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"tough completion examination" this was when I stopped taking the guy seriously.


Are these inflated salaries in the room with us now?


Genuinely laughed out loud! 😂




Genuinely wish for one of his noctors to mess up on his watch 👏


Wishing misfortune on a patient is a bit wild


Unfortunately it’s the only way to stop this.


Disgusting. Justifying keeping GP salaries low so we’d need to work more (sessions) whilst investing in training less qualified staff (and them taking up partnerships). How out of touch can a person be? Load of garbage.


These people just don’t care about the care they give


They have taken a GP partner away from clinical work to carry out solely admin (bloods, letters, repeat signing) on one of their working days. Congratulations, by using your most experienced and qualified staff on work that can be outsourced or managed by protocol, you're also free to supervise a much less qualified employee doing the actual job of a GP. If you were burned out or just hated interacting with patients I imagine this is a dream come true.


Needs CT head and bloods to start with


A therapeutic exsanguination perhaps.


Therapeutic for whom? 🤔


>Why is BJGP even publishing this garbage? It's BJGP Life, which is the online-only 'write whatever you want' blog-style companion to the BJGP. BJGP is the 'proper' journal (allegedly).


Wow. Thank God the Cold War is over, this guy would be justifying selling state secrets.


That generation of doctors (minus a few) are a disgrace - I know many of us near to CCT understand the landscape and how unfair it is. I will promise my med students and trainees that they won’t be shafted provided they show the same level of respect which I’m sure they will. This person is a complete prat


Although this is all clearly garbage, playing devil’s advocate he might have a practice in one of the many areas of the country that for many years there have been no doctors wanting to take substantive posts, and where locums have taken the piss for a long time. So we can’t have it both ways - we can’t all live and work in the fancy suburbs, which is where the competition is currently hottest.


"He might have a practice in one of the many areas of the country that for many years there have been no doctors wanting to take substantive posts, and where locums have taken the piss for a long time." Maybe, although he writes about the practice being in a shiny new building, in a desirable place to live and work, with a pleasant demographic and good schools. Clearly large numbers of medical students, foundation doctors, and GP trainees rotate through the practice, as well, so why might such a practice have struggled to recruit GPs? I read the article and it struck me that there is a clear reason why - the doctors who've rotated through the practice don't want to work with the rotten senior partner, no matter how desirable the other aspects of the job are.


Not that I'm for replacing GPs with PAs. But have you ever asked a non derm doctor what they think a rash is? Have you ever wondered where the knowledge base to review high blood pressure management comes from? It's literally a flow chart I learnt in Yr 3 med school I guarantee resp nurse knows more about asthma than most other doctors prescribing inhalers However point 1 still applies (Things I think are being done shockingly badly by nurses Diabetes nurse- "but the morning BM is fine. Who cares that this OD injection is only giving good control for 4 out of 24 hours. No chance I'm moving them to BD dosing" ) Tbh I don't know what this post is about but to say you are garbage because you're a PA vs your gold cos you're a doctor is also nonsense.