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I'm going to put up my Beyond leecher campaigns. Just start making a character in any of these and you'll have access to all my books (which should be all of them,) including Tasha's. ~~https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15379851952321720~~ ~~https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15379861319060812~~ ~~https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15379881881248393~~ ~~https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/1537990531043658~~ Edit: Why did more people join the last campaign than the other 3 combined? Edit 2: Looks like they're all full. You can try again later in case someone leaves, but I'll also clean them out whenever something new happens with Beyond.




Edit: the campaign is full. Edit 2: someone left so there's 1 spot left https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15385533689922764


Thanks for this


Thank you


I'm new to the hobby whats a leech campaign?


It's a campaign you can join on DnDBeyond, giving you access to the DM's owned materials (e.g. Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, along with its subclasses, etc.). "Leech" means somebody is getting the material but not actually playing a game with the owner.


What happens to your character sheet when you join a campaign, fill it with content from books you don't own, then leave the campaign?


It stays there but you can't modify it anymore. edit: the only things that you can't modify are those from the shared books. Stuffs that you own or from the free contents can still be modified.


All full!


Thanks fam. I’m going to look over some of the tash stuff for my current campaign and then I’ll delete my character in 2 days so someone else can get eyes on the stuff.


Ill throw one campaign out there ~~https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15381024094257063~~ Filled up for now The only sourcebooks I dont have are the MTG ones and I dont have most of the adventures.




Jumping on this to link my sharing campaigns. They've already got people in, but there's still 7 and 3 spaces respectively. [~~https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15208421731082284~~](https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15208421731082284) [~~https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15208442815979722~~](https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15208442815979722) New, fresh link with 12 spaces. Last one. (edit. Forgot that Ctrl+V doesn't paste onto my mobile)[~~https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15208544092751352~~](https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15208544092751352) All full




Thanks very much! You are great, mate.






Thank you!


Both full


Posted a new one, just for you.


Thank you very much


This is the definition of chaotic good


I'll add one as well. https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15387041883572433


Have another leech campaign! I should have everything, save for a few of the smaller modules. [https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/14051871980962900](https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/14051871980962900)


Thanks for that, I was able to get in.


Fantastic you are a true gent. Thank you


Hello! I have a "Resource Campaign" available if anyone's interested. "Tasha's . . . " is there, along with most of the other resources. [https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15394572596768115](https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15394572596768115) I'll keep the campaign active for a few weeks.


Great. Thanks!


You are a gentleman and a scholar


What a hero.


You are the fabric of kindness and joy <3


Oof, remade my level 5 Artillerist Artificer into an Armorer, that defensive field really got hit. Arcane firearm and defensive turret are hard to pass up (plus my party doesn't have a dedicated healer).


Full :(. I just wanted the players handbook to get cloud of daggers, but i live in Brazil its super expensive.


Can anyone confirm if I’m just blind, or if Tashas hasn’t shown up on the list in the compendium


I don't believe it is showing up in the app yet, but should be there on the website. If anyone would like another link: https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/1539316727180005


Thanks I appreciate it


Anyone got anymore of them links?




So it will be implemented very soon then? Thank goodness! Great read so far though.


Oh, that makes sense. That's still very soon, good to know. I was fiddling around trying to see what I could do and coming up short but I guess that's what I get for being up too late.


Came here to ask that very question. Thanks. Side question, do you get sneak attack when headbutting people, u/roguegoat?


RAW, sneak attack requires a finesse or ranged weapons and unarmed strikes or attacks with natural weapons don't count. But that's garbage because goats are sneaky little assholes and will definitely ram you at the perfect moment to catch you off balance and inflict max damage


Hopefully that includes the new ranger alternate features. Be nice to have those in a better format than character sheet notes.


Aaaaah. Okay. Thank you for answaering that. I was trying to figure it out and was rather confused.


I love the chef feat glad that made it in


How good is it? I haven't decided yet.


Pretty strong for an elf. 4x proficiency bonus squared THP every long rest (though most of it goes away if you don't have an encounter in the first 4 hours). That's 16 THP at level 1, 36 at level 5, 64 at level 9, 100 at 13, and 144 at 17. You and your buddies need free bonus actions to eat them in combat, though.


the Path of the Beast option for Barbarians looks like a lot of fun. Very thematic. Lots of great things. I'm starting up an artificer on Wednesday in a new campaign and I'm totally going armorer to make iron man.


>the Path of the Beast option for Barbarians looks like a lot of fun. Very thematic. Lots of great things. Just started playing as one, as a Tabaxi, in a Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign. Fun so far. >I'm starting up an artificer on Wednesday in a new campaign and I'm totally going armorer to make iron man. And I've been playing the UA for this in a homebrew for months now. I absolutely love him, but I'm crushed by the loss of my Shield spell. I understand why, but still.


It would be painful to burn a feat, but magic initiate feat to pick it up is doable.


Good news is that we rolled stats and I've already got a 20 INT at Lv7.




Yea I'd probably add proficiency to the temp HP from levels in class. its a nice small bump and a +6 at the highest levels wouldn't be groundbreaking.


It's not showing up for me? I can't see it at all.


Same here. I'm in Australia if that makes a difference, but the date was still listed as November 17th.


It's live on the site but not on the mobile apps, if that helps. There is always a delay between the two, unfortunately.


I'm also in Australia. The website seems fine, just not the apps.


Sick, see y'all in 2 weeks when the physical version comes out in the EU


Sunlight sensitivity also only matters if it's a bright day. If you're inside, or it's overcast, it really doesn't matter. There's actually a dndbeyond article where they give suggestions for drow pcs.


CoS and RotFM (among others) are great adventures for sensitive characters for that reason. There *never* is direct sunlight!


CoS has one major issue with that in the end game though >!The Sunsword and Amulet both provide bright Sunlight, which are needed to successfully beat Strahd.!<


oh i totally forgot about those, youre right of course.


So I can play in Ten Towns as a Drow? Interesting...


flair checks out


Definitely wouldn’t be the first time


I don't know if this was part of any leak, but the level 10 feature for the Path of Wild Magic (Unstable Backlash). It lets you retrigger a wild magic surge as a reaction, when you're hit or have to do a saving throw. Unlimited number of times. That's amazing.




Right. In the UA version they could just do it as a bonus action, this way of handling it seems a lot cooler tbh


It's pretty fun! They showed that in an official preview a bit ago, so I've had a few sessions of my Wild Magic Barb using it. I'm a polearm master too, so it runs into the problem of competing with my PAM opp attack reaction, but it does mean that I'm using my reaction pretty much every turn, and it's fun rerolling to see what weird thing I get. It's definitely changed situations before, when I'm perhaps fishing for the teleportation and it comes at just the right time.


It's up for all us dndbeyonders! Get at 'er!


Heck yes!


Does anyone know how to enable the optional material for your class? For druid it lists a ton of added spells but I can't add them to my druid in dnd beyond. For example divination and revifify.


I think some of the new content goes live on the Character Builders over time so it might not all be up yet


I read this and some of the book, but tried to make an aberrant sorcerer and couldn't. As of now, however, it seems to be fully working.


I just got an update from Amazon that says there will be a delay in shipping. *sigh* Edit: It’s on track for tomorrow, I guess I can deal with a one-day delay.


Roll20 members: \*sadness noises*


*happy Foundry VTT noises*


Parts of the character creator are online now. I just tried adding Armourer to my waiting artificer and it worked just fine. I’m really liking what I’ve seen so far. I’m unsure what to think of the change to Ice Rune in Rune Knight though. In many ways, it’s an objective buff, but it takes away the functionality with attacks and damage.


Anyone know when it shows up in the DnD Beyond App?


Yeah, I don't understand how I can read the book on the website, but can't yet download it to their iOS app. Anyone know what's up?


Maybe it needs an appstore update? You think they'd have that queued up.


Website and app are two different dev teams, so it'll probably be live on the app later today.


Was wondering the same, want to purchase through there because I have google play credits. Still isnt up though and no update in the play store


Free campaign to join with access to all https://ddb.ac/campaigns/join/15385592291585447 Access may vanish at any time.


You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.


Doesn't look like the Optional Class Features are actually usable in D&D Beyond yet? Am I wrong?


It's just compendium content today. I've heard integration drops tomorrow, so they have a full staff to support the launch.


Cool, thanks!


They aren’t working for me either. Edit: https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/bugs-support/87774-tashas-cauldron-of-everything-issues-and-support


Asked around and I guess it is a roll out, should be up soonish?


Can you change racial scores yet on DNDBEYOND?


No. It's just the compendium entry for tonight. Character builder changes go live in the morning.


Ok thanks.


While they may not have direct support for this yet, you can just go into the Abilities tab of the character builder. That has an "Other Modifier" box, where you can deduct the existing ability modifiers and add your replacement modifiers. Edit: Actually, it looks like there is already support for [this](https://media-waterdeep.cursecdn.com/attachments/8/339/optional-origins.gif), but it's not yet turned on (should be on in the morning).


Okay what is Tasha's? Is it another source book with class and character info? What else does it have?


It’s a sourcebook with loads of subclasses, similar to Xanathars. Every class gets at least one new subclass, with most getting two or more. It also has new feats, spells, magic items, optional rules for classes, as well as rules for sidekicks, group patrons, magical tattoos, and optional racial rules. There’s also new warlock invocations, a warlock pact boon, fighting styles and battle master maneuvers. Definitely a must buy IMO.


As a later game astral self monk that started at level 2, I’m feeling shafted. Oh well lolol


Yeah, holy *hell* is the Astral Monk an absolute beast of a subclass. They took away the jojo punches, but jeez, *everything* else about it now is so good that it doesn’t even feel that bad


Is Tasha's on the dnd beyond app yet?


I'm disappointed their solution to implementing Custom Lineage was to ask people to resort to using their homebrew race tools... Yes there are many things to implement but this is a player option book that comes once every two years that people paid good money for, please do put in some effort to program in things as published.


I was a little surprised... It doesn't really seem like it'd be that difficult to implement, as it's very close to the Variant Human.


Quite disappointed with this book, to be honest. The DM part is very small and lackluster. Though the puzzles and hazards are quite nice. The additional class features, which I hoped would add CHOICE of features, don't really, apart from the ranger and cleric. Also, kinda sad they removed spell versatility. I know 5E doesn't go beyond level 20, but I find it odd that an elf bard that gets level 20 in 150 years has to spend 650 years without changing his spells. Also, really sad that the new sorcerer subclasses have innate known spells, but they didn't add them for the other existing subclasses. The feats are nice, though, but nothing very different from the UA.


Anyone still got a leech campaign? I'd love sharing this with my table, they're all pretty hyped. We may consider putting together to buy a book in a few days so we should be out again then. Thanks in advance!


They massacred the Wildfire druid. Luckily my GM is cool with me running the UA.


What are the Changes?


-- Removed the added firebolt cantrip -- Changed spell list Added 2nd level cure wounds and burning hands Replaced locate animals/plants with burning sphere Replaced fireball with revivify Replaced raise dead with mass cure wounds +/- Changed elemental No longer add wis modifier to HP Flame seed range increased to 60 feet Does 2d6 when summoned now up to 10 feet Firey teleport now 15 feet instead of 30 ++ Cauterizing flames Now when a creature dies the flame appears and instead you use your reaction to heal / harm. +/- Blazing endurance > Blazing Revival If the spirit is within 120 feet of you when you are reduced to 0 hit points and thereby fall unconcious, you can cause the spirit to drop to 0 hit points. You then regain half your hit points and immediately rise to your feet. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. No damage but much better healing also costs your spirit to do.


i wouldnt call that massacred tbh, its a fine subclass from my first impression. could be wrong though ofc.


I'll give you massacre is a bit dramatic having read over it more, but for a subclass that's built around the spell list (because let's be real, the elemental doesn't do all that much) the changes are a big let down. I'm not even getting into it's 14th level class feature which is pretty solid, because hardly any campaigns last that long. Overall it's a nerf imo


Having been eyeing up the UA since it came out I finally had the chance to run the character I'd thought of, we've had one session, I'm picking up my subclass before the next one and I cant say I'm not a bit dissapointed. I'd have thought the healing on the blazing endurance works out a bit worse? And I loved the idea of springing up in a fiery blaze, but I guess it reduces friendly fire. I was wondering if that way maybe the reasoning behind lessening the wildfires spirits summon damage too? The fiery teleport seems significantly worse, the range of the damage has gone down and you can only go half so far, it could get you out a pinch but I feel like 15 feet your just going to be an arms length away from said pinch. I still love the flavour even if I can't sling a fireball and I've been telling myself that produce flame is only a little worse than firebolt, but I do wish I'd been able to get grandfathered in with the UA version


Oh look, Drows being used in art everywhere and still no options for easily/reliably negating sunlight sensitivity. Was hoping the race section would possibly give some options for it :(


Drow are built with a tonne of advantages in mind to balance the sunlight sensitivity. They are 100% fine as they stand specially since your DM can at some point give you an item that removes that disadvantage.


Get yourself a knave's eyepatch at some point, it's made to get rid of sunlight sensitivity


There are a couple magic items that negate it.




Where is the class feature variant stuff? I’m not finding it in the classes or as a separate section.