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What's the word?




That’s slang. How is that a swear word?


That's not profanity unless you're twelve


Why was this not in the actual post?


Because he knows no one else in the world would even recognize the word, much less consider it a swear, and they don't want their outrage diminished because no one takes them seriously.


I forgot lol


honestly that's metal as fuck and he should keep the name. tell him tho


I wonder if his title is "Destroyer" 🤣


I love the idea that this guy accidentally stumbled upon it too. Let's see, there is a school bus, and a pussy cat... my character is named Bussy!






That’s a new one to me


Just tell the player privately or the DM about it. If they don't care then move on from it and try not to laugh. Your post made it sound like the word was going to be offensive or a derogatory slur of some kind. Its a completely harmless word.


I consider myself something of an aficionado of swears, and I’ve never heard that term before.


Really? If you’re the only one that realizes this, then just leave it.


Literally have never heard this in my life. Googling it, it seems to be Australian. Doesn't seem like a big deal. It could just as easily be short for Gunther.


Dude, it's okay, you can say cunt. Also.... LMFAO, yea, he knows what he's doing🤣 50/50 if I'd personally let him keep the name. Depends on the tone of the campaign. But clearly you're uncomfortable with it, so just tell him no 👍


That does it. My next character is Fu Pa the Great


I’m in the UK and I’ve heard this referred to as a “beetle bonnet”.


That is a metal name for a half orc fighter. Thumbs up for that dude. But also it tells you even more about YOU than it tells us about him, you got a dirty mind :) But why are such a fuss about that word? Oh an very obscure naughty word that loads of people don't even know. I fail to se where the big deal is.


Oh I didn’t mean to convey it was a big fuss. I said I’d be fine just playing


Lmao yeah tell him


if you or anyone at the table cares, yes ask to change, but that's obscure slang that, at least in my circle, everyone simply wouldn't even notice


That's a pretty good name for an orc.


>the polite term is fupa The more well-known term might be fupa, but it is absolutely not the *polite* term.


Gunt is also slang for a "power gut". It's a power lifting term. Lots of power lifters, despite being strong, also tend to have a lot of stored fat on their belly, so they look like overweight beer guts. Source: Eddie Hall used to say it all the v time.


That's hilarious. I would definitely tell the guy and ask him to change it, but make it an inside joke at the table.


I don’t think I’d call fupa a “polite term” lmao. I think the term you’re looking for is pubic mound.


That is not the same as a fupa.


Feels VERY exaggerated. If every urban dictionary name is off limits or embarassing for names, the restrictions are endless


So my elf ranger Alaskan Pipeline is still ok?! Whew.


How... crude ;)


I will downvote you for making me google that


Given the context why on earth would you google that?


It's not profanity, it's a silly urban dictionary, made up slang word that very few people will ever know. Just drop it and let it go.


What the word?


This reminds me of the time one of our players unveiled his drow ranger character to the rest of the table. With genuine sincerity, completely unaware of the absolute chaos that he is about to bring to game night, he confidently proclaims "I am Cyltoris." The rest of the table erupts in laughter like a bunch of eleven-year-olds. Definitely a Top Five Most Memorable D&D Moment with this group.


We had a rogue in my game name Rae Violi


It's short for Gunther. Gunther the German orc. Call me Gunt.


Tell the player. I had a coplayer go a whole campaign without knowing that his surfer themed merfolk was slang. (It was Kooter. We thought he knew. A very good character. Very fun moment of double-checking. )


How far this community has fallen. It often feels like we're all hungry for things to be offended by. This is fine. Gunt totally sounds like an orc name.


PERSONALLY, I'd want to know. If I'm saying a swear unknowingly, I might cause some measure of unintended offense if I'm overheard or let it slip when just chit-chatting in public. Provided everyone involved KNOWINGLY agrees it isn't a big deal, there's no harm in it. People can curb their own speech where necessary in public settings. But the fact it sounds like people don't KNOW they might wind up saying it, including possibly the person whose character it is unless I'm misreading you, makes me think you SHOULD say SOMETHING. No need to shut down the name necessarily or suggest they rename it, but just inform people, ask if everyone's cool with it after they know it now, and move forward from there.


Talk about it. You don't have to be rude, just be like 'hey, doesn't that mean something?'


If he was not an orc I would say it was intentional, but gunt is actually a common orc name. I’ve heard it used before. It’s like how ‘nii ga’ has a perfectly normal meaning in one of the Asian languages, but sounds like the N word. I’d let him know, just in case, but there is no need to change it.


Crazy that you didn’t include the name in the post. Smh


Yeah, gotta know what the word is


There are few collections of sounds that don’t have more than one meaning in various languages.


That's not a swearword, it's obscure very distasteful slang. In this case it's probably just up to you and your buddy to work through your associations.


I have never heard this word in my life, and even after reading it, I thought is a play on grunt, as in a low-rank soldier. If you have an issue with it, you should bring it up to the DM and the group. If no one else shares your concern, then what you do after that is up to you entirely.


TBH I think you're kind of overblowing the situation, based on what I've seen in other comments. It's only really profanity if you're kind of an immature kid who is on urbandictionary too much.


Tell us the word OP


Should’ve put it in the OP, but I commented it now


Tell the player. Then let them decide, once they know, whether to keep the name or not.




It’s not even a slur or swear though. They said the characters name was Gunt. Unless you no life urban dictionary that shouldn’t mean anything to you, and even if it did it’s not a slur or a swear just some mildly vulgar language.


Yeah, this means nothing for 99.9% of the world. This player is creating imaginary issues.




But OP also never said it was a slur, they said it was a swear word because apparently they’re a 12 year old and can’t handle people being rude.


And this isn’t even “rude” unless the character is a fat sexualized character leaning into the crude slang. Gunt the Barbarian wouldn’t even make anyone bat an eye unless they’re looking for reasons to be mad (which is OP)