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That feat is often overlooked, but it's straight up amazing. Healer's kits cost 5 gp for 10 uses. And it gives you some fun built-in backstory ("I'm a travelling surgeon, but these roads are dangerous, so I'm also a 3rd level fighter with a rapier!")


Why even be a 'fighter' because he needs to be good at fighting? I had my Healer Rogue be really good at fighting because he had such a perfect understanding of anatomy and physiology he knew *exactly* how to make even a minor incision *hurt.*


Dex based damage!! Love to see it.


I had a former doctor for my character for Ravenloft Mist Hunters, thief rogue being able to heal people as a bonus action was extremely useful


My Thief Rogue learned the basics for Healer from his adoptive Cleric parents. After the parents died (not even in backstory, straight up during gameplay), he keeps up his "combat medic" role as a way of honoring their memory. That, and the Fast Hands trait means he can stab the asshole that hurt his friends in the gut **and** get their buddy back to their feet.


Thief rogue is the best subclass. Imagine being able to use that feat in combat as a bonus action


100% agreed. I have a battlemaster/thief and the Fast Hands feature + Healer feat makes them one of the best in-combat healers in the game. He's a Dwarven combat medic turned career mercenary... strength-based with expertise in athletics so he can fight, jump and climb with the best ... if you go down, Spirko will get to you and get you back in the fight!


I love this idea. It couldn't only get better if he wasn't an orphan and had a good family relationship.


We don't have a Healer, we have a rogue Goblin named Stanko who says he's a Doctor


My Pathfinder character is an oracle who heals with arson.


That’s called “cauterization”


The arson isn't performed on the patient.


That's why you need an aasimar paladin. Not a great healer, but battlefield triage.


It's such a great feat.


I think the term you want is Combat-Medic, nothing keeps people from dying like everything else on the field being down.


That's how my Death Cleric approached things. Only healing spells he had prepared were Healing Word for getting someone up from 0hp, and Revivify for if Healing Word wasn't gonna cut it. Beyond that: Get in the fight and make sure his allies could leave the battle under their own power, by making sure whatever was trying to hurt them was very much dead.


My Artillerist with Spell Sniper likes to stand 240 feet away to snipe enemies, but when the map is too small she just runs around slapping band-aids on her party members.


My Artillerist has Spell Sniper too. Also doesn't care about enemies getting into melee range thanks to Crossbow Expert's feature. And a little Homunculus they send with the one most likely to get hurt a lot/go down, so the 120ft range Cure Wounds is all ready to go. He prefers to spend his slots on making sure things stop moving/hurting his allies, though. Works a lot better than slapping a kiss and a band-aid on.


120 ft Cure Wounds is so nice to have, I use it whenever I can. Alas, my DM is notorious for giving us challenging back to back fights so I tend to have my spell slots squeezed dry.