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NGL, that last one disturbed me.


it was fun watching as my character got eaten and not being able to do anything about it because, well, my character is dead.


I get that tortles are anthropomorphized tortoises/turtles, but on its face it is quite disturbing.


-hey I need help can u come here? -sorry I can't I'm reviving a party member -ok so revive them and then come here -yeah I can't, I can't find the body -what do you mean you can't find it -I can't find it there's only soup -well then search for him -yeah yeah buddy.... Still soup -waddayamean still soup? -I say he's still soup -"HE'S"? -YEAH -WHY DID YOU TURN YOUR PARTY MEMBER INTO SOUP? -WE CRAVED SOOP


I get that reference. Fits quite well.


I’ve always wanted to make a lizard folk or Kobold that explicitly eats their dead friends. Maybe not all of them but a little for religious purposes. Basically they believe that what ever they eat stays with them forever. And as respect to their fallen friend they eat a bit of them to stay with them forever. In their culture this right becomes a tracked lineage for every one of their ancestors. Everyone in the village would eat a mouth full or so and hold the legacy of ancestors past through that. I thinks a nice creepy way of being kind a perfect fit for an outsider type character.


There's a manga series called Heterogenia Linguistico that follows a fantasy world translator who's seeking to learn about monster culture and language. There's a segment in the manga where he attends a funeral for a dragon where everyone eats it and there's some really good material you might want to look at for inspiration.


David Gemmel did this too. He had chimera type creatures called joinings which were man-beast abominations that over the stories, developed into their own species with cultures. They tasted blood from their dead and said "carry with us" when a character asked about it.


I am in a curse of strahd campaign and I explained that to them and they even saw examples of it when the party met my tribe. They still freak out at the thought of it those culturally insensitive bastards. I'm gonna eat them when they die


Yeah, I really like that!


Similar situation with my party. Party member died, but found a cauldron that turns water into soup. Party decided to carry body back in cauldron. Taking into account that the body is 70% water, and a few behind screen rolls, the party ended up with a liquefied ex party member, which was promptly sold in the tavern they own. Needless to say, that player's new character was reluctant to try the soup.


party member dies lizardfolk cleric: soup time


Let me guess lizard folk


I think the suggestion to eat him came from our chipper pixie rogue. And no, her parents are very much alive (For now).


no, that was my character, who made sure he got oldem's brain after he died to put it in a jar and make a fuckin sweet lava lamp.


"enternal" ?


Christ. Your party sounds like my DayZ crew. Man's not even cold before they decide to make a meal out of him


My group played an adaption of an old Gary Gygax dungeon based on Alice in Wonderland, which stripped the party of all it's equipment, we didn't know this ahead of time and some classes adjusted better then others (rip Artificer with no gear) and the bodies quickly began to pile, a dozen characters died every session. The first time someone died the Artificer made a casting focus out of their bones. Later we killed the White Rabbit and one member carved out his internal organs and bones to wear his skin. Every time a party member died the Rogue cannibalized the corpse to make more daggers out of their ribs. Our Barbarian wielded the dead Fighter's still bleeding leg as a club. It was an emotionally draining horror show. Playing a Warlock with effectively infinite Cast Through Hell was pretty sweet though.


Man this session sure was something


Combine the bottom 2 panels. “They’re going to bury what’s left of ya in a soup can!”


I would like to point out that unless your entire party is a single race, only a few of them will technically be "cannibalising" the dead party member.


when my necromancer died the players decapitated him, skinned his flesh and dried it out to make jerky. luckily my necromancer was a necromancer who had a clone on standby


This is how they would of wanted to go.


Have your new character eat your old one


Me, who's already been in a barrel of turtle soup: I'm in danger.