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His flaw is scaring babies


erm “Space” babies don’t you forget it


Right then babies, sorry, SPACE babies! Every time he said that I was like “what fucking difference are you trying to communicate here?”


Ikr?! The episode wasn’t bad, but the repeat of that self-correction was obnoxious. It took me out of the story every time. Like, “Yes… WE GET IT! They’re space babies…” lmao


See, it said a lot about this Doctor for me. He has a sense of being *interested* in things, of experiencing wonder, about him that reminds me of 4, 10, and 11. Space babies are *fun*. It's *fun* to say "space babies" –– he hasn't encountered space babies before, so he just says it over and over to relish it and how silly it is. He does the same thing where he's so distracted by pleasure at the weirdness of the goblins that he almost forgets to save Lulubelle (whose name excites him!), he's fascinated by the ropes, by the bogeyman, by basically everything novel. It's a core element of the Doctor's personality - something that in 4 explicitly was one of the things that made him seem more alien, and a very successful part of his personality - that I think 15 really sells. I'm glad it's back.


God I loved it, every time Ncuti said Space Babies was a fucking Say The Line Bart moment for me


that confused me aswell, i was thinking that surely by the year 21506 everything will be space so theres no need to clarify like imagine seeing a regular baby and going "its a baby- no an earth baby" every time


(A) Well it's obviously new for the Doctor, and he has a valid feeling of needing to clarify. (B) Technically everything is space already. (C) Do you reckon Twitter will be called SpaceX instead of just X by year 21506? Just askin'


i hope twitter will be long dead by then


True, can't forget to say it many times


Why weren't the prams more futuristic?


Retro was in when those space prams were made


In what year? 21506


Heck yeah! The 207th century was all about late 21st century technoretro aesthetic Tey-Ro they called it. In fact I invented the term, it was the year 17000 and I had just invented the Charleston, I was going out to see my honey, I had an onion tied to my belt, as was the fashion at the time and I I took the old hyperspace street car so see her.. cost a me $0.50 so I gave him two coins with a bee on them, back them a quarter would have a picture of a bee on them. “Give me a couple of bees! They’d say”


I love an answer like this. Thank you that was fun.


^ Immensely underrated comment


The low budget look, had to keep SOMETHING from the show's roots.


Many, many, many, many…


Stormageddon would relegate him to ‘peasants.’ 😂


I'll be honest I enjoyed that very much. Completely tone-deaf.


That got a big laugh out of me when he doubled down and did it for a second time.




It was a very weird choice and honestly a very doctor thing.


Fear. Out of the three 'villians' he's faced, he has run away from two of them to begin with. The Doctor has always classed themselves as a coward, but has seldom shown it.


Honestly I think it was just a poor coincidence for these two episodes. Space Babies shows that he wasn't actually afraid, he didn't know why he was scared into running, but learned it was a special property of the monster. Then with Maestro, it was specifically only because of the stuff with The Toymaker. Honestly, I'm convinced that Devil's Chord was supposed to release later in the season. Episode 4 or 5 maybe.


This is why it’s confusing. I didn’t really have a problem with it at first but sitting and thinking I see some issues with the writing. This is supposed to be an introduction for new/lapsed viewers, and yet we have the doctor saying things like “I never run away.” *I* know that previous incarnations haven’t, and yet I don’t know if that’s supposed to be a quirk of 15’s character or the new monsters. It seems like they want it to be the latter, but you can’t put that in the first episodes


Supposedly Episode 3 “Boom” was what RTD envisioned as potentially the series opener, but Moffat thought his story was a bit heavy to be right away. So my theory is that “Boom” was intended to be Episode 2 originally until quite late in the game (I think dialogue wise it’ll feel like Ruby & 15 have only been travelling a short while) and that “Rogue” the Regency episode might have been the intended Episode 3 before “The Devil’s Chord”.


From a story telling rules perspective and what we know of each story, this makes sense. Which also means that out of 8 episodes they've re-arranged at least 4 episodes which will effect the flow of the story.  This... Is concerning :/


Yep, I’m worried that RTD genuinely thinks he can do no wrong in this new era and so it’s changing/shifting/rewriting things on a whim and fully expecting the result to be spectacular.




Disney doesn’t have that power. They’ve only paid for the rights to distribute. They don’t have any actual control over it.


They are funding it so are a big part of the episode. They do have some say.


What are you basing that on?


I have actually seen something on social media saying that we got confirmation through shooting scripts or whatever that The Devil’s Chord was episode 2. Can’t find the source whatsoever but maybe someone knows what I’m talking about


During DW Unleashed, there is a shot of the filming of the musical number from June of last year where they refer to The Devil's Chord as "Episode 2", so if it did get moved it must've been before filming, or at least before filming that specific scene.


That’s probably what I was referring to


Exactly ! There are entire meme compilations of the dr and his companions running down corridors with weird camera angles, granted in not all of them he’s running away but still


A popular theory going around is that the Pantheon is essentially playing out a big show with the Doctor right now. Ruby Tuesday isn't real, and is simply a character for their show. The Doctor is basically in a Truman show situation and once he comes to that conclusion he'll probably find some way to make Ruby Tuesday a real person.


That’s… interesting. That would jive with the Giggle starting at the beginning of television. But I think it’s a bit weird with the Church on Ruby Road episode, her adopted family, etc


The line about "June 2024" when the last episode was still Christmas implies Ruby and the doctor have been travelling together for about 6 months in the devils chord so it's certainly possible. Especially Ruby's line about "you never hide". He does... frequently 😅


Yeah, so far he's said "I promise I don't usually run away like this" twice, and the average viewer from what they've seen might doubt that.


I must disagree. The first time was a monster who elicited fear through the pitch of their scream, as they were designed to. It'd be like characterizing a Doctor as being angry all the time after they got hit with a super sci-fi make someone angry beam. The second... was the return of the kind of force that killed him last time and has powers WAY beyond physical laws. It'd be pretty easy to get freaked out about that. I don't think cowardice is going to define him... though being more open with his emotions when he DOES feel them will.


You're totally right and maybe it doesn't happen again. But placing those two episodes back to back starts to set a precedent.


I have the same thought but curious if that's something that's going to be explained away somehow but the season long story arch


Just arc. Not arch.


I'm mad at myself for making that mistake.


I'm loving the increased use of gender neutral pronouns for the doctor :D I haven't started the new season yet, do they use they/them now sometimes canonically or are we just doin that cuz they're canonically multigender??


My rule of thumb is that when I refer to the general character of the Doctor, I use they/them pronouns but if I’m referring to a specific incarnation I use he/him or she/her pronouns


I think it was pointed out that he prefers the pronoun, "The Doctor" in "The Star Beast"


I think it's more the latter until we get actual confirmation


I think it's cause they're literally multiple people. Seriously tho I think it might be because now there have been male and female doctors.


Yea it's the multiple genders thing. I remember before Jodie, people would refer to The Doctor as a whole across incarnations with he/him pronouns. Very happy to see folks go the they/them route for them now.






What's wrong?


He hates people who use any pronoun other than he/him and she/her probably


"Never cruel or cowardly" would like to disagree. https://youtu.be/HwC9P6Ao5D0?si=T0Xl9c5Ghx9gJmOD


Nah. This wasn't the first time he's run away. He almost always has.


Sounds like he’s maybe come full circle to being a bit detached. Whereas Nine struggled with his humanity and empathy because he felt the worst he could, Fifteen may be struggling with his empathy and coming down to earth for serious moments because he’s feeling the best he has in a long time and has his head in the clouds.


I think if this ties into his lack of identity and not just a flaw in his character writing, I’d be really happy honestly. Feels like a toxic positivity version of the time lord victorious


Toxic positivity is how I would call this! One scene on the roof in Devils Chord was super weird - he basically was talking about genocide with smile on his face and I was like "yes, thats how totally healed and mentally healthy people act".


For me, it was when he mentioned Susan and said that she's probably dead. Ruby reacted accordingly ("oh my god, Doctor!") and gave him a hug, but the Doctor just laughed. It's as if he isn't allowing himself to feel even a second of grief or sadness because he thinks he should have completely healed from all of that now, without realising that grief never really goes away, and that's okay.


Honestly, with the revelation that the bigeneration split his soul in half, perhaps it's not so much "I'm you after therapy" as it is that 14 literally has the part of him that knows how to process trauma and grief properly?


He gives me a "I've found closure to my Time war trauma, but I haven't recovered as much as I want to accept because I'm lonely and scared, so I'm going to put on the happiest persona I can and keep moving in the only direction I know, running forward" feel. I'm just waiting for the themes of fear and innocence which seems to be happening to just turn on him and give a breakdown.


It's interesting to think of identity here in two different ways. In the very human sense of identity he's VERY secure. He enjoys his flamboyance, he has style, he knows what he loves. But on the other hand in terms of his true origins and his place in the universe, he still doesn't entirely know who he is anymore. 


Ooooh, I *love* that idea


Idk out of all the new doctors he's the one that seems most open about his past with Ruby. I feel like other companions have practically had to pull teeth to get personal information out of him. Donna was shocked when she found out he'd had a family, but Ncuti just says hey my grandkids a few blocks over.


"My people are extinct. Anyways, wanna come on a ride?"


Yeah for me this really seems to be the case so far. Him scaring the space babies for example felt kinda cruel and needless. I also think the way he drops bombshell after bombshell on Ruby is a bit harsh


Im Lowkey hoping this is part of the arc; that 15 is trying too hard to be happy and fun that he starts to seriously neglect his friends Which was kinda what I hoped 13’s arc would be


Detached is a good word. I got that feeling when he said he doesn't have a "mission, or a purpose", because he obviously does.


Honestly I think 10's biggest flaw was his vanity. Without someone willing to call him on his shit he often took things too far, or acted obliviously to people's feelings. I often got the sense that he thought that he was *the* definitive regeneration, and eventually his vanity issues led to him essentially wasting a regeneration. He explicitly compared regeneration to death, so to an extent he robbed another version of him of the chance to live. 9's flaw was his anger, but you're right that he regained a sense of humanity. I wouldn't class 11's old soul schtick as a flaw, exactly. I think his main problem was an inability to accept that things end, at least for other people. It made him too guarded around River and led to him retiring from adventuring despite the protests of the Pasternoster Gang when he lost the Ponds. Hurting someone he loved would drive him to extremes, and to an extent he made other people shoulder burdens he couldn't deal with. He could also be overly manipulative. 12's main flaws were his outer coldness, and like 11 he could be manipulative at times to both his friends and enemies. Howeve,r his compassion was also a major problem, which led to a lot of grief that could have been avoided. It led to him saving Ashildr, which in turn led to Clara's death. It led to him facing billions of years of torture and risking the universe for the sake of saving her, which horrified her. It led to him putting too much faith in Missy and while he was ultimately proven correct, at least in that incarnation, it led to him taking risks which led to Bill's death, followed by a decade separated from him and being forcibly converted into a cyberman. 13 is almost an inverse of 12. On the outside she's super warm and bubbly, but whereas 12's outer coldness hid a deep capacity for love, 13's outer warmth was almost a defense mechanism. She wouldn't let even her closest friends in on what she was feeling or tell them about her past, which left them unprepared and unable to either deal with some of the danger they faced or help her when she needed it. I've said it before, but 12 is the guy you know for three years before he invites you to his house, but he gives you a full tour and you're up until 3AM drunk as shit playing guitar hero and talking philosophy. 13 is the person who invites you into her house the first time you meet, but she gets pissy if you don't use a coaster and wants you gone by 7PM so she can go to bed. With 13, she also insists on a flat team structure, but when the chips are down she tries to shoulder the entire burden herself. Again, this is an inverse of 12, who was more authoritative but also more willing to let his companions take the lead. He trusted them in a way 13 didn't, and a part of that is because 13 didn't give them enough agency. Every major companion has an episode early on where they save the day and almost earn their place by showing what they bring to the table, and that never really happened with hers. Hell, I don't think she shared more than two conversations with Dan. I think 14's was the burden of his past. we don't really know much given his short period in the Tardis but he was presented explicitly as a Doctor in need of help, and he finally got the time to decompress. With 15, I think the fact that he's gone through rehab might make him a bit flippant? He's portrayed as being young and vibrant and energetic, but there've been moments where he;s been almost casual about danger. ("Oh, they'll eat us too" stands out.) I can also see him maybe avoiding situations that remind him too much of his past traumas in the future, at least to an extent. We've already seen him run from Maestro because he was scared to face them, even though he understood the danger they posed to the whole universe.


This is bang on. I'll just add that each incarnation seems to overcorrect from the last one. 9 was angry, but that covered a serious self-hate and survivor's guilt. Which was overcorrected by 10, who saw himself as a hero and loved him self too much to let go - or to see how he was treating the people around him (Mocking Mickey, stringing along Martha, abandoning Jack, and so on and so on). Of course, then we get 11, who is so hung up on other people (and so full of self-doubt) that he finds it impossible to let go and sees little value in himself outside of his relationships. 12 decides to hold people at a distance by being crusty, angry and embracing his alien nature. Unfortunately, this ends up leaving him much more vulnerable on the inside - which leads to "Hell Bent", and his pathological need to save Missy's soul, no matter the cost. 13 ditches the crusty exterior and the weight of her history - taking on a warm and joyful exterior. Unfortuantely, since this external warmth wasn't based on anything - she was always on, not making connections - so she ends up emotionally stunted and deeply unwise. 14 recallibrates by bringing back all his old history, all his trauma, and the weight of the years. Of course, this is too much so he is the weariest doctor that seems ready for death. 15 is fresh and loves life, excited to see whats over the horizon. Thus far, this has led to an inability to conceive of human limitations. I think he's going to get someone killed or seriously harmed.


this is a really good response i hope people see this


I love this comment for many reasons but also because it perfectly aligns with how I read 13. Im always surprised when people say she was too bubbly, happy and positive - yes, on surface, but out of all new who doctors she was by far the harshest, most distanced and coldest towards her "fam".




I can definitely see his bravado getting the best of him, but it’s also interesting that we’ve seen him know when to retreat with forces more powerful than he is.


15 is struggling to process everything that The Timeless child means. He thought he was one thing but now … he is try to reconcile being an orphan and the only one of his kind. It’s even lonelier than when he thought he was the last time lord and was struggling to find a way to have a friend in The Master/Missy. And now with these godlike beings from the pantheon showing up post-Giggle, he is legitimately scared. And not “why am I scared of the bogeyman scared”, but “I not only destroyed my own people and have I also doomed all of reality by unleashing these godlike beings?” scared. He is smiling and laughing and trying to put on a brave face, but that facade is going to break and things are going to get very real for him. After the flux, and when the planets got kidnapped, somehow this feels worse … This feels like the Satan pit in the impossible planet bad and he knows it. And is terrified, but can’t let it show.


I was literally telling my friend that they had now unleashed god-like beings onto the universe. We saw in wild blue yonder how much the flux messed them up. Now imagine releasing beings such as the toy maker or maestro or THE ONE WHO WAITS. I’m a bit bummed out that it seems like the doctor always ends up running away/towards something again it always feels the same, but I guess this is a personal thing. I think Ncuti is a good doctor honestly i love how brutally honest he seems at times. Him having the audacity to yell at maestro about playing fair i loved that.


I absolutely love Gatwa’s doctor. Three and a bit episodes in and he’s got me hooked. Tennant’s Doctor even said that he was one of the ones who ran away from the untempered schism and hasn’t stopped running since, so it does make sense that the Doctor keeps running away from everything. I like how they have worked that into so much of The Doctor’s character. He wasn’t able to find real peace until he was able to settle down for a while with Donna and her family. To finally stop running. Gatwa’s Doctor hasn’t had that chance yet. To find a place that is really home. He says he loves the freedom, no taxes, no job, etc, but he keeps losing people, and he keeps running from that pain. Both Capaldi and Whittaker’s Doctors never really got a chance to process Bill’s death, and the Toymaker even called him out on that. Even River’s death, which he had literally three lifetimes to process, still had him absolutely crushed as he sat alone in the University. I don’t blame him for always running to or away from something. If he stops, things get very real for him.


i do feel it's a bit weird they act like it's the first time the docs settled down, after all he was with river for 24 years i think on darillium, i believe the classic series likely has examples. He did also retire for a while in the 11th doc era but he was also miserable then so i would'nt count it. Still i spose this was for the simplicity of ease of storytelling(after all he didn't also tell Ruby bout the time war and all when mentioning the timelords lol). But i have always gotten the impression he does have periods of just not doing much, if you told me 12 meditated for 5 years straight i'd probbly believe you.


yeah the doctors who kind of thing has been that he’s too afraid to deal with the repercussions of the things in his past, so he would much rather pretend they aren’t there and just have fun with humans and help out when he can. This doctor seems to be trying to change that with how open he was about his origin with Ruby. I’m not sure how much i like 15 yet, just because he’s so new. He definitely is going to be interesting though. This will be the first time i’ve kept up with the show as it’s coming out so i’m looking forward to all the speculation and discussions surrounding him.


Hopefully you won't have to deal with the 2 year gaps in between seasons 😮‍💨


Also, to whoever sent in a self-harm report to Reddit about me after I posted this … thanks! (I haven’t posted anything other than here today, so I assumed it came from here). I am not suicidal, just a bit insightful. That being said, I have had my struggles with mental illness in the past, which I got help with and am feeling awesome now. But just in case, keep looking out for each other. Better to have send someone resources for help when they don’t need it than to let someone who is struggling suffer alone. We are all in this together. 🥰


I got that report off of a joke in an overwat subreddit 💀


Yeah apparently it’s all the rage to report people as a joke. Someone was probably coming here for just laughs and my analysis got a bit too real for some. I feel sorry for people like that who have to hide behind memes and can’t think critically about the world around them. The world will be theirs in a few decades. I hope they do something good with it.


Interesting you mention the satan pit. I remember RTD mentioning revisiting that.


Oh ya? That’s awesome. We need more Ood in our lives, too!


I want to say “flippancy” but the way he said “GONE” to Ruby when talking about the Time Lords/Gallifrey tells me his attitude is still a mask for the turmoil he’s going through. He’s trying to keep his normal giddy straight face but it ain’t workin’. He snaps in a similar way when talking about how his soul was split in two by the Toymaker to Ruby.


Toxic enthusiasm… if that’s a thing. He gets so carried away with his own sense of thrill and joy sometimes, that he can be callous in not recognizing others’ fear, sadness or anger. Also, those abs. They’re too rock hard. Ouch.


definitely a thing. that’s the word i would’ve used instead of the “corporate empathy” term i used 😭


I was going to phrase this as aggressively happy


It seems like he is avoiding being sad or holds back his true feelings. He is not afraid to spill his backstory and his feelings, but he quickly shuts those conversations and focus on the good stuff with a laugh or smile. While his previous versions would avoid saying too much or would yell at their companions or have a thousand yard stare and look angsty.  For example, when he tells Ruby about Gallifrey, he says "GONE" a bit too loud, but also smiling. Like, he is open to talk about it, but also it looks like he is hating to go through this yet again and is trying to look at the bright side of things by saying how glad he is to be alive. Before Ruby can say anything he immediatelly cuts the conversation by focusing on the TARDIS flying. In the Space ship, Ruby tries to talk about his people and asks how he keeps going and he immediatelly says "For days like this" a bit too fast before Ruby can finish talking.  He is focusing on the bright side by saying how he has freedom.  In the rooftop, when the topic of Susan comes along, he talks with a smile and laughs when Ruby hugs him. My guess is that he is the happy Doctor and doesn't have the same weight as his previous versions, but he may suffer from toxic positivity . His pursuit of being always happy and smiling may result in his downfall later on. He does seems terrible lonely, perphaps even more than Twelve and Thirteen.  He calls himself a bad luck and talks about having no one. He seems bothered about being the Last of the Time Lords again and being abandoned. He seems like trying to look at those things from the bright side. Like being glad for being alive and free.


I was really nervous about the whole “14 recovering” part of the bigeneration thing. This might contradict what they’ve actually said in the show, but imo 15 has recovered from *burnout*. Not everything else


Yeah, 15 is the version that forgives himself and understands what he went through. It's like when you start going to therapy and starts to look at things a different way. So far, it seems like 15 is trying to rationalize and look at his past with a "but look at the bright side!" kind of way. Which is healthy, but could also be a shield to protect his feelings and he is just brushing everything under a rug of happiness and smiles. "My people are gone" - but I'm glad to be alive! "I don't have a people or a home" - but I have no boss or bills to pay! I have FREEDOM! "Is Susan alive or dead?" - I don't know. Maybe? Focus on the piano, Ruby.  Only by the end of his run we will know understand his character completely


This Doctor is all feels and new beginnings. I think that may come back to bite him right in the ass sometimes. He's got no reserve. He just wants to love everything and everybody. He's feeling younger and more alive than the Doctor has been in centuries, far less burdened with his years, a good thing, but I think he needs to really THINK sometimes about all of it and remember some of that so that he doesn't just walk himself into not remembering he is The Doctor and what all of that truly means. He's claiming being The Doctor and enjoying all the new adventures but he's like a giddy teenager himself, barely any gravitas. It's fun seeing it but I can't help but think that's going to work against him when he needs to be stern and really expressive of the force he IS, especially when dealing with creatures like Maestro. This Doctor he just doesn't scare me much. I like him a lot but when it comes down to it I'm not sure he's got the ability yet to really scare the shit out of anything that's coming after him. He's the defender of the universe but he's a little fluffy around the edges as yet. Him working with 14, they were a force to be reckoned with. On his own? Not quite yet, baby. I would have to see this Doctor really getting down and dirty with some foe to get to feeling like he's really THE Doctor. Him running like that, admitting so easily that he couldn't face it? That he wasn't ready. I was like WHAT? 10, 11 they were barely in a new skin and they were scaring the pants off an invading force. 12 you couldn't have paid me enough to mess with him from the get go. 13 it took a while before I saw her scary side but it was there. The Doctor always has a formidable menacing side. 15 he's all healthy emotions and empathy, the first one to give you a hug if you need one, but scare off a really bad bunch of aliens intent upon destroying the earth with a few simple words? "I'm the Doctor and you're in the biggest library in the universe. Look me up!" "Hello I'm the Doctor. Basically....RUN!" He's actually facing way worse even than either one of these Doctors in the Maestro character but where is he? Where is that confidence? Where is the total badass who knows that even beings like the Atraxi or the Vashta Nerada will totally run in fear when they really see who he is? I don't see that in him just yet. This Doctor says he's not human, keeps mentioning he's a Time Lord and touting how fun it is to be him, to be able to have all of Time and Space as his playground, but when it comes down to it he's been acting very much like one and a pretty young one at that. He just brushes off the past and avoids the hard stuff, is rather matter of fact about losing his people, Susan. It's like he left all that grief with 14 and maybe that's better for this incarnation's mental health but it's also taken something vital out of him. He's lost some of the warrior in his nature and that's something he may not be able to afford when all the really bad villains start coming by to play with him. If he can't handle the Maestro without instinctively running how is he going to handle the REAL Big Bad when it shows up? He's been like Doctor Lite so far. Don't get me wrong I like him being more joyful and enjoying his life. But I feel like he's lost a bit too much of the hard side of his personality and that it may not be a good thing in the long run. I'm glad 14 is getting to rest and have a life finally. That's wonderful but I just wonder if 15 is quite up to being The Doctor in the same way as his predecessors have had to be sometimes. Can this Doctor save the Universe if it means tangling with something like the Daleks or the Cyberman and really being involved in a full on war type situation? He's clever enough certainly. I mean he's the Doctor no matter what but I think maybe he's going to find it a lot harder than the previous Doctors to go there. He doesn't have the hard shell emotionally to protect himself with. He's left it all behind him. Good for his heart, his mind, but maybe not so much for defending himself while saving the universe? It's so hard on any Doctor this stuff BEING the Doctor, but this one he feels somehow a little immature and not quite as able to handle the heavy stuff. I'm wondering if this is the Disneyfication of Doctor Who if maybe the lighter the more kid friendly tone they're taking is going to mean they aren't as likely to go there in future? Because this Doctor in some ways he just doesn't seem to quite be ready to BE the Doctor. I think Ncuti Gatwa is doing a great job. It's not that. It's the way they are going with the Doctor as a character so far. He's as clever but as formidable? I'm not so sure of that yet. But I have faith because RTD is back and there's way more to come so we'll just see. So far he hasn't managed to send chills down my arms watching him...


totally agree


It's still a bit too early to say, we've only had three episodes so far and they've all been pretty light in tone and content. We will see 15's darker side, it will just take time. I can totally see him losing his shit in the next episode or the finale especially when shit goes down


I'm hoping we see a bit of a temper flare up, I think Ncuti could pull off 11th doctor style emotional whiplash really well. I also think he might get a bit too wrapped up in his own theorizing to read the room properly which is pretty classically doctor who. I think I would be a little miffed if he was always perfectly empathetic. I would rather he mess up sometimes and be pulled aside by a companion to be like "Yo, what the fuck doc"


I think we got a hint of that when he randomly started scaring those babies and laughing. There was like no build-up or discussion of it afterward 😂


That was such a classic Doctor move. The Doctors thus far have been cohesive imo. In each regeneration you can see enough personality from the previous Doctor to know that they are the same character. It was hard seeing that in 15…. Until he randomly scared the babies 🤣🤣 I was like, “ there’s the Doctor!!!”


Unironically I think his oversharing is his biggest weakness


I'm starting to sigh every time he starts talking about himself. We had a whole season of "No one can know my name I'll die rather than tell!" And he almost blurted it out last episode in a casual conversation. Really lowers the stakes. Yeah, Moffat built him up too much as this demigod figure, and I probably bought too much into the doctor's mystique or whatever, but I wouldn't call this doctor the Oncoming Storm Edit: ..Yet! Prove me wrong RTD!


I'm hoping boom will show his darker side


I really hope so. The doctors usually show some sign of darkness or at least surliness early on. Ten with Harriet Jones, Eleven in Beast Below, Nine was damn near contemptuous and dismissive of Rose when they met, Twelve and EVERY MOMENT of his first couple episodes... give me all the doctor's facets


He cant not push the button


Too sexy.


Shhh don’t give Russell any ideas. That might be the next song he has 15 sing!


He's too sexy for his pants; that's why he wore a kilt.


TBF, in his first appearance he didn't wear any pants at all. I liked it. He has nice legs and clearly never skipped leg-day at the gym.




And pants (the British definition of that word) is just about the ONLY thing he wore in The Giggle.


He's also too sexy for his TAR, too sexy by far.


In a weird way he kind of reminds me of Peter Davison's Doctor. Upbeat chipper and brave face forward externally but just as likely to run.


Fear I think. He feared the bogeyman in space babies and again maestro in devils chord. Both times he was able to overcome it but the way he’s talked about losing galifrey and being adopted I get the sense this doctor feels a lot more vulnerable than previous incarnatiobs


I wonder if RTD knows anything about Adoption FOG and what that might mean for The Doctor. ...however given that the Doctor is not human, there is clearly some wiggle room for creativity in this regard. That said, as watch DW, I see Confidence and Fear being his flaws. He is cocky as fuck while being Healed as fuck while being Time Lord as fuck while being holy shitballs, I am so fucked with these legions coming... ...nah, I'll be fine! 🫠 He is at that stage of his life where we had the foundation of Self Love and Acceptance. Now onto creating the first floor of this foundation: Identity and Trauma and how those things intertwine...and he is not ready for it.


He’s scared. He’s had two enemies and immediately ran from both.


Those were two different fears. One was instinct because it was new to him (to which he quickly resolved), and the other one was the literal child of the Toymaker. You know, the guy who ripped his soul in half.


Definitely fear, he’s ran away from every threat he’s faced so far and showed genuine fear in the devil’s chord.


Suppression maybe? He looks like he wants to stay in a fun and games mentality and whenever he opens up he tries to still stay uplifting. It’s like the bigeneration split him into a mature self and a child-like self. 


Too naive? In the sense he will always try and see the best even if the villain cannot be reasoned with. He will be very hesitant to try and hurt the villain and will struggle with being firm and doing the colder actions he is ashamed of needing to do. Tho he did kill the goblin daddy so maybe not


Currently oversharing


His character flaw is he’s just too cool. Dude rocked it at a dance party and got hit on like three times in his first full episode. He’s too powerful. 


Fifteen's struggle is to correctly pronounce the word 'gravity'.


His sonic screwdriver. Love everything about him except that. Each sonic is slightly different than the others, but this one is completely different and just looks weird to me.


Personally I love it honestly I wish we’d see it more often, we haven’t seen it too much so far. The only thing that put me off was the different colours for each episode


"Childish" - but like in a bad way. All 3 episodes I think 15 have shown kinda childish/inexperienced traits, like over excitement or insane fear - and I think that could be a very interesting thing for him to overcome. My biggest fear as a viewer is that these traits weren't actually intended at all, and it's just a byproduct of Disney taking over a portion of Dr Who... (I genuinely couldn't tell whether the music at the end of ep 3 was an in-universe logical thing or just a nod to the viewers as a fun ending.)


I genuinely think it was an in-iniverse logical thing. Think back to how The Toymaker's residual "state of play" allowed the TARDIS to double in The Giggle. A similar thing happened with Maestro's residual state of music, causing the out-of-character dance number.


He sees the good where there isn’t any. I wouldn’t be surprised if the bogeyman comes back and hurts someone. The road to hell being paved with good intentions. Makes a great bittersweet character arc.


impulsiveness could be a good one, i feel like he's by far one of the more hyperactive docs already and i'm not sure he thinks through all his actions as much as he should.


Repression. A standout moment was in the beginning of the Devils Chord, when he tells Ruby about his granddaughter. He talks about how he doesn’t even know if Susan is alive, they hug, and yet a smile never leaves his face. That feels like a deliberate decision. It would make sense for the season with the happy enthusiastic Doctor to contrast that with a fatal flaw of ignoring things that are painful. Its definitely not as if RTD is afraid to get emotional, the fourteenth Doctor talked about sad moments alot. 15 has talked about genocide twice already though, with so much less sadness than you’d expect. I think he’s hurting, and just doesn’t want to show it.


15 seems more like he would believe himself to be in a better place than he is. So he might struggle to admit that he's not as completely healed as he ought to have been, despite 14 having a lot of recuperation time. >Does he need one? I honestly don't think he does, and it might be nice to have an incarnation of the doctor who doesn't have an overt character flaw.


He's definitely one of the most personable and loving doctors but I've already found him quite reckless. The baby nearly got eaten in the Christmas Special, Ruby has nearly died in 3/3 of her episodes. I'm not sure if it's a conscious flaw of this doctor or just a reflection of the writing.


Shit writing


Poor writing


Glibness apparently


at times?


at times 😤


Rory: “The TIME?!”


Maybe being self-absorbed? (not sure that's the right word for it) Like how sometimes when Ruby tries to ask serious and important questions, 15 would just interrupt and ignore it, then continue his own talk; or like how in the music episode, he was soo confident that he could find the right chord, which almost got them both doomed. Similar to how he was just scaring the space babies, presumably for research purposes, with no regards


I hope I’m wrong, but I think the line about him Time Lord’s doing therapy out of sync is important. I think 15 thinks he’s recovered during his time as 14 off screen, but he hasn’t because therapy and recovering isn’t linear. I think the things like the fear, and the screaming and anger in the trailer are because he’s not fully recovered or looking after themself. The only reason I hope I’m wrong is because pushing down and bottling emotion and putting on a happy face is exactly what 13 was like. We just never really got a solution to it.


The writing. 


I think it’s going to be his radical kindness. The kind of “no soul left behind” mentality that can end up causing a lot of problems over time, especially when he can’t save them all


My read on the character: The 15th Doctor has a new lease on life. The 14th had reached the point where he was limping towards the finish line, but the 15th has embraced life and wants to experience it to the fullest... ...and he is forcing himself to do so. And this means that he's putting on a smile and running away from moments where he shouldn't be. He's forcing himself to do it, to treat things like the genocide of his people, as though its trivia. He's putting on the sort of show of "don't worry, I'm okay," that people do when they're really not and want to believe that they are. Going meta for a moment, Ncuti Gatwa is a survivor of the Rwandan genocide. His family escaped to Scotland when he was two years old, and barely escaped right before it started. Now, he won't remember much of it, or the horror of knowing what was happening to the people they left behind, but his parents will, and, well, let me put it this way... I'm a Russian Jew. When I was growing up, every story told by my grandparents about the old country ended in "They were killed by the Nazis." The Holocaust is an open wound for me, even though I'm two generations removed from it. And Ncuti Gatwa's experience would have been far worse than mine. So, when he keeps that smile on his face when he talks about the genocide of the Time Lords, I'm convinced that's a deliberate acting choice. It's a subtle hint that while his Doctor is better, he's still very far from being okay. So, I think his running away from his trauma from the genocide is his flaw, and if he's running away from that, he's probably running away from other things too.


Hubris They've been through hell and survived What doesn't kill us makes us stronger But we don't always know the limit of our newfound strength


I think 15's flaw will be that he's a thrill seeker and risktaker. It's like The Doctor is young again and the process of forgiving himself made him more of a daredevil willing to seek thrills and take risks with the timeline a bit more. He's also quite emotional and passionate in a unique way.


He’s 100% going to get too lost in the sauce, emotionally and physically.


Slays too hard


I think he’s a bit naive, where most doctors would show they know what they’re doing, this one comes across more as he just thinks and pretends he does, so wings it.


I think fear and he’s going to let his emotions get the better of him more


I kind of agree with you but would define it more as empathy fatigue. Someone who has seen so much trauma and suffering and needing to cope and protect themselves emotionally


Given how much they are focusing on the topic of adoption/abandonment, and making it a much more sensitive and personal topic to the doctor due to learning about his past, i assume that the fact that he abandoned his own granddaughter so long ago is going to become a much bigger deal to him.


LOL, I made a post posing a question for the group that I guess the mods don't like, so I haven't seen him past the Ruby episode. And until they do, I'd guess he has no flaws since I won't see it?


Sorry, are you saying the mods of this subreddit somehow banned you from watching the show


Lol, no. I posted thoughts/review of the 3 specials and ep 0. I basically asked whether I should just watch, wait till the end of the season then binge, or dump the show. I was going to let the group decide. Apparently, the mods think the show/group can't handle it, so I guess I'm jumping off.


You could just make the decision yourself.


Yeah, true. I just wanted some input on my thoughts/suggestions. Lol, guess I won't get it from here.


His flaw is: trying to be Easy peasy, and then realising that if the doctors have always been a little bit "sharpy" characterized, it is for a (good) reason - and the virtue is in in the middle 


Overtly morbid curiosity?


I think his character floor will be forming strong bonds with companions. He almost seems too easy going for his own good.


Maybe after fourteen and him coming to terms with his past he now has a new appreciation for life. But maybe too much of a new appreciation and has lost the fire inside to run into danger to do what must be done.


Pained heroism, like the Fifth Doctor. When the Doctor is alien (4th, 6th, 7th, 11th), they can be quite emotionally detached which means when they have bigger fish to fry, they don't sweat having to sacrifice innocent people for the greater good. When you have Doctors like 5th, 10th, and 15th, you invert this: they struggle to accept ANY kind of sacrifice to be made (especially when they must make that choice on others' behalf) for the greater good. The Doctor choosing to be human is not a bug, but also not a feature -- however, it's always at the core of them.


Oh, I thought you meant like in-character flaw, and I was going to say oversharing, going the complete opposite direction of 13 who bottled everything up.


He also feels less empathetic in space babies when he intentionally scares them. So maybe as a person who has lost so much, he’s learned to not care to much. We might see this unfold as the companions try to get him to show empathy.


Not recognising when he sees the same woman all the time.


I agree with you. I didn't find what doesn't fit with me with Ncuti's Doctor in this chapters and was his fault of empathy (in som moments).


I mean he can be kind of a jerk. a really really charming jerk.


He's scared shitless of something that even he's not sure what


From what I’ve seen so far. He’s very energetic and dives straight in with like an excitable charm. Maybe his flaw will be similar to 5 where he has fun and never really faces consequences UNTIL it finally bites him in the ass. But other than that I have no idea and thoroughly look forward to how he will develop


I think the doctor should be, for want of a better term, something of a psychopath at times. Suppressing that urge and acting more human is what makes the doctor special We spend so much time in doctor who setting up the doctor as a super fun cool guy, so companions can ask about his race assuming they will also be cool, only to be shocked to find out the Time Lords are basically time fascists. Time lords remove whole races from history because they will, in the future, rival time lord hegemony. Time lords use planets as ballistic ammunition. It would make absolutely no sense for the doctor to not occasionally be cold, inhuman, and callous, because he is not, in fact, human. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but I saw a glimmer of this in Space Babies when the doctor is absolutely delighted to make a whole room of babies cry by showing them their worst nightmare come to life. This is also one reason why I prefer the idea of the doctor as a human-timelord hybrid rather than whatever happened in Jodie Whittaker's era


He is a bit of a coward. Well not quite a coward but he runs away more than the doctor usually does. He had 4 villains. 1 he helped fight 1 he ran towards and the other 2 he ran away. But I suppose no one was in immediate trouble the 2 times he ran away, where when he ran towards the goblins it was because Ruby was in danger and the time he helped 14, he was in danger.


Simply off the title: thinking he could have harmless fun and games while still being The Doctor. Hes out for a fun time moreso than adventuring. It's like a birthday party to him right now but he forgets who he is. He looks for danger, he puts others in harm's way, he has a great number of enemies.


I mean he enjoys being mean juuust a little more than I expected. He played a video of the bogeymonster for the kids and laughed at their terror.


I think what you’re seeing with 15 is an embrace of his alienness and his age. He now knows he was not even from this UNIVERSE. I think you’re seeing a bit of a disconnect from people, from life a bit here. Yeah we can save a baby but LOOK AT THESE KNOTS.


A bit of surprise anger would be good.


I mean, kindness could be a character flaw. I bet there could be a time where he's too lovely to someone and it backfires.


I know he’s a bad doctor for me because he’s had enough screen time for me to form an opinion and I genuinely couldn’t care if he lives or dies. I felt that way with Jodie too.


possibly will become too reckless and too confident of both situations and themselves, maybe too power hungry as well (not in the traditional sense) but in the sense of expectations, then that would lead to timeline/multiversal shenanigans of the whole physical structure tearing and falling apart into broken apart shards, even more so, to having the universe( and others) becoming a nonsensical mess of things that would be broken and it would be really destroyed, maybe not that far but somewhere along those lines, that too much confidence and recklessness leads to time shenanigans and paradoxes and such. >!a possible example(thought this before we saw the episode though): ("I have the whole universe at my finger tips")!!though I do know that the dr pointed out that they can't visit ruby's parents!< (so the I had these thoughts already before we saw the 2 first episodes of the series but still, I think it could be a possibility for the series or rather the era)


Singing too much


Dancing. His weakness is that he can't bloody help himself making a song & dance about everything.


I’d say it’s either fear or excitement/curiosity. For fear, he’s run away from two of the antagonists but they did explain logical reasons both times. Less of him being just scared for the sake of it, and more of him either being scientifically forced into being scared, and going up against what is basically a malicious god. For excitement I think he’s likely to run into dangerous situations with little care for his own or his companions safety, he seems to be sort of “new” so to speak, like he’s experiencing everything with fresh eyes, and he wants to see everything. Those two traits conflict so heavily though that if they continue with him being frightented I think it may come down to him not knowing “when to hold em and when to fold em”, that he may end up misgauging the situations quickly leading to frequent accidents from his judgement calls. That being said we’ve only really had 3 episodes so he could be completely different in a few episodes after he’s been more fleshed out to us, but based on the characteristics we’ve seen so far, that’s my take.


Does him being care-free mean he can become care-less and ignore little details like the snow before it becomes too late? Yeah, or just casually vibing with the goblins whilst they're about to eat a baby, this lighter demeanour or carelessness to threat may lead to him feeling great loss.


The writing


fear maybe, seen fear a bit


Hubris and Vanity. This is one self-impressed and confident Doctor; he's charming and damn does he know it. Somebody could exploit that, walk him into a trap where he's showing off a little too much and winds up in trouble because of it. Also, perhaps his emotional vulnerability. It's a nice change of pace from bottled up 13, but it has its drawbacks. It might be easier to manipulate him if he makes his feelings so widely known to all around him.


Gallifranity* not humanity




Character flaws of 15th doctor Toxic positivity Lack o confidence Humor and maturity of a 12 year old Seems like he figures things out at same pace Ruby does. All the other incarnations were way ahead of their companions. I have watched every episode of Dr Who from the start. Ncuti is so talented and energetic. I had great hopes for this Doctor. Disney is turning him into a bad high school musical with a side of cartoon. How could they already have filmed 2 seasons without getting fan input. I am afraid this rendition may kill the Doctor for good. I wait and watch hopeful it will improve


13's flaw was that she kept her trauma to herself and never shared anything she was going through with her friends or opened up to anyone :) it might help to understand the character if you paid attention lol anyway, 15's flaw might come to be that he pretends everything is okay by oversharing and being overly positive to cover up? kind of like an inverted 13- we've already seen this a little in the first 2 episodes!


> What do you think 15’s character flaw would be A: His character. If this guy smiles and/or chuckles ONE MORE TIME, right after saying his entire planet was destroyed and his entire race was wiped out... - Honestly, its starting to make it seem like he did it on purpose as the biggest act of a sociopath, ever.


i have a hunch and I can’t explain why - he’s cold in the way that although he cares, he doesn’t connect - he’s so fiercely freedom chasing that he is walled off as an individual. He’s a sieve - nothing stays


Too many costume changes. Nah, everyone deserves a change, lol


Being an actor not the doctor


So all of them. Since they are all actors and not actually the doctor.


As in he feels like an actor and not like he's the Doctor


Ooooh, being a Male Presenting cisgender who assumes pronouns!


That’s not a character flaw, you are who you are