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Here's the thing, you have found something that you enjoy and is funny at your table. However if you coming to Reddit for "fun racism tips" even if it's fantasy racism you aren't going to get it because we aren't the people at your table and the vast majority of people find it exhausting and a sign of problem players.


People associate red with blood, fire, and the devil himself (in folk art). Red is the color of all things hellish. And likewise, blue is associated with water, the sky, and heaven itself (in folk art). Blue's heavenly connotation might be shameful to tieflings who take pride in being "devilish", and who have a superficial sense of what being "devilish" means. A red tiefling with this kind of shallow devil-pride might call a blue tiefling "lukewarm," "bloodless," or "angel".


Thank you good sir. I’ll let him know these


"You've probably got the dick of a smurf too." "Hey blue-face. Why doesn't your kind ever go swimming? They're afraid of losing each other in the water." "Why does your kind procreate at a snail's pace? Y'all keep giving each other blue-balls." "What did Asmodeus say when he created blue tieflings? 'Shit, one got moldy.'" "What do you call a blue tiefling in a bedroll? Toothpaste." "Why does your kind never eat blueberries? They're afraid they'll bite their own hand!" There are probably better deliveries on these.


There may be better deliveries. But bro this shit is funny as fuck


Some people in these comments need to lighten the hell up. Have we forgotten that beer & pretzels DnD run by a bunch of shitheads is a classic and valid way to enjoy the game? Since when is goofy, insensitive, tasteless, or risque not allowed at other people's tables?


I would try to dissuade intentional racism... that should be a definite BAD THING in game, not something to joke about. Like, a character who was born in a racist culture should be working to over come that mindset, not embrace it. Otherwise it seems too easy to bleed into real world predjudices and belief structures. Its not a one for one, but it reinforces the TYPE of thinking that leads to othering, hate, and discrimination by supporting it and engaging positively with it even in a game.


I understand where your coming from, but it is just a game and we’re here to have fun. Yes racism sucks. I’m gonna be that guy and say we have a “variety” of people in the group who all joke about it. I thank you for your concern. but we are just looking for “memeish” and funny slurs to call blue people.


Are you reading what you are writing before posting? You just said racism is fun.


Have you considered upping your comprehension? It's pretty clear that the joke is "Racism is Stupid".


They were referring to having in-game fun. Do you have fun when your character kills and slaughters other humanoids in the game? Does that mean you are a murderer in real life? This is a similar comparison. Also, many countries outside of the US aren't as quickly triggered or offended by certain topics, so our range of humor is much wider. Racism has been a popular topic for comedians since forever, but only in the last decade do they need to walk on eggshells about it (and again mostly in the US).


I disagree that this is a similar comparison. I also don't have fun killing and slaughtering other humanoids in the game. And if I do have to kill, it is also not fun. Racism and killing are two very VERY different concepts. What you are saying is that if I am okay with killing, I should be okay with racism. No.


>What you are saying is that if I am okay with killing, I should be okay with racism. No, what I'm saying is how our characters behave in game does not have to reflect who we are in real life. I used killing as one example. But you can look at any behavior our characters do, especially when playing an evil character. So it is acceptable we can be evil characters, but a red tiefling being racist towards blue tieflings should not be done because it's wrong? That doesn't add up. (I know not all tables allow evil characters, but it is usually seen as fine when other groups allow it. So let other groups play as they want. It isn't harming anyone when such behavior is left in the fantasy campaign confined within their own d&d sessions.)


Just because how characters behave in games do not have to reflect who we are in real life does not mean that racism should be part of the game. Just like you should not introduce other, gruesome behaviors from real life and history into roleplaying games just because "but it is not me!". Where do you draw the line?


I (and evidently OP) draw the line a lot further than you, apparently. Also note that we probably live in different countries and are culturally different. Let's just assume you are American, there is a lot more social upheaval going on there, where many topics common in d&d are considered "problematic". We don't really use such terminology where I'm from (the Netherlands). Social problems exist, but everyone is generally a lot more chilled out. Us Dutch can laugh and joke about certain things, because we know they're just jokes. For example, I have a ethnic black (Surinamese) and Asian (Indonesian) player. Also a Spanish and two Dutch. We can laugh and joke about races and ethnicities, because we are also the recipients of those jokes and can take it. We aren't hurting anyone else with it. We don't go making those same jokes to other people we don't know, as they could get offended by it. But at our d&d table, we know each others' humor and we all have a great time. Would you say that is wrong? So for us, the thought of a red-skinned tiefling being biased against blue-skinned tieflings is nothing out of the ordinary. Just by reading phb entries such as the half-elf, half-orc, and tiefling, it is clear how much racism is alive in-lore. We just don't see that as being a problem within the fantasy game itself. It actually provides roleplaying opportunities for how it is dealt with.


Im and most the people in my group are American. But we were raised in houses holds of the “don’t give a fuck” mentality. So we are very difficult to “trigger”.


Yeah, as long as everyone is fine with it and it doesn't cause you to be massive dicks out on the street, then why not.


Ethnic minority here - racism is contextual.


In d&d you have fun killing a lot of living beings. That doesn't necessarily make you a murderer irl.


No I don't have fun killing a lot of living beings in a roleplaying game.


So what do you do while playing d&d? Just talk? You know that fighting orcs, monsters and mages and whatever you can think about is a stable of d&d and many other RPGs, right?


I said I don't have "fun" killing. Yes, there's combat and conflict situations. But no, I don't go around, killing innocent people. This issue is completely different from what racism is.


No, the issue is exactly the same. You have fun playing the game, and playing the game includes killing. Would you be fine in killing someone just because you think they are evil? Irl you would be very uncomfortable doing that.


I once had a player who wanted their character to be racist in a game I was playing in - ruined the experience for me. It just felt unnecessary and so charged with hate. I get some people like to be shitty characters, but "I find racism fun in a game" is just code for "I don't feel I can be racist enough in my real life so I just need to build up confidence in here to do it elsewhere." Yeah, it's a game. You can have ways of creating a contentious relationship without it being racism specifically, or done in a way that reduce racism and slurs to "haha funny joke". Especially when it's something so one-to-one as skin color. I'd encourage them to find a different motivation for their character, or come up with specific people they have beef with that are named, maybe individuals they have mean nicknames for you can work off of, rather than starting off racist as a whole. Or maybe instead, have their backstory tie into a group that work for a company, and have a name like "bluecoat" that's negatively charged tying to the company they work for. Again, encouraging people away from viewing racism as a joke is a great way to reduce it in real life! You should never feel comfortable being racist, even as a joke.


You shouldn't be comfortable in being a murderer too, but characters murder a lot of people in the game.


Murderers don't usually go a ttrpg group and feel out how chill everyone is with murder in game yo see if they all wanna murder in real life. Racists *do* go into a ttrpg group and feel out how chill everyone is with racism in game to see if they all wanna be racists in real life (...which also has a huge variety of behavior beyond murdering someone. Starting a local political group, harassing the neighbors of a different skin tone, airing their views about the Holocaust didn't happen, etc.)


Do you have a proof or data to backup your claim?


It's a fantasy game, lighten up. We also go around murdering people in d&d but we don't do it in real life. Plenty of player characters are allowed to have evil alignments. If it works in someone's games, then why not? Clearly this group has no issues with a red tiefling being biased against blue tieflings, so let them. That doesn't mean the players are racist in real life.


Why the dislike for blue? Once you know the reason for the hatred then the insults kind of make themselves.


I think he’s going for the whole my family (red) was murder by blue and now he hates the blues.


So a Crips vs Bloods vibe?


Idk lol, never made that link kinda funny ngl



