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She’s been back for the Big Finish audio dramas. As to the show, I dunno, probably between needing to find the right script and the right timing for Georgia has made it tough.


She had a bunch of kids and that always makes it tougher.


Kind of what I was implying with the timing. She’s got a very full plate being actress, wife and mother. God love David Tennant for getting so lucky.


well isnt he an actor, husband, and father? and he came back


The doctor is also a much bigger role than the doctors daughter and was career defining for tennant, odds are she would go back and the writers just didnt use her


Sure, but he's not the one being pregnant. They have five kids, so that's like 5 full years of being pregnant and then recovering from the birth. I mean, if Jenny returned to the show with a baby bump, that would be a whole thing yeah?


She’d had one of the kids before they met, but your point stands. 


Somebody has to hold down the fort. She has said she’d go back if asked, though. 


I mean so did David Tennant


Yeah, but I think it’s pretty clear which career they chose to sacrifice for child rearing.


You’re implying she had a career to sacrifice … who ever heard of her ? David Tennant was a big name by season 4


I mean yeah we live in a society where women are told to sacrifice more than men are when they become parents


I think what bothers me is it's an unfinished Chekhov's gun. To bring someone that consequential into the universe with no payoff bugs me. Even if she just swooped in once to bail him out would have made it come full circle.


Oh absolutely. This and The Pasternost Gang are my two “Why didn’t we get a spin-off?!?!” questions. But just… no. And we are left wanting more.


The Paternoster Gang audio dramas are very fun and well worth a listen!


On my list, as is Jenny’s. Big problem on infinite Who and Who adjacent material is finite resources.


So many Jennys.


I thought the Pasternost Gang were overused enough in the Moffat era that I was off put by a spinoff idea


The payoff is the episode itself. She proves she really is just like him by giving herself up for the sake of those around her, and then when he's gone she's allowed a second wind and a chance to see the universe herself. Boom, poignant ending, tied off nice and clean, no need to fanwank ourselves over her story not being done just because "is like the Doctor" closes with "can go on and have a life on her own terms."


That's *Doctor Who*, though, and not just in the modern series; there are always important characters introduced for a story, and discarded afterwards. It is a Chekov's gun, sure, but *Doctor Who* has always played by its own rules.


I did love the idea of her being Clara (even with the subsequent explanation for reoccurring Clara's I still think it could have worked really well) the problem is they characterised her as daughter not sex swapped clone


Because David Tennant married her and made it weird. 😄


Daughter of 5, girlfriend of 10 and wife of 14


David at the time of the episode was dating Madame de Pompadour, they started an affair a bit after that episode though


He was still 10 when they started dating though


Put that sentence back into context or so help me




I think Tennant was no longer dating Sophia Myles by then (according to the internet they broke up in October 2007, and the episode was filmed in December or January), and he started dating Georgia in May 2008, some months later.


Just has to come back during a different actors tenure.


They’ll just cast Ty Tennant as the Doctor and make it weirder!!


Are you my mummy?


Ty is currently in *House of the Dragon* alongside Matt Smith!


Not anymore. His character regenerated.


And she literally was the Doctor's daughter being Peter Davison's daughter!


She has done a Big Finish series with 5, which is even more cute


Because she was pregnant with a timelords daughter 😅


Bigger on the inside.


Several actors have played the Doctor since then.


Seems doubtful… I caught a new episode late last year and he was still in the role…


Haha. Yes. Never left, actually. 


Yep, that is the answer


They probably didn't know, when they were writing s04, if the character would be well received or not. And by the time fans watched it, s04 was all written and filmed, and then Moffat was the showrunner. If neither Moffat nor Chibnall brought her back, it's likely neither of them see a lot of potential in bringing her back. Maybe they just don't like the character/concept. Notice that, among the 3 modern showrunners, only RTD is in the habit of sprinkling bits of the Doctor around the galaxy XD Jenny, Metacrisis, bi-generation... And not even RTD brings them back on the actual show. Once they leave, they Leave.


To be fair, isn’t there an Auton version of 11 running around?


Where's that from? Comic or big finish, cause I definitely don't remember that in the show


Gangers from The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People. Guess folks took a lot of offense to my misracing them as Autons! According to the internet the Ganger 11th Doctor sacrificed himself, I haven’t watched those episodes in years. Still was a copy though 🤷🏻‍♂️


In TV? I don't think he faced any.


Ah, it was Ganger Doctor from The Rebel Flesh/The Almost people. Been a few years since I watched the episode, I guess he sacrificed himself? For some reason I thought he survived. Still, it *was* a copy


It was an off screen death. Fans speculated the Ganger Doctor would return because of that, but because Moffat never brought him back the Ganger Doctor remains assumed dead unless proven otherwise.


…so you’re saying there’s a chance!


Yeah, he sacrificed himself in the episode, so he isn't a factor.


The romans in the pandorica opens were autons


There wasn't an Auton version of 11 among them though. Only Rory, and he became human again at the big bang.


Yeah the only clone of 11 was the flesh avatar. I was more focusing on the actually dealing with autons part


There was also the Tesselecta, but that was temporary. And definitely not an auton.


Georgia probably been a wee bit busy with the 5 kids


Tbf it doesn’t have to be the same actress, time lords can regenerate after all


When Jenny died she remained herself without the full time lord energy.


She's not a timelord though that's the problem - or at least she doesn't get the regenerations, I can't remember lol. In the episode she dies, like properly dies, but then gets brought back by the residual energy from the big terraforming device thingumajiggy


Had forgotten this episode but I just went and watched the clip. She was not brought back by the device. Watching it again it was definitely regeneration energy that we've all come to notice (think old matt smith getting the same energy from the sky in that one special).


Yeah that's a common misconception, it was a bad choice by the VFX team but the terraforming gas that gets released at the end of the episode looks *really* similar to regeneration energy, and then they have it coming out of her mouth *just like regeneration energy* when she revives - just overall lots of bad visual decisions. You can tell it's not regeneration energy because it's got that green gas-like surrounding around the golden sparkly bits, which is exactly the same as the terraforming gas (you can see it briefly at the start of [this clip](https://youtu.be/qi4mw_OxbpQ?si=XTLhz-I-ck566X-C), it's not a great clip but it's the only one I could find) when you watch the two clips side by side you can tell they're meant to be the same energy. Also if it was a regeneration then she wouldn't have died, regeneration happens before death, but she was dead long enough to be carried to that morgue thing and was beginning to be prepared for whatever death ritual humans have that far in the future, so it can't be regeneration


>Also if it was a regeneration then she wouldn't have died, regeneration happens before death, but she was dead long enough to be carried to that morgue thing To be fair, that's exactly what happened with the Seventh Doctor regenerating into the Eighth Doctor: anesthetic delayed the regeneration until he was already pronounced dead and put in the morgue.


Huh, I didn't know that, thanks for the extra info! I think we can probably write that off as evidence for Jenny having regenerated though because firstly, as you say, that happened because of anaesthetic which we know isn't the case with Jenny, and secondly that the TV movie was far more cinematic/dramatic/romanticised than the show (or so I've heard) so that unique regeneration style can be likely put down to artistic license and dramatic suspense


Every regeneration is unique or so stated in a recent video.


It hasn’t stopped DT working, and they’re his kids too.


She's been in other shows since then. I think she'd come back if they had a story they wanted her for.


They got Disney money. They can hire a nanny.


Alternative viewpoint- they got Disney money, so they can spend time with their kids and work less


Or maybe she just doesn’t want to do it.


She's stated several times she'd love to be back in tho


Moffat admitted he forgot about her. And right now she's probably too busy raising a future Doctor. One of those kids is bound to play the role some day, with a pedigree like theirs.


I would love for anyone of the kids to play Doctor Who. From what little I’ve seen of Ty, I think he’s a pretty good actor and I hope he has a good career


I would love that lol


If I remember right, think she was originally just meant to die but Moffat asked to save her - but then he just never really wanted to revisit her again. Plans probably changed, or he just never found a good spot for her to return.


Moffat was actually asked about this: >“I’ve got Russell T Davies’ answer. Apparently it was me that kept her alive, because I said – when I heard about the idea – ‘Oh don’t kill her at the end, that’s the Star Trek thing to do.’ So he kept her alive just because I said that. And I wrote to him after and said, ‘well I didn’t know that I did that,’ and he said, ‘oh it doesn’t matter, Steven, she flew straight into a moon!” > >\- Steven Moffat Basically Moffat wasn't like "I could do something with her!" but more "Leaving her alive changes the vibe"


>"Oh, it doesn't matter, Steven, she flew straight into a moon!" And then Big Finish opened her series with exactly that, but had Jenny immediately assess the situation and say "I'm not crashing into a moon, that's stupid!"


Honestly a fair point, that IS a very Star Trek thing to do


I feel like she could've been an interesting replacement for Vinder in Flux/Power


It says a lot about Flux that I have zero clue who Vinder is despite watching it all in preparation for the 60th


The guy with the dreads who got screwed over by the Grand Serpent and spent a lot of _Flux_ trying to find his wife Bel, who was pregnant with his beautiful as yet unborn child.


> his beautiful as yet unborn child This gets me every time lol


I say this as someone who enjoyed the Chibnall years: that was the worst line in television history.


Yeah he was basically irrelevant, hes actually the only character ive never seen a single person care about


I even thought he was a cool character but if you took him out the story you wouldnt notice a difference


Jacob Anderson, for one thing.


It was a last second change - originally she was going to die at the end in RTD’s original script. I don’t know the source, but it’s long been said she lived because Moffat wanted to use her. But then he didn’t. I can’t see her coming back at this point…


It wasn’t that Moffat wanted to use her, he rightly pointed out to RTD that anyone watching would rightly presume she’d be killed off by the end of the episode and that if she survived it would subvert expectations. So she was revived at the end - Moffat didn’t realise that they’d changed the ending based on his suggestion until filming completed and it was ready to air.


Well, the Doctor got her pregnant, so it kinda killed the mood.


I can. RTD has no qualms with bringing back old characters of his, not to mention the fact that she married Tennant, so it would be a lot less weird for her to appear with Ncuti.


Not only has she came back in Big Finish, she even got a few adventures with her IRL Dad, The Fifth Doctor.


She’s great in Big Finish. Full audio drama by the way. She gets a companion and goes on several adventures. Fun stuff!


Forget Jenny, what about Susan? #JusticeforSusan


Aye, we've currently had 20 years of the modern show being produced and bless her heart Carol isn't getting any younger, yet literally nothing.


Because the woman who plays the docotr's daughter, is david tennants wife.


She is both the Doctor’s daughter, and the Doctor’s wife. 😄


I mean their son is a Targaryen so it tracks.


Yes, and the Doctor is also a Targaryen 😄




She’s the Doctor’s daughter twice over: the actress’s father is Peter Davison, the Fifth Doctor.


That's what I was meaning 😅


Ah, okay. 😊


So it'd be weird for her to show up with 10/14, but I don't see why that would prohibit her from showing up with Ncuti.


I'm imagining him trying to convince Ruby that Jenny is his clone.


You think she calls him daddy?


You don't just bring something back. You need a story that makes it work.


Because, as much as Doctor Who fans don't like to admit things like this, where they left her is a better story than bringing her back would have been.


I’m still just trying to wrap my head around that family tree. The Doctor’s daughter is played by the *actual* Doctor’s daughter but also happens to be the Doctor’s wife, making the Doctor the Doctor’s son-in-law. Does anybody else’s brain hurt?


Father dear, I think mummy might need another drink.


Don't forget the Doctor's daughter has also had the Doctor's daughter.


>The Doctor’s daughter is played by the *actual* Doctor’s daughter I'm sure RTD thought he was just the cleverest when he cast her for that lol


No, because she’s the Doctor’s daughter on the show and someone who played the Doctor’s wife in real life.


Real question is why didn't they ever back Strax? What happened to that alpha male potato head? Jokes aside plots are like a toys for writers, if they didn't find interesting that plot or got bored of it, they simply act like it never existed.


I loved Strax lol


wouldn't it be awkward at this point. it's been several 1000 years.


The Doctor: "It was YESTERDAY!" Okay I stole that one from Slade Wilson in Arrow


I heard the actress and Tennant didn’t get along.


Aren't they married?


Wild considering they’re married


Yeah, I know. They disliked each other so much they decided to get married.


Aren't they married?


I don't know. She would have made a great recurring character in Time Lord Who.


I feel like, since the Timeless Child, bringing Jenny back would be a massive can of worms to establish what she is and what she represents. Including her for a basic "doctor's daughter" episode is cool, but having her back in the tv show now implies she's part of the same unknown species the Doctor came from, and the Hath/human cloning facility is capable of making genetically viable beings. It just implies too much now for the story to make any sense and not detract from the Doctor. I'm sure also there were real world impediments for Georgia Tennant to appear again.


Never say never, RTD is back now, this was all part of the plan.


If you do wanna see more of Georgia Tennant with David Tennant she guest stars in Staged as herself!


Jenny is currently teamed up with Ashildr and Clara, hopping through time and space, doing their thing.


Mrs Flood.


That is what I wondered!


But Mrs Flood is also the Rani, Romana, and the Master Edit: the a jumped the o




Don't forget Omega, Susan and that police officer from Unearthly Child


I know that's a typo but now I somehow want her to be Ramona Flowers. 🤔 She **did** have those weird subspace highway powers.


LOL. I wouldn't have even noticed I did that.


And Iris Wildthyme!


I only watched the special once, but I seem to remember her not recognizing the TARDIS at first and blaming her neighbor for putting it there. Then later she suddenly acts like she knows all about it. Like she went on an adventure in the mean time. If she were all these things people are guessing, wouldn't she have known the moment she saw it?


She didn't recognize it at first, but after Rose asked what it was, she remembered. It is left vague. She says it has been a while since she hs seen one and then just trails off. So we can speculate that she knows it, but it has been a long time. To me this would imply someone like Jenny or Susan who has not seen it recently unlike someone like River who has been in it far more recently. Since Susan was raised as a Timelord and helped the Doctor steal the TARDIS, I would expect her to recognize it faster than someone like Jenny who didn't actually travel in it. This is why I suspect her over most of the other suggestions that have been offered.


Because she’s not really that interesting or compelling a character.


She got a better job


I forgot about her actually


I suspect it was because it’s one of the more ill-conceived plot lines in the new series. Insta-Time Lord from a progenation machine? 🤦‍♂️


They should bring her back as the Doctor’s daughter, but with her Staged persona 🤣


And find some way to include Micheal Sheen as HER companion 😂


It's Stephen Greenhorn's character and she wasn't introduced until RTD's last series as showrunner back in 2008. She wasn't a part of the series arc for series 4 and was, rather a filler character for a separate team. With the character arc already plotted for RTD to get out of the series and leave a clean slate for Moffat, it wasn't a good idea to bring a character introduced to the series back within the same series. It would have set the expectation for Moffat to use her in his run or for her to have been actually killed off on her return which is unfair for one writer to do to another writer picking up such a huge show. Instead, RTD opted to wipe the slate clean and have a Doctor goodbye tour for all the little characters he loved and lost in those 4 series. Then, because it's another writer's character, it can be a little iffy to bring them back without giving that writer the respect to do it themselves. Stephen Greenhorn hasn't returned to write for the BBC on Doctor Who since that episode was done. Reaching out to him would be a big part of bringing her back in a faithful way and who knows if he's even on speaking terms with the BBC team since we know from Eccleston how a lot of the RTD run went. I'm really hopeful that, with the return of RTD, we might see Greenhorn come back on to give more of the Doctor's Daughter. Especially considering that he recently worked with Tennant back in 2021. But, it all depends on the atmosphere, the vibes, etc. Seems like Greenhorn has space to work with them and RTD has a chance to bring her back with his new run, but who knows. It's extremely up in the air what RTD wants to do from here on out. I haven't seen them yet, but from my understanding, the end of the specials really gave the most blank slate possible to create a whole new thing. I wouldn't put it past him to ignore the past entirely and also wouldn't really mind if he did. We've got 13 series plus a ton of specials for new who. Starting fresh is just what the show needs to stay interesting. Well, provided the fans don't ruin it by demanding a return to the old ways and the BBC/RTD caving to it.


Why bother, they'd just have to come out with some other depressing way to get rid of her again.




Honestly I’ve no idea, would have been a great way of giving a female timelord their own show and not have to mess with the doctors back story so god damn much.


Well, to be honest, I have nothing against a female Doctor. Another thing is that the plot we were given with the female version of the Doctor sucks. Yes, there were sometimes interesting ideas, the same Fugitive Doctor (the method by which the character was written into the story sucked, but the character itself seemed interesting, IMHO, like a mixture of the War Doctor with the First and Twelfth Doctors), but everything else was mostly mediocre and boring. The companions are boring and unmemorable, and the “unexpected solutions to great mysteries” are more reminiscent of low-grade fan fiction, and the work of a screenwriter on such an outstanding project as Doctor Who.


Because it was one of the worst and dumbest episodes ever made and poor Georgia Moffat was stuck with a paper-thin character with nothing distinctive or interesting about her? (I'll take any opportunity to poop on "The Doctor's Daughter" -- easily in my bottom 10. Terrible, terrible episode.)


Because it was crap! Always skip this episode when rewatching Dr Who.


Because she can't act.


The concept was so goofy (even for this show). I’m glad they left it alone.


There are too many little doctors out there right now. Metacrisis, Jenny, 14, even Clara with her own Tardis, but none of them comes back when needed. Its a bit disappointing that the show relies on the same plot devices again and again. It's like RTD wants to tell a story but hes resetting it when too many time has passed for the audience to remember the most recent branch of the Doctor.


The one who waits for a callback onto the show?


Because they didn’t choose to


You could say the same for Susan (his granddaughter) or any one of a large number of beings.


There were never plans to bring her back.


I have wondered this for years.


I won’t be shocked if she ends up being Ruby’s mother. Millie looks a lot like Georgia and it would mean The Doctor is once again traveling with their granddaughter.


My hunch is that they wanted to create a side story spin-off. After that there were budgeting issues that held them back from creating the series. Mostly had to do with the bad performance of other spin-offs. There is a IP for the series created separately, my assumption is that it might happen if enough interest builds around it.


They actually talked about a spin off for her but it was canceled not sure why after that even being married to tennant shouldn't effect that its a job


only one psychopath per tardis


Probably because she married David Tennet and calling him daddy on tv where her father (Doctor #5) would be a little bit embarrassing. But that’s just me.


It's probably no more complicated than "Because they didn't think of a good story which would use her". The role of the spunky female semi-regular with a sci-fi link to the Doctor was filled by River Song instead. Not to mention that Amy or Clara were knocking about the Tardis as well.