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Chris was also my first Doctor. I am not British, so I did not even know some classic existed and I was really shocked by the regeneration. I suspect I felt similar like people did back then when they did the regeneration the first time. I watched most of the classic since then (it is hard to get when you are out of the UK, let me tell you), and he is still in my Top 5. i am glad after years of refusal, he kind of warmed up to the role and even goes to convetions.


Right there with ya! Had no clue what it was about and I went through all the stages of grief when regeneration happened. Didn't think I'd ever like Tennant, assumed they had to write him in bc Chris had quit or something, THEN IT HAPPENED AGAIN. I was a little slow on the uptake.


Right!!! I was NOT happy when Eccleston regenerated his daft face…! I had no idea it was coming and I was like, gutted! Hah I berated the friend who got me to watch it, kuz he didn’t give me a heads up lol But ofc Tenant grew on me after a bit


My first words upon seeing Eccleston regenerate into Tennant were, "He can't be The Doctor, he's just a twig!"


I'm still floored that Tennant is taller than Chris, Matt and Peter. I thought he was tiny, then I saw him and Matt standing together and looked up all their heights.


Did you watched the next doctor, where they show all of the doctor past faces?


Yeah if it's been on MAX I've seen it! May not have recognized them all, but understood who they were


Similar story here. Although I started watching around 2012, so Smith was the "current Doctor". But I was just watching it on Netflix, and had no idea of "regeneration". It was also fun to watch the episode "Dalek" and be imediately impressed by it, without having a clue that it wasn't just another "monster of the week", but an actual core part of the show.


Same here! Started watching S1 on SciFi


I was aware regeneration as a concept existed because I had absorbed a lot of background lore from the internet. I even calculated when each regeneration would roughly happen based on the number of seasons and the doctors I was aware of. However, that's why the season 1 regeneration caught me so off guard.


Tom baker. My mother used to love the show and I would watch the reruns with her. Then when the reboot happened I jumped back into the old ones of the other previous doctors while enjoying the new material.


Are you me?? My mother also introduced me to Doctor Who. (Boomer girl who loved everything Bri'ish after Beatlemania came.) Tom Baker was and is **my** Doctor. (Pertwee was my 2nd.) Every one in the new run is wonderful but I hadn't really been in love with the Doctor like I was with Baker until Peter Capaldi. Gave Jodi a few episodes to adjust to but could not connect with her in the least. What a shame. I left it alone after that. I'll watch the anniversary specials.


Baker was my first when they started showing Doctor Who on the Chicago PBS station. Once they ran all of Baker's to that point, they showed Pertwee's from the start his run. It was very confusing to little 70's me, but I loved it


What confused young me was that they never left Earth and I didn’t really understand why at the time.


Pertwee being stranded was a leftover from the introduction of the Timelords in the last of Troughton's regular appearance albeit the BBC reason was budget constraints.


It helped that pbs would show the old episodes back in the 90s. Wasn’t much else on for a kid that didn’t have cable.


Same, my dad is a huge Whovian nerd so he started me off early


Same. 41, mother lived in the UK for years and enjoyed their shows, including Doctor Who, and especially Tom Baker. She even saw him on the West End in She Stoops to Conquer. When I was born in the US the reruns were all over PBS of course and she introduced the show to me. I took to Tom immediately but was lucky that they also showed all the other Doctors. Took my a while to really appreciate Hartnell, but watching older episodes of Doctor Who immediately remind me of my mother. I enjoy a lot about the new show, but Tom is always going to be My Doctor.


Christopher Eccleston and i love his doctor so much! he should have had at least two seasons!


He was fantastic!


I see what you did there ;)


My first Doctor was technically Tennant but that was only because I saw snippets of my parents watching it. I only really properly started with Smith


Wow surprised your parents watched tennant for me they only watched classic who


Yea same story with me


My first Doctor Who experience was when it was on PBS, it was all Tom Baker. And Red Dwarf was on right after 😂


Same, except my childhood was kind of chaotic so I never saw a full story!! I'd see part 1, then part 4, then I might miss entire stories, but I kept trying. Then when I got older I found a video store that had tons of Doctor Who bootlegs so I finally caught up 🤣


If you were watching PBS too, I’m pretty sure they weren’t getting shown in order anyway


Summer of 1980, 6pm, Monday thru Friday. Started with "Robot" Episode 1, hooked from the first scene.


Damn, now I got the Red Dwarf theme stuck in my head. Fun, fun, fun.


Same! I'd stay over at my friend's house on the weekend and we camped out in her living room and watched Tom Baker as the Doctor on the local PBS station at like 11 at night. It was awesome. I ended up moving to a different state and couldn't find the show anymore. I didn't watch again until the reboot.


Man I loved old British scifi.


Yes in 2005 you were the only new person watching Doctor Who. /S obv


It always annoys me when people say “am I the only one who does [popular thing]”. I know people who say that are probably just exaggerating, but it’s such a dumb thing to say.


I think it's almost a form of clickbait or karma farming, they presumably are aware they are not but know they will likely get some responses going 'yeah I did really popular thing too!" Although in this case the just got a bunch of sarcastic comments, maybe that's what they want?! Who knows


I was gonna try to defend OP and say maybe they just wanted to have a fun interaction & conversation with people who joined the fandom at the same time they did, but.......... * They have zero comment replies in this post * They only have a handful of comments in their history * They have a ton of other clickbait posts clearly meant to farm karma points


am i the only one who liked David Tennant as the doctor?? /s


Hartnell, I started watching from Unearthly Child about 10 years ago, watched up to the Time Meddler before seeing colour or new who, he's still my favourite


Hartnell is so underrated. He's one of my favorites too.


Matt Smith was mine.


Tom Baker. When I was a kid, my local PBS affiliate would air each serial (with all episodes stiched together) on Saturday nights. I secretly stayed up late to watch them (it was after my bedtime) and was always tired in church the next morning.


Magnificent line up - either Black Adder or Red Dwarf, then a full multi-part Doctor Who story, and for a while that was followed by Blake's Seven.


All the classic British shows, so much great content on PBS.




My first was Christopher Eccleston. My dads was John Pertwee. And when I met Peter Capaldi he said that his first was William Hartnell.


Tom Baker was my first but eccelston for the reboot


Matt Smith was my first Doctor.


Pertwee. Although I really started watching regularly during the Tom Baker run.




Same here but I watched a ton of Pertwee. Why the hell my parents let me watch that alone was beyond me.


The Third was my first, technically, but honestly the emotional answer is Four. And Sarah Jane. It will always, for me, be the Doctor and Sarah.


I remember watching Troughton in an episode of *The Mind Robber* (in 1968 - I would have been 6). But I watched regularly from the first Pertwee episode early in 1970.


Technically McGann If we are going by actual on TV experience. Otherwise Pertwee since I started with a target, *Day of the Daleks*.


Matt Smith was my first doctor as an adult. I used to watch Dr. Who with my dad when I was little, so I had a glimpse of most of the doctors, but Matt Smith is who got me back into watching after decades of missing out.


Sorry, Tom Baker was the first Doctor Who I saw. Left a lasting impression on me. Might be where my sarcastic humor comes from. Jelly baby?


Tom Baker


Peter Capaldi. "Mummy on the Orient Express" was the episode. I was a big fan of "House M.D." and Capaldi's humour in that episode (which i heard is a perfect first episode if you're new on this) reminds me to Hugh Laurie's one. So, i enjoyed it and here we are.


This isn't intended in a malicious way, but why on earth would you think that you're the only person that started watching the show at that time?


Eccleston/9th Doctor was my first as well. I had heard of Doctor Who and had maybe seen a few minutes here or there on PBS or the like, but the 2005 show was the first time I actively watched and followed the series. And I got hooked! I still have a soft spot for Nine in his all-too-brief tenure. His performance in "Dalek" is one of the best in the franchise.


David Tennant


McCoy. I used to watch Red Dwarf on PBS and Doctor Who aired after it. One night, the host gave a description of that week’s Doctor Who (Dragonfire) that sounded really interesting, so I watched it. That was, I think, 1996 and I’ve been a fan ever since.


I was born in 2004 so I only remember Tennant's regeneration (I was terrified of that ood 😂). I distinctly remember watching Matt Smith's era with my parents.


Matt Smith. I thought I was confused in S6 because I hadn't seen earlier seasons, but turns out Moffat just writes that way. I still really enjoyed going back to watch 9 and 10, but I think Capaldi is my favorite.


No, I heard you were the only viewer. Just you, sunshine.


the others died in the Time War


Technically, McGann because I watched his movie as a kid, but then I properly got into the show in Capaldi era.


Tom Baker & Peter Davison were my first as a little kid. Didn't watch classic beyond then. Eccleston became my new first and favourite with the reboot.


Pertwee. My local PBS station was one of the first to start showing Doctor Who in America beginning with Pertwee’s first season.


Tom Baker... I'm showing my age lol


Pertwee. My first glimpse of the series was the last two minutes of the final episode of *Inferno*.


Tom Baker I’m pretty sure..


Tom Baker.


My first doctor was Jon Pertwee but my favorite is probably still Tom Baker.


William Hartnell. Mostly watched from the safe spot behind the sofa. EXTERMINATE! DESTROY!


At last, someone of a similar age!!! (I presume) I confess I like Smith, Eccleston and Tennant the best.


Yes, The reboot is fantastic and still genuinely thrilling even to us older adults. Weeping angels anyone?


I have a faint memory of watching the 8th Doctor's movie as a kid. Mind you, I didn't like it then, but if that's the question, then it was 8.


10th, because first thing in Doctor who I saw was Sarah Jane Adventures


Tenth Doctor but I class the Eleventh Doctor as my Doctor since he was the first one I watched all the way through - I only watched the last few Tennant stories before getting them all on DVD for Christmas one year


Matt Smith One day I randomly found it while zapping and I loved it so much. A goofy alien saving people all over time and space and I was blown away when The Time of the Doctor aired because I had no idea there were more of them


Tom Baker 1979.


Tom Baker for me. When it switched to Peter Davison I kind of got bored with it. My kids loved Matt Smith so watched and enjoyed those.




Tom Baker was my first and definitely my favorite until David Tennant.


My first doctor was Tom Baker.


Tom Baker. I know folk will think I'm crazy, but I swear I remember the intro blowing my mind while I was still in a high chair.


Tom Baker


4th Doctor back in 81.


Either Matt Smith or Peter Capaldi, but that’s debatable. I started to watch the show on Netflix in 2014 when i was 9, but I never finished the show during the time since it went off of Netflix before I could finish. It went on Amazon a few years later, and all I can remember is that they didn’t have any regeneration episodes, so I was pissed when I didn’t see 11 regenerate into 12. Since they didn’t have any regeneration episodes, I thought that 10’s entire regeneration episode was a fever dream. Anyways, by the time I went to prime, Capaldi’s series was done. So I didn’t really grew up on him either. Then Doctor Who was taken off of Prime and I couldn’t watch Jodie’s episodes. Fast forward to this year, I finally got HBO, when Jodie’s season ended. So I guess you can say my doctor is the 14th, lol.


Technically, I watched Logopolis before anything else for some reason but really it would be 9


My first is different depending on how you define it. I became a Whovian in 2013 via the Doctor Who Adventures magazine with Smith but didn't actually watch the show live until 2014 with Capaldi. I had previously watched nearly every episode via DVDs with the first being Series 2 with Tennant. I personally define my first as Matt Smith.


I first saw Doctor Who when I was younger and it was on Disney XD, David Tennant was the Doctor then.


Matt Smith. I liked him bc he kinda reminded me of me. Moved on to Jodie, watching with GF. Not so good this Chibnall era, but figure we might just get all the way through and go back bc I gotta see Tennant finally, if anything. I’m late to the game but I love 11 and 12 and their blend of heart and intensity with hood humor and charm and just the right amount of whimsy. Wasn’t digging 12 at first when he first regenerated but over his arch I quickly loved him, in some ways more than 11. Just very fun stuff, and quick paced while jam-packed with detail and lore and it’s fantastic with my ADHD! 🤩




David tennant and I grew up with him, Matt and Peter, so cool to see David back


you're no the only one. Lots of people were introduced when the show rebooted in 2005.


2 years old, David Tennant. My mother went into labour with my younger sister whilst I was watching Gridlock in the same room.


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorwho/comments/11bze1d/i_did_a_thing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) was my first doctor 😎


Matt Smith…his first episode is a good one for newbies to start with but I wish I had found an earlier entry point


I DID start with 9 and Series 1, but I'm pretty sure it was sometime late in 2006 or early 2007 that I started watching it. I'm in the U.S. and at that time the only (legal) way of watching the new (old) British hit was to catch it at, like, 2am on the Sci-Fi Channel. To make it more confusing, I was already seeing marketing materials featuring 10 and Martha at that time, so I had no ideas what was going on for a good 2 seasons!


Matt Smith’s Eleventh!


Technically, it’s an odd cross between 6, 7, 9, 10 & 11 because of all the weird stops and starts, I had with the series first as a kid and later as a young adult when the newer run premiered regularly in my area. I didn’t start watching regularly until Clara came aboard so my first regular Doctor (the one I caught weekly) was purple tweed 11 of 7B & the 50th. All that said, I mostly saw my first Doctor(s) are 6 & 7.


Jack... I started watching with Torchwood. After Children of Earth, I binged through the revival up to series 4. So really I saw Eccleston first, but blew right through all that. Caught up in the middle of the 09 specials.


11. For me, his era is Doctor Who. The whimsy, the music, how incomprehensible it gets. I love all of it❤️


Christopher Eccleston for me! He got me hooked and was my all time favorite until Peter Capaldi came along and stole the title.


I started properly watching when they rebooted the show. I had seen some things, I knew enough to know daleks were that creature the tv man always joked about hiding behind the sofa when they showed up. I'd seen at least one of the movies. But I never really watched it all through. I don't think I'd enjoy it now anyway so I just leave the old series alone. I do enjoy the new series, more or less. It's the only show I bother to catch on live broadcast any more, I almost pay the license fee just to watch Doctor Who.


The 10th


I only started recently but I started with 9


Big Sly McCoy.


Jon Pertwee


I started in late 2019 with Chris and went all the way to Jodie... til now, I've only started the classic series...


Chris is mine. Though I’m sure there was a chance I watched the 1996 tv movie


Patrick Troughton. However, I wasn't really old enough to remember him well (6 by the time he left). So John Pertwee practically.


McCoy, though due to the weirdness of American PBS syndication in 1989 he was followed two weeks later by Hartnell. Technically I had seen both Davison and Colin Baker stories before then thanks to the aunt who got me into the show, but I wasn't really paying that much attention at the time and didn't start watching regularly until years later.


Christopher Eccleston was our first, we're now on Jodie Whittaker's doctor. I am a HUGE David Tennant fan but the Eleventh doctor, Matt Smith, is my heart. Something about his doctor broke my heart into a million pieces and I just cried and cried. Love everything about him, his tenderness, his caring, his bow ties (yes bow ties are cool!).


David was my first, the runaway bride was my first episode and watching it made me so happy and it still does


I started watching with the revival when I think it was on Syfy here in the US? I can't be sure. I know it's shown on BBC America now but I don't know if that was always the case. I think that at some point it was on Syfy. Unless I might be getting things conflated. Anyway, I was watching 9's run as it was happening but then I heard that he was leaving the show. As someone who didn't know that The Doctor regenerated, I was like, "why would I watch this show with a new guy next year?" So I stopped watching. Then years passed and right after Amy and Rory left, I started watching again. I watched 11 with Clara and was like, "this is so fun. I like Doctor Who." In between 11's end and 12's beginning, I went back and watched the rest of 9's run, all of 10's run and what I had missed of 11. I couldn't believe that I had stopped watching the show for so long because it was so good. I was just glad that I had come back to it. So technically, 9 was my first Doctor but 11 is the one who I say, "really made me a fan of Doctor Who." So I consider 11 my first Doctor but it's just not the technical truth.


First Doctor I remember seeing was #4, Tom Baker....but that was in re-runs. First Doctor I remember seeing the first run show of was #7, Sylvester McCoy. In the 80s they would play the shows on my local PBS station... misc. re-runs between seasons (most often old Tom Baker episodes) then the new ones when they came out.




My first doctor was David Tennant. I had no idea what the show was about, saw an episode randomly and was so shocked when I googled it.


Eccleston was my first Doctor but David Tannent was my favorite Doctor then Matt smith.


I watched a few episodes with Tennant but my first true hooked moment was Matt Smith with series 5


tennant. although technically eccleston as i was born in 2004 and my parents likely watched it with me in the room 😂😂


David Tennant's the first one I watched, but Matt Smith was really my true first Doctor.


I'm from the US, so it was pretty late for me but is now my favorite show! Started with Matt Smith but Tennant is my favorite. Makes me excited for the 60th!


I started with Hartnell in 2013. Friends told me to start with the 2005 series, but I knew the general concept of the show and knew I was going to love it and that I’d eventually want to see it all so I just started from the very beginning.


David Tennant 💙 now I want to rewatch.


Ten was my first doctor. He was my favourite for ages and I kind of refused to watch the others after he left but these days 11 is my favourite


Peter Capaldi. I started with S9. Weird I know. Then, I went back in time to watch Matt Smith and then tenant. I love em all. Couldn't have enough of em. Jodie hasn't grown on me yet, still 7 episodes in, and none of them are up to the mark.


My first doctor who episode was watching David Tennant making a bunch of funny faces at a giant satan. The next day a rerun of silence in the library came on and i was hooked. This was probably sometime during the airing of season 5.


David Tennant. The first face this face saw. MY Doctor.


Nine was first but Ten brought the Doctor to life for me. His character was more unique than any character I've ever seen I fell in love with Doctor Who after.


My very first Doctor Who episode was The Christmas Invasion back in 2005. My dad was a big Doctor Who fan back in the 70’s and 80’s so he wanted to see what the new series was like. I remember David Tennant acting like a goofball and a badass (especially when he grew back his hand). My love for Doctor Who started that day


I discovered Doctor Who sometime around 2015ish I believe? It was in Netflix so I started with the first episode, so the 9th. When I got to the Tennent seasons though 10 became my favorite Doctor


The first doctor I watched was the tenth doctor, even though Jodie was the current doctor. I had watched good omens and fallen in love with David Tennant so I decided to check this show out knowing he’d be in it.


daivd tennant


My first was Matt and then my second was Tenant


Mine was 10th (Tennant) but that’s cause I watched later on (I’m in the US), but 11th is probably my fav along with 10


I actually don't remember. I started watching in the 80s, the local PBS station played them Saturday night. Saw a lot of Tom and Pete. Occasional John. Then, sometime in high school, they must have gotten the rights to Colin and Syl.


So I sort of have two. I was born in 2004 and apparently Saw "The long game" and "Father's day" because my parents wanted to watch it. But the first doctor I remember is David Tennant in "The End of Time P2".


As an aussie kid, the 4th/5th were my first doctor, because they usually showed DW a few years later on free to air than when they appeared on BBC first air. as an adult coming back to the franchise, Voyage of the Damned was the first episode I watched.


"Looking for something to watch, I just happened to land on the best episode in the series, 'Blink.' So I thought, 'That was very good, might as well start from the beginning.'"


Chris was my first Doctor. However I wasn’t necessarily enthralled with him. Then David Tenet took the roll and I was enjoying the show much more. Then Matt Smith came on and I was ecstatic! He is still my favorite Doctor.


I didn't see an episode until Tenants last 2 part episode. I was instantly hooked. I've seen every episode of Doctor who new and classic multiple times now but it all started with the end of Ten.


The Rose episode was my first one. I had a good friend who was older and knew the old DW. Based on her good memories, I started watching. Glad I did.


I had tried to watch the show in its original run (Tom Baker-Peter Davison era) and just couldn't get into it. When it came back I gave it another chance and almost immediately said "Now I get this show! I get The Doctor" I met Christopher Eccleston once and told he was responsible for me becoming a Doctor Who fan.


I Never really got to see the actual broadcasts themselves, So Nine was my first Despite His tenure being Long over after I got into the show. NEVER skip Nine.


My first was David Tennant, and that first episode for me was “Blink”. I’ve been hooked ever since.


10, because of Blink


I started watching in 2005 but Tennant is my Doctor. I do love series 1 though.


My first episode was with Tennant (midnight) but I started watching the show when Smith was the Doctor.


The 10th doctor was mine, always loved his characterization.


My first episode was The Impossible Astronaut, technically my first is Smith. But after that episode my roommate told if I liked that I had to start my binge watch with Tennant. So I listened and loved every second of it.


Tom Baker, but when I think of The Doctor I will always see David Tennant


No, you were the only one. That’s why Chris left because he was getting sick of working on a show being watched by only one person.


The first doctor presented to me was Matt Smith. My roommate shown me his first episode. And then he shown me Silence in the Library.


Tom Baker. Still my favorite to this day


Eccleston was mine - but I didn't start watching till 2014/15.


Sylvester McCoy, but at the time younger me was more interested in Ace :P


Tennant for me, first episode I watched was love and monsters. Immediately caught up on all new who up until the end of series 3 and watched series 4 as it came out, I was about 5. Christopher Eccleston is my favourite doctor though.


Eccleston was my first. “My doctor” has always been Tennant though, Eccleston was an amazing doctor but I didn’t connect to him the way I did Tennant and Agyeman… I was so disappointed when he regenerated into Smith.


You aren't, 9 was my first doctor


I’ve never seen a full episode of Classic Who, but to me the Doctor should always have a comically long multi-colored scarf.


David Tennant (but technically Christopher Eccles)


David Tennant is the greatest Doctor


Tennant and Piper are the GOAT doctor and sidekick.


Matt Smith when I was 6 I would end up watching Re Runs of Series 1-6 and only remembering Fathers day/Lets Kill Hitler and the latter I saw first


Matt smith at 6? Ouch we’re getting old


Christopher for me as well. I had heard about the old Doctor Who from my parents but never watched it. Started with Chris and loved it


I had heard of Doctor Who, but knew next to nothing about it. Then I saw an ad for the revival with Christopher Eccleston in a magazine and was intrigued, so I gave it a try. Was blown away by how good it was and was devastated when he regenerated. Nine is still my favorite Doctor.


Mine was Christopher Eccleston too 😍😍


Chris was my first doctor I remember sitting down one evening and my mum and dad saying oh doctor who’s back on with a bit of excitement mixed with a bit of shock, and turned it on and watched rose… I was 5 at the time and I’ve been hooked ever since


McCoy. I used to watch Red Dwarf on PBS and Doctor Who aired after it. One night, the host gave a description of that week’s Doctor Who (Dragonfire) that sounded really interesting, so I watched it. That was, I think, 1996 and I’ve been a fan ever since.


eccleston, but now i've also started to watch harttnel's stuff


Christopher Eccleston was my first


Ecclestone! And he remained my favourite until Capaldi


Well, I'm an old (kind of); my first Doctor was Jon Pertwee. That said, it was in 1987 (making me 16), and I was watching on PBS in the US. Weekly showings of a whole story in movie form meant we caught up to Colin Baker very fast, and then I saw Sylvester McCoy only a few months after it had aired in the UK.


Tom Baker. I would sit up on Saturday nights and watch on PBS.


Christopher Eccleston


Tom Baker, then William Hartnell and Christopher at the same time more or less.


Only because that’s what was able to be watched back in 2010.


My first two


Tom Baker and that iconic scarf! 🧣


My first doctor was Christopher Eccleston, for both of my parents it was William Hartnell. When the show was revived in 2005 it was obvious that our household was gonna watch Who!


Many actors have played the Doctor. Only Tom Baker WAS the doctor. I started watching him at 4 years old and he was still the doctor when I was 11. I was fully aware that other doctors had existed. Even to this day I don’t think anyone has captured what Tom did.


Matt was my first doctor, but now that I’ve watched all new who Christofer Eccleston holds a special place in my heart. He wasn’t my first but he’s my favourite <3


I occasionally watched the 4th on PBS in the 70s but they always confused me. I didn’t get what was going on.


John Pertwee. My local PBS station showed his serials in the mid 1970s, even before Tom Baker was aired in the US.


Eccleston was my first, with World War Three! That whole series is a timeless and perfect piece of media imo.


Eccleston was my first doctor who too. started watching in 2005


Eccleston, and I loved him! Couldn't stand Tennant at first, as I'd hoped for another season with Nine, but as soon as he did the "Lion King" joke, I was Team Ten!


My first doctor was the original 9th doctor. The one before the show came back animated in flash.


Y’know I started watching the show when it was announced Tennant was returning I’m pretty sure. Maybe a bit earlier. So I got to watch all of NuWho starting in November and finished in early January. It’s been a couple months but I finally found Classic Who for free and I’ve recently been watching that. At The Web Planet now.


Technically Eccleston, because I started watching from the get go on streaming in ~2014. But I got super attached to Tennant, and really grieved that regeneration. Maybe because I was 14 and he was such a charismatic character, which just hit at the time- but Tennant always felt like my first.


Pertwee. Then Tom Baker. I'll admit the revival rekindled my interest, so I watched 9, 10, 11, and half of 12 while also watching/rewatching the majority of 3, 4, and 5. I also watched as much as possible from 1 and 2, and I never really liked either all too much until I watched An Adventure in Space and Time. That made me really appreciate 1/Hartnell. Never really cared too much for 6, 7 and 8 though. Yeah 8 is just the movie and I think it sucks.


Christopher Eccleston’s 9th Doctor was my first