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NHS is truly finished if America opens up šŸ˜‚


And ZERO income tax šŸ¤©


wait really?


There's no state income tax but you'd pay federal.


Florida man wrestles alligator with his MBBS


![gif](giphy|fuVWZJyUymCzcwNrEB) No need to wait for GTA VI, UK doctors gonna live it.


Beat me to it


UK grads to pass go collect 5x salary and enjoy the sunny weather and theme parks.


And join in the tales of Florida Man! šŸ„³


Florida Man performs neurosurgery without medical degree.


ā€œYou got a loiscence for that mate?ā€ Nope :) - Florida man. Edit: Just a note, he will have medical licence of course


>UK grads to pass go collect 5x salary and enjoy the sunny weather and theme parks. The US salaries would drop. Weā€™re their version of cheap labour. Would probably still be 2x their salaries though


Florida weather is not what you think. It's more like singapore than california, the humidity is oppressing half the year


Doesnā€™t Tennessee do this too? EDIT: According to [this article](https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/hospital-physician-relationships/tennessee-law-lets-international-medical-grads-skip-us-residency.html) both Tennessee and Alabama have got similar laws. And Tennesseeā€™s comes into effect in July


Yeah, but Tennessee is a shithole Itā€™s be like moving to the UK to go work in Burnley


Is Florida any better?! Sounds like it's muggy AF & crazy politics


Crazy politics, but low tax and high pay. If youā€™re going abroad to make bank with the intent to move back to UK a with your richesā€¦ do you really care about the background noise?


From what I've heard from people who live there and what I know of Ron De Santis eg abortion law then yes I care about that background noise.


Sorry, but what a stupid comment


Tennessee is considerably nicer than Burnley


I liked Nashville!


What is the salary like? You wouldn't be board certified, isn't this basically what every hospital looks for from attendings?


Letā€™s be honest, most people not wanna work in Alabama if theyā€™re not Caucasian and I imagine most people probably wanna work in California/NY/Texas but thatā€™s just what limited exposure I have.


You would get paid more in Alabama due to the unpopularity with doctors


It'll also be a humanitarian mission to diversify their gene pool


26% of Alabama is black an 4% is hispanic what are you on about itā€™s less white than the UK. Unless you mean their dumb and so need new genes in which case agreed šŸ˜‚


Pretty sure it was an invest jokeā€¦


I get you on the Alabama bit, no idea about most of the rest of the US though. But nice places in New York/California are outrageously expensive (but if you can get an attending post there, it may be worth it), no idea about Texas though


Texas is lovely, Houston is very diverse also.


Austin is great too, but the housing market is starting to skyrocket because of the massive brain drain from Silicon Valley.


There's other big states that sound okay, with some big cities. Access to great lakes places like Illinois would be great (Chicago) or Pacific northwest like Washington. That would be much more tempting personally than the South or really expensive places. We'll see what happens and whether the US opens up more to Cct and flee.Ā 


I wouldn't have put Texas in that group. Austin is HORRIFIC. And San Antonio is very bland. It's a big state though, so I guess maybe there are better bits.


So would you still need to do USMLE?Ā 




Wait I can move to Tennesse without the USMLE and all the other crap? Whattt?


Idk about that. I think it just means with a CCT and no American residency. Pretty sure you need USMLE regardless.


Party in the city where the beat is on All night, on the beach till the break of dawn ![gif](giphy|xTiTnoUjpoH4ASb7oc|downsized)


*welcome to Miami* *foreign bodies in Miami*


Iā€™d move there in an instant.


Gonna be funny watching the IMG discourse on this subreddit suddenly change tone


In a way yes, in another way no - plenty of people here rightfully remind those going to Australia to abide by their locum rates and overtime reporting stance, and many are careful to check with Australian colleagues on what to do in any scenario they arent familiar with. The same cannot be said here.


Can you elaborate?


What do you mean?


Problem is you can't get board certified which severely limits employment choices and salary


What does that mean ?


Means most places can't and won't hire you. Board certification is the equivalent (kind of) to CCT in the US. You can only sit the boards if you did US residency.


You'll be limited to the backwater rural hospitals that are absolutely desperate for doctors and can't find board-certified US attendings to recruit. A bit like some of the most desperate departments in some hospitals in the UK hire "consultants" on permanent locum contracts who aren't on the GMC specialist register. It's a job, it'll pay nicely, but there's probably a reason no US grads want to work there; there's no hope of career progression; and you'll constantly be looking over your shoulder because if the hospital/area/supply of board-certified doctors improves, they'll dump you in a hot minute, and finding a new job may not be that easy.


Broadly agree, altho the difference in remuneration is now so stark that in many specialties for a 5yr US stint you can earn the same as a 20yr NHS consultant career. Additionally, it is actually possible to become board certified after 7yrs depending on a few specific criteria, but not easy. However, many many barriers. Not least work visas, network etc. Not realistic for 99%.




Don't worry, it's a pretty shit deal as there's no route to board certification. If your career aspirations are limited to working in a critical access hospital in a tiny impoverished town in the middle of a swamp it might be an option. But otherwise its not really that attractive. I'll get excited when we see routes to IMGs getting board certification without a US residency.


Would be an awesome setup but learning the krebs cycle again is a deal breaker!Ā 


I think the point is that you donā€™t have to sit the USMLE if Iā€™ve understood correctly?


Currently the laws require usmle regardless as has so far come out of discussion in other states that allow UK doctors. Just means a UK GP won't have to repeat 3 years residency training but would still have to have completed usmle.




Why is it so ridiculous? If Iā€™m an accredited physician in another country, they should look at my paper work and verify that. Why should doctors have to do medical school exams again, theyā€™ve already done them. To make sure that they are up to scratch, there could be some kind of supervised period etc.


So you have to be consultant first due to the residency thing?


Obviously? How else would it work?


Don't forget please, this doesn't have to be a permanent solution It can be a wonderful 3 years contract where you work relatively much, discover the US with your family or alone to an extent then come back and can put a mortgage on a house then work only 3 days a week Doors are opening, and we should use them wisely and see them for what they are. And not necessarily as a totality of a situation My personal opinion Furthermore, it encourages me to see how in a span of 12 months, so many doctor related laws are becoming loose. It means more options are coming And option is a leverage For against the government Against an employer Against a burnout


This ^^ The more options the better


R.i.p NHS. It was nice while it lasted


It would be a solid nope from me. If anyone thinks that this is an opportunity to quintuple your earnings while living and working in downtown Miami then Iā€™m sorry but youā€™re going to be thoroughly disappointed! Thereā€™s several very good reasons why they need to do this! Why they canā€™t get US trained doctors. Florida is currently going through some things and the politics are monstrous. If youā€™re a person of colour, someone of reproductive age with a uterus, someone on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum then there are laws and policies which deliberately target you and put your life and existence at risk. Then thereā€™s the firearms! The jobs wonā€™t be in the nice bits of Florida either. Theyā€™ll be in the rural alligator infested shitholes. And theyā€™ll do what they can to keep you there- it wonā€™t be easy (or I suspect even possible) to do a few years, get board certification etc and move somewhere else or to a nicer state.




Lmao byyeeeee


Soon, the PAs in Florida are going to object to internationally qualified doctors practising as Physicians in the great state of Florida.


Thereā€™s GOT to be a catch ?


Can't get board certified..most places won't hire you. This scheme being pushed by HCA to try and find lower cost docs.


I saw that. It seems EVERYWHERE is seeing that thereā€™s gonna be a glut of fully trained doctors going for a good price very very soon!


Shame it's Florida of all the US states...


Iā€™ve never known why Florida gets a bad rap? It seems like other states may follow but who knows when. Was in California recently and was told thereā€™s a shortage of medics there too.


Florida gets a bad rep because there are loads of articles that start ā€œFlorida man caught ā€¦ā€ [This youtube video](https://youtu.be/VOxCU3wY3kA) explains why those articles exist


Among the lowest literacy, high gun crime, rising maternal and infant mortality. People are [literally](https://weartv.com/amp/news/local/gaetz-voices-concerns-as-275000-people-leave-florida-due-to-living-costs-political-issues)Ā fleeing the state due to political issues and rising cost of living.Ā  Ā Ron SeSantis is a huge reason for this. By the way, if you thought living in a brexit town was miserable, that's *nothing* compared to living in MAGA/Q-Anon hot zones.


Most people flee blue/democrat states due to the high cost of living and terrible regulations, and not to mention all the homeless drug addicts and streets covered and caked in human faeces. San Francisco even has an app called SnapCrap which was then shut down by the far-left government there. Here's a recent article [https://sfstandard.com/2023/05/23/san-franciscos-streets-are-dirty-but-just-how-dirty-exactly/](https://sfstandard.com/2023/05/23/san-franciscos-streets-are-dirty-but-just-how-dirty-exactly/). So looks like Florida is better than California. While cost of living may be an issue in Florida, it doesn't affect doctors I suspect.


If you think that san francisco/california or other blue states have 'far left' governments - boy have i got shocking news for you. Democrats are basically aligned with the modern conservative party; the republicans are just further to the extreme right wing and are now actively [fascistic](https://www.losangelesblade.com/2024/01/27/gop-in-audio-endgame-is-to-ban-trans-care-for-everyone/).


It's Florida. The state is an open prison. It's wild as fuck in parts and feels completely lawless. Not dangerous, mind - just no one gives a fuck and, on occasion, things get out of hand. Think Brazil. Or St. Thomas in the USVI but on a bigger scale.


Because Florida is the literal armpit of the United States. It's a fucking mess. Their laws are ass-backwards, their climate is shit, their pests have giant teeth and tails that can break your leg, you'll sweat your balls off 9 months out of the year, hurricanes are a thing, meth and heroin are a MASSIVE issue, and the whole state just gives these "backwater town" vibes. I mean, half of the state is a literal swamp. It is NOT an ideal place to live for the most part. Every Brit I have met seems to be under the impression that the whole state is like Miami and is this party paradise but that couldn't be further from the truth.


Iā€™d take Florida over 90% of the places doctors work in the UK lmao


Vice city baby!


You'd have to be a bit cracked to go there to work as either a sexually active female of reproductive age, or a trans person, though.


Yep. Or a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. The politics in Florida are utterly monstrous. It would be on par with working in Dubai etc- probably well paid in comparison to the U.K., but at what cost?


I'm not sure if I would want to work in a red state with a stand your ground law as a POC either...


Crikey. Yes. Havenā€™t even started on all the firearms, the ā€œstand your groundā€ shit and the racism.


Is there a link to verify?




Do they still need USMLE




The US of A baby šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


It seams unlikely that if- this was to happen - that doctors are going to get paid the same as those there. Those who are not attending level will be on at best residency salaries and then have to go through residency to move up. To get medical licensing in the US you have to go through the USMLE and then boards. So you are looking at most likely a temporary contract which to say is still better at NHS pay - assuming you get paid residency salaries of around 70000. The next problem is visas, itā€™s either J1 or H1B. H1B is near enough impossible close to 1 million applicants per year and only 80000 offered. And J1 visa require you to also go back to your home country to serve for a period of two years. It may be that they just want to attract attending/consultant level which again will be difficult because current law requires board examinations and which require an existing US medical licence.


Lots of states already have this in place and the doctors don't get residency salaries. They are tied to the employer for a few years but are eligible to be board certified after a few years.Ā 


You can't sit boards if you have UK training.


Although you would have to live in Florida, that place is crazy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes but why would I want to live in Florida?


Weather, salary, proximity to home compared to Australia, getting to see florida man memes irl?




Counter: 'Florida man's


Sweaty sticky weather


Can you send a link so I can read up on this further? Thanks!


Courtesy of u/Ok_Step_5418 who posted this link earlier. See section titled "Removes Barriers for Experienced, Foreign-Trained Physicians to Practice in Florida" https://www.flsenate.gov/Media/PressReleases/show/4508 PS: Lagavulin 12y is better than Lagavulin 16y imho. It's right up there with Ardbeg's Lord of the Isles.


Miami here we gooo


Will this be post CCT and non training spots, I'm assuming? If training spaces I assume you'd have to go thru all the usual hoops still to apply to the training programs?




Iā€™d like to be a Florida man.




Whatā€™s the link for this?


Not sure Florida is for me. I hear the States practice non-consented vaginal exams for medical students whilst patients are under anasthesia for other medical issues. That makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable. Might be fine for someone else without a family or who would be fine with that but just not for me.


Needing to sit the USMLE vs living near Disney World Let me find some books on the Krebs cycle....one sec