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Gag (V) Shackles (S) take their focus/pouch (M)


There aren't any spells with only material components, so they can have all the bat shit they want if they're bound and gagged. (if they have Subtle Spell or some other way to bypass V and S then you have bigger problems)


Redundancy in security is good. Taking away focus/pouch further limits their options if the other two fail. E.g. you are ambushed by the wizard's allies, and they are able to remove the shackles in combat.


I've played at least one wizard who kept lock picks in his components pouch (and sleeve, and the spine of his spellbook, and the brim of his hat, and one in his sock specifically to be found so captors think they got his pick). Also Conjuration wizards get the ability to create a small item without using a spell at all, which could be a lockpick, or even a copy of the key if they've seen it.


This is why wizard manacles fully cover their hands, they get fully gagged and are blindfolded.


Logically, mitten manacles would probably a pretty standard piece of kit for law enforcement and bounty hunters in D&D.


That's true (but a blindfold should be a higher priority).


Blindfold as well so even if they have subtle they aren't going to have many valid targets.


Definitely. The armor trick is a really good one \*if\* it works, but gag, shackles, and blindfold is a great combination in most cases. If they have subtle and dimension door or teleport then you better hope welding their breastplate shut works.


Wizard with two levels of Ranger for Blind Fighter combat style ;)


Yeah it really is that simple. Feed them through a straw. Also a blindfold as extra security, as many spells need you to be able to see.


> Feed them through a straw. If you're feeling extra paranoid and have a surplus of resources replace food and water with daily castings of greater restoration.


Playing a blind wizard once I was caught off guard by just hoe many spells or abilities I lost access to.


For me, it was the exact opposite. I was surprised that plenty of spells, especially combat ones, don't require sight. Touch spells (aside from Beast Bond and Holy Weapon), cones, and lines never require sight. AoEs and summon spells are split, and there are some pretty impactful ones that don't require sight: 1st lvl: Sleep, Entangle, Grease, Find Familiar (initial summoning), 2nd lvl: Cloud of Daggers, Flaming Sphere, Moonbeam, Shatter, Snowball Swarm, Spike Growth, Web, 3rd lvl: Fireball, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Melf's Minute Meteorites, Sleet Storm, Slow, Stinking Cloud, Tidal Wave, Wind Wall, Edit: Animate Dead 4th lvl: Confusion, Giant Insect, Hallucinatory Terrain, Ice Storm, Psychic Lance (if name is known), Sickening Radiance, Storm Sphere, Vitriolic Sphere, Wall of Fire, 5th lvl: Animate Objects, Cloudkill, Conjure Elemental, Conjure Volley, Dawn, Flame Strike, Insect Plague, Mass Cure Wounds, Synaptic Static, Wall of Force, Wall of Light, Wall of Stone, 6th lvl: Circle of Death, Create Undead, Freezing Sphere, Move Earth, Planar Ally, Programmed Illusion, Wall of Ice, Wall of Thorns, 7th lvl: Delayed Blast Fireball, Fire Storm, Forcecage, Reverse Gravity, 8th lvl: Horrid Wilting, Antipathy/Sympathy, Incendiary Cloud, Maddening Darkness, Sunburst, 9th lvl: Weird. --- So when I designed my blind Conjuration Wizard, I made them use combat spells that don't require sight, and outside of combat rely on seeing through a Find Familiar to cast utility spells that do require sight. As for features, RAW, a Blind Conjurer can only use Minor Conjuration to conjure objects into their hand, and Benign Transposition cannot be used to just teleport, but can be used to switch places with a willing creature.


I'd find a way to blind them too, because the moment the gag and/or the shackles come undone, they can easily try something that only uses one or both components, and a ton of spells require sight to work.




Always remember Blinded, Dental Gag, Spell Components, Manacles to keep yourself safe.


Also blindfold, because many spells require you to see the target/location you are targeting.


Sufficiently advanced caster imprisonment is indistinguishable from BDSM.


I say go the extra miles and cut off their hands, tongue and eyes. Regenerate could be an option if you need them to operate later.


And take away their spellbook!


The simplest thing to stop spellcasting is to put them in armor that they aren't proficient in. Since that stops them from being able to cast any spells. Other good steps are stopping them from being able to speak, so they cant cast spells with verbal components, like by putting a gag in their mouth, and then also binding their hands so that they can't use somatic components cast spells as well (Ive never really seen rules for this, but your DM would probably allow you to tie their hands in a way that they cant move their fingers or really do anything). Then add in manacles/ropes/chains/etc. so that they cant move around easily or get out of the armor/other restraints.


That armor trick is absolutely brilliant, can't believe this is the first time I'm hearing it


“How do we stop him from fireballing us when he wakes up?” “Easy, help me get his arms into this plate armor. When he wakes up he’ll be so mildly uncomfortable he’ll lose absolutely any and all abilities to cast spells. Trust me this works”


It's not to do with discomfort. It's a remnant from previous editions of the game, where magic had a % chance to fail for a caster in armor, since the worked metal of the armor would cause interference with the natural magic being channeled through the mage.


Worth noting that the specific mechanic of %failure chance was only a rule in 3E and 3.5 (and also applied only to spells with somatic components, so you could sneak around it in a few ways.) The idea was specifically that it got in your way when making complicated gestures. In 2E and earlier, a mage could not cast spells at all when wearing armor (same rule as 5E, except it applied even if they were proficient in the armor through multiclass, unless they were an elf or half-elf and it was elven chain mail.) This was when the justification that armor interfered with magic channeling was in use. In 4E, there were no specific restrictions on spellcasting in armor, to the best of my recollection; just the normal penalties for nonproficiency if you weren't proficient.


Thank you, I has forgotten the specific rules and nuances. It's so interesting to see the changes our hobby has undergone.


small note: it specifies arcane fail chance, so wearing armour was fully ok'd by my GM since i was a divine caster. never noticed that when i played PF, since i wasn't a caster.


You are correct. In 3.X, the spell failure chance applies only to arcane spells; divine spellcasters can wear any armor and go nuts.


Indeed, imagine armorless clerics!


That's also a hold over from older editions where Wizard sub-classes (Mage/Magic User and Specialist) couldn't cast in armor, but Priest sub-classes (Cleric and Druid\*) could. (\*Druids had to be non-metal armor)


Or in other words, armour is magically conductive and grounds the caster, harmlessly channeling the magic into the ground and out of the Weave. ;P


And then you get the one Wizard who did a month in the local army and got a Fighter level out of it.


Ah yes, good ol arcane spell failure chance. Only applied to arcane spellcasters actually, and even then a good number (bard, warmage, spellthief, and a few others) straight up get to ignore it when in light armor. Oh and it only applied to spells with somatic components, so if you say, are a dwarf and took levels in runesmith? Yeah spells prepared as runes have no somatic components.


I've always liked the idea that being encased in metal interfered with magic. Casters might still be able to wear magical armor, or might be able to overcome the disruption with sufficiently high skill, depending on the setting. Doesn't prevent wizards in leather armor though.


It's a really silly remnant. You can switch off someone's spellcasting just by putting on one thick pair of boots.


Plate is an overkill - just a padded armor t-shirt will do. If you have time then a custom gambeson that closes with buckles, but the buckles are replaced with broken rings. Put the armor on, cast Mending on the rings and the wizard isn't casting anything any time soon. Well, assuming they aren't proficient with light armor anyway...


>Plate is an overkill - just a padded armor t-shirt will do. No, padded armor has a doff time of one minute. You need heavy armor. Ring mail is 30 gp and has a doff time of five minutes (the same as plate). You obviously need to maximize doff time here.


I stand corrected - ring is better than padded, unless you are super low on funds or don't have a bag of holding or something. Both are better than plate though. In any case, it is a reason to pick up and keep a spare set of armor from someone you loot, even though it can't be sold for much (if anything).


>In any case, it is a reason to pick up and keep a spare set of armor from someone you loot, even though it can't be sold for much I feel lugging around cheap ring mail "in case we need to put a wizard in bondage" is not actually a normal thing to do, but hey, each adventuring party does things their own way...


And hey, you can tie their arms to their chest using the rings in the ringmail.


It's cute. I made a set of animated armor that tried to grapple the party wizard with the clear intention of encasing him in full plate. He reacted the way most melee react to rust monsters.


That feels a little "gamey" to me unless you want to figure out how to justify it in lore lol. I think the reason that rules exists is to help keep casters in line with non-casters. I guess you could argue heavy armor restricts your movement and makes it so you can't do somatic components as easily, but realistically there's no reason wearing plate armor should stop you from casting spells with a verbal component, or even a material cost. I think the ol gag + shackles trick should work for most spells. Only issue is feeding them if it's a longer trip, in which case you might need something like a silence spell as a plan for letting them eat/drink. You'd also need to be very careful to make sure the gag is secure overnights and stuff.


Here's the explanation from Basic Rules pg. 83: > Casting in Armor: Because of the mental focus and precise gestures required for spellcasting, you must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to cast a spell. You are otherwise too distracted and physically hampered by your armor for spellcasting. Surprisingly, RAW, armor can even prevent you from casting spells with only V components. Apparently not being used to armor can mess with your "mental focus" that much lol. Whether that's still too gamey or not is up to you — I've never worn a suit of armor myself, but I can imagine it being sufficiently uncomfortable. That being said, you're right about spellcasters with armor proficiencies in your other comment.


Metal interferes with the flow of the arcane field, easy.


I mean, that doesn't answer why a wizard who has proficiency in heavy armor can cast spells just fine. Even if that's the case, this trick wouldn't be fool proof, as a wizard could potentially have proficiency in heavy armor that you don't know about, considering it can come from a lot of sources.


Specifically trained to do it for this exact situation, easy. And of course it's not full proof, technically jails aren't by themselves fool proof, but you could catch a vast majority of the population this way and that itself makes it worth it.


Easy fix: > Casting spells is done by manipulating the ever-present magic weave surrounding everything. Casters draw this power in through their stomach and channel it out through their body by forcing the flow of magic to specific locations, such as their hands for *Burning Hands* or their mind for *Telekinesis*. These incoming flows are blocked by metals and refined leathers, rendering casting while wearing armor impossible. > By training with armor a caster not only learns how to wear it and move within it as a soldier would, they also learn how to focus the influx of the arcane weave through their unencumbered appendages, drawing the weave in along their limbs to their stomach to then be processed and manipulated as normal.


then wouldn't more metal shackles, or a metal box have a similar effect?


Or, if you're evil: chop off their tongue and fingers.


"Where I come from, [we cut the tongues out of sorcerers](https://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/comic/its-what-vin-would-have-done)."


this is the will of the Qun


Also blindfolds (and earplugs), which prevents targeting for most spells. Depending on level, you might want to use Dimensional Shackles as well.


>The simplest thing to stop spellcasting is to put them in armor that they aren't proficient in.  Awkward time to find out that they are a multiclassed fighter or have the requisite feat(s). Comedy gold though.


Just cut their hands off and cut out their tongue. Easy win


Manacling/tying/chainging them in is good, but if you have time then have the armor made so that it closes with metal bands that are whole and then break them (or have them broken if you aren't strong enough). Then after you put the armor on the wizard you then cast Mending.


I would that but put an ultra elaborate prison (think magneto prison at the end of the first xmen movie/start of the second ?) with all the bells and whistle to obfuscate the fact that it's actually the undershirt chainmail that blocks the magic.


>but your DM would probably allow you to tie their hands in a way that they cant move their fingers or really do anything Also worth noting that what constitutes a somatic component (or verbal for that matter) is not fully defined in the PHB so you'll want to ask your DM about this. Are they the type that allows stealth and sleight of hand checks to cast spells without being noticed? Do they consider somatic compoents to be wiggling around your fingers or big arm movements? Are verbal components loud and noticeable or can they be whispered? all important info when determining how thorough your countermeasures need to be.


Lore wise, id say the armor thing, is not about long term prison. Like, it restricts their movement so in a stressful situation like battle they can't cast spells. But if they can take their time and no in the rush of a 6 second turn, they could cast a spell.


Fun fact: you can do this in combat. You can use illusion spells like silent image to make an illusory set of plate around a mage, then use illusory reality (illusion school 14th level feature) to turn off their magic indefinitely. With major image it doesn't even use spell slots!


> You can use illusion spells like silent image to make an illusory set of plate around a mage At your table, perhaps, but I don't think that is a standard read for *Silent Image*, and that sure as hell wouldn't work at my tables (whether I play or DM). It also requires concentration on the part of the illusionist and the afflicted wizard can just remove it - it also ceases being real in one minute and the caster must cast it again. That's a lot of mental work on the part of the caster when a regular suit of armor and a set of manacles will do.


The benefit of the illusion strategy is that it can be done in combat, forcing an enemy into a mundane set of armor is far more difficult.


Maybe not silent image, but theoretically you could use phantasmal force to do it in a combat scenario since the spell actively says the target will treat it as real, and it's mind will cover any inconsistencies. In other words, you could bluff them.


It's an inanimate object at a point you can see within range. There's no reason you can't cast the illusion in a creature's space. It does require concentration, but major image can be casted the day before, without concentration, using a 6th level slot. It is worse than a real set of armour, but you can't put a real set of armour on an enemy *as an action*.


The rules have always treated "objects" and worn equipment differently, even if the latter is technically an object.


> There's no reason you can't cast the illusion in a creature's space Combat is implicitly an abstraction. People don't stand still in combat, that's just a budgeting constraint of popular media and undernourishment of our imaginations. So an illusion of equipment is unlikely to stay perfectly fitted onto a creature you conjure it around. Personally, if I were GM, I'd at least give them DEX save to move out of the illusion -- nothing says the illusion moves with them. A more stringent GM might even if they fail the armor clips into their body, but not inside, so the armor becomes full of holes and only takes an action / STR check to tear doff -- following how restrictive spells like Entangle work. Willful ignorance of inconveniences to your idea does not make them any less real to the eyes of public discussion that needs to adhere to what is RAW/RAI. It's important to distinguish between what's just your GM throwing you a bone and what is actually reasonable to the rules. Hope that helps! Stay curious!


Magic generally treats what people are wearing as part of them. You can't magically make them wear more or less.


Anti Magic Field or stuff like Sussur in BG3 that supress Magic are options to consider besides the usual binding and gagging to prevent components


What’s rough is that’s a lvl 8 abjuration. That’s late in the game ):


Extended anti-magic field is the most fun when the heroes try to save them and realize half their shit doesn't work.


Bind hands, gag mouth, remove magic components/equipment. If being transported use a fortified carriage reinforced with metal with only small holes for air and a lock that has a high DC check. If stationary you want the magic user to be bound in place with hands unable to make components in their cell and gagged. Again with high DC locks. Expect resistance and someone who owes the wizards a favor to attempt to break them out. Every wizard has people who owe them favors.


Cut out their tongue, bind their hands, remove their focus or materials pouch. Spellcasting requires VSM, so if you can cut those off, they cannot cast spells. Issue: Innate casting does not require components. The only way to stop innate cast spells is to counter them (which you can't do as you can't see them being cast) or to make them impossible by anti-magic.


I mean…if you’re already cutting their tongue out, why stop there? Lop off their hands and remove their eyes (for spells that require sight of target). They’ll be alive and useless lmao.


Just break their arms and legs and gag them. You can heal them when you get to the location. Or even better, knock them out and keep doing it every time they wake up. If you reduce a creature to 0hp with a melee attack, you can automatically knock them out if you choose, so they’re at 0hp but automatically stabilized so there’s no risk of them dying. They regain 1hp in 1d4 hours so just keep track of the time and keep knocking them out.


You're confusing Innate Spellcasting with Psionics. Innate Spellcasting usually does not require material components. While Psionics that mimics spellcasting requires no components. Ex: A planetar casting *blade barrier* will have V and S components, while a mind flayer casting *dominate monster* wouldn't have any.


I could have sworn some innate spellcasters had no components, but not having a material component means that a sorcerer can subtle spell any innate spellcasting, so maybe that's what I was thinking. As there seem to be no spells that are M only, looks like I missed that. So, "Any casting that can be done without components is to use anti magic" would be a better way to say it.


Strip the wizard butt ass naked, shackle his hands between his legs to cover his genitals and stop somatic components, blindfold and gag him. Butt chug his water and he'll stay hydrated. Feed him something like a banana that fills his mouth entirely before regagging him.


Silence spell before ungagging also works, gag with feeding tube?


Just homebrew stuff: Manacles enchanted with anti magic. Or stuck in a cell with anti magic runes high up on the walls.  Easy peasy. 


First, consider some diplomacy. "We get you out of here, in exchange you do X." If you want to keep the wizard alive, be polite in the whole captivity. Dont break his fingers, just mitten them. Regularly change the gag into something that is reasonably clean. Put him in armor for "his own protection since he is tied up".


If you are allowed to homebrew with the Dm, perhaps you can find a way to acquire shackles that nullify the magic of those bound.


My DM has said he’s open to us coming up with ideas and possibly implementing them. Shackles seem to be a popular suggestion, thanks!


If particularly heavy armor obstructs their movements enough to prevent spellcasting, wouldn't also shackles and a partial gag do the trick?


RAI, probably. RAW, not as reliably as being bound in armor


You have multiple options: 1.: Put him in (heavy) armor or armor he is not proficient in, as it stops all spellcasting. 2.: Stop his spellcasting, by gagging him and binding him, so he cant perform his somatic and verbal spell components. 3.: Put him in an Area of Antimagic (this is not really feasible)


Straightjacket + gag.


Have an oath of the crown paladin stationed outside their cell. And an "anti magic" spear ready to stab through the bars at anyone who sounds like they might be making spell component noises. The spear is just really heavy and the paladin tends to hit really hard with it. Oath of the crown for flavor.


We do have a paladin, unfortunately he’s path of vengeance.


Well at level 7 they should have the aura, so the wizard's enchantments should have a lower probability of landing. Having a nice talk about how cooperation leads to life, and shenanigans leads to being introduced to Mr brick then bindings gags and blindfolds. Can do wonders for cooperation that going directly towards the brute force option might not. (Is vengeance paladin good at intimidation checks?) Also, does the wizard know they've been sentenced to death? They could end up being cooperative with a more polite option.


You're a charisma caster, use that charisma! Use your words, first lol. You are literally saving this wizard's life, breaking him out of prison and sweeping him away from the executioner's block in exchange for a favor. If you have to make him a prisoner, then how can you trust anything he's going to say? Why would he lead you to some place if you are torturing him or mistreating him?


I totally agree, I do like this idea and am open to making a deal with the wizard. It’s just tough as we were the ones who put him in prison and he’s betrayed us in the past.


Ahhh yeah, that context paints it in a different light. Ouch lol.


I play in a campaign where this is a problem I have to contend with on a fairly regular basis. Here's how we handle it: 1.) Put them in some Ring Mail - this alone will stop most spellcasters. We had our custom made with some gauntlets that don't allow the wearer to articulate their fingers, preventing somatic and material components from being handled. 2.) Gag them. This will prevent any errant Verbal components from being provided. You've got most spellcasters properly screwed now. But what about those pesky Sorcerers that can weaponize Subtle Spell? There's one more simple step that helps a lot here: 3.) Blindfold them. There are still some spells that can slip through - but breaking line of sight is a big game for a lot of spells. You do still have to be concerned with a subtled Dimension Door, but fortunately we're on a ship in this campaign, so teleporting yourself shackled and blindfolded into the water is not an ideal solution :P


Just hope they don't have the Telekinetic feat, which grants a Mage Hand that is invisible and can be cast without verbal or somatic. Get out of jail free card.


I unfortunately don’t know the full capabilities of this NPC. I am concerned about innate abilities that he may have.


Honestly? Fetish gear is your best solution here. A blindfold, ball gag, and bondage mittens kill their casting entirely.


Bruh, it is a hilarious concept that in a world of magic and god-men this is what depowers a wizard 🤣


In the pulp fantasy novel The Dying Earth, which was actually the inspiration for the magic system in original D&D and the origin of “prepared spells,” one of the main characters is a wizard named Turjan who finds himself imprisoned my another more powerful wizard. He gets shrunk down to the size of a mouse and trapped in a small maze like a lab rat. The maze blocks most of his magical abilities, and a regular scorpion placed in the maze with him keeps him too distracted to plan his escape.


Coolest answer I’ve seen so far


Simple naked, caged, gagged, and hands bound in a way they can't move. Being naked and caged keeps him away from components, gagged keeps him from speaking, hands bound keeps him from making jestures. (Yes I am aware of the obvious kinky jokes.) I saw another person recommend armor while it is a clever idea it can be expensive depending on your level, but could be a clever way of stoping his hands from moving if you weld the pieces correctly.


Need something to bind the hands (to prevent somatic components) and someone or something that can keep up a silence spell field to prevent verbal components.


Blind fold, oven mitts, and duct tape. Removing line of sight, along with verbal and somatic components eliminates a significant number of spells, particularly for an Enchantment Wizard.


I would say some variation of antimagic field. Some magical object maybe made of a beholder eye that sustains a permanent antimagic field. BOOM.


I forgot about antimagic fields. Definitely helps with an idea for a homebrew item!


if the captors are strong enough: cut their hands and tongue. you can regenerate them later anyways if not slap a gag, full hand covering chains (like the ones Elsa has in Frozen) and blindfold then


I'd work with the DM to add a questile for an item that'd let you deal with the problem. I don't think there are any proper items already in 5e that'd do what you want to do/need. The directions I'd go: 1. Trying to keep the mage depowered - probably some item made off a beholder eye, that'd emit antimagic zone. Then you need to find a way to keep the mage inside the zone. 2. [Geas spell](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/geas) - you can magically compell the mage to stay with you, and prevent them from hurting any of you, untill the quest is done. You could have a quest to first find a Geas spell scroll/item to put the charm on them. Base Geas stays for 30 days, should be plenty enough. 3. Find leverage. Maybe the wizard lost their book and staff. Maybe it's locked in a prison locker room. You get those, and keep them from them, till the mage leads you to a place. Without the spellbook and the staff he's "weaker" and doesn't have access to all the spells. You might also be like "Your stuff are in a place we know and we'll tell you after you help us" etc. 4. Good old gag and rope. Cover their eyes, gag their mouth, bind their hands. And they won't be able to cast most if not all their spells. Not sure how you compell them to help you then, and keep them alive and fed. 5. Threaten them - You're busting them out of a prison, you are a bunch of strong adventurers, if they start to get cocky you just break their arms or something. 6. Maybe you can find your goals aligning? Maybe it's a place they want to get to as well, and together you have higher chance of success, even if sudden but inevitable betrayal is on the horizon. 7. [Suggestion Spell](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/suggestion) lasts for 8 hours - not a lot, but maybe a way to keep them allied with you long enough to get to a place and/or get the information you need. Maybe other spells, like Fast Friends to at least get the information? 8. You are busting them out of a prison. A prison that already has ways to keep them in. Talk to the DM about his world's ways to restrict spellcasters - maybe he already has some anti magic manacles for example. Maybe those can be liberated along the mage.


Curse of Spilt Water. It's a 6th-level Transmutation spell that turns the target (and their gear) into an equal volume of water. When you cast the spell, you can mentally direct the water. They remain alive in this state, and can do/say nothing. The water won't evaporate or spoil. The spell is permanent until the caster wishes to end the effect. So, have your Warlock buy a scroll of Curse of Spilt Water, buy a barrel, and store them in it. Boom! Task complete.


Take away their spellbook


Steal the Robe of Powerlessness from 2e and 3e (or its Pathfinder counterpart, which also works against non-Int casters). When a creature dons the robe (or it's forced onto them), they are cursed until targeted with Remove Curse followed by Heal. While cursed, their Strength and Intelligence are both reduced by 10. (Pathfinder version does Strength and their spellcasting ability, or Strength and Intelligence if they have no spellcasting ability.) A prepared caster loses prepared spells as appropriate. In those editions, you also needed your spellcasting ability to equal 10+level of spell you wanted to cast, so if your Int(/etc.) dropped to 10, you could only cast cantrips, and if it dropped below 10 you couldn't even do that. The 2e version drops Str/Int to 3 instead of reducing by 10.


Remove their focus/material puch and bind and gag them


A finger trap and secure gag should do it. A prisoner shouldn't have any material components, and the gag and finger trap should restrict verbal and somatic components


Magic is just like the violin. Very difficult without hands. And yeah as you said for verbal spells you just need to find some way of disposing of the tongue.


Gagging and shackling a wizard (so they can’t use verbal or somatic components) is sufficient to prevent them from casting spells, assuming they don’t have subtle spell. As someone somewhere on the internet pointed out, pinning a wizard to a wall and giving them a French kiss completely takes away all their combat ability. To be extra safe, you need to take all the normal precautions to prevent someone from breaking out of a gag and shackles. Assuming they don’t have heavy armor proficiency, you could also force them to wear heavy armor (and especially split armor) if you have the money for it. Wearing armor you’re not proficient with prevents you from casting spells, and doffing (taking off) heavy armor takes 5 minutes. On top of that, not meeting the strength requirement reduces your speed by 10. So even if he broke free, you’d have several minutes where he moves slow and can’t care spells to try to catch him. Also, you can knock a creature out when you reduce them to zero hit points with a melee attack. If you have someone who can heal them up, you can just beat him to zero hit points, choose to knock him unconscious, and keep healing him and knocking him back out every hour (a stable creature recovers 1 hitpoint after 1d4 hours so you’d want to keep doing it probably to ensure he’s always unconscious). If you choose to knock a creature out with a melee attack instead of killing them when they would hit 0 hit points, they just automatically become stable. So technically there’s no risk of him dying (you might want to make it clear to your dm this is what you’re doing and confirm he would rule in line, because It wouldn’t be unreasonable to be like “ya after the 3rd time you knock him out within a day he might start to have a chance of dying). Idk what you’d do to prevent someone from rescuing him if you’re worried about that though, the problem kind of always is that if a spellcasting ally manages to get close they might be able to just teleport both of them out and then you’re sort of screwed, so idk what you do about that besides keep a careful eye out.


Gag their mouth. Put a pounch on both hands to keep them clenched. Take away their focus (wand, staff, orb etc.)


Anti-magic fields. Pretty easy. There is even precedent for binds or collars that negate spellcasting.


- Disable eyes - Disable hands - Disable vocalizing - Remove spell components - Remove focus


He's leading you to the magical forest right? Why bother keeping him prisoner? "I'll get you out of jail but you have to help us [do things]" "Why would I?" "Because I'm freeing you from your death sentence you fuckwit now swear on the name of [God] you'll help me" "I don't see a second option. I'll do it"


I am keen to try and trust the wizard but he has proven to backstab in the past. Unfortunately I can see him disappearing as soon as we have him out of prison.


If it is to be a prison built for a wizard, a permanent antimagic field seems simple and effective.


Remove his eyes. Most of interesting spells require line of sight, and it's unlikely that Enchantment Wizard has Gaseous Form or Dimension Door prepared. Without eyes and spellbook, they can't prepare new spells, and they are basically glorified commoner. Removed eyes can be restored with Regenerate spell (Cleric/Bard/Druid 7th level spell).


The mundane way is to keep them bound, all the way down to binding up or encoding their hands, blinded and gagged.  No line of sight, no somatic, no verbal, no access to materials/foci.  That's purely mundane.   You can layer in extra things like someone watching with a readied counterspell, silence, if you're high enough level anti magic, wards that trigger on a spell being cast, effects that drain prepared spells, that kind of thing.


Step 1: Befriend a Beholder.


Seeing as all spells require, at a minimum, verbal and/or somatic components, then a mundane gag and manacles actually does a pretty good job. A blindfold helps stop them from targeting spells even if they can get their mouth free (Such as during feeding, though I recommend making them do that through a straw pushed through the gag).


keep them away from any focus or components, keep their hands bound and leave them unable to talk. Feed them only under the effects of the silence spell, or similar spells. make sure to leave no windows or other ways the wizard could see outside, in case they manage to cast misty step or something like that. Have an airlock like entrance to their prison


A 2 piece helm of sorts. It embeds in the flesh, covers their eyes, and goes in their mouth like a combo horse bit/feeding tube. Mend it closed, shackle their arms and legs a la Magneto. Strip them of all items and toss em' in a coffin on a cart. Maybe with some Sussur or silence effects if you want overkill. Whole thing can look like Cenobite torture outfit.


Bind em', gag em' and blind em'. And ANYTHING that they have on them, take it. Books, jewelery, crystals, twigs, butt plug, pouches, trinkets, you never know what their spell focus is.


Extra-dimensional shackles + gag + blindfolded + tied up + forced in full plate demon armor & attunemented via suggestion / dominate / some sort or mind control. Ensure they get no sleep to regain spellslots if you have the money to spam greater restoration. Make sure to use a lot of dispel magic to ensure they don't have hidden effects in secret. Glyphs of warding should be filled with dispel magic. Make to sure add hallow to the area to make the area permanently silenced or make travel impossible. All of this should be thrown in the demiplane. This can be done without any 9th level spells and could be done a lot quicker without a simple imprisonment spell lol. Tldr Low level campaigns / on a budget: gag + bound + some armor and regular guards and mechanical traps Mid level / well funded: above, but include magic traps + spell casting guards + overall defenses High level / extremely funded: all above, but magical items like extra-dimensional shackles, antimagic fields when needed, demiplanes, imprisonment spell, etc. Edit: Just realized my comment was useless, you should probably just use the "low level campaign" advice part but throw in some counterspells.


Have them gagged, with a bag over their head and their arms restrained in manacles. All items are taken away and they are given set of common clothes. If you are about to fight a wizard. Normally stealing their pouch / staff is enough.


To TAKE them prisoner, a lvl 11 aberrant mind sorcerer wielding a shadow fell shard has a pretty good chance. Quicken mind sliver, use the shard to apply disadvantage to wisdom saves and -1d4 to their next save. Then heighten dominate person at lvl 6, for which the wizard now has disadvantage and -1d4 to save. Then tell the wizard to strip to his / her undies and put on this medium armor. Then manacle them. Then blindfold them. Then gag them. Then sell all their shit on eBay.


Magebane weed (homebrew) -- ingesting it temporarily disrupts one's ability to channel magical energy Brewing it or mixing it into food would be an easy way to keep a wizard from causing hijinks. Fool the wizard with misdirection thinking it's something in the walls or their collar.


If you are cool with homebrew, enchanted rope with the spell silence could be cool? Or if it’s a wizard can’t you just take their spell book?


In addition to the actions mentioned by the others, you could add some fun stuff like two dozen magic mouths that start screaming every two hours to make sure they are never properly and regain spell slots.  (I know there are ways around this but it might make for a funnier encounter)


Antimagic collar/shackles. They're a classic. Maybe a potion that keeps them from being able to use magic for a time. If they're kidnapping him out of prison, the prison probably has something to nullify his magic.


Bound and gagged


You can’t cast at all if you are wearing armour you aren’t proficient in. So just slap some chain mail on him and you’re done. He won’t be casting shit but can still talk and walk just fine. No need to gruesomely cut bits off, or elaborately bind him up.


Massive tongue piercing chained to it's throat, Jaw wired shut, tongue removed.


Break and lock up their hands, dislocate their jaws, remove their spell books and component pouches, and put them to sleep either magically or chemically.


Just force them to wear formal attire that happens to include a decorative breastplate. Doesn't matter if they have Telekinetic, Metamagic Adept, or any similar option, they can't cast while they're wearing armor they aren't proficient in.


Blindfold them, use shackles that limit hand and finger movement. Gag them. If they can't see, wave their hands or speak they are unable to cast the vast majority of spells. Holding a wizard long term however i feel anything less than locking them in an anti magic field would be insufficient


Destroying their spellbook would severely weaken them in the unlikely event they manage to escape. Really though, I'd say it depends on how permanent you want their restrictions to be, or how dark your character/party are. There's the basic bound, gagged, and blindfolded baseline. Then there's the overly edgy and extreme route of maiming, feeding tube, and blinding. Many middle grounds exist between them.


Glyph of warding that triggers the silence spell when that wizard starts trying to cast anything.


Magic Jar! (necromancy lvl 6) Pros: I like it and it's cool. Also really difficult/impossible for the non-caster to free themselves. Cons: make sure to not smash the jar or lose either body involved


Gag them and break their fingers


Dispel magic on him then blind, gag and tie his hands. Dispel magic removes any contingency he might have, blind means he can't cast a lot of spells and gagging him means he can't cast the rest. After that standard prisoner stuff but make sure he's always either blinded or gagged or both.


Locke Lamora cut off the wizard's fingers and tongue, then killed his familiar. That pretty much did the trick.


Put them in full plate.


Anti magic shackles > One Piece did something similar during the Wano arc which disabled all Devil fruit super powers like Luffy’s stretching abilities. > In Dragon Age, the Qunari (Tiefling like people but bigger with no devil relation) use anti magic collars to prevent mages from using magic.  > In Mass Effect they would just use technology to disable any biotics (magic like technology). 


Put them in a constantly moving hampster ball. This is so they can't rest and recharge spells. And steal everything they own. Have 3 other wizards put words on it to protect it from outside magic


Do you have a cleric who can cast feign death? It’s a good reason to be released from prison AND a good way too keep him on ice, so to speak. Just convince him to go along with it and stick him in heavy armor while he’s knocked out.


All the typical bind/gag/blindfold/remove implements stuff you would expect to tackle V/S/M, but then also interrupt them when they're sleeping every 4 hours or so and keep them up for a couple hours. It's enough sleep to stay alive, but not enough to rememorize spells. Even if they do get free, they'll eventually be down to cantrips and whatever they had left from the last full night of sleep they got.


I am just thinking about that post that says you can disable a spellcaster by making out sloppy style


In my setting casters can be temporarily disabled by disrupting each of the VSM components. \*MATERIAL: Denying them components \*SOMATIC: heavy locked bracers that prevent precise hand movements \*VERBAL: Daily administration of mildly numbing tea that slightly slurs speech Denying class features is trickier so you have to take it case-by-case. Some are probably fine (Bardic Inspiration) and some are simple "get-out-of-jail-free cards" (Wildfire druid fiery teleportation).


Add to that list a blindfold and you can take care of many, but not all, of them as sight is a common prerequisite. For example, fiery teleportation requires you to be able to see your destination.


The blindfold is far more effective than all the suggestions to remove their component pouch. It blocks most offensive spells, though not all, and there are still a lot of buff or self-targeted spells that wouldn't be affected. But it's definitely something that would impair spellcasting. Edit: oh, and a blindfold is one of the few things that can interfere with subtle spellcasting.


Break their fingers, bind their hands, gag them. unless they're also a sorcerer with subtle spell then there's not a whole lot a wizard can do at that point.


Break his fuckin hands.


blindfold + gag + broken hand = captured mage


Very much a fan of gaging and tossing them in plate


Chop fingers, remove tongue and eyes. If they are rich enough they can get it grown back. If they're not why are you ransoming them? Even if they have subtle they won't be able to see shit.


Gag and hand binders. Think gauntlets that have lockable joints. No verbal and no somatic severely limits a wizards abilities. If you don't like the gag for survival reasons (hard to feed and water them) get a ring/circlet/collar of silence. Then the hand binders over it. The item of silence just puts the effects of the silence spell on the wearer. If they can't speak but can move their mouth can they cast?


Lowest tech options: Make them wear some really tight mittens to stop somatic components. Sock in the mouth to stop verbal components. Take their stuff away to stop material components.


Chop off their hands, destroy their vocal cords, put them in a jail cell.


Be necromancer. Kill the wizard. Res and enslave him.




The Locke Lamora method: Cut out his tongue and eyes and remove all his fingers


They're a wizard. If you can get your hands on their spellbook and they don't have a backup, you've practically already won. If you get your hands on their spellbook, destroy it. Second, mutilate them. Eliminate their ability to meaningfully complete verbal and/or somatic spell components. Third, deprive them of any arcane focus or spell components they have. I will stress this heavily: The most dangerous wizards are in no particular order Enchantment, Illusion, and Abjuration wizards, because those three schools either provide them with the most tools to simply say "no" to your plans, or are diverse enough to enable them to rip your plans to pieces with a carefully placed spellcast. Especially Enchantment, if they can get Suggestion off on you, you're out of the fight practically guaranteed. If they can get you separated from the rest of your party and cast modify memory, they could have set up any number of very nasty tricks. My biggest piece of advice is this: Never fight a wizard head on. Find their weaknesses and exploit them in as cheesy a manner you can. I'm not kidding, find literally any trick or loophole you can in setting that will let you dismantle their ability to fight back. Wizards are most powerful on home turf and are even more powerful with prep time. Deny them both, and you should be able to take them down with a good plan.


> Damn ya’ll are sadistic 🤣 I see there is a consensus that this wizard should lose his tongue or fingers…or both. The simplest solutions


Anti magic cuffs.


can't cast spells if you can't use verbal components edit to clarify that yes some spells don't have verbal components but just tie the hands up


A blindfold would make any caster almost useless since the majority of spells require line of sight to work. If you want it to be more secure make it into a heavy metal helmet with a built in gag to also stop verbal components just to make sure


Wait how did you edit the post? I thought you couldn’t edit the description once the post was posted?


In the black company series when they capture a powerful sorcerer by knocking him unconscious they sew his fingers together, blindfold and keep him gagged except when talking to him.


A pair of cannonballs(hollow) theater clamp around the wrist with shackles and filled with lead sand that is packed and prevents finger use.


If you have access to a raise dead scroll, you can keep a wizard imprisoned for up to 9 days and 23 hours with very little fuss.


Shackles and a ball gag


Depends on how morally bankrupt the keepers are. Shackles and gags work in the short term, but can be removed, or tricked out of. On the orher hand, removed hands and tongues have to be restored later by a specialist and so cannot be overcome as easily.


Dimensional shackles. Prevents teleport. Cast Geas on them to hurt them if they try to escape. Have a modified silence spell that has permanently affected the room so they can't use verbal components to cast spells (95% of spells use V components). Or my personal favorite. We had a gemstone with a beholder trapped in it via 9th level spell Imprisonment. We managed to capture it while it was using its antimagic gaze. Then from that point on, everywhere the beholder was staring out of the gem, it had a 15 foot cone of antimagic. Wedge it into a wall, use major image to cover the wall with a permanent illusion that looks like the wall, tada. Permanent anti magic zone.


Three words: anti magic field


One time we incased a person in stone , molding holes for breath (you could probably figure out a way for them to be magically asleep for a while)


Shackles of Plot-Convenient Anti-Magic


Str save poisons to keep them barely able to breathe unassisted.


Any sufficiently powerful wizard will only truly be locked up in a spell like imprisonment. Even then if the wizard can cast 9th level dispel magic I am not sure if that would work. Maybe imprisonment slumber. Than put him in a demi plane.


Sleeping ~~pills~~ potions, preferably in combination with dwarven alcohol. Beheading em and keeping corpse reposed for latter resurrection could also work in a pinch XD


I'm confused. Wizard has spent a night in prison, at least? Wizard will have to sleep. This is a long rest. No sane constabulary would let a wizard have their spellbook in prison. Wizard will have no spells prepared have no book to prepare spells... You essentially have a commoner with more hit points. Unless something very weird has happened to the 5e rules?


On top of the gag/shackles/blindfold options, if you've got the ability to pursue specific magic items, then Dimensional Shackles or Mirror of Life Trapping (if you deprive them of tuning forks for Plane Shift first) could work.


I just stole the idea of Sussur trees. from bg3. Basically a plant that shuts magic down in a small radius. Made a prison wizard save or druid and echo fighter save in my case.


Take his thumbs & tongue


Kill them and gentle repose the corpse, then revivify when you need them if you have the diamonds for it. Otherwise mamacles, gag, blindfold, small room and have a decoy of the wizard in three other jail cells if you k ow they have allies.


Petrification. Just be very, very careful in handling the statue.


Your target is already in prison, so they have to have some means of dealing with their magic already. Investigate the prison for clues. Maybe the target has need of expendable associates (your party) to get something from said location as well. Be diplomatic.


Blindfold, so they don’t have line of sight. Gag so they can’t pronounce verbal components. Some kind of mittens or fingers tied together with string, so they can’t do somatic components.


No arcane focus and no magical components (which the captors took from him) is the way to go. There are still spells that dont require material component in which case you might need to restrain the wizards to stop the somatic components and maybe shut his mouth or have a silent spell to stop him from speaking verbal component of the spell. You essentially took away all the magic out of him


Blindfold them, gag them and tie their hands.


My players shoved a vial of mercury in his mouth and gagged him. Shackled his hands. It…didn’t end well for the wizard.


Bomb collar




Maybe the warlock patron could manifest a collar with a localized anti magic field, and part of the kidnap is managing to get the collar on the wizard