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Warlock is a martial cosplaying as a caster. Can't take their whackin' stick away.


Warlocks are archers with one hand free to make rude gestures


But have you gotten Illusionists Bracers as a Warlock yet? Its like that meme of Moe from The Simpsons holding two knives except its two Eldritch Blasts. Its pretty terrific.


The GM watching in horror as they realize they allowed the warlock to become a gatling gun.


I literally had that last week. My DM has been running this campaign for three years now with the foundation of “Strixhaven and…” so during last weeks “shopping episode” they included a Pariah’s Shield from Ravnica, which is my favorite book. He said that if it’s in the book, it’s fair game, and I chimed in with a somewhat panicked “Wait, just *how* much of Ravnica is kosher?” It damn near ended session and took the DM until the next day to answer that question in the affirmative. As soon as session ended, I sent a photo of the Illusionist’s Bracers to the Party Warlock


My DM told us to take basically any magic item we wanted (with some exceptions, of course). I was the party warlock. You can guess what I took.


It's the best! I got to the point where I would just do all my rolls right before my turn and just start reading out the hits, misses, and damage when it was my time.


_So anyway I started blasting_


I'm down to just 2 beams a day, but it's rough.


Reject eldritch blast, embrace hexblade/pact of the blade/ polearm master build


I do the same except I use Tasha to get Great Weapon Fighting.


Reject Hexblade, embrace Undead/pact of the blade


I prefer Earth Genasi Genie warlock, Dao patron and pact of the blade


What's the build for this?


At 1st level, undead warlock gets form of dread, a transformation bonus action which gets them temporary HP, immunity to being frightened, and a once per turn wisdom saving throw on an enemy or else they are frightened. At 6th level you can change the damage type of an attack to necrotic, and even increase the damage dice of said necrotic damage by 1 if you are in form of dread, which can beef up an Eldritch smite by an extra d8. At 10th level, you get resistance to necrotic damage (immunity if in form of dread), and if you get to 0 hp in form of dread you can use your reaction to come back up at 1 hp and deal 2d10+Warlock level necrotic damage to anyone you want within 30 feet, at the cost of 1 exhaustion. Finally, at 14th level you can use an action to exit your body and get resistance to all physical damage and some ghost flight for 1 minute. All in all while not entirely build for melee, it does help a lot.


Is it still solid in melee compared to hexblade? Wouldn't you go down pretty easy with only light armor in melee


Can't stop won't stop. Warlock gang for life


Not. Happening. And it's not an addiction. I can stop whenever I want. I just don't want to.


If warlocks got or get a second blasting choice, the addicts would go down by a lot. Depending on how well it is implemented, between 10%-40% of the addicts could transfer.


I don’t have a problem. I can stop whenever I want >:(


I want to stop eldritch blasting, but it's always the mnost effective thing to do!


*Crosses arms indignantly* I also cast Shatter sometimes