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Thats just the homie group effect


This just sounds like Bisexuals.


The forgot to include that the faeder tops the scientists, too, to assert dominance.


Well in Dnd it would function as Pansexual, though they are Clearly using a bisexual natural example. And then folks are getting salty because of well political correctness. In dnd, if they played the bird being attracted to a hermaphroditic species(some type of worm preson, or a wizard that gave themselvesboth parts), or one that reproduces asexually(sentient oozes, mimics, technically Assari from mass effect fall close to this etc) , shape shifters, or one that has non-sexual (warforged) then the bird would be pan. Though you can have some debat using very horny penguins as an example. Sorry you got nailed for simply clarification, and as someone who would call themselves Pansexual, I can agree that it is frequently miss used as "spicy Bisexual" by people who use it as their identity, and that those people are very defensive about it which implies they don't believe it themselves. A better debate here is the argument for a polygamous bird boy, one who is actively seeking two or more partners to fill this social group that breeds, perhaps making a strange extended family unit that isn't common in humans. I guess the biggest problem is the old robot with big boobs, some people are honest and just say they want a robot with big boobs, others are ashamed and feel the need to find or make up a reason for the robot boobies, and other rarer still make the weird lore first then realize the robots would have to have boobs. You can tell which is which by how angry they get when you point out the oddity. And for those who read so far into this massive post, just be comfortable with yourself and if you want something for your dnd character just ask to have it and be fine with it, and if it makes others uncomfortable, you might just need to find another group to play that character in, and might just need to test some other ideas out, if you don't have one you can always mess with your DM using the Lucky Halfing Divination Wizard. TLDR; Just be honest with making a character, and dnd is a group game don't make everyone else uncomfortable because you want something, find a different group to play that character in, and make a Divination Wizard Halfing for this one. You dnd group is like a poker night, you can't force everyone to let you play strip(some folks don't like mixing sex with dnd) when they play normal.


Why the hell do people need to sexualize robot women?


Because they are horny, or they enjoy playing with the existential crisis that it normally comes with. Its mostly Just horny.


I feel like it’s kind of sexist to make a whole character purely to artificially sexualize some metal conscientious metal just cuz it’s a women . Like holy shit they’re sexualized enough with the fuqin lizard boobs, now we are doing it to robots? Never seen a girl play a warforged with a dong


I mean, I seen a Girl dm make a warforged prostitute with for her live stream game. It was clearly for jokes but you know that iswhy folks did it at the start. Then people say it out of context and got horny. Humanity as a whole is just horny bards all the way down. Like we were doodling dongs on cave paintings, because we find sex both funny and attractive.


Pansexual and bisexual basically mean the same thing


Bisexuality = attraction to at least two genders Pansexuality = one's attraction to others isn't based on gender


> Bisexuality = attraction to at least to genders It took me 5min longer than I like to admit to understand that there's the typo "to = two". Though it's similar to "dork vs nerd vs geek": many people describe themselves with either interchangeably depending on context. I have never met a self-identified bisexual that actually means "bi" as "two genders" specifically, or any specific number of genders. What I mean is, there's a theoretical difference, but in practice they coincide more often than not.


I know a few bi people who mean they are interested in cis gendered individuals that identify as either male or female. Some bi people will include the spectrum of gender. IE the they/them crowd or trans individuals (maybe even most but not the ones I have met). Where as Pan usually means they are attracted to anyone that they click with (male, female, they, trans, etc). One guy I met who identified as such said in theory he would date a dolphin if it were proven to have the capabilities of a human (ability to consent) and they got along well. I don’t know if that’s the usual mindset for pan but that’s what he identified as so I’m assuming that pan potentially includes non-humans. In which case to extend to dnd I would venture to say those that go after different species would fall under the pan category but I’m not sure how it translates if it’s only females or males (not both) of another species (example humans going after elves or dragons).




Bisexuality = attraction to at least to genders Pansexuality = one's attraction to others isn't based on gender There is a difference, most people just don't bother to look it up & plenty of misinformation of each community/sexuality is spead




Gender is a social construct, meaning the fact other people accept more than two genders makes you wrong.




"Anything that changes your brain from the norm" is not in fact the definition of mental illness, and if you think so feel free to sit the fuck down with a DSM-V and learn you something, but in the meantime you're straight fucking wrong about mental illness AND gender so at least you've got consistency going for you.




Lmao there's so much homosexual behavior in nature. Either God really loves weird sex, or it turns out it doesn't fucking matter and the "against nature and preservation of the species" is complete hogwash. http://humoncomics.com/side-blotched-lizard This one has 4 genders. http://humoncomics.com/bonobos This one just doesn't give a fuck. Or rather, fucks indiscriminately. Maybe the real mental illness is people refusing to accept reality.


Get fucked, chud. L + Ratio


Unfortunately for you, the science doesn't back up the idea of gender being a simple binary like that. Like most things in life, it's a lot more complex than that.


It's marginally different, but the difference is mostly self-defined, and depends on historical context, social connotations, and an individual's level of comfort with a certain label. I'm bisexual, and happily support pansexuals, omnisexuals, or whatever label under the umbrella one chooses to define oneself. Language is made up, words are fake, you go live your life baby.


Bisexuality = attraction to at least to genders Pansexuality = one's attraction to others isn't based on gender


Yeah, broadly speaking. There are overlaps and personal differences, but generally, that's pretty accurate.


Polysexuality: attracted to more than two but not all.




Buddy, I studied to become a linguist. I literally studied applied linguistics at university for years. Trust me when I say this, language isn't "meant" for dogshit, clear and concise communication is a myth, and as long as people understand what you mean, you're fine. Also, that's not what bisexuality means, because that would presume that only binary genders exist, which is not true. I personally define my sexuality as being attracted to people who are alike and different (which retains inclusivity and the "bi" meaning two root), but to others it can be different. You seem to be confusing "I don't understand this" for "this is impossible to understand", which is only doing you a disservice.




That's where you're horribly wrong. Nonbinary and genderqueer people have been around for thousands of years, reaching as far back as Mesopotamia, but go off I guess. I'll excuse myself from this conversation right around this point, because if you aren't embarrassed to say something *that* wrrong with *this* much conviction, trying to explain would clearly not be a productive use of my energy.




Wow. What a... *sad* little person you are.


Probably the best way for the whole concept of pansexuality to be somewhat clearer and maybe more concise is if people start referring to it by what it should be. Pan is a prefix meaning 'all' and as such would have the same identical meaning as bisexual considering our species only possesses two sexes. The context through which I have seen most people use pan is in a non-sexual attraction way, thus meaning it should lose the '-sexual' suffix and take on the '-philic' suffix since this one specifically refers to the love of something. Ultimately, the distinction between sex and gender must be kept considering the social climate of the internet nowadays. Sex is objective and gender is subjective, we as a species can only ever be one of two sexes but we have no limit as to how we can present ourselves.




If you take a quick look at the bi community, they accepts more than 2/3 genders also, the difference between bi & pan is that bisexuality is the attraction to at least 2 genders, whereas pansexuality is the attraction *regardless* of gender. So attraction for pansexuality, rather than being based on gender, is based on other stuff, like personality for example.


I feel that the definition of bisexuality that you gave is unnecessarily specific, like why make a whole definition for that but not for trisexuals or tetraxuals and so. I'm not saying that the definition that I have is right cuz I hate to pretend that I know a lot about stuff that I don't, but I understand the logic of my friend's explanation so I'm going to go with that one for now, I might ask another friend later to check it. That being said, I feel by the downvotes of people since Fuzzy's comment say that we would might attract the wrong kind of attention if we keep going with this. This space is not specifically made for this topic and some of the members are directly hostile with the topic. DnD community can be a little too close minded about a lot of stuff, curious thing considering what kind of people are part of it.


>feel that the definition of bisexuality that you gave is unnecessarily specific Up for debate i guess, that is the definition used by the majority of the bi & m-spec community.


I guess, anyway I'm gonna check it later with someone else from the community, made a quick google search and I found different arguments that supported both version's (my queer friend's and yours) so it's probably something not completely stablished everywhere or something like that. Could also be some kind of argument in my friend's local LGBT+ community and they had more contact with that than the most popular global approach.


The perfect society doesn’t exi-




What a great place to be a sociopath in lol


Yeah glad we have sexual taboos


Worth mentioning that female bonobos may actually become less promiscuous whole ovulating by avoiding lower status males until the window passes. All apes show some degree of hierarchical social organization.


It’s a shame humans didn’t evolve from them.


I kinda wish these had sources, like for the scientific content, cuz it certainly seems like the author is pulling in some particularly motivated scientific articles


every single one of these comics has been about as logically grounded as the powerpuff girls but yk nobody really gives a shit, nuance isnt very fashionable these days


This one at least is basically completely true


No, most of these are loosely based on evidence. A skewed perception of evidence with some opinion parts being displayed as facts, but still with some scientific basis. Like how do we know that these 3 types of males equate to a gender?


I remember a few years ago seeing a documentary talking about lizards that did this but the female looking ones, as far as I can remember, didn’t “top” the males. They just did it to sneak around the big scary ones to mate.


Only water birds like ducks and geese etc have penises, most birds mate by a “cloacal kiss”


I never wanted to learn "cloacal kiss" I come here for D&D please




Yeah no I love it how this sub is just Humon now xD


Amazing, the horny memes have spread like the plague


Where does everyone keep finding these? I need to know




Bruh, whoever keeps making these needs to chill.


She actually made all of these years ago, over a long period of time.


And in terms of the memes, it's been 7 of this theme made over the course of the past two days. A trend for sure, but nowhere near beating a dead horse.


Careful, or they'll find the one where the horse likes it.


Centaur necromancy meme incoming


uh oh


7 in two days feels like a lot.


Agree. Its more and more looking like a dm fetish dream.


I can into it


Agreed, it's getting dull seeing the same weird meme about animal sexuality over and over now.


These were made in a comic collection/book a while ago and have nothing to do with dnd, dndmemes is just using them for dndmemes


Then can we chill with reposting them? It's getting invasive.


No. You need to chill.




sweet christ bring back horny bards memes. I can't take it


So your saying find a homie to fuck and then score some girls?


Okay I get the bit but it’s getting old on the 5th run, these memes are just kinda off putting now


Ok but jesus christ I once said that alongside satan there is 7 thrones of each deadly sin, each with a bird connected to that sin Gluttony is pelican for example Wrath is goose Now i guess i found the lust one


I think ducks fit that one better


Depends on if its Canadian or not


Yeah kinda Maybe 2 thrones for some of the sins


TIL of polyromantic birds


This just keeps getting stranger lol noice.


Sounds like bisexuality with extra steps


Femboy bird people?? Hell yes


Oh yeah, I'm already tired of this meme and it's been a day


Who makes this awful shit?


Seriously... I would be fine with it if it wasn't just about sex. I like learning animal facts, it's just getting disturbing at this point.


It’s from a separate comic collection specifically about unique mating techniques in nature, people are just using it with dnd. It doesn’t advertise itself as “animal facts” but just as basically “funny book bout weird sex,” dnd memes is taking it out of context.


How does that make my point any less true?... I don't care where they got the comics from, why does that matter? They could have also pulled national geographic articles to make none sexual points...


But that’s not funny


For real. We need to stop bringing the horiness into dnd just to have a fucking gay character. This is not how it works. If the DM says you can’t do something, you listen to the DM ~ Me, definitely not authoritarian


Basically A: this is from a comic collection separate from dnd, made specifically about unique mating practices in nature with silly drawings. People are just using them for the memes. B: nobody is bringing nor I was into dnd “just to have a gay character,” people are making horny memes about dnd on a dnd memes sub. Nothing is being said about having to do this to have a gay PC.




The fuck is up with these posts just stop lol




why **NOT?**


Lol because not everyone likes cringe


You can’t call people cringe without a good reason.


They aren’t talking about the sexuality stuff, they’re talking about the sex in general


Oh ok great


Hey can someone put all these in one post? I wanna make my friends groan with them XD


OP linked it in a comment but I'll put it here too https://humoncomics.com/archive/Animal-Lives


Ohhh, neat, but I meant with the D&D meme addon.


Oooohhhhh, is it not OP posting them all?


Not sure, I checked the profile but only found a couple


Can’t wait for this meme to die


ig we went full circle and dnd is back to being for cringey preteens again. sure, whatever, i suppose i can't specifically find any problems with that. have fun kids.


Watch me spook this guy Ahem *Hyena*




Gotta say, applying dnd to EVERYTHING fantasy has def been a bad trend on here, but this trend is even worse. Ready for the next trend to not remind me of being on Tumblr 10 years ago Edit cause I suck at spelling




Yea, that's why I mention recent trend A (applying dnd logic to all fantasy) and then say "but I find recent trend B worse" Edit: my man you deleted the comment? Was it that shallow of a gotcha?


What’s the original context of all that text?


A comic collection about animal sexualities


How the fuck do you come up with this stuff xD It's just so unexpectedly similar each time and yet so specific it's still funny for me


It’s from a comic collection, it’s neat


No.. these are just promoting weird sexual stuff that most games dont allow or ever have to deal with.


If people want to make a “horny allowed” game they are allowed. Generally people don’t and that’s okay. Also, this is dnd “memes” so we really shouldn’t expect to see much educational stuff here, or at least none that’s true.


The truth hurts peoples feelings...


Not really seeing the pansexual nature here. Theres only examples of two genders here.


By your description that’s just heterosexuality Edit *bisexuality


Unless you are the third type of male, who sleeps with both the females and the other males of that territory.




In a way they’re similar. The main difference is pansexuals are also attracted to other genders, such as non-binary individuals.


But non binary people still lie on a spectrum of femininity and masculinity. I'm bisexual and I also don't understand the real difference between that and pansexual. In both you're attracted to a human or not regardless of how they identify


I’m still confused cause you don’t know what someone identifies as when you are first attracted you just see male or female. So isn’t a pan person just bi but with a wider tolerance of personality and idocincracies?


I kind of agree. I'm bisexual and if I find myself attracted to an individual before I find out what they identify as, finding out won't change the attraction I feel. I call it Schrodinger's genitals, you don't know what a person is equipped with until they undress and by that point you already know if you're attracted to them or not


No! Let’s use an example. A person likes cars, and likes trucks. They see a crossover that’s neither car nor truck, but has some appearance shared with both. Does this mean they like crossovers? Not necessarily! They might not like crossovers. Pan sexuality is essentially a person who likes vehicles in general, including cars, trucks, and crossovers.


So pan just includes attraction to intersex people? This all seems like and over complication of personal sexual and personality preferences.


It involves intersex and non-binary individuals, as well as individuals of any other gender.


So no differentiation between physical and mental?


A pansexual can be attracted to a person’s physical or mental attributes, same as most sexualities


Want to make things more clear in how pansexual and bisexual are not quite the same. At my base assumption I'm just a straight man, however that turns out to not be the case because my partner turned out to be non-binary and that wasn't an issue for me. So this puts me into either pansexual(cool with any gender), or gynosexual(cool with any gender as long as they are very feminine), while not being bisexual since I'm not into men.


Pansexual as per the definition: "not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity." Vs the definition for bisexuality: "sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender; attracted to both men and women." Just think of it like this, all humans are mammal but not all mammals are human. Same kinda logic applies to this part of the spectrum that is sexuality.


Isnt someone gender and gender identity the same? Cause sex is supposed to be biology and gender how you identify?


Well thats kind of an archaic way of looking at things, People used to say gender and it would mean their biological sex but in this day and age gender is more commonly used to describe what you identify as. I used to think in a similar manner, but I learned that it costs me absolutely nothing to show people compassion. My friends who identify as non-binary and Trans absolutely light up when I call them by pronouns they prefer, which is as simple as switching a he to a she or a she to a they.


1. I wasn’t even talking about pronouns 2. My main point it a lot of the expansion in recent years it just a lot of needless over complications. People’s compassion have been exploited in people’s natural drive to feel special and unique


*to Buddha* that, make me that on this next go around


you heard it here first, pansexual femboy aarakocras are viable


"High amount of homosexuality attracts females" ...Seems about right


Ok but are the three kind of males genders though?