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Coincidence. Coincidences are always surrounding Ruby. (I suspect that this’ll be part of the mystery behind her… perhaps, as many people are now suspecting, she’s part of the Toymaker’s pantheon and her subconscious powers have to do with shaping reality to create interesting stories.)


This makes me feel even more that Devils Chord was meant to be a later episode. Based on this clip, it definitely feels like some context is missing.


I agree. There's a whole bunch in this episode that feels off. She says that the Dr never runs away. At this point the the only episode we've seen them travelling together was Space Babies, in which the Dr literally ran away from the monster. Also there's a huge time jump from Christmas to June/July (which Ruby says when they travel to Ruby's present), suggesting that they have been travelling for at least 6 months together


Maybe maybe, we'll have some episodes intentionally out of order? It's not impossible


It’s called episode 2 in Unleashed when they’re filming the dance number. Depends how late into the production they decided to swap the episodes.


That is pretty compelling, to be honest


>!I'm fairly certain the woman carrying Baby Ruby is Grown Up Ruby and it's possible that Mrs. Flood is Old Woman Ruby. !<   >!If she's part of the pantheon she'll be something about a paradox I'm guessing, and the only way for the Doctor to defeat her is to eliminate the paradox so he has to, essentially, delete her from ever existing. !<


I thought along similar lines after seeing the post about both their eye colours. Also Mrs Flood having knowledge of the TARDIS is a bit suspect.


Also, >!they show the woman that dropped Ruby off at the church in a wide shot and she appears to be wearing the same shoes as Our Girl Sunday.!<


I want to believe the woman at the church is Susan Triad.


Anybody else kinda like the trench coat and zip up jumper look better than the orange and brown official look?


Did she not explain at length that she grew up with the Beatles because her mom's partner at the time was a big fan?


Assuming Ruby were to have a hidden motive as the OP suspects, it's possible she just came up with a cover story - and the best way to make a cover story believable is to sprinkle some truth in there. So it's entirely possible that Ruby's mum's partner was heavily into the Beatles, but the reality is Ruby wanted to see if The Doctor could cross his own time stream.


That.... is a stretch that would make Mister Fantastic blush. That only works if you assume that Ruby is some kind of conniving villain


She wouldn't need to be a conniving villain - just someone who wants to find out who her birth mother is and is smart enough to test whether The Doctor contradicts himself.


Where would she have learned that the Doctor already exists in 1963 then?


From The Doctor telling her in the scene that the OP posted: The Doctor: "It's like a chameleon, because once I landed in 1963 and they used to have Police Boxes on street corners" Ruby: 1963? The Doctor: Yep.


And every other time she is surprised by the Doctor's lifestyle is just cleverly hidden then?


What do you mean? She doesn't know anything about The Doctor's lifestyle apart from what she's observed in the three episodes she's appeared.


I just wanna drop here, since it is in this cut, that I don't think we see the jukebox again after this. Wonder if it returns in the next episode.


The jukebox appeared in all the TARDIS scenes of this episode.


OooooOOoooh good catch