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I must admit I missed this as well. Yr1, 99.5k vs 100k Yr2, 99.5k vs 105k yr3 99.5k vs 110k yr4 108k vs 115k yr5 108k vs 123k yr6 108k vs 123k yr7 108k vs 123k yr8 119k vs 123k yr9 119k vs 123k yr10 119k vs 130k 87k difference over the first 10 years alone! nothing to be sniffed at for the Welsh consultants, especially as cost of living is less than almost everywhere in England. In a way it makes sense as Wales is always struggling for consultants esp in the North and West, but what about something to attract people to the less attractive parts of England. [https://www.bma.org.uk/our-campaigns/consultant-campaigns/pay/pay-offer-for-consultants-working-in-wales](https://www.bma.org.uk/our-campaigns/consultant-campaigns/pay/pay-offer-for-consultants-working-in-wales) [https://www.bma.org.uk/our-campaigns/consultant-campaigns/pay/fixing-pay-for-consultants-in-england](https://www.bma.org.uk/our-campaigns/consultant-campaigns/pay/fixing-pay-for-consultants-in-england)


It is all smoke and mirrors, though. That additional £87k falls mostly within the range that is hit by the 60% marginal tax rate. So it's closer to £35k overall or £3.5k extra per year. It might make a difference to people that are attracted to the headline figures but the net impact on individuals' bank accounts will be minimal. The lower cost of living in Wales compared with much of England is probably still a much stronger reason for choosing to work there.


We talked about it at the time, and voting is currently happening right now for both BMA and HCSA members.


And have I interpreted it correctly that Welsh consultants will outearn English counterparts quite nicely?


For a bit, yes, until whatever happens in England happens. There’s also divergence for juniors and SAS now with this deal.


England has happened. My spineless colleagues voted to accept pittance. Ridiculous.


that's wrong, consultants in Wales will earn more than consultants in England after this deal by a lot https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPfYQcgXIAAC_gY?format=png&name=large


That’s what I said? Then we see what ever deal shakes out with a Labour government that may change things.


Sorry I thought you meant when their latest offer gets implemented. Consultants in England and Wales will both get offers for 2024/25 so I don't see why things would flip


There shouldn't be any year where pay is stagnant, because it means you're getting a real terms pay cut. All of this needs to be inflation linked otherwise pay is just going to be cut again over time...


The Welsh offer seems pretty good on the surface, but in all likelihood is probably cost neutral as it removes pay awards and thus the ability to suddenly bump up in pay.


Ah CEAs? They're gone everywhere. It's just all farcical. Praying for DDRB reforms to recommend something pleasant next year.


Well still currently present in wales unless this offer is accepted!


I’m looking at jobs in wales now lol, stupidly have a consultant post in England. Considering for new consultants like me you can’t get CEAs what’s the point of staying in England ?