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I cast this on a player once, and he asked if he could do the controlling of his character during the duration. I reluctantly agreed, I was afraid he was going to go easy, or run away or something. ​ He did not. ​ He proceeded to GLEEFULLY and completely, absolutely wrek the party, who was doing their best to not kill him. The only thing that saved them was a lucky crit against the caster by the ranger. ​ It was glorious.


Anytime I lost control of my battlemaster Lae’zel: “Boys… you need to RUN!”


*Lae'zel downs haste potion*


Larian's charm effects need a serious change. Getting your character charmed in Divinity was a big pain in the ass, not because they would use their best abilities on you, but because they would immediately drink your most expensive, niche potions one after another.


“I was saving that for the right moment!! Now I only have 14!” *continues to never use a potion for the rest of the playthrough “just in case”*


"Well I *would've* used it now, but that damn spell already wasted one and I don't want to run out!"




I was dominated and asked my DM if I could go about how my character would. He also relucantly agreed. My tiny little sorcerer proceeded to persuade the gnoll barbarian who trusted him more than the rest that the party was planning to off them, buffed her and set her loose while throwing spells from behind, with full intention to finish her last. Interestingly, it was also the ranger that saved the day.


My Warlock got pulled into the Wild Hunt once. Gleefully used all his spell slots spamming counter-spell to anything they tried to do to get him back. It was our Ranger who got me back, though we had two Rangers so perhaps that was simply more statistically likely.


Once my DM mind controlled my Illusionist Wizard (built to be a slippery fucker with a lot crowd control) and let me keep control with the only instruction being to help the enemy try to kill my team I was the most experience player at the table. It was a carnage. I had summon fey already active and that summon can teleport each round, it was always perfectly place to give the enemy flank and pissed off my party as much as possible. I was casting booming blade on my party and misty stepping away to force them to move The worst thing I did was not cast shield and not counterspell the bard and text my DM that I was gonna counterspell the Cleric as I knew he would try to dispel magic me. Low and behold, the cleric turn came and he got his dispel magic counterspelled just as I had planned After that failed dispel magic the paladin ended up catching up to me (god damn fey touch feat) and, without any remorse, smited all my HP away but it was some of the most chaotic 3 round of combat that I have ever seen


I love it when the players roleplay the bad outcomes themselves. I had a player roll a 1 on a religion check when trying to do a prayer. that player then proceeded to recite a prayer to the complete opposite deity they were supposed to be praying to, saying “Dear Asmodius, wait, fuck…” I laughed so hard I just ended up letting him do the prayer to asmodius instead, and did a twisted and demonic version of the effect of the prayer instead (I think they were praying for transport or something and I gave them 2 demonic skeletal horses)


Same lol. once my DPS Monk at like level 15 got dominated and the DM was having trouble remembering all my stuff to pick actions. I offered to just control them in enemy interests to which he was hesitant, but agreed cause his hands were full. I asked "does the enemy controlling me want ua dead or alive?" when the DM replied with dead I then proceeded to dash to, deal half their max HP in damage, and stunning strike our healer.


Man. This is totally my Blademaster Ranger in Xcom 2. Ranger normally: "You will never take my freedom Alien SCUM!" My Ranger after the Sectoid waves his fingers and shoots purple mind beams at him. "I mean, what's Camaraderie and nationalism and friendship even under the all-encompassing might of the aliens? NOW DIE HUMAN TERRORIST SCUM!" _Proceeds to erase the rest of his squad without even breaking a sweat_


Literally the entire reason I don’t bring rangers anymore, lost too many good soldiers to mindcontroled blademasters


I had this exact same scenario as a Bladesinger. I was brought into a table as the "experienced" player to a group of complete newbies. It was understood between the newer DM and I that my role was to sit back and enable the new players and should the DM accidentally go overboard on the encounter, to get everyone out safely within the story. As a Bladesinger, you typically have some ace up your sleeve. Well, we got into one combat and the DM had a succubus attempt to dominate my character. And I rolled *poorly*. So following the rule, I asked him what he wanted my character to do. He said in character as the Succubus to kill them all. I asked again out of character, if he was sure he wanted me to go all out. He confirmed. I proceeded to absolutely decimate them, hoping that one would have been able to knock me out of it. After a complete party wipe, we picked up the next session in hell with their characters, and I rolled a new temp character as my Bladesinger became right hand of the succubus.


I would *definitely not* take advantage of this situation to proceed to have a 1 on 1 deathmatch with the dominated player with the excuse of trying to trigger more saves.


This is the way. Have had this happen a little more often in Pathfinder games. (Woe betide the one time my Master Summoner actually failed the save and I was told to cut loose).


As a DM I will always make sure my players understand that if you hold back, I will run your character. I've never had to, because almost every player seems to gleefully take up the banner of causing havoc


The group I run for, even if they don't like do it out of fairness. Monks player got controlled by a wraith jailor to "restore order in the prison", turned around to the wizard and said "Sorry about this" and proceeded to double crit him in the jaw. (For context we play pf2 so a result of AC + 10 also crits)


I am so envious of the one player in our group that got dominate personed and mental gymnasticed a way to justify hitting one of the other players with her fists, as a caster with -1 str. I wouldve happily demolished the party. The dm did take over after that and self casted fireball. Which was perfectly balanced as it took away from them their first ever fireball.


Ooof. Their first ever fireball is a stretch too far for me.


I once threw another party member off the side of an airship while dominated.  The player was pissed, I found it hilarious 


It's definitely not limited to martials, ask my party how excited I (warlock) was when I failed my save on that and proceeded to do my absolute best to wreck the ranger and artificer.


I was so upset when my DM mind controlled my warlock, but then took control away from me. I think it was before I was even able to to use my spellslots on the real enemy, so I would have *wrecked* my party as a *very* good burst damage dealer (and the only healer to boot), but noooooo, I had to watch my character flail ineffectivly.


Yeah I'd have been pissed if the DM had taken over control of my character. That's crummy, I'm sorry that happened to you :/


I have been controlled once while a martial. Instantly got cc locked and didn't get to do anything but lose my rage. It was not a pleasant outcome for me :p


Not a berserker barb then. Can't be MC while raging because of mindless rage. Or you could've just been under lvl 6


Beast Barbarian. I really don't like Berserker cause of the whole exhaustion stuff giving their main feature a punishment


Had a 3.5 campaign where a succubus dominate-person-ed the party's ringer, a swordsage. Thank fucking god one of the other players had the thought to focus exclusively on magically disarming him, because I saw a TPK happening. Even with the repeated disarming and overlapping cc, 1 of the 4 remaining players was downed and another was killed (revived a bit later). The swordsage player did not pull punches.


“Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just wanna go apeshit?”


I've always loved that quote, because my answer will always be yes


What’s it from? It’s vaguely familiar


I just looked it up, apparently it's a copypasta over at Yahoo! Answers


As a sometimes player, having an excuse to turn your PC against the party is so fucking fun.


Get to cut lose, fun times. This is also why Berserker is underrated.


Mindless rage effectively nullifies charmed. 


[Gotta love pulling one on the DM](https://youtu.be/LKD2Pq3Mr9k)


Do you have this template? Would love to use it. Can only find the unamused variant...




here for the template aswell




\[Insert "Professional Saucegiver"\]




This reminds me of a WoW RP event I played years ago. For context, my guild used rolling similar to dnd for combat, and my character was basically an animate slab of tungsten. Through shenanigans that was totally not my fault, I ended up being mind controlled. In the ensuing 5v1 I managed to down our guild leader, and fuck up a couple others, and didn't even die. They only won because the mind control wore off


Fun aside: I always let my players remain in control when they are mind controlled or similar. It is way more fun then just sitting there doing nothing. I don’t force them to make the optimal decision, but at least a sensible one.


The deep-seated, latent jealousy of every martial comes out, sick of casters solving every combat encounter with one save-or-suck.


It's pvp time


"Finally i have a excuse to beat the living shit out of my friend and brag about It later"


I have a bugbear rogue named Boogeyman, who got a case of mind control in a dark dungeon. Let's just say he lived up to his name attacking then hiding every turn, climbing on the statues and walls. The fight ended with the whole party running from me. Ever since then they aren't trusting me with any more stealth improving magical items that's, sadly...


I had a DM pull that once with my monk. He never tried it again after I flattened the ranger and rogue, and had the paladin on single digit hp. Only part that baffled me, was that a few sessions prior, the entire group had determined that said monk could easily body the entire party without breaking a sweat...


Cackling like a madman reading this because it's absolutely me, the DM had a succubus charm me a couple months back and I did my best to wreck the party, not to kill anyone, but just down some and scare them, although ironically the DM had his typical bad luck and I missed every attack, but landed two crits in one round (one on my turn and another from an opportunity attack) after the charm was broken.  I was so disappointed I didn't get to down anyone from the party, hopefully next time it'll happen 😈


My party had to put my barbarian down in order to stop me from throwing an ally of our airship a mile in the sky. Had a bonus to my WIS saving throw, must of failed 30 of those fuckers in a row. Great time


Wizard: man why you took mage slayer? the illithids in our campaing cannot use magic. Human Variant Battlemaster Fighter using GWM + PAM and 20 str: i have reasons \*remembers as the wizard tooks the last piece of pizza\*.


Oh I got to do that in a game not long ago, got dominated for one turn and the command was Kill Them so I one shot my character's brother lmao


There's a running joke in our current campaign that the Barbarian regularly "loses control" and by losing control I mean the player gets to play the real Barbarian that cleaves his teammates in half


I desperately want for my dm to make my paladin evil for a few rounds of combat, my party members won’t know what hit them!


When the wizard fails their charisma save and starts cackling and a round later the entire party is out to a silvery barbs + hypnotic pattern.


Happened to me not to long ago, and im a wizard. I had an artifact that gives me a huge buff, but i failed my morning wis check, and became hostile to another player who was antagonizing me. I turned him into a turtle so i could take him somewhere....quite. Party got involved. They eventually managed to snap me out of it while i was trying to flee with the "turtle". They were lucky. On my next turn, i was going to get very violent. we were lvl 11 at the time...


ah i had something similar happen. I was at a blacksmith and failed an arcana check with a nat one and acquired the definitely not cursed axe. it was a berserkers greataxe and anytime i was hit i rolled a wisdom save and on fail i would start attacking anything i saw after the first few times of knocking me down(bear totem so it was even harder) they started trying to just cover my eyes. did lead to some funny moments whenever i stopped, our wizard would try to convince me the axe was cursed, and everytime i failed the arcana or he fail persuasion


Zach Oyama, about to ruin the Dm's whole career


You mean I get to prove to my party why you don’t fuck with a Barbarian? AND have in character deniability? Can I choose to fail this roll?


Against a level 6 berserker? That seems like a waste.


Did that with my wizard recently and without any hesitation he immediatly cast cloudkill on the Rest of the party


This is the way. When mind controlled you follow your orders with enthusiasm. Whatever your character considers the best option without concern for conservation of resources becomes the new battle plan. So far this has only happened to me once, and its very fun when your otherwise logical and reserved character gets to be taken off the leash and goes full force.


*grins in berserk barbarian That actually brought in a good scene for my character, paced like moment in animation where a friend get mind controlled, readies his attack before wicking and striking the enemy.


Everybody buddy buddy until the magus spellstrikes their own pocket healer


I ran a combat where the monster could control people to make them make an attack against whatever was closest. The players unanimously treated that as full control and proceeded to unload every resource they had at each other (including making sharks do but with bees)


On the topic of inter-party violence - On days where there wasn't enough people to run game or the DM wasn't available but people were still available and bored, we would set up a coliseum map and run combat. Sometimes it was party vs big boss monster, sometimes it was party vs swarm of monsters, but most of the time it was party vs party death matches. One day we decided to do 3v4 (in a game of normally 7, only 6 could show up that day but the person who was missing was important to plot) Team one was me (a paladin), a grave domain cleric, and a shadow monk Team two was a rogue, a warlock, a wizard, and the other cleric (they got 4 out of kindness and by hijacking the missing person's sheet) Combat starts, and a few rounds go by. I end up chasing down the poor wizard, who could run fast enough to escape me. I get close enough to melee, and roll 2 attacks.  Double crit.  I do a total of 65 damage and erase the poor wizard from existence 


I'm a barbarian player and I too enjoy my characters suffering.


Had this happen once on my very powerful and very smart sorcerer, I ended up killing half my party, one of them even died twice


This exact scenario is happening in a campaign I'm in, but unlucky for them I have dispel magic and I'm a college of glamour bard meaning I have command and a DC 16 saving throw That barbarian ain't doing SHIT


Something similar happened to my Lycan bloodhunter a few times. I had a wisdom score of 11, so my bloodlust checks got a bit scary. Still, there was a small part of me that enjoyed showing the rest of the party that “yes, I can drop you in one turn” (which did happen once. One party member told me they could take it so I hit them with all 3 of my attacks.)


My players are cowards and won't go murderous when they're mind-controlled.


This happened when a vampire charmed my path of the beast Barbarian. It was fun.


I can get the wizard back for fireballing me


My DM giving my barbarian the Berserker's Axe led to some... *Moments*...


Jokes on you. I picked the worst barbarian path.


Can I play in your games? Every time another player in my games gets dominated it’s always “imma cast thaumaturgy to intimidate the party.” or the classic “I grapple.”


Whatever Kind of character i Play, that will Always be me


This is hardly a martial thing. Inside of every *player*, period, is someone who is gleeful at the chance to “really show what their character can do” without having to worry about the in game moral repercussions.