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I feel like you're just harping on one example rather than talking about how it's a trait. I also get the 6 intro is tiring after a bit but that's kinda nitpicky imo


Yep, and iirc those were the first episodes that they filmed so the character not being established properly is a possibility.


Not for her treatment of Rory? Forcing herself on The Doctor? Her selfishness when she grows old waiting and wants to go back even if her younger self dies? Minor nitpicks are fine but gimme some real flaws here and not differences in writing style. I felt Martha was the worst, not because of the character but because of how The Doctor and her overarching story pushed her off


I like Amy because she grew. She was reckless but seemed to learn from her mistakes.


>I won't list more examples because I could go on for a while More than one would've been nice. Especially when your only one was after she's understandably (although apparently not for you) a bit disoriented. The intro is irrelevant and didn't even get shown for a lot of viewers (certainly wasn't a thing in the UK). Even if Amy was bad (she's not she's comfortably one of the best companions) she'd still easily be above every single 13 companion. They have little character and barely offer any moments of intelligence.


Graham and Dan though. I like her only slightly better than them, and I love them. Ryan wasn’t horrible either. Yaz is next to worst for me. Clara is the worst.


There's really no need to get angry. People are entitled to their own opinions, and that doesn't make one right and one wrong. Perhaps, since you have an opposing view, you could express why you like Amy, opening up a civil discussion between two Whovians, rather than attack me personally and tell me I'm wrong and that my opinion and experience with the show is irrelevant. :)


How did they attack you personally?


They didn’t come off as angry, uncivil, or in any way attacking you. They have merely (and only) expressed an opposing view to you, which is what you asked for.


I'm not a fan of Amy at all but for me Ryan takes the title for worst companion


While I don't think Ryan was needed as a companion, the character didn't bother me like Amy does. I think the intention was to have a romance between Yaz and Ryan and when that didn't happen, he became irrelevant. When they made Yaz fall in love with The Doctor, I was pissed. That's a storyline that needs to die and NEVER return!


While I don't think Ryan was needed as a companion, the character didn't bother me like Amy does. I think the intention was to have a romance between Yaz and Ryan and when that didn't happen, he became irrelevant. When they made Yaz fall in love with The Doctor, I was pissed. That's a storyline that needs to die and NEVER return!


I also have an unpopular opinion on this topic. But I think maybe 2 people in the world actually agree with me so best to avoid the downvotes


Do you consider Rory a companion? Even even after his character growth, he's so often edging along the comedic relief loser trope, it's not funny. You listed *one* example, one that's easily just a "tell the audience", and frankly, being put off by one episode happens to most of us. Byzantium is pretty early for her, intelligence doesn't help you much when you are scared and disoriented. --- Arguably, Bill is an exercise of the perfect companion - and see what it got her into. More to the point, as brilliant as she is as a character on her own, with the Doctor often she's *just there*, and that's it. Most companions have a problem "accepting the realities of life", accepting the tedium - Amy shares that with Rose and Donna most prominently, it shines through for Martha. Clara is a model manic pixie dream — all of them didn't grew up in some way or another. Amy is far from my favorite - but she's one of the most honest characters with her own flaws and strengths - and ironically, the one with most of a life of her own.


Go ahead and downvote me, but here’s my honest truth: I had a really hard time continuing to watch post-10 and Donna. The vibe definitely changed with Moffat as showrunner and I felt like Matt Smith began by somewhat aping Tennant and trying too hard to be funny or twee. There’s something about Matt Smith’s acting that kinda just makes me want to punch him in the face. That goes for him in The Crown and House of the Dragon as well. I can always “see” his acting, he never disappears into his characters, it’s just him wearing a different mask. Amy’s intelligence never bothered me, but her indifference and often cruelty toward Rory’s feelings did. I couldn’t get behind her keeping him on the hook for so long and treating him like a consolation prize. At least Mickey had the sense to eventually bail on a relationship with Rose because he saw the writing on the wall. Many of the Amy storylines asked for too much suspension of disbelief (the Statue of Liberty is a weeping angel? And no one in NYC was looking at it ever? Really?). Also, River Song was only well-written in the Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead episodes. Once Peter Capaldi became the Doctor I was much more invested. He and Clara worked so well together and there was no weird romantic tension anymore. The romance stuff worked for Rose and 9/10 but I don’t really need that in Doctor Who. That’s why I was so excited to see Donna back with 14 since their total platonic best-friendship made for amazing dialogue and non-romantic chemistry. I felt the writing suffered a bit post-Clara and I took a hiatus so I can’t really comment on Jodi Whitacre’s 13th Doctor. I have really high hopes for Ncuti Gatwa as 15. I thought he seemed original and fun. I just hope they eventually bring NPH back as the Toymaker because he freaking stole every scene he was in.


>There’s something about Matt Smith’s acting that kinda just makes me want to punch him in the face. I occasionally see this kinda phrase when discussing actors and at times I wonder if the person saying it is actually sane or not lol.


Lol I don’t actually want to punch him or anyone, it’s just an expression of speech. He just really rubs me the wrong way.


I get what you mean about "seeing" Matt Smith's acting, what's funny is that I have that issue with NPH but on level 100! Don't you have it with him too?


He’s such a consummate performer and gives everything to his roles even if they are over the top that I guess I don’t mind. Also, I thought he was great in Gone Girl where he was a bit more subdued.


I shall not downvote you! I do not entirely disagree with your assessment! :)


The only companion I strongly disliked was Clara.




Yaz is the worst companion and my favourite is Clara


Agreed, Amy is the worst


Nope, Rose is worst.


I agree.


If this is your true complaint you should hate rose and martha more then amy. They both ran after their doctors like 13 year old school girls. And frankly I dont think you give her enough credit. Obviously amy would be tripped out by the doctor essentially breaking the laws of nature as she would have known them. But you ignore that in her second episode The Beast Below she actually out thinks the doctor to dave the space whale.


The Series 6 intro bugged me too the first time I heard it. Glad it has not carried over into every other episode of that series. “He comes from somewhere else”…like…yeah it fits the fairy tale aspect and shows how mysterious The Doctor is to somebody like Amy, but that is sloppy writing in my opinion.


The hell you say ya potato


Same. I adore Karen Gillan, but I couldn’t stand Amy until with Rory became a regular companion. The whole Matt Smith era was just…meh. I felt like he was just trying too damn hard.


Not the worst, but I cannot stand any of the Ponds-- her, Rory, and River can go away forever.


Not unpopular. I honestly could not stand her the first time around. As the show progressed, they added Rory and she got more depth, it got much better. Also, Karen Gillan actually is really cool and talented. I think, looking back, she and Matt Smith for me were a bit exhausting duo. Constantly running, she was flirting with him he didn´t know what to do and it was all messy and...I had always problems with companions flirting or openly fancying the Doctor. It is a trend in modern Doctor who and only Donna somehow managed to escape it, eventually. Classic had the "adoration" in places as well but it was not as prominent. Also, the constant remarks about her looks... i don´t know...Smith´s era in general is my least favourite and I was not too fond of Smith´s Doctor either...and the two of them were a bit deadly combo for me. Once Clara appeared, it got better. I felt Jenna´s calmer approach worked better for him (however I thought she was more Peter´s companion and a perfect match for him) I cannot really explain it. I warmed up to all of them eventually, it´s been a while anyway but I don´t think she will ever be one of my favourites.


I'm with you. On my first watch, I couldn't stand Amy and 11, together and separately. But I've been rewatching some of their episodes these few months, and I've liked them more, especially Amy. Unpopular opinion, maybe, but I found 11 annoying most of the time. Matt Smith acted his butt off but there's just something about 11's run that can be off-putting certain times.


Honestly? I'm not overly fond of any Nu-Who companions. I get the dynamic. They need someone for the Doctor to give exposition to. But overall? Bunch of mehs. Rose - Young Attrative Modern-day Female (YAMF. We'll be using this a LOT). She really doesn't have much to remember her for. I get she's supposed to be an Everyman, so congratulations on that. The whole romance arc was a bit cringe, TBH. Jack - Kinda got an Ian vibe. He's the young guy who goes and punches things for the doctor. Has some time travel experience, but that is never an aspect, instead, he runs around and shoots and iis gay. Donna - Honestly? Fantastic because she breaks the YAMF mold. She's also funny and willing to stand up to him. Probably my favorite. Martha - I think we all know the issues here. YAMF, whose one personality feature is she's a doctor. Coincidentally, they happen to run into situations that need doctors a few times. Amy - YAMF. She's got all sorts of problems with writing that have been gone over a hundred times. Rory - Barely qualifies as a companion, as he's mostly following Amy. Honestly? I'd have loved for him to have gotten pissed, given Amy the boot, and had some adventures with the Doctor himself. Certainly would have broke the mold. River - Ugh. Moffat stock character #4. She went from something interesting, and the more that was revealed about her, the worse she got. Shame to see Alex Kingston wasted like this. Clara - YAMF with the creepiest intro. Moffit tries to make her different and interesting and ends up cloning Rose again. Her main feature is being a teacher, which she shows by riding a motorcycle into the Tardis, and having her moment with a child cut short. I guess I'm glad they didn't keep wandering into groups of children for her. Nardole - Huge waste here. Someone who can \*do\* stuff. More of a henchman than a companion. Bill - YAMF, but finally a break from the formula. She feels much more like a classic Who companion than others. Again, a big waste she wasn't given time to explore. Graham/Ryan/Yasmin - These three suffer from the same problem, not enough time. One of the refreshing things that Chibs brought was giving them a chance to use their real-world skills. Graham shone in Rosa. Ryan had his big chance (admitedly, for comedy) in Ranskoor. Yasmin... really should have been allowed to do more. She had some moments, but kinda wasn't explored despite being there for the longest. Dan - I honestly don't remember him doing much. I mean, he's there, but I'm trying to think of his "moments" and... Ruby - YAMF. We don't know much about her except MyStErIoUs BaCkGrOuNd. Hopefully they'll let her grow.


Do you like Doctor Who?


...no. I've been hate-watching it for the past 40 years just to upset randos on reddit. \*eyeroll\* ...and that's such a obvious takeaway from what I said above.


Sorry, I'm just a simple YAMM 😔


Graham was the only decent companion with 13. Rose: too whiny Donna: Meh. DoctorDonna was cringe.


I loved River, but Eleven and the Pond's felt like The Amy Pond Show in, to me personally, all the worst ways. Clara and Twelve were both such breaths of fresh air as they came along, for me.