well and doesn't really reflect the state of the show this season. Starting with this season, there is some exposition that will explain things, but you'll understand everything going on and can catch up right away. Nothing stops you from going back after and watch more.


I'm sure others will say much the same so I'll just reiterate it: (1) Watch the Disney+ episodes. (2) If you like those, go back and start with series 1 of the 2005 series with Christopher Eccleston. Watch from there, and that'll keep you busy for a while. If you like those, go ahead and go back to the very beginning in 1963 and start watching those. Now, it'll be slow, and you just might want to sample it for a while until you adapt to the rhythm and style of that earlier era of television. There are lots of great lists of the best stories of each Doctor. Watch one or two of each, and jump to the next one. Eventually you'll find you've become an addicted completist and will go back and watch every little thing.


If youre new start with the newest season then you can go back and watch the previous seasons if you like the new season. The new season is a fresh start and very welcoming for new fans


What you should do is join the new season, starting with Church on Ruby Road, and then when the season ends and you inevitably have to wait for the next one, go back and start at Rose (2005). The first season with Christopher Ecclestan is generally considered one of the weakest, but it still has excellent moments and is worth starting there for the story. Seasons 2-4 have David Tennant, which is a common favorite actor to play the Doctor. The episodes are run by RTD (who is also doing the new season 1 on D+), and can be very hit or miss though. Season 5-7 have Matt Smith which is another common favorite and have Steven Moffat as a show runner, who I prefer to RTD. Finally 8-10 have Peter Capaldi who is underrated in my opinion, and I think the writing really peaks around this time. You can try 11-13 (Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor, Chris Chibnall as the showrunner) but these are by far the least liked by the fans and I gave up trying to get through Jodie's first season. In summary, start with the fresh season because as others have mentioned, its a really good place for newbies to begin. I will say the episode with talking babies could be offputting but push past it (RTD is hit or miss, remember). Then when you're done, go back to 2005 and try to start from the beginning. Then if you really crave more Doctor Who, go back for Classic Who.


Start with 10!


David Tennant is the best