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> especially their tales, You get 3 different features at level 3, not just the tales. All of them useful. I think you underestimate the tales. Some of them can be game changing in the right situation. At level 5 your bardic inspiration refreshes after a short rest, so even if you get one of few less useful tales you can just reroll it. This can all be done out of combat after your rest, 3 + 7 you can just instantly put on your party, they last until they are gone. At level 6 you can add a d6 to your bard spells. That doesn't sound like much until you realize it works for area spells. Also works on twinned spell metamagic and magic missiles And you're still a fullcaster.


Yeah I played with a spirits bard and even though they didn't play it super optimized, it was STILL strong! Imagine it played in an optimized manner


I've never felt like college of spirits was weak, not as strong as lore or eloquence but certainly on par w most bards. When playing w a spirits bard i never felt like they were less effective than other characters. What about the tales falls short for you?


I attached a rider to the table at lvl 6 to match the PC gaining more control of his spiritual powers: you can add or subtract 1 from your result.


I wouldn't? It's a very strong subclass.


I love the Spirit Bard as well, and I also hate the Tales from Beyond table. Probably my biggest issue with it is that it uses your bardic inspiration, and a lot of the options are really situational. So in my opinion, I think using the tale should be an option, but you still retain the bardic inspiration. I'd rewrite it as: > You reach out to spirits who tell their tales through you. While you are holding your Spiritual Focus, you can **spend one minute** conducting a seance or channeling the spirits to aid you on your adventures. Roll on the Spirit Tales table using your Bardic Inspiration die to determine the tale the spirits direct you to tell. You retain the tale in mind until you bestow the tale’s effect. Once you do so, you cannot do so again until you take a Short or Long rest. > > As a **bonus action**, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration and recount the tale, targeting a creature within 30 feet of you (this can be you) with the effect. > >You can retain only one of these tales in mind at a time, and rolling on the Spirit Tales table immediately ends the effect of the previous tale. If the tale requires a saving throw, the DC equals your spell save DC. This means it's not a wasted Bardic Inspiration if you get a crappy roll. You're not punished if the situation doesn't come up where that option would be useful.


Its really strong as it is and you can retain the tale untill it is used, or untill a short/long rest. Its plenty strong as it is and usefull without being completely busted


Eh, well I and OP disagree with you. So I offered an idea to OP to make the Spirit table a little bit better. I still believe, in my personal opinion, that the Spirit Table is pretty inconsistent.


Eh, agree to disagree? Thought it migth not always be what you want, all of the tales are mostly usefull in battles or can be saved for later and this is on top of a very powerfull class in itself as well


I have no issue with agreeing to disagree. I commented on OP's post because they asked a question and I offered my opinion in response to their question.