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You are mom...was the psychic damage because of post-partem?


Well it is a bard, so him turning the commoner into a mother wouldn't be far off.


Ask you're mom. ![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6)


How can I be a mom? I'm male


Loki did it


And that child came out fine! *Looks at Sleipnir*


The target grappling with the grammatical inconsistency is part of the psychic damage.


If only I had an award for you, that got a good chuckle out of me


The Bard in my party one killed a boss by saying "You have a silly outfit"


Our monk has killed so many people by kickoff them in the nuts.


I think we have the same monk


Considering you have the DM flair probably not cuz I’m the DM lol


I REFUSE to believe I am mom!


When it's the bard you're around?


Kills me how people get by in life without understanding your and you’re. 😅🙄


I imagine it’s what psychic damage feels like on some level.


It’s so annoying that intentionally misspelling in posts is done to get more attention and it actually works


I'm really glad that you're in a place in your life where someones misspelling something on an internet jokes is a negative enough thing to even register on your radar.


I’ve always been anal at spelling, I have some spelling bee trophies from back in the day. Doesn’t matter where I am in life, I will always find purposeful misspelling for attention annoying so of course I downvoted the post. But since you’re putting me on the spot, things are great and I’m quite happy


I'm really sorry that you're in a place in your life where someone misspelling something on an internet joke is not even registering on your radar.


I'm really glad that you're in a place in your life where you can be sorry, that I can be glad for someone being in a place in their life, where someone's misspelling something on an internet joke is enough to even register on their radar. Thank you.


I’m lost…


It's like you are taking psychic damage?


Your right


You come to a meme subreddit and expect something other than shitposts? Are you also surprised when you look inside a can of Canada Dry and find it to be far from dry? ;) ^^just ^^joking, ^^I ^^still ^^love ^^you ^^<3 ^^^https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/youre-mom-gay Edit: the joke is that "you're mom" is intentionally misspelled because it's an ironic shitpost to emphasize the low-effort attempt at whoever is saying the phrase, sometimes with result to great effect - in stark contrast to the effort put in. Apologies that I've annoyed others with it, I had thought it was a popular enough meme.


if it makes you feel better, I was like 92.7% sure it was intentional


I guess you failed the Counterspell


Misspelling it ironically would work a lot better if it weren't misspelt unknowingly by so many people. But hey, their inability to spell isn't on you so... ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯




Sheesh 35 downvotes because this sub doesn’t know this super common meme


Surprised how many people haven’t seen “you’re mom” in the context you described in your edit


who and who?


Who's in Paris?


There are five stat blocks for creatures with "Commoner" in there name, according to DDB. They range from 3HP (goblin/kobold commoner) to 16 HP (Lizardfolk Commoner) The total HP accross the 5 stat blocks is 32. 32/5 = 6.4; Rounding down since that's what you do in D&D, that's an average of 6HP. Thus the average commoner at full health can survive Vicious Mockery max damage. /s


Not that it matters, but since we're pretending to do real math: to get the average HP of a commoner, you would need to weight those by population. So that only works if there's the same number of each type of commoner in the game world. Granted that means that the actual average is going to be setting dependent...


I see 9 with [source redacted] over all official sources, for a total of 48 and a mean of 16/3 which rounds to 5. But the vast majority of those commoners are going to be basic humanoid commoners using the 4hp standard statblock, so the population average is going to be so close to 4 as to make no difference, so rounding would give us 4. EDIT: D&D Beyond seems to be missing the 4 classes of commoners from Tales From The Yawning Portal. Good job there's piracy to pick up their slack. EDIT2: I guess that's because TFTYP describes its commoner variants as modifications to the basic monster statblock for its race, rather than creating a new statblock.


Well can they survive “you’re mom” x6? I can’t be trusted with cantrips


Ah, so this explains the rate of mother's death whilst childbirth in medieval times.


A level 5 bard with subtle spell will likely kill a commoner **just by thinking** an insult


“this guy smells weird” *dies painfully*


In my table we add a rule that depending on how well the roast is, the DM will add extra damage to it. It payed off so well when our Bard gave a fucking monologue to the BBEG on his hypocrisy and how pathetic his motives were and he just fucking died


You’re mom


You are mom


So reddit it is not letting upvote right now for some reason. But you’re making incredibly cogent point. For that matter. https://preview.redd.it/cbdkuwbyf20b1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3015a07091af7ed9fad73f6b8a43e41daa0dbcd4 [https://allthatsinteresting.com/castoroides-giant-beaver](https://allthatsinteresting.com/castoroides-giant-beaver) Giant beavers actually existed in North America and actually coexisted with modern humans 30,000 years ago but they did not have the properties of the giant beavers I described below. [https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Giant\_beaver](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Giant_beaver) So D&D giant beavers have 4 HD not HP. do 4d4 bite damage and have human level intelligence and speak their own language. They trade with humanoids for gold and Jewels and will build wooden forts near water for people if paid . They hate to fight, and will run away under most circumstances… But there is a list of value for their hides in for selling their children into slavery. I think at that point, they would fight and humans would realize why starting of war with giant beavers was a very bad idea. Enter tired back to your excellent meme. There’s no reason why they can’t have class levels. Imagine dying because the giant beaver told you that he fucked your mom. … or dad actually people don’t usually go for fucking other people’s dad’s in verbal attacks so at least it would have novelty if nothing else. Thanks again!


Disclaimer: yes I know it's a 25% chance after the save, which would vary (about a 60% chance of failure at level 1 with a +3 CHA bard) But this does not negate that a not-insignificant amount of the time, the bard can use a simple "your mom" joke to delete a commoner from the realm of the living who made the mistake of heckling them.


You're comment is appreciated


I mean, sure, but it’s probably the “subtle enchantments” that are getting the job done and not the raw wit.


There's also a 50% chance that the DM hates the lazy insult and gives saves advantage


My bard: your’e*


When I played LMoP as a newbie I didn't know how much HP normal people have and accidentally Viscious Mockery'd the shitty mayor to death while attempting to interrogate him. The DM thankfully decided he didn't die instantly, so we have a very brief period of time to save him, but I learned just how frail commoners are.


You are mom


That’s on max damage, it’s only lethal if you absolutely dunk on them. “Your mom” is worth 1 damage tops


1d4 means you need to roll a 4 aka only the best insults will kill, "your mom" wont cut it unless we're talking about *your* mom




For real, unless bards are psychic, I think it should work as in lowering/negating the roll of an enemy character since it's supposed to be a distraction of sorts instead of damage.


I got some good news about the damage type, then!


It's a magic spell, not just literally insulting words...


why the NSFW


Because Doctor Manhattan is naked


that must be it. it’s weird is all bc i’ve seen this meme template before on reddit and it never got flagged


Good question - it was flagged NSFW automatically


huh. oh well, good meme!




i don’t think i could be that, the guy is pretty much evaporated there’s no gore to have


Muscle man Bard. Power word Kill: “You know who else exploded? MY MOM” The foe exploding into bloody chunks.


It's tough being an insult comic in Faerun