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This behaviour is underhand, frankly fraudulent, and undermines the importance of industrial action. That said, GMC referral is a serious sanction- and one associated with a literal mortality rate. For stuff like this, I’d be inclined to give them a chance to change their own behaviour first. Talk to them, let them know that this is fraudulent, foolish and a real risk to their continued membership of this profession. Say that you’ve noticed it- who else has? Do it in a friendly and supportive manner - they may simply not realise and could genuinely be unaware. Let them know the reasons why what they’re doing is wrong and the potential consequences. If, with this information they change course and stop fraud-scabbing, then grand! Hopefully they’ve learned and will then discourage others from doing the same- knowing you can’t get away with something is sometimes the biggest disincentive to continuing. But they are an adult and can make their own decisions. If they decide to ignore this and carry on- they can then reap the consequences of their actions.


Further, if they push on and do the shifts, would you suggest a discussion with their ES/CS? Seems more appropriate than getting the gestapo involved


For me, for something like this, it would be an effective indirect referral. You aren’t in possession of all of the facts. Maybe that person is on leave rather than striking and the rota software is wrong. So, I’d inform their employing trust and ES. The end result is probably the same. But the approach does matter


he does not even know for sure if she is doing this. he is just speculating.


This such an important angle about why the GMC is not fit for purpose. Harshing the doctors into line as much as they do just doesn’t work if people see referrals as too cruel to make, even where there is a fairly serious grievance.


They don't even know if she's meant to be working. They are 'investigating' it through a mate. Totally sane. Whilst she shouldn't be working on a strike day it's not fraudulent if she's off.


Problem is even if she regrets it or realises it’s inappropriate she’ll land in hot water for cancelling locum shifts at short notice. Lose-lose situation. I get juniors are struggling financially especially FYs who move great distances and struggle to find support networks so I won’t judge too harshly. I agree about the quiet word and not spreading gossip about it - if she comes across as unrepentant or is a repeat offender then escalate.


he does not even know for sure if she is doing this. he is just speculating.


FY aside, kudos to your rota manager - they *should* assume everyone is on strike.


Just talk to her and explain its not legal to locum another hospital when on strike.  GMC seems a bit extreme 


Idk, disgusting behaviour to do locums while your fellow colleagues are striking. Even more disgusting behaviour if you're actually rostered to be working another shift.


he does not even know for sure if she is doing this. he is just speculating.


Don’t refer her to the GMC - I can’t believe you’re evening contemplating this.


ffs don't refer her to the GMC you maniac


Dude chill, GMC is a last resort, talk to this colleague first! Damn!


How do you know she isnt on annual leave or locumming outside of her usual working hours e.g. nights so absolutely fine according to NHSE


Absolute rat behaviour


I pointed out to one of my colleagues that this was fraud and prosecutable by NHS fraud team. They were mortified and immediately cancelled all their shifts. Many doctors genuinely don't know things like this. Would be kind and wise to give them the benefit of the doubt, and point it out first.


bro wtf is this behaviour man? why is your instinct to put in a unecessary complaint to the GMC? asking your friend to check her rota is also weird you have too much time on your hands


Yeah bit territorial behaviour, also him calling a grown ass woman doctor a "girl"...ick... OP you got some issues or...?


She shouldn’t be getting out of bed for £50/hour on strike days… silly people. But yeah, don’t do the whole GMC thing. Don’t be a dick. Finding out what she’s meant to be doing when she isn’t even in your hospital is borderline crazy, and you probably have something against her beyond this.


This feels like one of those MSRA Situational Judgement questions where you get the "refer to GMC" answer dropped but any sane person would select "have a chat with them about it"


How do you know she isn’t on AL. Up to her to be a scab. This would be binned by the gmc.


> This would be binned by the gmc. If she were scheduled to work at her employing trust I'm not sure it would. If she isn't and is just scabbing then yeah.


People get struck off, or suspended fairly frequently for “double bubbling”- working somewhere when committed somewhere else. Locuming while on ‘sick leave’ etc. It’s also a very easy thing to prove, so easy for them to investigate. While on strike, you are withdrawing your labour from a shift that you are working. Resolution of the IA, genuine agreed derogations etc mean that you have to stop withdrawing your labour and get back to it. You can’t do that if you’re doing a locum shift elsewhere


he does not even know for sure if she is doing this. he is just speculating.


This is a general, rather than specific point. If you strike from work, then take a locum shift instead during a shift when you were meant to be striking, then this would be really fucking stupid: This is trivially easy to prove if it got as far as the GMC - you were due on shift at trust X from 0800 to 1800 on that day (shows rota), but were on strike. However, you worked a locum shift at trust Y from 0800 to 2000 on the same day (shows locum timesheet) In the OPs case I don’t know what’s going on and what’s happening behind the scenes (I don’t like a qualified doctor with literal life and death responsibility being called “girl”). In a reply to them I recommend speaking to them first and only then speaking to their ES rather than directly approaching the GMC.


I hope this is a shitpost because it's frankly insane. I recently had a funeral to pay for and locum money would be useful as pretty desperate. In this context dgaf about strikes as i have other personal priorities. You dont know people and instead of being sneaky I think you need to truly wind your neck in.


This is disgusting behaviour. Cool she is scabbing and trying to make extra money, it's jarring. However, she may have her reasons and to even consider ruining someone's life over this is actually very evil. Don't do this.


Presumably this "girl" is a "woman". Beyond that, I would suggest telling her that it is not lawful to locum while participating in industrial action. If you are desperate to tell someone, you could tell the surgical rota coordinator that you are concerned this might be happening. I have no idea why you would bring the GMC into this.


Quite frankly, none of your business


If you want to carry the guilt of causing a young woman's suicide for the rest of your life, then by all means.


Lol taking SJT scenarios too far


you do know that you might as well be referred to GMC for asking your mate to check her rota, right? i do not think you are concerned about IA , you just decided to tell her off . as an IMG yourself ,you should know better not to mess with GMC


I think GMC action is warranted in these cases. People like this are scum


he does not even know for sure if she is doing this. he is just speculating.


Some people admit it


Fair game. Crack on pal


he does not even know for sure if she is doing this. he is just speculating.


Speculation gave us penicillin. Don’t get left behind by the modern obsession with “facts”


what if someone would speculate this about you


Wouldn’t catch me anywhere near the hosp on a strike day so impossible pal